Grails datasource becoming null in Service - grails

I am using Grails 2.2.1, and I have a custom dataSource injected into the service so that I can execute some SQL queries.
Upon first execution, there is a dataSource, but on each subsequent call, the reference to the dataSource has become null.
class ReportService {
def dataSource_myds
Object[] reportRecords(int a) {
String query = "SELECT ..."
Object[] resultSet;
Sql sql = new Sql(dataSource_myds)
// ^ Here the NullPointerException is thrown
// But it always works at the first execution
sql.eachRow(query, [a]) {
resultSet += result
return resultSet
class ReportController {
ReportService reportService
def report = {
Object[] resultSet1 = reportService.reportRecords(1)
Object[] resultSet2 = reportService.reportRecords(2)
// ^ java.lang.NullPointerException : Must specify a non-null Connection
Has anyone ever seen this before, and if so, how can I avoid this?
Here is my DataSource.groovy
environments {
development {
dataSource_myds {
url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:#..."
driverClassName = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
username = "..."
password = "..."

Try, to use resources.groovy way as well. This will also give you option for environment basis datasource.
Explained well on the link given below:
Grails 2 multiple dynamic datasources in services

Solved avoiding 2 subsequent calls to the service. It seems the framework nulls the service connection after the first call from the controller.

James Kleeh's comment solved it for me - grails clean and then restart the app.

I had a similar issue and I got it fixed. Firstly, make sure your Service class is in the grails-app/services folder. Secondly, you need to make sure you get the object of the service class using the injection mechanism and not by using the constructor. I had my service class in the right folder but I was trying to create the instance of the service class as MyService.instance in my controller and having the issue of null dataSource/connection. Then I tried def myService in my controller instead of MyService.instance and it worked. Hope this helps. Thanks


Grails validation errors disappear from service to controller

When I do custom rejectValue in a service method grails loses that error(s) between service method and return to controller. This seems to happen when updating a row instance, but not when creating one.
In service
def specialValidation(petInstance){
if(petInstance.petType.requiresStateId && !petInstance.StateId){
petInstance.errors.rejectValue('StateId','StateId required');
println petInstance.errors //shows 1 error
return petInstance;
In controller
println petInstance.errors //shows 0 errors
How is the error being lost when the instance changes hands from service to controller?
It can be because of transactional service. Service opens separate transaction for each method and clears entities after method end. You can find this mentioned in docs(read the last paragraph of part )
I had the same problem. Than I've added NotTransactional annotation to validation method, and it helped. Errors were saved.
Well I did something simular :
orderService.validate(order, params)
if (order.hasErrors()) {
return render(view: 'create', model: [order: order])
In the Service I do some validation like this:
if (end.before(start)) {
order.errors.rejectValue("end", '', 'ERROR');
The different to yours is that i didn't set the errorCode but the message at itself, have a look at the rejectValue Methods:
void rejectValue(String field, String errorCode);
void rejectValue(String field, String errorCode, String defaultMessage);
You could also try to use the rejectValue method like me, maybe it helps.
I found you can also avoid this by using
instead of

