Using MultipeerConnectivity.framework to send and receive photos and text files - ios

I want to give to the user of my app the ability to share a photograph without having an internet connection. It is quite hard to explain but I'll do my best. Basically in my app a user can press on a plus button to take a shot using their iPhone. This image is then uploaded on the Internet (Dropbox) in a common folder that can be accessed by all app users. When other users open the app, the image that has been uploaded is downloaded on their device. Since there might be more than one image, the app refreshes itself once in a while, and downloads the new photographs. I want to do the same thing using the bluetooth (or airdrop). When one device takes a picture, this is saved on the device, and sent to all app users nearby. These users can edit it, send it back to the original device where it can be accessed by everyone. basically the original device acts as a server, and all other devices stream the information from that device. The whole purpose of this is to have, say 15 different iOS devices all in the same room in sync which display the same exact thing. When someone edits, all the other people will see it, as if they where in sync with "the cloud" (which now is Dropbox).
I understood that this might be possible with MultipeerConnectivity.framework as it permits more than one device to be connected at the same time. I also found an example app called beam it:
What I'm asking here is not really for some code, rather some indications on how I could approach the problem.


How to automatically bring the url (share-link of share api) of the corresponding app page to the clipboard when a screenshot is detected

literally, I need to know how to automatically bring the url (share-link of share api) of the corresponding app page to the clipboard when a screenshot is detected..
I'm not sure the store allow my app.. but I really want to know it is technically possible
I tried this using Android broadcast receive, and talked with many senior programmer.
But everytime I asked, they were so pessimistic.
I just know how it works in technically.

get user specific ID on IOS

I want to make an IOS app that has information like a task list for a user that syncs across all of their devices - but I hate apps that make you login to something - I'm looking for some id that connects the user - I know you can get the device ID, but hoping more for something like reading the current app store id or something.
Bottom line what I'm trying to achieve is that if someone adds some data on their iphone, it's available on their ipad. Any idea how to do that?
Bottom line what I'm trying to achieve is that if someone adds some data on their iphone, it's available on their ipad. Any idea how to do that?
Yes, it's called iCloud. You just make an app that syncs up into iCloud. No login within the app is required; the user has to be signed into iCloud on their device, but most users are. If you look at Apple's own apps, that is what they are doing; look, for example, at how a Reminders list or a change in Contacts is reflected automatically onto all the user's devices. That's iCloud in action.

Programmatically How to wipe out iPhone or iPad data in i phone apps

I am developing an application for security purpose which has 1 requirement as "Wipe out iPhone or i pad data completely if device is stolen".
While doing search for this functionality, I came across one application "Find My iPhone" here which supports this feature of "remotely wipe out all data".
But i want to this functionality through programmatically in my app.Can someone give me a solution for this problem?
And is it possible to do this functionality through programmatically?
You cannot completely wipe a standard iPhone's data from an app. The app runs in a sandbox environment so you cannot access data from other apps or iOS itself meaning that you cannot wipe it. That being said, you could wipe photos and contacts programmatically as long as the user grants you access to contacts and photos.
There is NO WAY that Apple would let programmers wipe data remotely for the entire device.
Instead of doing that, maybe you should have functionality in your app where if server returns a particular flag, you would delete all the data stored locally on your app, by you (like login details for your app, personal data stored in Documents). I suggest that, because I've done it before.

Can I find out the location of an app's icon on the home screen?

Is is possible to dynamically figure out the position of an app's icon on the home screen of an iphone/ipad?
Sorry I don't have enough credit to comment yet so I'm posting here.
To my knowledge no you cannot natively or easily do this. I know of no open source or other libraries. The reason being that your app exists in its own world, it is not in touch per say with the rest of the device. It can get permissions to read and write data but it doesn't know of itself.
Does that make sense?
When you open a website it cannot know which tab it is in the browser. Instead it knows how it was accessed and what device (physically) is using it. It knows the user-agent, the time, the browser, etc because that is information sent to it in the request. In turn the phone on launch gives data to the app in how to handle it but not for example how many other apps are running, or where it is on the screen. It's not normally considered relevant to run time. In addition it's a security feature in preventing an app from deleting or altering other apps, as well as itself. If you have an iPhone you will notice that SIRI cannot turn off google maps navigation or any other non-apple specific app. Only apps natively comparable and private party ones (ex apples) are accessible because Apple did that intentionally. They all know of their own existence and each others. However non-native in the sense of apps that do not come preinstalled and manufactured by the company creating the device are less trustworthy, in addition there are no guarantees about how they will be run by the device, where they will be, or what other apps will be there.
It is true that an app can request for another app it may be comparable with but it is up the user to handle that information.
May I ask for curiosities sake why you are trying to do this? Are there any other workarounds?
However in terms of it being physically possible, yes. I doubt that apple allows independent developers to do this however. But an example of this occurring may be gridlock where a user can move their apps around differently on the screen. The app in this case has the ability to access app position. But I believe in this case app position is about the UI and not about nested files. apps cannot to my knowledge modify information outside of their own file. Imagine if you had an app that could edit other games scores.
It is not possible to dynamically find out the position of an app's icon on the Home Screen (even for jailbreak apps). Apple wants you to respect the user's privacy settings.
Extra Info - There is popular JavaScript library that adds a promo bubble to the bottom of your mobile web application, inviting users to bookmark the app to their device's home screen.

open the camera app while iphone in lock mode programmatically

I'm looking for solution that will enable my app to get an event from the server while the phone is in lock mode, when the event occurs the app will open the camera and take a picture.
while the phone remains locked and send the picture to the server in the back ground.
is it possible?
will apple store allow this kind of application?
Clarification:: the idea is not to take a picture without the user knowledge, the goal is to have him take a quick picture without having to open the phone & the application in order for that picture to be taken. If there is a solution that allows me to add a button like the camera build in next to the lock that's a great solution too.
Short answers
This is a huge violation of privacy, and has a great potential for abuse, therefore, there is no way to sneak pictures away from the user's device on demand.
You could send a push notification and ask a user to take a photo and upload it to your server on the other hand.
