To what extent Dynamic lib can be decoded or decompressed? - ios - ios

I'm developing a dynamic library for an iOS application(not for apple store). Given an IPA, to what extent my dynamic library can be decompressed by hacker/user? can my method definitions in dynamic library read while decompressing? Thanks in advance.

From man dyldinfo:
dyldinfo(1) BSD General Commands Manual dyldinfo(1)
dyldinfo -- Displays information used by dyld in an executable
dyldinfo [-arch arch-name] [-dylibs] [-rebase] [-bind] [-weak_bind] [-lazy_bind] [-export] [-opcodes]
[-function_starts] file(s)
Executables built for Mac OS X 10.6 and later have a new format for the information in the __LINKEDIT
segment. The dyldinfo tool will display that information.
The options are as follows:
-arch arch
Only display the specified architecture. Other architectures in a universal image are ignored.
Display the table of dylibs on which this image depends.
Display the table of rebasing information. Rebasing is what dyld does when an image is not
loaded at its preferred address. Typically, this involves updating pointers in the __DATA seg-
ment which point within the image.
-bind Display the table of binding information. These are the symbolic fix ups that dyld must do
when an image is loaded.
Display the table of weak binding information. Typically, only C++ progams will have any weak
binding. These are symbols which dyld must unique accross all images.
Display the table of lazy binding information. These are symbols which dyld delays binding
until they are first used. Lazy binding is automatically used for all function calls to func-
tions in some external dylib.
Display the table symbols which this image exports.
Display the low level opcodes used to encode all rebase and binding information.
Decodes the list of function start addresses.
This is just one example of the tools that can be used for analysis of dylibs. On my machine, for instance, I ran it on one of OpenSceneGraph's dylibs and here is a snippet I got:
0x143942 __ZN3osg13gluDeleteTessEPNS_13GLUtesselatorE
0x143968 __ZL9GotoStatePN3osg13GLUtesselatorE9TessState
0x143AA9 __ZN3osg15gluTessPropertyEPNS_13GLUtesselatorEjd
0x143B75 __ZN3osg18gluGetTessPropertyEPNS_13GLUtesselatorEjPd
0x143C70 __ZN3osg13gluTessNormalEPNS_13GLUtesselatorEddd
0x143C85 __ZN3osg15gluTessCallbackEPNS_13GLUtesselatorEjPFvvE
0x143E44 __ZN3osg13gluTessVertexEPNS_13GLUtesselatorEPdPv
0x143FE4 __ZL10EmptyCachePN3osg13GLUtesselatorE
0x144063 __ZL9AddVertexPN3osg13GLUtesselatorEPdPv
0x14411A __ZN3osg19gluTessBeginPolygonEPNS_13GLUtesselatorEPv
0x144161 __ZN3osg19gluTessBeginContourEPNS_13GLUtesselatorE
0x1441A1 __ZN3osg17gluTessEndContourEPNS_13GLUtesselatorE
0x1441C9 __ZN3osg17gluTessEndPolygonEPNS_13GLUtesselatorE
__DATA __const 0x001D9D28 pointer 0 __ZTv0_n72_NK3osg6Camera12DrawCallback9classNameEv
__DATA __data 0x001E8208 pointer 0 __ZTv0_n72_NK3osg6Camera12DrawCallback9classNameEv
__DATA __data 0x001E84E8 pointer 0 __ZTv0_n72_NK3osg6Camera12DrawCallback9classNameEv
__DATA __const 0x001DA5F8 pointer 0 __ZTv0_n72_NK3osg8Drawable12CullCallback9classNameEv
__DATA __data 0x001E57E8 pointer 0 __ZTv0_n72_NK3osg8Drawable12CullCallback9classNameEv
And like always, pulling out strings and other const data is ridiculously easy. (The following is from a .so ... I couldn't find an x86 dylib on my system in my 30 seconds of searching ... the method is the same, though) (oh and you can tell that I disasm'd a library shipped with valgrind):
If you have strings consisting of sensitive data then those can easily be pulled from your libs... this is what I got from just dropping one lib into IDA:
__cstring:00003A58 ; Segment type: Pure data
__cstring:00003A58 __cstring segment dword public 'DATA' use32
__cstring:00003A58 assume cs:__cstring
__cstring:00003A58 ;org 3A58h
__cstring:00003A58 aDevRandom db '/dev/random',0 ; DATA XREF: _vgr00000ZU_libSystemZdZaZddylib_arc4random+17o
__cstring:00003A58 ; __data:__crashreporter_info__o
__cstring:00003A64 aValgrind_launc db 'VALGRIND_LAUNCHER',0 ; DATA XREF: vg_cleanup_env+1Co
__cstring:00003A76 aDyld_shared_re db 'DYLD_SHARED_REGION',0
__cstring:00003A89 aDyld_insert_li db 'DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES',0
__cstring:00003A9F align 10h
__cstring:00003AA0 aInstrumentedBy db 'Instrumented by Valgrind 3.8.1',0
__cstring:00003AA0 __cstring ends
This is where you'd find all the const strings that are used. Below this section (not shown) is the "pure data" section where other const data is stored.
So, again, it totally depends on exactly what information is sensitive.


Trouble getting started with Metal shader compilation

I'm having trouble getting started with Metal's shader compilation.
How to make a MTLLibrary that can link to a MTLDynamicLibrary (or MTLLinkedFunctions), in particular a library that declares extern functions that are to be resolved at runtime when providing preloadedLibraries (or linkedFunctions) in the compute pipeline descriptor? For example, I can compile the following to air using xcrun metal (with option -c), but then invoking xcrun metallib (even with option --split-module-without-linking) gives the error LLVM ERROR: Undefined symbol: _Z3addjj. In other words, how do I make a 'partially bound' metal library?
// shader.h
extern uint add(uint a, uint b);
/// shader.metal
#include "shader.h"
kernel void kernel_func(uint gid [[ thread_position_in_grid ]]) { add(gid,2); }
WWDC2021 mentions this extern technique, but the Dynamic Library Code Sample from the previous year doesn't use extern (or the installName), so I don't make sense of it.
When creating an executable library that uses a dynamic library, there are two points where you must include the dynamic library (I thought there was only one).
The process is different depending on whether the executable source is compiled at build or runtime. I'll describe for the case of runtime, because I haven't yet figured out the case for the executable library created from a metallib file.
The first point is when you compile the executable, where you must include the dynamic library in the libraries field of the CompileOptions. The library is there at this point just as a dummy, to check that you have a dynamic library that defines the declarations allowing for proper linkage, though that linkage doesn't occur at this stage, just the checking.
The second point is when you create the pipeline state, where you must include the dynamic library in the preloadedLibraries field of the pipeline descriptor. This time, the dynamic library is not a dummy but the real library you plan to use, as it will be linked with the executable during pipeline creation.

Visual studio generating corrupt (or maybe empty) library file

This was all working a few days ago. Not sure what changed.
I have a bunch of 32 bit library files which I am building on Windows 10 with VS2019. When I try to link with them, I get an error saying that the library file is corrupt. I've tried rebuilding, repairing visual studio, and rebooting.
1>CVTRES : fatal error CVT1107: 'C:\sandbox\debug\WinIPC.lib' is corrupt
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt
Looking at one particular library, it is 40 megs in size which seems reasonable. Dumpbin /all, however, shows this
0 machine (Unknown)
0 number of sections
0 time date stamp
0 file pointer to symbol table
0 number of symbols
0 size of optional header
0 characteristics
I have four library files that show this problem and several that don't. I don't see any difference in the way that they are built.
I do see from the dumpbin output that the libraries that don't work are file type "COFF OBJECT" while the ones which do work are "Library"
In the release build, visual studio does NOT complain about the file being corrupt, but it does complain about the symbols that should be in the library being unresolved, and dumpbin still shows that the file is empty.
Anyone have any suggestions?

STM32F0 with ADC and DMA with Renode

I'm trying to run an application on Renode that uses ADC and DMA for the STM32F030F4P, I created a stm32f0.repl file with the dma and adc as follows:
dma: DMA.STM32LDMA # sysbus 0x40020000
[0] -> nvic#[9]
adc: Analog.STM32F0_ADC # sysbus 0x40012400
referenceVoltage: 3.3
externalEventFrequency: 1000
-> nvic#12
dmaChannel: 1
dmaPeripheral: dma
When I run Renode, I get the following error:
For parameter 'dmaPeripheral' of type 'Antmicro.Renode.Peripherals.DMA.IDMA' found attribute at C:\Program Files\Renode\platforms\cpus\stm32f0.repl:151:5 with value [ReferenceValue: dma]
Parameter is not assignable from the reference value, constructor rejected.
At C:\Program Files\Renode\platforms\cpus\stm32f0.repl:146:6:
adc: Analog.STM32F0_ADC # sysbus 0x40012400
What is the correct value for dmaPeripheral?
As it's optional, you can remove it completely. This would lead to DMA not being used.
It seems that what you have written should be doable, and it's a bug that it's not possible. The STM32LDMA should implement the IDMA interface and it doesn't.
I would suggest filing a bug on Renode's GitHub
Disclaimer: I'm one of Renode developers

Variants recursively uses itself?

I'm trying to build a debug version of rtl140.bpl to make debugging apps with runtime packages easier. I built the DPK and ran DCC32 on it, and it gets a ways in, then dies.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\7.0\source\Win32\rtl\sys\Variants.pas(1072) Fatal: F2092 Program or unit 'Variants' recursively uses itself
But looking at Variants.pas, I can't see how. It only uses SysUtils and Types in the interface section, and neither of those use Variants, or use anything that uses Variants.
Does anyone have any idea why this is breaking?
This is one of the main reasons why we (the RAD Studio team) do not recommend rebuilding the core rtl package. It needs to be done very carefully and the units need to be listed in the contains section in a specific order.
Variants is a bit of a "bastard" unit. The compiler has specific knowledge of it such that when it sees the use of the Variant type, it will automatically add Variants to the uses list in order to ensure the actual RTL support for the Variant type is present. System.pas defers most all variant operations to the Variants unit, but since System cannot use any other units other than SysInit (which is also a very special unit), the compiler has to get involved.
At this time, I don't have any specific suggestions to make this work, other than try to rearrange the contains list in the .dpk and try again. Here's the contains list from the rtl.dpk that we used to build that package:
Variants in 'sys\Variants.pas',
VarUtils in 'sys\VarUtils.pas',
SysConst in 'sys\SysConst.pas',
SysUtils in 'sys\SysUtils.pas',
SyncObjs in 'common\SyncObjs.pas',
Types in 'sys\Types.pas',
VCLCom in 'common\VCLCom.pas',
ComConst in 'common\ComConst.pas',
ComObj in 'common\ComObj.pas',
ComObjWrapper in 'common\ComObjWrapper.pas',
RTLConsts in 'common\RTLConsts.pas',
Contnrs in 'common\Contnrs.pas',
ConvUtils in 'common\ConvUtils.pas',
DateUtils in 'common\DateUtils.pas',
IniFiles in 'common\IniFiles.pas',
Masks in 'common\Masks.pas',
Math in 'common\Math.pas',
Registry in 'common\Registry.pas',
StdConvs in 'common\StdConvs.pas',
StdVCL in 'common\StdVCL.pas',
StrUtils in 'common\StrUtils.pas',
TypInfo in 'common\TypInfo.pas',
VarConv in 'common\VarConv.pas',
VarCmplx in 'common\VarCmplx.pas',
Classes in 'common\Classes.pas',
MaskUtils in 'common\MaskUtils.pas',
HelpIntfs in 'common\HelpIntfs.pas',
ScktComp in 'common\ScktComp.pas',
AccCtrl in 'win\AccCtrl.pas',
AclAPI in 'win\AclAPI.pas',
ActiveX in 'win\ActiveX.pas',
ComSvcs in 'win\ComSvcs.pas',
ADOInt in 'win\ADOInt.pas',
AspTlb in 'win\AspTlb.pas',
COMAdmin in 'win\COMAdmin.pas',
CommCtrl in 'win\CommCtrl.pas',
CommDlg in 'win\CommDlg.pas',
Cpl in 'win\Cpl.pas',
DDEml in 'win\DDEml.pas',
Dlgs in 'win\Dlgs.pas',
DwmApi in 'win\DwmApi.pas',
FlatSB in 'win\FlatSB.pas',
ImageHlp in 'win\ImageHlp.pas',
Imm in 'win\Imm.pas',
Isapi in 'win\Isapi.pas',
Isapi2 in 'win\Isapi2.pas',
LZExpand in 'win\LZExpand.pas',
Mapi in 'win\Mapi.pas',
Messages in 'win\Messages.pas',
MMSystem in 'win\MMSystem.pas',
msxml in 'win\msxml.pas',
Mtx in 'win\Mtx.pas',
MultiMon in 'win\MultiMon.pas',
Nb30 in 'win\Nb30.pas',
Ns30Fix in 'win\Ns30Fix.pas',
Ns35Fix in 'win\Ns35Fix.pas',
Ns36Fix in 'win\Ns36Fix.pas',
Nsapi in 'win\Nsapi.pas',
ObjComAuto in 'common\ObjComAuto.pas',
ObjAuto in 'common\ObjAuto.pas',
OleDB in 'win\OleDB.pas',
OleDlg in 'win\OleDlg.pas',
OpenGL in 'win\OpenGL.pas',
oleacc in 'win\oleacc.pas',
Penwin in 'win\Penwin.pas',
PsAPI in 'win\PsAPI.pas',
RegStr in 'win\RegStr.pas',
RichEdit in 'win\RichEdit.pas',
ShellAPI in 'win\ShellAPI.pas',
SHFolder in 'win\SHFolder.pas',
ShlObj in 'win\ShlObj.pas',
ShLwApi in 'win\ShLwApi.pas',
StrHlpr in 'sys\StrHlpr.pas',
TlHelp32 in 'win\TlHelp32.pas',
UrlMon in 'win\UrlMon.pas',
UxTheme in 'win\UxTheme.pas',
VarHlpr in 'sys\VarHlpr.pas',
WideStrings in 'common\WideStrings.pas',
WideStrUtils in 'common\WideStrUtils.pas',
windows in 'win\windows.pas',
winInet in 'win\winInet.pas',
Winsafer in 'win\Winsafer.pas',
WinSock in 'win\WinSock.pas',
winSpool in 'win\winSpool.pas',
winSvc in 'win\winSvc.pas',
CorError in 'win\CorError.pas',
CorHdr in 'win\CorHdr.pas',
Cor in 'win\Cor.pas',
DXTypes in 'win\DXTypes.pas',
DXFile in 'win\DXFile.pas',
DxDiag in 'win\DxDiag.pas',
D3DX8 in 'win\D3DX8.pas',
D3DX9 in 'win\D3DX9.pas',
Direct3D in 'win\Direct3D.pas',
Direct3D8 in 'win\Direct3D8.pas',
DX7toDX8 in 'win\DX7toDX8.pas',
Direct3D9 in 'win\Direct3D9.pas',
DirectDraw in 'win\DirectDraw.pas',
DirectShow9 in 'win\DirectShow9.pas',
DirectInput in 'win\DirectInput.pas',
DirectSound in 'win\DirectSound.pas',
DirectPlay8 in 'win\DirectPlay8.pas',
DirectMusic in 'win\DirectMusic.pas',
WMF9 in 'win\WMF9.pas',
ZLibConst in 'common\ZLibConst.pas',
ZLib in 'common\ZLib.pas',
Character in 'common\Character.pas',
Generics.Defaults in 'common\Generics.Defaults.pas',
Generics.Collections in 'common\Generics.Collections.pas',
Rtti in 'common\Rtti.pas',
TimeSpan in 'common\TimeSpan.pas',
Diagnostics in 'common\Diagnostics.pas',
AnsiStrings in 'common\AnsiStrings.pas',
TpcShrd in 'win\TpcShrd.pas',
RtsCom in 'win\RtsCom.pas',
MsInkAut in 'win\MsInkAut.pas',
MsInkAut15 in 'win\MsInkAut15.pas',
Manipulations in 'win\Manipulations.pas',
IOUtils in 'common\IOUtils.pas',
D2D1 in 'win\D2D1.pas',
DxgiFormat in 'win\DxgiFormat.pas',
Wincodec in 'win\Wincodec.pas',
KnownFolders in 'win\KnownFolders.pas',
ObjectArray in 'win\ObjectArray.pas',
PropSys in 'win\PropSys.pas',
PropKey in 'win\PropKey.pas',
StructuredQuery in 'win\StructuredQuery.pas',
StructuredQueryCondition in 'win\StructuredQueryCondition.pas';
Program or unit 'Variants' recursively uses itself
is often caused by having the path to source/win32/rtl/sys in the Library search path of the project you are trying to build.
Goto (Delpi_Path)\source\Win32\rtl\sys, and then rename "Variants.pas" to anything, e.g "Variants.sav", then all are OK.
It's because Delphi can't find "Variants.pas" anywhere now, but it still can find a compiled dcu file named "Variants.dcu" somewhere, so that's it.
P.S. If Delphi can't find the dcu too, you should manually serch for "Variants.dcu", and then add the path in the "Tools -> Options" menu.