breeze: creating inheritance in client-side model

I'm having a weird issue with the configureMetadataStore.
My model:
class SourceMaterial {
List<Job> Jobs {get; set;}
class Job {
public SourceMaterial SourceMaterial {get; set;}
class JobEditing : Job {}
class JobTranslation: Job {}
Module for configuring Job entities:
angular.module('cdt.request.model').factory('jobModel', ['breeze', 'dataService', 'entityService', modelFunc]);
function modelFunc(breeze, dataService, entityService) {
function Ctor() {
Ctor.extend = function (modelCtor) {
modelCtor.prototype = new Ctor();
modelCtor.prototype.constructor = modelCtor;
Ctor.prototype._configureMetadataStore = _configureMetadataStore;
return Ctor;
// constructor
function jobCtor() {
this.isScreenDeleted = null;
function _configureMetadataStore(entityName, metadataStore) {
metadataStore.registerEntityTypeCtor(entityName, jobCtor, jobInitializer);
function jobInitializer(job) { /* do stuff here */ }
Module for configuring JobEditing entities:
angular.module('cdt.request.model').factory(jobEditingModel, ['jobModel', modelFunc]);
function modelFunc(jobModel) {
function Ctor() {
this.configureMetadataStore = configureMetadataStore;
return Ctor;
function configureMetadataStore(metadataStore) {
return this._configureMetadataStore('JobEditing', metadataStore)
Module for configuring JobTranslation entities:
angular.module('cdt.request.model').factory(jobTranslationModel, ['jobModel', modelFunc]);
function modelFunc(jobModel) {
function Ctor() {
this.configureMetadataStore = configureMetadataStore;
return Ctor;
function configureMetadataStore(metadataStore) {
return this._configureMetadataStore('JobTranslation', metadataStore)
Then Models are configured like this :
Now when I call createEntity for a JobEditing, the instance is created and at some point, breeze calls setNpValue and adds the newly created Job to the np SourceMaterial.
That's all fine, except that it is added twice !
It happens when rawAccessorFn(newValue); is called. In fact it is called twice.
And if I add a new type of job (hence I register a new type with the metadataStore), then the new Job is added three times to the np.
I can't see what I'm doing wrong. Can anyone help ?
I've noticed that if I change:
metadataStore.registerEntityTypeCtor(entityName, jobCtor, jobInitializer);
metadataStore.registerEntityTypeCtor(entityName, null, jobInitializer);
Then everything works fine again ! So the problem is registering the same jobCtor function. Should that not be possible ?
Our Bad
Let's start with a Breeze bug, recently discovered, in the Breeze "backingStore" model library adapter.
There's a part of that adapter which is responsible for rewriting data properties of the entity constructor so that they become observable and self-validating and it kicks in when register a type with registerEntityTypeCtor.
It tries to keep track of which properties it has rewritten. The bug is that it records the fact of rewrite on the EntityType rather than on the constructor function. Consequently, every time you registered a new type, it failed to realize that it had already rewritten the properties of the base Job type and re-wrapped the property.
This was happening to you. Every derived type that you registered re-wrapped/re-wrote the properties of the base type (and of its base type, etc).
In your example, a base class Job property would be re-written 3 times and its inner logic executed 3 times if you registered three of its sub-types. And the problem disappeared when you stopped registering constructors of sub-types.
We're working on a revised Breeze "backingStore" model library adapter that won't have this problem and, coincidentally, will behave better in test scenarios (that's how we found the bug in the first place).
Your Bad?
Wow that's some hairy code you've got there. Why so complicated? In particular, why are you adding a one-time MetadataStore configuration to the prototypes of entity constructor functions?
I must be missing something. The code to register types is usually much smaller and simpler. I get that you want to put each type in its own file and have it self-register. The cost of that (as you've written it) is enormous bulk and complexity. Please reconsider your approach. Take a look at other Breeze samples, Zza-Node-Mongo for example.
Thanks for reporting the issue. Hang in there with us. A fix should be arriving soon ... I hope in the next release.

Grails data binding - Cannot make an immutable entity modifiable

On a Grails 2.1.0 I am trying to dynamically updating a field on a domain class. The object gets binded and it looks fine, until the save method is called, which throws the following exception:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot make an immutable entity modifiable.
try {
def bindParams = [:]
bindParams."$paramsFieldName" = "$paramsValue"
def domainClass = grailsApplication.domainClasses.find { it.clazz.simpleName == paramsDomain }.clazz
def objectInstance = domainClass.findById(paramsId)
objectInstance."$paramsFieldName" = "$paramsValue"
bindData(objectInstance, bindParams) ,failOnError:false)
return objectInstance
catch (Exception ex) {
log.error ex
return null
I tried to bind the field using direct assigment and worked well.
objectInstance."$paramsFieldName" = convertToType(,paramsValue)
but then I need to handle the type conversion for each case (I assume). What I need is the BindDynamicMethod handles the binding for me. What happens to the object when binding it using the BindDynamicMethod that makes is immutable?. Or what am I doing wrong that is causing it?
It turned out that this was happening on some of the domains, but some that were using cache on their mapping was throwing this exception.
class UploadSettings {
String profile = "default"
String displayName
String name
String value
String defaultValue
static mapping = {
//cache usage:'read-only'
So I guess now my question is if a domain is using cache , why cant we update its value? Or how can we do that? Is there a way to capture if the domain is immutable?
Yes by setting it to read-only you are making the object immutable as the error says, IMHO this is misleading as we are in the context of caching but there is some rationale behind this.
If you need caching at the domain level then setting it to read-write should do the trick
See cache usages

