One ' to much in string - ruby-on-rails

I try to write to an string something like this:
arr << "Icd3code.create!({:text => '#{variable1}'})" + "\n"
My problem is that variable 1 is an string, that contains an ' :
variable1 = "Ami's house"
So that at the end the ouput of my code is this:
Icd3code.create!({:text => 'Ami's house'})
How you can see now i have one ' to much! I dont know what i can do to avoid this problem! Thanks

If I've understood, you want to loop over some input, building up a list of parameters, which you plan to later use to create some records. If that's the case, I think you're better off using hashes, instead of strings:
# Let's pretend this came from the big, bad, world
inputs = ["Ami's house", "Fred's house", "Jim's house"]
creation_params = []
inputs.each do |input|
creation_params << {:text => input}
Then you could create all the Icd3codes, like this:
creation_params.each do |params|
Or you could save them in a text file, for later:'dest', 'w') do |f|

variable1 = "Ami's house"
puts %Q[Icd3code.create!({:text => "#{variable1}"})] + "\n"
Icd3code.create!({:text => "Ami's house"})


Simpler way to alternate upper and lower case words in a string

I recently solved this problem, but felt there is a simpler way to do it. I looked into inject, step, and map, but couldn't figure out how to implement them into this code. I want to use fewer lines of code than I am now. I'm new to ruby so if the answer is simple I'd love to add it to my toolbag. Thank you in advance.
goal: accept a sentence string as an arg, and return the sentence with words alternating between uppercase and lowercase
def alternating_case(str)
newstr = []
words = str.split
words.each.with_index do |word, i|
if i.even?
newstr << word.upcase
newstr << word.downcase
newstr.join(" ")
You could reduce the number of lines in the each_with_index block by using a ternary conditional (true/false ? value_if_true : value_if_false):
words.each.with_index do |word, i|
newstr << i.even? ? word.upcase : word.downcase
As for a different way altogether, you could iterate over the initial string, letter-by-letter, and then change the method when you hit a space:
def alternating_case(str)
#downcase = true
new_str = { |letter| set_case(letter)}
def set_case(letter)
#downcase != #downcase if letter == ' '
return #downcase ? letter.downcase : letter.upcase
We can achieve this by using ruby's Array#cycle.
Array#cycle returns an Enumerator object which calls block for each element of enum repeatedly n times or forever if none or nil is given.
cycle_enum = [:upcase, :downcase].cycle
#=> #<Enumerator: [:upcase, :downcase]:cycle> { }
#=> [:upcase, :downcase, :upcase, :downcase, :upcase]
Now, using the above we can write it as following:
word = "dummyword"
cycle_enum = [:upcase, :downcase].cycle { |c| c.public_send( }.join("")
#=> "DuMmYwOrD"
Note: If you are new to ruby, you may not be familiar with public_send or Enumberable module. You can use the following references.
#send & #public_send

Remove characters after any tags

I am working in rails. I have one doubt.
1. a = "ABCD123"
I want to print ABCD123
2. b = "ABCDE<123>"
I want to print ABCDE
For that I am using this
a.scan(/\b[A-Za-z]+\b/).join and
First one is giving nil but I want to print it as ABCD123 and second one is showing correct what I want.
Could anyone please help me. Thanks.
code below can remove all tags in the string
a = "ABCD123"
b = "ABCDE<123>"
a.gsub /<.*?>/, '' # => "ABCD123"
b.gsub /<.*?>/, '' # => "ABCDE"
def conversion(str)
index_number = str.index(/[\W_]+/)
if index_number.present?
main_str = str.gsub(str[index_number..],'')
main_str = str
return main_str
or you can use
b = "ABCD-123"
#=> "ABCD"
You can try following,
b = "ABCDE<123>"
# => "ABCDE"
Since comments are a bit limited:
Here is a small snippet to test different inputs.
strings = %w[ABCD123 ABCD<123> ABCD <123>ABCDE]
strings.each do |string|
match = string.match(/(^[A-Za-z0-9]+)/)
if match
puts "'#{string}' => #{match[1]}"
puts "'#{string}' does not match pattern"
Is this the desired behaviour?
'ABCD123' => ABCD123
'ABCD<123>' => ABCD
'<123>ABCDE' does not match pattern

