In-memory database scalability - scalability

I have been exploring MMDB systems lately and I haven't been able to find much information with regards to how an in-memory database is supposed to scale. My quite basic assumption is that a main-memory db is constrained by the memory available on the db node, and by the operating system management of this memory. So how can I expand an in-memory system size beyond that of the main memory available? I assume the answer is along the lines of a distributed system but I haven't got it clear in my head how it would work. And of course it's also possible I completely misunderstood the idea of mmdb and i'm missing something obvious.
A bit of background on the question: I am writing a number of cross-platform mobile apps (even though my background is heavily involved with mysql and mongodb), and I don't like native database solutions like sqlite for android and ios. So I thought I'd write my own solution (site and github) in javascript (i'm working on cordova/phonegap). I realised that I could make this a nodejs module and use it as a db for a web app (I'm creating a blog powered by it as an experiment and it's working pretty well), but of course I'm now thinking of making it a separate tier and I started thinking about the obvious limitation of memory size, hence my question.

in-memory databases scale in size the same way as on-disk (aka persistent) databases do: either throw more storage at it (memory, in this case) or distribute it across multiple nodes of a cluster. The latter alternative increases the complexity (both of the DBMS, and your administration of it), relative to an in-memory database on a single system. Consider the difference between vanilla MySQL and MySQL Cluster. And, you'll want to have a really fast network for those times when the DBMS has to perform inter-node operations (e.g. distribute the data or pull data from multiple nodes to satisfy a query).
There's nothing particularly special about in-memory databases in this regard. There are some special optimizations in the database engine when you know storage is memory. But it doesn't change the fundamental principles of database systems.
What you don't want to do is create an in-memory database larger than physical memory. You'll force the OS to swap in-memory database pages in/out of swap space, and the performance will suck. You're better off, in that case, using a conventional DBMS and giving it as much cache as you have memory available for. The DBMS will use the cache more intelligently than the OS' will the swap space.

Current production-ready in-memory databases have mainly focused on scale-up as opposed to scale-out. So-far, they have either managed to integrate main memory tier into their core, existing architecture (IBM via Blu acceleration) or have re-built the database from almost-scratch to leverage the main-memory as primary storage layer (SAP HANA), and in both cases their claim to fame is the obvious speedup that DRAM offers in comparision to the disk.
However very few databases, presently, have a complete offering which scales-out in-memory performance benefit accross multiple nodes. Most of the in-memory databases require the applications to manage the distribution of data/objects across nodes (Ex: SAP HANA).
Oracle's DBIM and MemSQL are a few scalable and distributed options, at this time, that implement distributed in-memory database/tier by collective utilization of memory resources across the cluster (RAC in case of Oracle). MemSQL can be deployed on a cluster of commodity compute nodes and it claims to scale by utilizing aggregate resources, including memory. Oracle RAC is a shared cache architecture that overcomes the limitations of traditional shared-nothing and shared-disk approaches to provide highly scalable and available database solutions, including in-memory benefits.


Neo4j Restful VS Neo4j JDBC

What are the comparative advantages of querying a neo4j DB via
as a Spring Data plugin
Performance will be better within Java using JDBC as opposed to a REST API. Here's a good explanation of why:
When you add complexity the code will run slower. Introducing a REST
service if it's not required will slow the execution down as the
system is doing more.
Abstracting the database is good practice. If you're worried about
speed you could look into caching the data in memory so that the
database doesn't need to be touched to handle the request.
Before optimizing performance though I'd look into what problem you're
trying to solve and the architecture you're using, I'm struggling to
think of a situation where the database options would be direct access
vs REST.
Regarding using neo4j as a plugin you can certainly do so, but I have to imagine the performance would not be as good as using JDBC.
From the book "Graph Databases" - Ian Robinson
Queries run fastest when the portions of the graph needed to satisfy
them reside in main memory (that is, in the filesystem cache and the
object cache). A single graph database instance today can hold many
billions of nodes, relationships, and properties, meaning that some
graphs will be just too big to fit into main memory.
If you add another layer to the app, this will be reflected in performance, so the bare you can consumes your data the better the performance but also the complexity and understanding of the code.

