get font-weight of an uitextview - ios

I want to resize the font-size in some UITextViews. That works fine with an outlet collection and this code:
for (UITextView *view in self.viewsToResize) {
if ([view respondsToSelector:#selector(setFont:)]) {
[view setFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:view.font.pointSize + 5]];
But my problem is, that not every textView uses the systemFont in normal weight, some of them are in bold weight. Is it possible to get the font-weight? With a po view.font in the debug area I can see everything I need:
$11 = 0x0c596ea0 <UICFFont: 0xc596ea0> font-family: "Helvetica"; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; font-size: 12px
But how can I access the font-weight?
Using a second outlet collection for the bold views could solve my problem. But I'm wondering that I found nothing to get only the font-weight.

I have figured out how to get the font weights, you have to spelunk down to Core Text:
let ctFont = font as CTFont
let traits = CTFontCopyTraits(ctFont)
let dict = traits as Dictionary
if let weightNumber = dict[kCTFontWeightTrait] as? NSNumber {

UIFont does not have a bold/italic/... property, so you will have to rely on the font name only.
This will be a problem if you don't know which fonts will be used.
In the case you know that you will use eg. only Helvetica you can try this:
UIFont *font = textview.font;
if([font.fontName isEqualToString:#"Helvetica-Bold"])
NSLog(#"It's Bold!");
Alternatively you can search font.fontName for the word "bold"/"medium"/"light" etc., but that's not a guarantee you will get something from every available font:
if ([font.fontName rangeOfString:#"bold" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location == NSNotFound) {
NSLog(#"font is not bold");
} else {
NSLog(#"font is bold!");
// if font.fontName contains "medium"....
// if font.fontName contains "italic"....
Check for the available font names.

But my problem is, that not every textView uses the systemFont in
normal weight, some of them are in bold weight.
If you want to use Bold System Font then you can simply use
[UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:15.0];
However, I am still thinking of that special case in which you need to use font-weight.
Update :
There is nothing in the UIFont Class using which you can get font-weight directly. You can take a look at UIFont Class Reference.
Only thing that you can do is to get the font-name and try to find out the "bold" sub-string in the font name. If any match found that means font-weight of that specific font is "bold".
But, still this is not the most efficient method.

You can get a UIFontDescriptor for a font using the fontDescriptor method. Then you get the fontAttributes dictionary of the UIFontDescriptor, get the UIFontDescriptorTraitsAttribute from the dictionary which returns another dictionary, then read the UIFontWeightTrait from that dictionary. Not tested.
Now it's tested: Doesn't work. fontAttributes always returns a dictionary with two keys for font name and font size, and that's it. I suppose "this doesn't work" is also an answer when something should work according to the documentation...
You can try symbolicTraits, but that's not useful either: It returns "bold" only if the whole font family is bold.


iOS - Is it possible to make UIFont SystemFont Italic and Thin (without using fontWithName:)?

My app uses only system fonts, and I am creating them with function -
+ (UIFont * _Nonnull)systemFontOfSize:(CGFloat)fontSize weight:(CGFloat)weight
How Can I make System font Italic with weight UIFontWeightThin?
I cannot use the call for specific family font (fontWithName:) since I want it to be system fonts only.
Thanks :)
You should create Font Descriptor at first that contain the type of your font if it Italic or Bold or Thin, etc..
UIFontDescriptor* desc = [UIFontDescriptor fontDescriptorWithFontAttributes:
UIFontDescriptorFaceAttribute: #"Thin"
after that create a font object that hold the descriptor information
UIFont *font = [UIFont fontWithDescriptor:desc size:17];
So, set you font object to your label.
Now you got a font object using system font but you can change the the type and size of it without using fontWithName.
What about something like this:
[youLabel setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:[youLabel.font fontName] size:UIFontWeightThin]];

NSAttributedString Font Change While Retaining Format Attributes

I have an existing NSAttributedString that may include user edited attributes (i.e. Bold, Italic, Underline). I need to be able to change the base font from say Georgia to Helvetica, while maintaining the format attributes. Setting the font like so, overrides all format attributes (i.e. Georgia-Bold):
NSDictionary *fontFaceStyle = [[NSDictionary alloc] init];
fontFaceStyle = #{NSFontAttributeName:[UIFont fontWithName:#"Helvetica" size:12.0]};
[combinedAttributedTextString setAttributes:fontFaceStyle range:NSMakeRange(0, combinedAttributedTextString.length)];
I have seen some different but related threads that suggest enumerating over each attribute span in the string, make font change, then reapply the applicable format attributes. This seems pretty intensive, and I'm not sure how you'd apply it when multiple attributes could be present (i.e. Bold AND Italic AND Underline).
Thanks for any suggestions.
I had the exact same issue, and enumerating works well. Here "range" is the range you want to work on, and "newFamily" is a font-family. I am using textStorage, which I assume is doing useful cleanup for these types of edits when wrapping with calls to beginEditing() / endEditing().
textStorage.enumerateAttributes(in: range, options: [], using: { attr, attrRange, _ in
if let font = attr[NSFontAttributeName] as? NSFont {
let newFont = NSFontManager.shared().convert(font, toFamily: newFamily)
storage.addAttribute(NSFontAttributeName, value: newFont, range: attrRange)

Attributed string with custom fonts in storyboard does not load correctly

We are using custom fonts in our project. It works well in Xcode 5. In Xcode 6, it works in plain text, attributed string in code. But those attributed strings set in storyboard all revert to Helvetica when running on simulator or device, although they look all right in storyboard.
I'm not sure if it's a bug of Xcode 6 or iOS 8 SDK, or the way to use custom fonts is changed in Xcode 6 / iOS 8?
The simplest answer that worked for is to drag the fonts into FontBook. If the fonts are in your project but not in your computer's FontBook, IB sometimes has trouble finding it. Weird, but has worked for me on several occasions.
The fix for me was to use an IBDesignable class:
import UIKit
#IBDesignable class TIFAttributedLabel: UILabel {
#IBInspectable var fontSize: CGFloat = 13.0
#IBInspectable var fontFamily: String = "DIN Light"
override func awakeFromNib() {
var attrString = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: self.attributedText)
attrString.addAttribute(NSFontAttributeName, value: UIFont(name: self.fontFamily, size: self.fontSize)!, range: NSMakeRange(0, attrString.length))
self.attributedText = attrString
Giving you this in the Interface Builder:
You can set up your attributedstring just as you normal do, but you'll have to set your fontsize and fontfamily once again in the new available properties.
As the Interface Builder is working with the custom font by default, this results in a what you see is what you get, which I prefer when building apps.
The reason I'm using this instead of just the plain version is that I'm setting properties on the attributed label like the linespacing, which are not available when using the plain style.
You can add custom fonts to font book.
Step1: Click on manage fonts. It opens the font book.
Step2: Click on plus and add your fonts.
Next time when you click on font with attributed text newly added font also will show in the list. But make sure your custom font added in info.plist and bundle resources.
My solution is a bit of a work around. The real solution is for apple to fix Interface Builder.
With it you can mark all the bold and italic text in interface builder using a system font, then at runtime render your custom font. May not be optimal in all cases.
NSMutableAttributedString* ApplyCustomFont(NSAttributedString *attributedText,
UIFont* boldFont,
UIFont* italicFont,
UIFont* boldItalicFont,
UIFont* regularFont)
NSMutableAttributedString *attrib = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithAttributedString:attributedText];
[attrib beginEditing];
[attrib enumerateAttribute:NSFontAttributeName inRange:NSMakeRange(0, attrib.length) options:0
usingBlock:^(id value, NSRange range, BOOL *stop)
if (value)
UIFont *oldFont = (UIFont *)value;
[attrib removeAttribute:NSFontAttributeName range:range];
if([oldFont.fontName rangeOfString:#"BoldItalic"].location != NSNotFound && boldItalicFont != nil)
[attrib addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:boldItalicFont range:range];
else if([oldFont.fontName rangeOfString:#"Italic"].location != NSNotFound && italicFont != nil)
[attrib addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:italicFont range:range];
else if([oldFont.fontName rangeOfString:#"Bold"].location != NSNotFound && boldFont != nil)
[attrib addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:boldFont range:range];
else if(regularFont != nil)
[attrib addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:regularFont range:range];
[attrib endEditing];
return attrib;
Inspired by this post
Thanks to this thread, I've come to this solution:
private let fontMapping = [
"HelveticaNeue-Medium": "ITCAvantGardePro-Md",
"HelveticaNeue": "ITCAvantGardePro-Bk",
"HelveticaNeue-Bold": "ITCAvantGardePro-Demi",
func switchFontFamily(string: NSAttributedString) -> NSAttributedString {
var result = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: string)
string.enumerateAttribute(NSFontAttributeName, inRange: NSRange(location: 0, length: string.length), options: nil) { (font, range, _) in
if let font = font as? UIFont {
result.removeAttribute(NSFontAttributeName, range: range)
result.addAttribute(NSFontAttributeName, value: UIFont(name: fontMapping[font.fontName]!, size: font.pointSize)!, range: range)
return result
I have struggled with this bug: UILabel displays correctly in IB with custom font but does not display correctly on device or simulator (font is included in the project and is used in plain UILabels).
Finally found Attributed String Creator on (Mac) App Store. Generates code to be placed in your app in the appropriate place. Fantastic.
I am not the creator, just a happy user.
Met the same problem: the attribute font set for TextView in storyboard didn't work in run time with XCode 6.1 & iOS 8 SDK.
This is how I solved this issue, might be a workaround for you:
open the attribute inspector of your textview, change text to
click on the cross to delete the "wC hR"(red below)
change text to "Attributed", and then you can set the font and size
for your text.
run to check if it works
Try this it will work
In my case when i try to set "Silversky Technology" as Attributed text for label from interface builder its not show when i run in simulator but its show in interface builder. So i used one trick i made Silversky font with 1 pixel bigger then Technology text.
Attribute text have issue with same size of font so change size of 1 word this thing work with me.
May be this is xcode bug but this trick work for me.
Met the same problem: the attribute font for UILabel in storyboard didn't work in run time. Using this UIFont+IBCustomFonts.m works for me
The same problem.
Solved: Just check Selectable in TextView. Without this i have standard System font.
Double click and install the font to the system. It will work (Xcode 8.2)
#Hamidptb solution works, make sure to get the correct name of the font (once you've added it to Font Book)
Open the Font Book application, navigate to your font then press Command+I. The PostScript name is the font name you want to use here:
UILabel.appearance().font = UIFont(name: "PostScriptName", size: 17)
I was trying to get tableView cells with text having multiple paragraphs. The attributed strings seemed to be a way to get extra space between the paragraphs (something a bit nicer looking than doing two line-feeds in the string). Came across this and other posts when I discovered that the IB settings didn't apply at run time when you wanted to put different text in the cell.
The main thing I came up with was adding an extension to String (using Swift) to
create an attributed string with certain characteristics. Example here uses the Marker Felt font, as it is easily distinguishable from Helvetica. The example also shows a little extra bit of spacing between paragraphs to make them more distinct from each other.
extension String {
func toMarkerFelt() -> NSAttributedString {
var style = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
style.paragraphSpacing = 5.0
let markerFontAttributes : [NSObject : AnyObject]? = [
NSFontAttributeName : UIFont(name: "Marker Felt", size: 14.0)!,
NSParagraphStyleAttributeName: style,
NSForegroundColorAttributeName : UIColor.blackColor()
let s = NSAttributedString(string: self, attributes: markerFontAttributes)
return s
Then, in my custom tableViewCell, you send it the text you want and it converts it to an attributed string on the UILabel.
// MarkerFeltCell.swift
class MarkerFeltCell: UITableViewCell {
#IBOutlet weak var myLabel: UILabel!
func configureCellWithString(inputString : String) {
myLabel.attributedText = inputString.toMarkerFelt()
In the view controller with the tableView, you should register your cell in viewDidLoad() -- I used a nib, so something like:
let cellName = "MarkerFeltCell"
tableView.registerNib(UINib(nibName: cellName, bundle: nil), forCellReuseIdentifier: cellName)
To get the cell to figure out how tall it should be, make a prototype cell that is used to get size info, and is never added into the tableView. So, in your
view controller's variables:
var prototypeSummaryCell : MarkerFeltCell? = nil
Then in (probably override - depending on your view controller) heightForRowAtIndexPath:
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGFloat {
// ...
if xib == "MarkerFeltCell" {
if prototypeCell == nil {
prototypeCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier(xib) as? MarkerFeltCell
let width : CGFloat = tableView.bounds.width
let height : CGFloat = prototypeCell!.bounds.height
prototypeCell?.bounds = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: width, height: height)
configureCell(prototypeCell!, atIndexPath: indexPath)
let size = prototypeSummaryCell!.contentView.systemLayoutSizeFittingSize(UILayoutFittingCompressedSize)
let nextHeight : CGFloat = ceil(size.height + 1.0)
return nextHeight
} else { // ...
In the above code, the prototypeCell will be filled in the first time it is needed. The prototypeCell is then used to figure out the height for the cell after going through the autosizing process. You will need to round up the height with the ceil() function. I also added in some extra fudge factor.
The final code bit is how you configure the text for the cell. For this example, simply:
func configureCell(cell :UITableViewCell, atIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
if let realCell = cell as? MarkerFeltCell {
realCell.configureCellWithString("Multi-line string.\nLine 2.\nLine 3.") // Use \n to separate lines
Also, here is a shot of the nib. Pinned the label to the edges of the cell (with margin desired), but used a "Greater Than or Equal" constraint, with a less than "Required" priority for the bottom constraint.
Set the label's font to Attributed. Actual IB font didn't matter.
The result in this case:
In case of attributed string you can add custom font in font list as -
Click on font icon this will display following dialog .In the following dialog you can add your own category or existing one for custom font.attributed font dialog
After it click on Manage Fonts it open the following dialog select category in you created or existing one . Click on + sign to add font in the category.
Manage font dialog
that's have a simple and quick solition and that's work in my case .
that solution is add a code line in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions func in AppDelegate.swift file :
for textViews :
UITextView.appearance().font = UIFont(name: "IranSans", size: 17)
for labels :
UILabel.appearance().font = UIFont(name: "IranSans", size: 17)
and for rest of UiView like this two ☝️
For anyone applying custom fonts to attributed string in code: Try setting it in viewDidLayoutSubviews. My mistake was doing it in viewDidLoad, it won't be applied there.