Ruby - Find the ending of a filename within certain parameters

I'm needing to get secondary images for a product (which could have up to 10 images), but having a bit of an issue. Where the issue lies is secondary_images/#{id}_20.jpg. The _20 could be anything from _1 to _11 and _01 to _30. Unfortunately when the images were put into the system, they weren't 100% cohesive with the naming convention. I'd change the names, but there are over 50,000 images. What would be the proper way accomplish this?
*This code does work if the secondary_images/#{id} does end in _20.
def image_url(type = nil)
no_image = type.nil? ? 'no-image-lg.png' : 'no-image.png'
return "//img#{rand(0..9)}{no_image}" unless has_image?
require 'net/http'
id = sprintf('%07d', master_product_id)
url = if type == 'secondaries'
elsif type == 'thumbnail'
url = URI.parse(URI.encode(url.to_s))
req =, url.port)
res = req.request_head(url.path)
res.code == '200' ? url.to_s : "//img#{rand(0..9)}{no_image}"
def images
images = {}
images['main'] = image_url
images['thumbnail'] = image_url 'thumbnail'
images['secondaries'] = image_url 'secondaries'
Thanks guys!
It's not pretty, but you can use the following regex to match the corresponding digits.
Here's an example:
It's really difficult to tell what you want, but perhaps it'll help to know that Ruby includes routines that make it easy to get at the filename in a path. Once you have that it's easy to extract parts of the name since it's string manipulation.
def get_image_num(fname)
File.basename(fname, File.extname(fname)).split('_').last
].map{ |s|
# => ["1", "11", "01", "30", "20"]
If you need to get both the id value, and the file number, I'd do something like:
def get_image_num(fname)
File.basename(fname, File.extname(fname)).split('_')
].map{ |s|
# => [["123", "1"], ["123", "11"], ["123", "01"], ["123", "30"], ["123", "20"]]

Turning spaces into underscores in CSV headers in Rails

I'm trying to upload rows from a CSV file into my database, but the spaces in the headers keep messing me up. So for example, the header will be "Order Item Id" and I want the hash key to be "order_item_id". Here's what my code looks like now:
CSV.foreach(file.path, headers:true, :header_converters => lambda { |h| h.try(:downcase) }, col_sep: ';') do |row|
product_hash = row.to_hash
product = OrderCsv.where(id: product_hash["id"])
if product.count ==1
I've tried editing the product_hash with product_hash.keys.each { |k| k = "..." }
but it doesn't do anything. I've also tried creating a header converter like the one that does the downcasing, but I wasn't able to make that work either. Sorry if this is a newb question, but I've been looking everywhere for an answer and none of them have been working for me. Thanks a lot!
You can concatenate the replacement after the downcase, in the :header_converters, like this:
lambda { |h| h.try(:downcase).try(:gsub,' ', '_') }
Try this:
product_hash = { "Order Item Id" => 2 }
product_hash = product_hash.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), h|
h[k.parameterize.underscore] = v
puts product_hash # {"order_item_id"=>2}
In case anyone else stumble upon this question you can make use of :symbol header_converter
The header String is downcased, spaces are replaced with underscores, non-word characters are dropped, and finally to_sym() is called.
CSV.foreach(csv_path, headers: true, header_converters: :symbol) do |row|
# do stuff
If you wish to convert a hash with keys containing spaces to a hash with keys containing underscores, you can do the following
hash_with_spaces = {"order item id" => '1', "some other id" => '2'}
new_hash = hash_with_spaces.inject({}) do |h, (k, v)|
h[k.gsub(' ', '_')] = v ; h
#=> {"order_item_id"=>"1", "some_other_id"=>"2"}

Write simple rails code better

I'm newbie on rails.
In my form I get string like "123, xxx_new item, 132, xxx_test "
if the item start with "xxx_" than its mean that i should add the item to the db otherwise enter the value
this is my code and i sure that there is a better way to write this code
tags = params[:station][:tag_ids].split(",")
params[:station][:tag_ids] = []
tags.each do |tag|
if tag[0,4] =="xxx_"
params[:station][:tag_ids] << Tag.create(:name => tag.gsub('xxx_', '')).id
params[:station][:tag_ids]<< tag
I'm looking for how to improve my code syntax
What about:
tags = params[:station][:tag_ids].split(',')
params[:station][:tag_ids] = tags.each_with_object([]) do |tag, array|
array << tag.start_with?('xxx_') ? Tag.create(name: tag[4..-1]).id : tag