Graph database in distributed env

I have a question concerning graph databases! Is there a mechanism to use graph databases in a distributed environment?! I mean can you distribute a graph database?! Can we even traverse a graph database in a distributed environment?!
Definitely you can do it.
There are different databases which scale very good nowadays (JanusGraph, OrientDB, ArangoDB etc).
Even if you have a very big database which has to be scaled beyond a single datacenter to multiple geo-distributed datacenters you still has options.
For example, you can use JanusGraph with Cassandra / ScyllaDB storage backends. It will give you an option to asynchronously synchronize all your data from different datacenters.
Of course, there are some issues to be solved like consistency and so on but with today's tools, it's very possible to organize a distributed graph database.
Neo4j enterprise edition features clustering,
Yes, you can use all sorts of graph databases in distributed environments. Can you distribute a graph database? Definitely yes.
BUT - distributing the same graph database in many different places (to speed up reads) is quite easy, and done all the time. Distributing a ridiculously massive database (so that parts of the graph database are in a bunch of different places) is quite hard.
I recommend this related question which talks about sharding and distributing databases. Pay particular attention to the bit about "sharding is an anti-pattern".

How to do some reporting with Rails (with a dedicated DB)

In a Rails app, I am wondering how to build a reporting solution. I heard that I should use a separated database for reporting purposes but knowing that I will need to store a huge amount of data, I have a lot of questions :
What kind of DBMS should I choose?
When should I store data in the reporting database?
Should the database schema of the production db and reporting db be identical?
I am storing basic data (information about users, about result of operations) and I will need for example to run a report to know how many user failed an operation during the previous month.
In now that it is a vague question, but any hint would be highly appreciated.
Work Backwards
Start from what the end-users want for reporting or how they want to/should visualize data. Once you have some concepts in mind, then start working backwards to how to achieve those goals. Starting with the assumption that it should be a replicated copy in an RBDMS excludes several reasonable possibilities.
Making a Real-time Interface
If users are looking to aggregate values (counts, averages, etc.) on the fly (per web request), it would be worthwhile looking into replicating the master down to a reporting database if the SQL performance is acceptable (and stays acceptable if you were to double the input data). SQL engines usually do a great job aggregation and scale pretty far. This would also give you the capability to join data results together and return complex results as the users request it.
Just remember, replication isn't easy or without it's own set of problems.
This'll start to show signs of weakness in the hundreds of millions of rows range with normalized data, in my experience. At some point, inserts fight with selects on the same table enough that both become exceptionally slow (remember, replication is still a stream of inserts). Alternatively, indexes become so large that storage I/O is required for rekeying, so overall table performance diminishes.
On the other hand, if reporting falls under the scheme of sending standardized reports out with little interaction, I wouldn't necessarily recommend backing to an RBDMS. In this case, results are combined, aggregated, joined, etc. once. Paying the overhead of RBDMS indexing and storage bloat isn't worth it.
Batch engines like Hadoop will scale horizontally (many smaller machines instead of a few huge machines) so processing larger volumes of data is economical.
Batch to RBDMS or K/V Store
This is also a useful path if a lot of computation is needed to make the records more meaningful to a reporting engine. Alternatively, records could be denormalized before storing them in the reporting storage engine. The denormalized or simple results would then be shipped to a key/value store or RBDMS to make reporting easier and achieve higher performance at the cost of latency, compute, and possibly storage.
Personal Advice
Don't over-design it to start with. The decisions you make on the initial implementation will probably all change at some point. However, design it with the current and near-term problems in mind. Also, benchmarks done by others are not terribly useful if your usage model isn't exactly the same as theirs; benchmark your usage model.
I would recommend to to use some pre-build reporting services than to manually write out if you need a large set of reports.
You might want to look at Tableau and other available.
Database .. Yes it should be a separate seems safer , plus reporting is generally for old and consolidated data.. you live data might be too large to perform analysis on.
Database type -- > have to choose based on the reporting services used , though I think mongo is not supported by any of the reporting services , mysql is preferred.
If there are only one or two reports you could just build them on rails

What advantages does in-memory OLAP have over traditional systems with significant memory?

