Current URL in hyperlink for Joomla tpl file - url

i have the joomla TPL file, its has hyper link with
i need to replace the {$ROOT_HOST} with the current URL and its full parameters to include the grid style tab # to the end of the current url. this is done in tpl file.
SO can any one tell me if there is a possibilty to include the #grid to the Current page url(parameter)
I tried {$CURRENT_URI} but didnt work still getting the main host url!.
please help :)

you should be using JURI like MasterAM stated


Automatically add current url before print instruction in Joomla article

I want to manually add a [Print] icon in the position of my choosing in a Joomla 3.6 article. This article will be used as a 'master' which will be copied and renamed on a weekly basis so I would like the reference to the article in the URL to be automatic. Something like this:
<div class="btn-group">Print Preview</div>
I tried using # to reference the current page etc but this meant that the entire content of the page was (all modules, headers, footers, etc) were displayed in the print preview as well as the current article.
Thank you.
p.s. BTW, "Joomla3.6" isn't a valid tag yet so I couldn't add it with my reputation of just 1!
Not sure about your goal to "Manually add a [print] icon".
The normal way:
In the joomla /adminstrator , in the menu under Content->article, in the options on the right, there is a "Show print icon" - option. This will show the print icon for all articles. You might need to style it to suit your need. This can also be configured on a per-menu - basis.
You could override the default output of the article template (More on output overrides here) and add the print icon wherever you need it:
Copy the file /components/com_content/views/article/tmpl/default.php to /templates/yourtemplate/html/com_content/article/default.php
Add the print icon somewhere: <div class="btn-group"><a href="<?php echo JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($this->item->slug, $this->item->catid, $this->item->language)); ?>" ... >Print Preview</a></div>
But, you can probably use the first method. Or perhaps just move the current output of the print icon in default.php, using the override method described above.

where does the href inside an <a> tag link direct me?

If I were to put
Replace this
where does this link go to? I am using eldarion-ajax and the examples all use this link location.
Does this link to replace.html?
the div with id #replace
It probably just goes to the url "replace". like if you're at it would go to It's probably just a placeholder indicating you should replace it with another value.
Web URLs do not need to end in .html or such.

struts2. add path to url

I'm working with struts2.
An external app calls to my app with url
But because of my JSP file system, my action result is in
(note the difference in ALTE).
The JSP has some lines as
<%# include file="../comuns/comunCssyJs.jsp"%>
The first ../ is to go out ALTE.
If I access with first link the page is loaded but no include files are found. However, with second link there is no problem.
Does someone know what can I do? I know I can change my JSP-s dir-s, but I'd prefer to "add automatically" the ALTE path to the url. is that possible?
Thanks in advance.
Use Struts2 <s:include> tag with <s:url> tag

How to retrieve web site favicons?

I am using Ruby on Rails v3.0.9 and I would like to retrieve the favicon.ico image of each web site for which I set a link.
That is, if in my application I set the URL I would like to retrieve the Facebook' icon and use\insert that in my web pages. Of course I would like to do that also for all other web sites.
How can I retrieve favicon.ico icons from web sites in an "automatic" way (with "automatic" I mean to search for a favicon in a web site and get the link to it - I think no because not all web sites have a favicon named exactly 'favicon.ico'. I would like to recognize that in an "automatic" way)?
P.S.: What I would like to make is something like Facebook makes when to add a link\URL in your Facebook page: it recognizes the related web site logo and then appends that to the link\URL. works great for fetching favicons. Just give it the url for the site and you'll get the favicon back:
Recently I have written some similar solution.
If we want find favicon url, that can be not only .ico file and can be not in the root, we should parse target site html.
In Ruby on Rails, I have used nokogiri gem for html parsing.
First we parse all meta tags where itemprop attribute contains image keyword. It is necessary in situations where target site used template, that more modern technology than just link tag.
If we found it, we can use content attribute as favicon url. But we should check it for really URL existence, just to be sure.
If we can't found some meta tags, then we search for standard link tags, where rel attribute contains icon keyword. This is W3C standard situation (
And some code of my solution:
require 'open-uri'
def site_icon_link site
icon_link = nil
url = nil
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(site))
metas = doc.css("meta[itemprop*=image]")
if metas.any?
url = metas.first.attributes['content'].value
links = doc.css("link[rel*=icon]")
if links.any?
url = links.first.attributes['href'].value
if url =~ URI::regexp
icon_link = url
elsif (site + url) =~ URI::regexp
icon_link = site + url
The favicons are being found by two ways. First, there is a 'hardcoded', traditional name of `'.
Second, the HTML pages may define the favicon in their <head> sections, by <link rel="icon"...> and a few other. (You may want to read the Wikipedia article about favicon)
So, your automat may fetch the main page of given website, parse it and check whether there are proper <link> tags, and then, as a fallback, try the "hardcoded" favicon.ico name.
I think I missed your question ...
you want to grab a favicon from another site and make it yours?
if that's what you want, you can get directly from the home icon and save it in your public folder.
thus: favicon:
take that image and save with the name favicon in your public folder
done it should be sufficient
if you want it dinamicaly you can use jquery, but if you want that static you can put a image tag pointing to: [root url of the website]/favicon.ico
like this: <%= image_tag "#{website.url}/favicon.ico" %>
With javascript (jQuery), like this:
Can't you just use a regular img tag with the src attribute pointing to the favicon?
<img src="">
This assumes a browser recognizes a .ico file as an image. Helped methods would probably work with this too.
You can do it easily with pismo gem.
Quick example to get the url of Facebook's favicon:'').favicon
Here's my ruby method, that will strip the end off a URL, append the favicon, and produce an image tag.
def favicon_for(url)
matches = url.match(/[^:\/]\/(.*)/)
image_tag url.sub(matches[1], '') + '/favicon.ico', {width: '16px', height: '16px'}

Using JQuery with ASP.NET MVC Framework

I have searched the forum, and google for this topic. Most of the articles are talking about using JSON to call the controller/action on the server and do ajax effect on the result.
I am trying to use some very basic JQuery features, like the JQuery UI/Tabs, and JQuery UI/Block for a dialog window. I cannot get these simple samples to work in my MVC project. Any ideas how I should modify these samples? I only need these basic feature now and I can go from here.
Actually I just got it working. The problem is that I need to modify the path to an absolute path to the view page because the relative path doesn't work with the MVC routes {controller}/{action}/{id}.
For info, re the relative path issue - I discussed this here (the same concept applies to any page, not just master pages). The approach I used is like so:
1: declare an extension method for adding scripts:
public static string Script(this HtmlHelper html, string path)
var filePath = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(path);
return "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + filePath + "\"></script>";
2: when needed (for example in the <head>...</head>) use this method:
The advantage of this is that it will work even if the web app is hosted in a virtual directory (i.e. you can't use "/Scripts" because you aren't necessarily at the site root) - yet it is a lot clearer (and less messy) than the full script with munged src, i.e.
<script ... src="<%=Url.Foo(...)%>"></script>
I just implemented the jquery autocomplete textbox in one of my project. I only had to import the js file and drop some code into my aspx page. Could you be more detailled about what sample you are trying to run?
This is quick response!!
I am trying to run this "Simple Tabs" on this page:
I think it is the same with this one:
I just copied and pasted the whole thing into my MVC view page, with corrected path to the jquery.js and .css files, but the content in the tabs all show up together (two of them are supposed to be hidden). My understanding is that this simple jquery plugin just show and hide content.
I had the exact same problem with the jquery thickbox plugin, that the item marked as "hidden" (the dialog box) will always show up in my MVC view page.
I can understand some of the MVC+Jquery+json articles, but I don't understand why the hide/show doesn't work.
I just made a walkthrough on how to do this:
