I have some query like below
var email= (from c in dataContext.tblC
where (c.AA == aa)
select c.email).ToList();
string emails = email.Aggregate((a, b) => a + "," + b);
Now I need another column SecEmail, I can't just (...select c.email, c.SecEmail).ToList().
Any suggestion for I can get list like (email1, SecEmail1, email2, email3, SecEmail3, email4...)
if you're working with dynamic objects:
var email = (from c in dataContext.tblC
where c.AA == aa
select new {
email = x.email,
secemail = c.secEmail,
// ...
}).ToList(); // IList<dynamic> & IDE will know what properties
// you supplied in the `select new { }`
Otherwise build a model and populate it:
public class SelectModel
public String email { get; set; }
public String secemail { get; set; }
var email = (from c in dataContext.tblC
where c.AA == aa
select new SelectModel {
email = x.email,
secemail = c.secEmail,
// ...
}).ToList(); // IList<SelectModel>
If you want the returned rows turned in to an email to header:
var email = String.Join(", ", (
from c in dataContext.tblC
where c.AA == aa
select c.email
Which would make:
| email |
| foo#contoso.com |
| bar#contoso.com |
| baz#contoso.com |
Turn in to:
foo#contoso.com, bar#contoso.com, baz#contoso.com
Multi-column concat:
var email = (from c in dataContext.tblC
where c.AA == AA
select new { email = c.email, secEmail = c.secEmail }).AsEnumerable();
var to = String.Join(", ",
email.Select(x => x.email)
.Concat(email.Select(y => y.secEmail))
// .Concat(eail.Select(y => x.thirdColumn))
// ...
I am facing issue in creating a Dropdownlist of values in a column from database table. I want to create a dropdownlist of parent category with values and key which also has null values. Below is the code for columns in my table on front end. I have tried various things like ViewBag, SelectList, MultiSelectList but no luck yet.My Dropdownlist will contain Parent Category ID and ParentCategory values. Category_Int_ID is the primary key.Kindly help me out. Thanks.
List<Category> c1 = db.Categories.ToList();
List<Category> c2 = db.Categories.ToList();
var catview = from ch in c1
join pa in c2 on ch.PARENT_CATEGORY_ID equals pa.CATEGORY_INT_ID into tab1
from pa in tab1.DefaultIfEmpty()
orderby ch.DISPLAY
select new Category
ParentCategory = (pa == null ? string.Empty : pa.DISPLAY),
List<Category> c1 = db.Categories.ToList();
List<Category> c2 = db.Categories.ToList();
var catview = from ch in c1
join pa in c2 on ch.PARENT_CATEGORY_ID equals pa.CATEGORY_INT_ID into tab1
from pa in tab1.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new Category
ParentCategory = pa == null ? "" : pa.DISPLAY,
var categ11 = catview.ToList().Where(w=>w.PARENT_CATEGORY_ID !=null).Select(c => new SelectListItem()
Value = c.PARENT_CATEGORY_ID.ToString(),
Text = c.ParentCategory
ViewBag.Categories = categ11.ToList().Distinct();
In View
#Html.DropDownList("ParentCategoryList", (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.Categories)
Let's suppose we have a Linq query like this:
int companyID = Convert.ToInt32(((UserIdentity)User.Identity).CompanyId);
var stock = from i in _stockService.GetStock()
join ur in _inventoryService.GetInventory() on i.ProductID equals ur.Id
where ur.ComapnyId == companyID
select new StockVM
Product = ur.ItemName,
Quantity = i.Quantity,
BatchID = i.BatchID,
StockStatus = i.StockStatus,
MfgDate = i.MfgDate,
ExpDate = i.ExpDate,
How to do a "Group By Product" with sum of Quantity in this linq query?
I need to only get max ExpDate firstOrDefault
try something like this:
int companyID = Convert.ToInt32(((UserIdentity)User.Identity).CompanyId);
var stock = from i in _stockService.GetStock()
join ur in _inventoryService.GetInventory() on i.ProductID equals ur.Id
where ur.ComapnyId == companyID
group new { Quantity = i.Quantity } by new { ur.ItemName } into g
select new { Product = g.Key, TotalQuantity = g.Sum() } ).ToList() ;
List<StockVM> _lst = new List<StockVM>();
foreach(var item in stock ){
StockVM row = new StockVM();
row.Product = item.ItemName;
I'm trying to fetch the record from 3 tables by comparing the user Logged in name
Here is my code:
public ActionResult MeritList() //departmental merit listed students details with status 1
var username= HttpContext.Session["UserName"];
List<StdListModel> model = new List<StdListModel>();
var query = (from s in Context.tblStdDetails
join e in Context.tblStdEnrollments on s.ID equals e.StdReg_ref_id
//join d in Context.tblDepartments on e.Depart_ref_id equals d.ID
where s.Status == '1' && e.tblDepartment.DepartName == username
select new StdListModel
ID = s.ID,
Name = s.Name,
FatherName = s.FatherName,
FormNo = s.FormNo,
DiaryNo = s.DiaryNo,
Status = s.Status
foreach(var item in query)
model.Add(new StdListModel()
return View(model);
Also Tried this Query
var query = (from s in Context.tblStdDetails
join e in Context.tblStdEnrollments on s.ID equals e.StdReg_ref_id
join d in Context.tblDepartments on e.Depart_ref_id equals d.ID
where s.Status == '1' && d.DepartName.Equals(username)
select new StdListModel
ID = s.ID,
Name = s.Name,
FatherName = s.FatherName,
FormNo = s.FormNo,
DiaryNo = s.DiaryNo,
Status = s.Status
But it does not return anything model=0, query =0, the database has right values and I don't get any error either.
please check username with tolower() and trim function.
e.tblDepartment.DepartName.ToLower().Trim() == username.ToLower().Trim()
I got the problem. It is in
s.Status == '1'
I just changed it into
s.Status == 1
and it works fetch the data from the database.