Do in-memory OLAP engines have advantages over the traditional OLAP engines backed by enough RAM to contain the entire cube(s)?
For example, if I use a MOLAP engine (SSAS) and GB / TB of RAM where the entire cube (or even star-schema) is RAM resident, what is the difference compared to something like TM1 / SAP HANA?
Basically it comes down to the following:
A system that is really optimized for "in-memory" operations takes into account several aspects like random access, memory page size, different cache levels (CPU, ...) etc.
This leads to a maximum use of the possibilities that RAM offers and HDD does not offer which in turn makes for excellent performance.
A traditional engine which is optimized for filesystem access is usually taking into account several aspects relevant to files/OS handling of filesystem etc.
Even when such an engine loads everything into its cache (memory) it still operates on the data AS IF it were on disk which makes sense since the code must work in situations where not everything fits into memory too. Using the same implementation for both situation makes for better testing/stability/bug-fixing/maintainability etc. BUT this leads to "not taking advantage" of all that makes RAM access different from file/disk access. Such an engine usually can be made faster IF it implements RAM specific optimizations so that it offers in each world (RAM versus disk) the best ... I am not aware of any engine doing that ...

Ruby On Rails/Merb as a frontend for a billions of records app

I am looking for a backend solution for an application written in Ruby on Rails or Merb to handle data with several billions of records. I have a feeling that I'm supposed to go with a distributed model and at the moment I looked at
HBase with Hadoop
Problems with HBase solution as I see it -- ruby support is not very strong, and Couchdb did not reach 1.0 version yet.
Do you have suggestion what would you use for such a big amount of data?
Data will require rather fast imports sometimes of 30-40Mb at once, but imports will come in chunks. So ~95% of the time data will be read only.
Depending on your actual data usage, MySQL or Postgres should be able to handle a couple of billion records on the right hardware. If you have a particular high volume of requests, both of these databases can be replicated across multiple servers (and read replication is quite easy to setup (compared to multiple master/write replication).
The big advantage of using a RDBMS with Rails or Merb is you gain access to all of the excellent tool support for accessing these types of databases.
My advice is to actually profile your data in a couple of these systems and take it from there.
There's a number of different solutions people have used. In my experience it really depends more on your usage patterns related to that data and not the sheer number of rows per table.
For example, "How many inserts/updates per second are occurring." Questions like these will play into your decision of what back-end database solution you'll choose.
Take Google for example: There didn't really exist a storage/search solution that satisfied their needs, so they created their own based on a Map/Reduce model.
A word of warning about HBase and other projects of that nature (don't know anything about CouchDB -- I think it's not really a db at all, just a key-value store):
Hbase is not tuned for speed; it's tuned for scalability. If response speed is at all an issue, run some proofs of concept before you commit to this path.
Hbase does not support joins. If you are using ActiveRecord and have more than one relation.. well you can see where this is going.
The Hive project, also built on top of Hadoop, does support joins; so does Pig (but it's not really sql). Point 1 applies to both. They are meant for heavy data processing tasks, not the type of processing you are likely to be doing with Rails.
If you want scalability for a web app, basically the only strategy that works is partitioning your data and doing as much as possible to ensure the partitions are isolated (don't need to talk to each other). This is a little tricky with Rails, as it assumes by default that there is one central database. There may have been improvements on that front since I looked at the issue about a year and a half ago. If you can partition your data, you can scale horizontally fairly wide. A single MySQL machine can deal with a few million rows (PostgreSQL can probably scale to a larger number of rows but might work a little slower).
Another strategy that works is having a master-slave set up, where all writes are done by the master, and reads are shared among the slaves (and possibly the master). Obviously this has to be done fairly carefully! Assuming a high read/write ratio, this can scale pretty well.
If your organization has deep pockets, check out what Vertica, AsterData, and Greenplum have to offer.
The backend will depend on the data and how the data will be accessed.
But for the ORM, I'd most likely use DataMapper and write a custom DataObjects adapter to get to whatever backend you choose.
I'm not sure what CouchDB not being at 1.0 has to do with it. I'd recommend doing some testing with it (just generate a billion random documents) and see if it'll hold up. I'd say it will, despite not having a specific version number.
CouchDB will help you a lot when it comes to partitioning/sharding your data and like, seems like it might fit with your project -- especially if your data format might change in the future (adding or removing fields) since CouchDB databases have no schema.
There are plenty of optimizations in CouchDB for read-heavy apps as well and, based on my experience with it, is where it really shines.
