Splitting strings using Ruby ignoring certain characters - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to split a string and counts the number os words using Ruby but I want ignore special characters.
For example, in this string "Hello, my name is Hugo ..." I'm splitting it by spaces but the last ... should't counts because it isn't a word.
I'm using string.inner_text.split(' ').length. How can I specify that special characters (such as ... ? ! etc.) when separated from the text by spaces are not counted?
Thank you to everyone,
Kind Regards,

"Hello, my name is não ...".scan /[^*!#%\^\s\.]+/
# => ["Hello,", "my", "name", "is", "não"]
/[^*!#%\^]+/ will match anything other than *!#%\^. You can add more to this list which need not be matched

this is part answer, part response to #Neo's answer: why not use proper tools for the job?
http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-1.9.3/Regexp.html says:
POSIX bracket expressions are also similar to character classes. They provide a portable alternative to the above, with the added benefit that they encompass non-ASCII characters. For instance, /\d/ matches only the ASCII decimal digits (0-9); whereas /[[:digit:]]/ matches any character in the Unicode Nd category.
/[[:alnum:]]/ - Alphabetic and numeric character
/[[:alpha:]]/ - Alphabetic character
Ruby also supports the following non-POSIX character classes:
/[[:word:]]/ - A character in one of the following Unicode general categories Letter, Mark, Number, Connector_Punctuation
you want words, use str.scan /[[:word:]]+/


How to remove from string before __

I am building a Rails 5.2 app.
In this app I got outputs from different suppliers (I am building a webshop).
The name of the shipping provider is in this format:
It could also be in this format:
How can I remove all that is before (and including) the __ so all that remains are the things after the ___ like for example 233433.
Perhaps some sort of RegEx.
A very simple approach would be to use String#split and then pick the second part that is the last part in this example:
#=> "233433"
#=> "US-320202"
You can use a very simple Regexp and a ask the resulting MatchData for the post_match part:
p "dhl_freight__233433".match(/__/).post_match
# another (magic) way to acces the post_match part:
p $'
Postscript: Learnt something from this question myself: you don't even have to use a RegExp for this to work. Just "asddfg__qwer".match("__").post_match does the trick (it does the conversion to regexp for you)
r = /[^_]+\z/
"dhl_freight__233433"[r] #=> "233433"
"postal__US-320202"[r] #=> "US-320202"
The regular expression matches one or more characters other than an underscore, followed by the end of the string (\z). The ^ at the beginning of the character class reads, "other than any of the characters that follow".
See String#[].
This assumes that the last underscore is preceded by an underscore. If the last underscore is not preceded by an underscore, in which case there should be no match, add a positive lookbehind:
r = /(?<=__[^_]+\z/
This requires the match to be preceded by two underscores.
There are many ruby ways to extract numbers from string. I hope you're trying to fetch numbers out of a string. Here are some of the ways to do so.
Ref- http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/125709
line.tr("^0-9", '')
In the above delete is the fastest to trim numbers out of strings.
All of above extracts numbers from string and joins them. If a string is like this "String-with-67829___numbers-09764" outut would be like this "6782909764"
In case if you want the numbers split like this ["67829", "09764"]
line.split(/[^\d]/).reject { |c| c.empty? }
Hope these answers help you! Happy coding :-)

Validate name to have no tabs or backslashes - Rails [duplicate]

I need a regular expression able to match everything but a string starting with a specific pattern (specifically index.php and what follows, like index.php?id=2342343).
Regex: match everything but:
a string starting with a specific pattern (e.g. any - empty, too - string not starting with foo):
Lookahead-based solution for NFAs:
Negated character class based solution for regex engines not supporting lookarounds:
a string ending with a specific pattern (say, no world. at the end):
Lookbehind-based solution:
Lookahead solution:
POSIX workaround:
a string containing specific text (say, not match a string having foo):
Lookaround-based solution:
POSIX workaround:
Use the online regex generator at www.formauri.es/personal/pgimeno/misc/non-match-regex
a string containing specific character (say, avoid matching a string having a | symbol):
a string equal to some string (say, not equal to foo):
a sequence of characters:
PCRE (match any text but cat): /cat(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|[^c]*(?:c(?!at)[^c]*)*/i or /cat(*SKIP)(*FAIL)|(?:(?!cat).)+/is
Other engines allowing lookarounds: (cat)|[^c]*(?:c(?!at)[^c]*)* (or (?s)(cat)|(?:(?!cat).)*, or (cat)|[^c]+(?:c(?!at)[^c]*)*|(?:c(?!at)[^c]*)+[^c]*) and then check with language means: if Group 1 matched, it is not what we need, else, grab the match value if not empty
a certain single character or a set of characters:
Use a negated character class: [^a-z]+ (any char other than a lowercase ASCII letter)
Matching any char(s) but |: [^|]+
Demo note: the newline \n is used inside negated character classes in demos to avoid match overflow to the neighboring line(s). They are not necessary when testing individual strings.
Anchor note: In many languages, use \A to define the unambiguous start of string, and \z (in Python, it is \Z, in JavaScript, $ is OK) to define the very end of the string.
Dot note: In many flavors (but not POSIX, TRE, TCL), . matches any char but a newline char. Make sure you use a corresponding DOTALL modifier (/s in PCRE/Boost/.NET/Python/Java and /m in Ruby) for the . to match any char including a newline.
Backslash note: In languages where you have to declare patterns with C strings allowing escape sequences (like \n for a newline), you need to double the backslashes escaping special characters so that the engine could treat them as literal characters (e.g. in Java, world\. will be declared as "world\\.", or use a character class: "world[.]"). Use raw string literals (Python r'\bworld\b'), C# verbatim string literals #"world\.", or slashy strings/regex literal notations like /world\./.
You could use a negative lookahead from the start, e.g., ^(?!foo).*$ shouldn't match anything starting with foo.
You can put a ^ in the beginning of a character set to match anything but those characters.
will match everything but =
Just match /^index\.php/, and then reject whatever matches it.
In Python:
>>> import re
>>> p='^(?!index\.php\?[0-9]+).*$'
>>> s1='index.php?12345'
>>> re.match(p,s1)
>>> s2='index.html?12345'
>>> re.match(p,s2)
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0xb7d65fa8>
Came across this thread after a long search. I had this problem for multiple searches and replace of some occurrences. But the pattern I used was matching till the end. Example below
import re
text = "start![image]xxx(xx.png) yyy xx![image]xxx(xxx.png) end"
replaced_text = re.sub(r'!\[image\](.*)\(.*\.png\)', '*', text)
start* end
Basically, the regex was matching from the first ![image] to the last .png, swallowing the middle yyy
Used the method posted above https://stackoverflow.com/a/17761124/429476 by Firish to break the match between the occurrence. Here the space is not matched; as the words are separated by space.
replaced_text = re.sub(r'!\[image\]([^ ]*)\([^ ]*\.png\)', '*', text)
and got what I wanted
start* yyy xx* end

Ultraedit regex to remove all words which contains number

I am trying to make a Ultraedit regex which allows me to remove all words of a txt file containing a number.
For example:
get only
A case-insensitive search with Perl regular expression search string \<[a-z]+\d\w*\> finds entire words containing at least 1 digit.
\< ... beginning of a word. \b for any word boundary could be also used.
[a-z]+ ... any letter 1 or more times. You can put additional characters into the square brackets like ÄÖÜäöüß also used in language of text file.
\d ... any digit, i.e. 0-9.
\w* ... any word character 0 or more times. Any word character means all word characters according to Unicode table which includes language dependent word characters, all digits and the underscore.
\> ... end of a word. \b for any word boundary could be also used.
A case-insensitive search with UltraEdit regular expression search string [a-z]+[0-9][a-z0-9_]++ finds also entire words containing at least 1 digit if additionally the find option Match whole word is also checked.
[a-z]+ ... any letter 1 or more times. You can put additional characters into the square brackets used in language of text file.
[0-9] ... any digit.
[a-z0-9_]++ ... any letter, digit or underscore 0 or more times.
The UltraEdit regexp search string [a-z]+[0-9][a-z0-9_]++ in Unix/Perl syntax would be [a-z]+[0-9][a-z0-9_]* which could be also used with find option Match whole word checked instead of the Perl regexp search.

What does this pattern ^[%w-.]+$ mean in Lua?

Just came across this pattern, which I really don't understand:
And could you give me some examples to match this expression?
Valid in Lua, where %w is (almost) the equivalent of \w in other languages
^[%w-.]+$ means match a string that is entirely composed of alphanumeric characters (letters and digits), dashes or dots.
The ^ anchor asserts that we are at the beginning of the string
The character class [%w-.] matches one character that is a letter or digit (the meaning of %w), or a dash, or a period. This would be the equivalent of [\w-.] in JavaScript
The + quantifier matches such a character one or more times
The $ anchor asserts that we are at the end of the string
Lua Patterns
Actually it will match nothing. Because there is an error: w- this is a start of a text range and it is out of order. So it should be %w\- instead.
^ assert position at start of the string
[%w\-.]+ match a single character present in the list below
+ Quantifier: Between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed [greedy]
%w a single character in the list %w literally (case sensitive)
\- matches the character - literally
. the literal character .
$ assert position at end of the string
As the OP changed the question and the tags this answer no longer fits as a proper answer. It is POSIX based answer.
As #zx81 comment:
%w is \w in Lua which means any alphanumeric characters plus "_"

username regex in rails

I am trying to find a regex to limit what a person can use for a username on my site. I don't need to have it check to see how many characters there are in it, as another validation does this. Basically all I need to make it do is make sure that it allows: letters (capital and lowercase) numbers, dashes and underscores.
I came across this: /^[-a-z]+$/i
But it doesn't seem to allow numbers.
What am I missing?
The regex you're looking for is
Meaning one or more characters of range a-z, range 0-9, - (needs to be escaped with a backslash) and _, case insensitive (the i qualifier)
\w is shorthand for letters, digits and underscore.
\A matches at the start of the string, \z matches at the end of the string. These tokens are called anchors, and Ruby is a bit special with regard to them: Most regex engines use ^ and $ as start/end-of-string anchors by default, whereas in Ruby they can also match at the start/end of lines (which matters if you're working with multiline strings). Therefore, it's safer (as #JustMichael pointed out) to use \A and \z because there is no such ambiguity.
Your regular expression contains a character class [-a-z] that allows the characters - (dash) and a through z. In order to expand the range of characters allowed by this character class, you will need to add more characters within the [].
Please see Character Classes or Character Sets for further information and examples.
