Open a link in web browser using flash swf - actionscript

I am new to flash coding and didn't know much more.
I want to make a flash file that send URL to web browser to open particular link.
I've made such file it execute properly but after making swf file, it does not open the link.
Any one help me regarding this small problem.

Check out navigateToURL():
Note that it won't work unless it's triggered by a user action; i.e. a mouse click or a key press


Code that can look at open browser tabs and store the urls?

I am attempting to write a program that looks at the current browser you have open, goes through each tab, and copies and pastes each page's url into a notepad file.
I have no issue with writing the file; my main concern is that I can't find anything in any language that can look at the browser, sift through the tabs, and scrape the url.
Does anyone know if this would be possible, any code that might be able to help (in any language), or if something like this exists? I would appreciate anyone pointing me in the right direction.
The software I was looking for did not exist, so I created it. It's a chrome extension called Raincheck

Start a dowload from external link in Rails

I'm trying to write code in my controller download to start a download from some external url say So far I have built it this way:
def download
redirect_to ''
It works but the problem is that it opens a video in the same tab. What I want is that it should start a download in the browser of this video.
I searched about it in forums but couldn't find any solution. All I found was a way to download the video first using the URL and then provide it as download but that's not what I want. I want the download to start directly from the external URL.
I think this might help you: Download from a link with HTML5
In your case it would be:
download me
That way, from the same webpage you are, when the user clicks on it, it will start the download and you don't go throught the controller, but in case you want to go throught the controller "download" and then just render a page with some kind of information saying that is downloading or something else, then put that link I wrote above somewhere in that page (and if you want, you can give it a class name and with css hide that class so that link is not visible but it is there) and at the end a Javascript function that calls itself when it is loaded and performs the action of clicking to that link:
I should clarify that $('#whateverIdYouGiveToTheLink').click(); is jQuery and not pure Javascript, but since you are using Rails I assume the project has jQuery (by default Rails comes with jQuery).

open an excel file located on the server instead of download it MVC

I'm building a Reporting web application right now with MVC3 and I've come up to a couple problems.
My goal is to have it able to generate and view Crystal Reports, SSRS reports, and Excel documents.
Right now I'm working on the Excel segment and I'm running into more trouble than I thought I would. First off, when I link directly to the file, it either opens inside the browser or it downloads it from the server and if the user makes changes it doesn't actually save it to the true file on the server.
I've tried both linking to the file directly using Razor and a ViewModel with the path to the document as well as directing it to an action that returned a File.
I've also tried linking it to a shortcut to the actual file thinking that if I could open the shortcut it would open the file the way I wanted it to and unfortunately it didn't really open at all.
The users already have access to the files on the server through a network drive, so as of right now they can go into the server, open the excel document, edit and save it no problem. I want to duplicate this effect through a link. The program already has a file browser built, so I can browse between the files and make links to the reports.
Thanks in advance!
Since they are apparently on a network drive, you can just link to the files directly, relative to the user?
For example: a link to file://///SERVERNAME/folder/
I tested it between two computers on the network, and that seems to work. However, you still get a popup asking that you want to do with the file, open or save. (both in firefox and IE)
Note: Yes, that many slashes seem necessary, lol

delphi prevent access files from TwebBrowser

I use TEmbeddedWB (internet explorer activex) in my projects.
I want to prevent people from uploading files:
ex: goto and then attch a file: Internet explorer opens the upload file windows that allows people to access local disk.
Is there a simple way to prevent this windows from being displayed ?
It sounds like you are trying to "sandbox" your app so that your users cannot access the local file system. Perhaps you're building an app that is hosted on Citrix with multiple users, and if one of them "breaks out" of the app, they can run rampant through the file system on the server.
I don't know if there is a simple answer to this particular question, but I recommend that you look at the total problem before trying to solve the individual issues, as you may find that there are just too many. For instance, in the browser ActiveX, you can also "view source". That probably opens Notepad on the server. From there, you can run rampant. Do you have CHM help? From the help window, you can also access the "open file" dialog. Do you allow the user to open/save files through your regular menus? Same issue. How about hyperlinks? If your About box has a hyperlink, that's an easy way to pop open a browser. Can the user enter an address for browsing in your embedded ActiveX? If so, can they enter things like: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
You could decouple the navigation, do it yourself, sanitize the HTML then display the sanitized version. Unfortunately you would have to do this for ALL resources and would need to handle the numerous JavaScript libraries. For basic HTML, look for <input type="file". This would at least catch the basic usage, but not the more advanced usage.
A simpler solution might be to limit what URL's the browser can navigate too and only allow URL's you know are safe.
Assuming you don't want them to browse the local machine, if you solve the "open file" problem the same issue exists if you have a "save file" dialog. You may have to close those loops by replacing the browser popup menu with one that does not have any "Save x As..." options.

Download a static file in Silverlight 3 without using SaveFileDialog

I have a Silverlight 3 app that that will let users download PDF files of static content. The problem is that the SaveFileDialog in Silverlight 3 does not allow you to specify the default filename that appears in the dialog box. This means that users have to type the name themselves and this is confusing for them since they are accustomed to a "simple" save dialog which only asks them to either Save or Cancel. All users are using IE7 or IE8.
I've tried to find a solution by the following methods:
Open the file new window using HtmlPage.Window.Navigate hoping to prompt a download (which obviously fails since it opens the file in a new window)
Using the SaveFileDialog (which we don't want to use for the aforementioned reason)
How can a file be downloaded in Silverlight such that a user-initiated save dialog only gives users the option to Save/Cancel instead of prompting to type a file name?
This is a well-known issue with SL3 SaveFileDialog. Unfortunately, there is currently nothing on the horizon that says it will get fixed other than someone at MSFT saying something to the effect of "if we have some time, we'll fix it for SL4". There is a bit of a riot by developers over at
Did you try setting the default extension on the SaveFileDialog? See MSDN documentation:
