Eventbrite - buy multiple tickets - eventbrite

Is it possible to use the APIs to do payments to multiple events with one call to eventbrite?

Its actually not possible to purchase any tickets via the API. That work needs to be done by sending users to your Eventbrite event page.


How can I add orders to the US walmart marketplace that will show in there released orders api?

I'm a developer trying to integrate the walmart marketplace orders api into a website. I have been using there sandbox which works well enough to a point. I want to actually try adding orders of real items that we've added in walmart but I'm unaware of a way to create test orders so that they would then show in the /v3/orders/released api. Is there no way to create orders like that using the API? Do I just actually purchase our items using walmart site and then cancel orders?
I was going to try their fulfillment api but our account isn't setup to use that since we fulfill the order ourselves.

Is there a way to use a bot, webhook, or some other connector to be notified when someone joins an online Teams Meeting?

Our company uses Teams Online Meetings extensively. Teams is a great product and is a wonderful communication tool. We have a scenario where we need to be notified when a participant joins a Teams meeting, leaves the meeting, or the meeting ends (all participants have left).
Can a bot, webhook, or connector be setup to listen to those events? Also, these meetings will be dynamically created real-time (not a scheduled event) using the Microsoft Graph API. Can the bot, webhook or connector be programmatically added to the meeting in order to receive the join, leave and end meeting events?
Thanks for your help,
Yes and No...
The problem is that you can think of a "bot" as a virtual teams client for a bot user. So it has the same limitations as a "normal" client (in most cases). So unless you invite the bot into the call or the bot is already in the call (e.g. started the call) then no you can't do what you want. If the bot IS in the call already then yes you can do what you want. The bot can invite, drop participants and end calls.
There is another way, you can create a Policy Recording Bot and will automatically insert itself into every call for a user that has the policy set to them. There is a overhead that the call start up time is a lot greater and all such calls are now conference calls. So the media is NOT endpoint to endpoint any longer. See the sample for an example of this type of bot.
The other downside would be that Microsoft may not like what you are doing using the Policy Recording Bot for non-recording purposes.

How to make your bot user reply with a simple help message using slack bot

I have created a slack bot and I want to send a general static help message to users when they send a direct message to my bot:
Should I subscribe to Events API? Or do I need to do this in another way? I couldn't find a clear answer for this.
There are two ways to do make your bot user reply to direct messages:
Events API
Real Time Messaging API
In my opinion the Events API approach is easier to implement since it does not require using WebSockets.
The basic approach with the Events API is:
You need an endpoint that can receive event requests from Slack and
react to it, e.g. by sending a direct message back to a user.
Subscribe to message.im event for your bot user
Note that a bot user already has all the required scopes for this with the bot scope.
In addition I would recommend to subscribe to app.mention for your bot user. Then it can also react to mentions in other channels.
Btw. that message you posted looks a lot like a review comment from the Slack team for a new app submission. I got a similar one for my last app and I solved it with the approach above. In general it looks like if you want to have a bot user in your app it needs to be able to respond to help request from users.

Google Now Bill Reminder

My company is looking to have Google Now Bill Reminders from emails to our clients so they are reminded when to pay.
We aren't looking to integrate a separate app or anything, we just want it directly through Google Now/Gmail.
My question is, is there any definitive structure our emails need to be in, or any information we must include for the Google Now reminders to work? Or does the Now card need to be integrated completely in order to work?
Any links etc to documentation regarding the bill reminder feature so we can look into this? Or if it does need to be integrated, are there any links to API integration so we can forward this to a developer?
Thanks in advance
Based from this Google Now documentation:
Google Now brings users the right information at just the right time. For example, Google Now already provides updates to restaurant and hotel reservations or flight information received in Gmail. By marking up email notifications to your users, you can use Google Now to bring them similar updates about your services and products.
Be mindful that only some types are supported in Google Now. For example, use Event Reservation type to declare a reservation for one or more guests at an event.
For your case, you can check on this blog and this forum. Basically, Google Now is most useful for its ability to contextualize information from your Calendar and Gmail to send you alerts when you actually need them. Google Now introduced a new feature that makes it easier to keep track of which phone/Internet/education loan bills are actually due. Source.

Paypal sandbox integration with eventBrite

I have integrated EventBirte Ticket widget on my site, when some one buy that ticket and make payment and confirmation URL is there that notify me that payment process done with success or or not, but think is that I need a test run with paypal sandbox, to test all my work process.
One thing more I am using EventBrite PHP API for generating Event and Ticket.
Any one have an idea please let me know.
You can test your code without generating any fees by setting up an event with free tickets.
Eventbrite is always free to use whenever your tickets are free.
You should be able to use the Eventbrite API payment_update method, or the web-based event administration interface to configure your paypal email address (or a paypal sandbox email address).
I would refer to this question for help with post-purchase notification hooks:
Are there any callbacks available in the eventbrite api?