Grails GORM auto update issue

Updated post:
In a Controller if I do this:
def obj = new Test(name:"lol") = "lol2"
//a singleton service with nothing to do with obj
"obj" gets persisted to the database right here
even before the next println
println "done"
Can anyone please explain me why is this happening with Grails 1.3.7 and not with Grails 2? What is the reason?
I know I could use discard() and basically restructure the code but I am interested in what and why is happening behind the scenes. Thanks!
Old post:
I have a test Grails application. I have one domain class test.Test:
package test
class Test {
String name
static constraints = {}
Also I have a service test.TestService:
package test
class TestService {
static scope = "singleton"
static transactional = true
def dostuff() {
println "test service was called"
And one controller test.TestController:
package test
class TestController {
def testService
def index = {
def obj = new Test(name:"lol") = "lol2"
println "done"
So what I do:
Create a domain object
Change one of it's properties
Call a singleton service method
What I would expect:
Nothing gets persisted to the db unless I call
What happens instead:
Right after the service call Grails will do an update query to the database.
I have tried the following configuration from this url:
But it didn't help.
I have tested it with Grails 1.3.7, Grails 2.0.3 does not have this issue.
Could anyone please give me a bit more information on what is exactly going on? It seems like the current session has to be terminated because of the service call and because the object is dirty it is getting automatically persisted to the database after the service call. What I don't understand that even with the manual flush mode configuration in Hibernate does not help.
Thanks in advance!
I'm not sure what about that thread you linked to made you think it would work. They all said it wouldn't work, the ticket created has been closed as won't fix. The solution here is to use discard() as the thread stated.

How can I debug NPE in Grails?

I try to execute raw SQL in Grails with this code:
class PlainSqlService {
def dataSource // the Spring-Bean "dataSource" is auto-injected
def newNum = {
def sql = new Sql(dataSource) // Create a new instance of groovy.sql.Sql with the DB of the Grails app
def q = "SELECT a.xaction_id, a.xdin FROM actions a WHERE a.is_approved = 0"
def result = sql.rows(q) // Perform the query
return result
But I get this exception at runtime.
sql object is not null!
How can I debug it?
2011-02-13 15:55:27,507 [http-8080-1] ERROR errors.GrailsExceptionResolver - Exception occurred when processing request: [GET] /moderator/login/index
Stacktrace follows:
at moderator.PlainSqlService$_closure1.doCall(PlainSqlService.groovy:17)
at moderator.PlainSqlService$_closure1.doCall(PlainSqlService.groovy)
at moderator.LoginController$_closure1.doCall(LoginController.groovy:29)
at moderator.LoginController$_closure1.doCall(LoginController.groovy)
It's hard to tell what's going on from the limited code you're providing, but there are some things to check. Is the service injected into the controller with a class-scope field "def plainSqlService" like you have here for the dataSource, or are you calling new PlainSqlService()? If you're creating a new instance then the dataSource bean won't be injected and the groovy.sql.Sql constructor won't fail, but queries will.
One thing to try is grails clean - whenever something like this that should work doesn't, a full recompile often helps.
One important but unrelated point - you should never use Closures in services. Controllers and taglibs require that actions and tags be implemented with a Closure, but a Service is just a Spring bean defined in Groovy. Spring knows nothing about Closures and since they're just a field that Groovy executes as if it were a method, any proxying that you're expecting from Spring (in particular transactional behavior, but also security and other features) will not happen since Spring only looks for methods.
So newNum should be declared as:
def newNum() {
