Rails 4 content entry system - ruby-on-rails

I am interested in building a Ruby on Rails 4 application that allows users to enter blog like articles. I don't need a full blown blogging architecture - would be smarter to use WordPress or an open source alternative. I do need a subset of features such as the following:
add tagging
rich editing to allow user to bold, underline, highlight content
create seo friendly URLs based on article headline
The reason I'm posting is I'd rather not reinvent the wheel. I'm wondering if there is a Rails gem that is already built that has these similar features already created so I can plug it in and customize it with my existing application. If there is currently nothing out there because of the existence of tools such as WordPress, I'll have to custom bake them into my own application. Is there currently a solution in form of gem or something similar already out there?

Here are some possible options for you:
acts-as-taggable-on is a gem that works for tagging.
rich is a rich editor gem. You might want to also think about adding markdown support which can be done using redcarpet.
Then try something like friendly_id for seo friendly urls.


How to manage static content in a rails app

I'm running a rails app for interactive learning for kids. We also have quite a few static pages like, landing pages, team pages, case studies etc. This is also deployed in the same rails app.
I would like a easy way for my team to manage the content without depending on the tech team. I can build an admin interface to edit these pages, but I don't want to recreate a CMS. I checked out Jekyll but the markdown syntax makes some tech novices uneasy.
Someone suggested using weebly/ wordpress and host it in a subdomain. I don't want to go overboard and add an additional layer of maintenance to the app.
I've a mongoid project and would appreciate any mongoid gems.
RefineryCMS is a popular content management solution for Rails apps. You can add it to your existing Rails app, as described in the guide. RefineryCMS is targeted at the end user experience, you don't need extensive technological knowledge to use it.
There's an online demo of the CMS which you can find here. You don't have to edit the pages using Markdown, it has a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor as well.
If you're looking for another CMS, you can find other solutions quite easily with the Ruby Toolbox.

How to create a web template editor with rails

I'm pretty new to rails, and i'm trying to build a web template editor in rails where users can come in and create their websites without having any programming knowledge.
something similar to:
I'm wondering if there are any gems or plugins
I was also told that i should look for a control library? any ideas?
There are a number of CMS kits like Refinery, Radiant, or you can use something like Comfortable Mexican Sofa which is maintained by an associate of mine.
Building a CMS isn't especially tricky, but getting a good general-purpose one built can be fussy.
Would a CMS work for this? Like RefineryCMS.com?
I'm going to be doing this too - but will be taking another approach. More of a 'showcase/showroom' direction where the templates are pre-made but they can upload artwork and change content.
Anyhow - good luck!

FAQ Plug-in or Gem for Rails 3?

FAQs seem to be a pretty commonly needed feature in a web application..
but it seems like there are no gems or plugins available for Rails.
Can you recommend a gem or plugin which provides FAQs to a Rails app?
Obviously you could make a simple FAQ very quickly with Rails, but there is much
more functionality that can be added: votes, search, categories, roles,
comments, markup, embedded links, tags, ... just to name a few.
Seems like people are re-inventing the wheel a lot for FAQs
I just published a gem for it.
Hope that helps, Its in development phase but we are using it actively. Your comments/feedback will be highly appreciated
I think either using BrowserCMS (http://browsercms.org) or RefineryCMS (http://refinerycms.com/) fits the bill for when you need more generic content pages. I prefer to just use a generic CMS instead of creating a gem/plugin for FAQS as you'll have other pages that could easily be thrown into a CMS engine as well. Saves developer time from having to update mostly static HTML pages.
Absolutely - Check out https://oraguide.com - Everything is streamlined / hosted in the cloud. It runs directly on the page as a floating div.

What's the state of the art gem/plugin for tags?

I'm redesigning my site currently and replacing all the old plugins. For tags I use acts_as_taggable_on_steroids and I'm wondering if there are any newer/better gems for Rails 3.
You'll want to use the similarly named acts-as-taggable-on instead. Better support, and the code originated from that gem you mentioned.
It's pretty good and feature rich AND easy enough to use.

Ruby on Rails: Editor for backend of the web application

What editor can you suggest to integrate with the backend of the web app I'm currently developing? I want to allow my trusted users to add articles that would be visible on the
frontend. It should have some kind of markup language (to make basic customisation - lists, bold...) and if possible also the option to upload images.
look into restful_authentication (authentication), RedCloth (textile markup language), Hobo (admin interface), and paperclip (file uploads/attachments). You can piece together something with those.
If the editors of your site are not so technical, you might want to look into a Javascript markup editor instead, such as TinyMCE for editing articles - it looks similar to the gmail editor or the one here on S/O (bold / italics / etc), and you don't have to use textile markup.
You can also try routing to, say, admin/modelname, and create administrative controllers there. Hobo might be a way of doing it, but it is usually done manually.
I suggest using RedCloth for adding a textile style mark-up language to your articles.
I also suggest Paperclip for uploading & attaching images to your articles.
Do you mean "editor" in the sense of a component you present to end users in the browser, embedded in the Web page?
Stackoverflow uses the WMD editor. It's good. I'm using it in a current project. It took me about 20 minutes to read the docs and set it up. It's fast, lightweight, works in most browsers, and is easy to use both for you and the end users.
It uses the "Markdown" markup language.
Try Radiant CMS for a complete solution.