Unbolding a UIFontDescriptor

I'm using dynamic type in an application and have scenarios where I want to change the font's appearance, for example making it italic or unbolding it. Adding a style is easy enough:
UIFontDescriptor *descriptor = [[UIFontDescriptor preferredFontDescriptorWithTextStyle:UIFontTextStyleHeadline]
UIFont *font = [UIFont fontWithDescriptor:descriptor size:descriptor.pointSize];
There's no clear mechanism for removing a style however. I could try adjusting the attributes but they look even more daunting, with completely undocumented API's:
Regular Headline: {
NSCTFontUIUsageAttribute = UICTFontTextStyleHeadline;
NSFontNameAttribute = ".AppleSystemUIHeadline";
NSFontSizeAttribute = 17;
Italic Headline: {
NSCTFontUIUsageAttribute = UICTFontTextStyleItalicHeadline;
NSFontNameAttribute = ".AppleSystemUIItalicHeadline";
NSFontSizeAttribute = 17;
Is there another avenue I'm missing? I could use [UIFont systemFontWithSize:descriptor.pointSize] but I don't want to lose whatever drawing rules are provided by dynamic type.
The fontDescriptorWithSymbolicTraits: method is actually capable of doing what you want, with the exception of some edge cases in font trait support among the built-in semantic text styles. The key concept here is that this method replaces all symbolic traits on the previous descriptor with the new trait(s). The documentation is a bit wishy-washy on this simply stating that the new traits "take precedence over" the old.
Bitwise operations are used to add and remove specific traits, but it appears that special care is required when working with a descriptor generated by preferredFontDescriptorWithTextStyle:. Not all fonts support all traits. The headline font, for instance, is weighted according to the user's preferred content size and even if you can strip the descriptor of its bold trait, the matching UIFont will be bold. Unfortunately, this is not documented anywhere so the discovery of any additional nuances is left as an exercise for the reader.
The following example illustrates these issues:
// Start with a system font, in this case the headline font
// bold: YES italic: NO
UIFontDescriptor * originalDescriptor = [UIFontDescriptor preferredFontDescriptorWithTextStyle:UIFontTextStyleHeadline];
NSLog(#"originalDescriptor bold: %d italic: %d",
isBold(originalDescriptor), isItalic(originalDescriptor));
// Try to set the italic trait. This may not be what you expected; the
// italic trait is not added. On a normal UIFontDescriptor the italic
// trait would have been set and the bold trait unset.
// Ultimately it seems that there is no variant of the headline font that
// is italic but not bold.
// bold: YES italic: NO
UIFontDescriptor * italicDescriptor = [originalDescriptor fontDescriptorWithSymbolicTraits:UIFontDescriptorTraitItalic];
NSLog(#"italicDescriptor bold: %d italic: %d",
isBold(italicDescriptor), isItalic(italicDescriptor));
// The correct way to make this font descriptor italic (and coincidentally
// the safe way to make any other descriptor italic without discarding its
// other traits) would be as follows:
// bold: YES italic: YES
UIFontDescriptor * boldItalicDescriptor = [originalDescriptor fontDescriptorWithSymbolicTraits:(originalDescriptor.symbolicTraits | UIFontDescriptorTraitItalic)];
NSLog(#"boldItalicDescriptor bold: %d italic: %d",
isBold(boldItalicDescriptor), isItalic(boldItalicDescriptor));
// Your intention was to remove bold without affecting any other traits, which
// is also easy to do with bitwise logic.
// Using the originalDescriptor, remove bold by negating it then applying
// a logical AND to filter it out of the existing traits.
// bold: NO italic: NO
UIFontDescriptor * nonBoldDescriptor = [originalDescriptor fontDescriptorWithSymbolicTraits:(originalDescriptor.symbolicTraits & ~UIFontDescriptorTraitBold)];
NSLog(#"nonBoldDescriptor bold: %d italic: %d",
isBold(nonBoldDescriptor), isItalic(nonBoldDescriptor));
// Seems like it worked, EXCEPT there is no font that matches. Turns out
// there is no regular weight alternative for the headline style font.
// To confirm, test with UIFontDescriptorTraitsAttribute as the mandatory
// key and you'll get back a nil descriptor.
// bold: YES italic: NO
nonBoldDescriptor = [nonBoldDescriptor matchingFontDescriptorsWithMandatoryKeys:nil].firstObject;
NSLog(#"nonBoldDescriptor bold: %d italic: %d",
isBold(nonBoldDescriptor), isItalic(nonBoldDescriptor));
FYI, the isBold and isItalic functions used above for the sake of brevity could be implemented as follows:
BOOL isBold(UIFontDescriptor * fontDescriptor)
return (fontDescriptor.symbolicTraits & UIFontDescriptorTraitBold) != 0;
BOOL isItalic(UIFontDescriptor * fontDescriptor)
return (fontDescriptor.symbolicTraits & UIFontDescriptorTraitItalic) != 0;

Picking a random font from UIFont

How can I pick a random UIFont by name (with a constant size)?
There isn't much more to this question but it seems SO wants more from me so here is some meaningless twaddle.
create an array of all the fonts you want and then use arc4rand to pick a random object at index to use as your font.
Try this:
extension UIFont {
static var random: UIFont {
return UIFont(name: UIFont.familyNames.randomElement()!, size: CGFloat.random(in: 5...15))!
Then use this extension as usual:
let font = UIFont.random
This gives a fully random font with random size (you can of course eliminate this feature if it is not needed)