I am not much familiar with EF. I want to group rows based on IDs. I acheive this in SQL but I am getting some Issues with group by while implementeing in EF.
public ActionResult PropertyListing()
if (Session["UserID"] == null)
return RedirectToAction("Login", "Property");
return View();
public JsonResult GetSpurts()
PropertySpurts property;
List<PropertySpurts> listProperty = new List<PropertySpurts>();
var userID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserID"].ToString());
// IEnumerable<tblPropertyView> PropertyList;
var PropertyList = from p in dbEntity.tblPropertyViews
join c in dbEntity.tblProperties on p.PropertyID equals c.ID into j1
from j2 in j1.DefaultIfEmpty()
group j2 by p.PropertyID into grouped
select new { ParentId = grouped.Key, Count = grouped.Count(t => t.ID != null) };
if (PropertyList != null)
foreach (var item in PropertyList)
property = new PropertySpurts();
property.ID = (int)item.ParentId;
property.Title = item.tblProperty.Title;
return Json(listProperty, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
PropertyID in tblPropertyView is Foreign Key to tblProperty ID. I want to get title of Property from tblProperty. Please help me to find Title and Count of PropertyViews
var PropertyList = from p in dbEntity.tblPropertyViews
join c in dbEntity.tblProperties on p.PropertyID equals c.ID into j1
from j2 in j1.DefaultIfEmpty()
group j2 by new
} into grouped
select new
ParentId = grouped.Key.PropertyID,
Title = grouped.Key.Title,
Count = grouped.Count(t => t.ID != null)
This solves my issue. But I want this should be orderby count.
var PropertyList = (from p in dbEntity.tblPropertyViews
join c in dbEntity.tblProperties on p.PropertyID equals c.ID into j1
from j2 in j1.DefaultIfEmpty()
group j2 by new
} into grouped
select new
ParentId = grouped.Key.PropertyID,
Title = grouped.Key.Title,
Count = grouped.Count(t => t.ID != null)
}).OrderByDescending(x => x.Count);
I have a method that gets some data from the database by some linq queries. The data is shown as expected but not in the order I wan't. I need to sort the products I get from the database by the TotalQuantity property shown in query 1 and 2. Im trying to use OrdeBy but I'm not sure how to add it in this context. Need some help with this one.
This is my method:
public IList<BestsellersReportLine> DailyBestsellersReport()
OrderStatus os;
PaymentStatus ps;
ShippingStatus ss;
int billingCountryId = 0;
int recordsToReturn = 10;
int orderBy = 1;
int groupBy = 1;
var range = new
startTimeUtc = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1),
endTimeUtc = DateTime.Today.AddSeconds(-1),
CreatedOnUtc = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1),
var query1 = from opv in _opvRepository.Table
join o in _orderRepository.Table on opv.OrderId equals o.Id
join pv in _productVariantRepository.Table on opv.ProductVariantId equals pv.Id
join p in _productRepository.Table on pv.ProductId equals p.Id
where (o.CreatedOnUtc >= range.startTimeUtc && o.CreatedOnUtc <= range.endTimeUtc)
select opv;
var query2 = groupBy == 1 ?
//group by product variants
from opv in query1
group opv by opv.ProductVariantId into g
select new
EntityId = g.Key,
TotalAmount = g.Sum(x => x.PriceExclTax),
TotalQuantity = g.Sum(x => x.Quantity),
//group by products
from opv in query1
group opv by opv.ProductVariant.ProductId into g
select new
EntityId = g.Key,
TotalAmount = g.Sum(x => x.PriceExclTax),
TotalQuantity = g.Sum(x => x.Quantity),
switch (orderBy)
case 1:
query2 = query2.OrderByDescending(x => x.TotalQuantity);
case 2:
query2 = query2.OrderByDescending(x => x.TotalAmount);
throw new ArgumentException("Wrong orderBy parameter", "orderBy");
if (recordsToReturn != 0 && recordsToReturn != int.MaxValue)
query2 = query2.Take(recordsToReturn);
var result = query2.ToList().Select(x =>
var reportLine = new BestsellersReportLine()
EntityId = x.EntityId,
TotalAmount = x.TotalAmount,
TotalQuantity = x.TotalQuantity
return reportLine;
return result;
What about return
result.OrderBy(x => x.totalQuantity).ToList();
I can only think of adding .ToList() to the end again.
Remove the first ToList() after query2 as mentioned below:
var result = query2.Select(x =>
var reportLine = new BestsellersReportLine()
EntityId = x.EntityId,
TotalAmount = x.TotalAmount,
TotalQuantity = x.TotalQuantity
return reportLine;