How can I increase the size of a memory block in MPLAB?

The Microchip PIC MPLAB (MCC18) compiler segments its memory into 256 chunks ( 0x100 ).
How can I create an array larger than 256 bytes?
char buffer[256];
Just to get to 256 I needed to make a seperate segment with a #pragma
#pragma udata segment_name
char buffer[256];
#pragma udata
So I can either force MCC18 to let allocate a larger buffer? or combine two memory segments?
Pasting answer from:
Just in case it goes away.
In Three Easy Steps Step 1: Assign the
variable into a named section in
source code:
#pragma udata big_scn
char big_array[0x180];
#pragma udata
Step 2: Create the larger region in
the linker script: Before:
SECTION NAME=big_scn RAM=big_scn
Step 3: Reference only through a
char *big_array_ptr = &big_array[0];
big_array_ptr[0x100] = 5;
while( big_array_ptr[x] != 20 )
NOTE: I believe you can still reference the array directly instead of using a pointer. Seems to work for me.
The same information can be found in the following document:
MPLAB C18 C Compiler Getting Started Guide
Page 104.
Perhaps someone with more knowledge will prove me wrong, but I don't think it's possible to do what you want. If the memory in your device is divided into segments of 256 bytes, then you can't have an array spanning them, AFAIK. If you did, it would have to jump through all sorts of hoops to let you treat the array as contiguous memory -- it would have to check each index you use to figure out which segment it should be in, then compute the offset and access it, or if you're accessing the array using pointer arithmetic, it must figure out what you're trying to access, which may be non-obvious or even unknown at compile time. I don't think it has a single memory model that it can use for all circumstances because of the way some memory locations are common across banks (I think the program counter is one such location), etc. I'm speaking largely from a knowledge of the typical PIC architecture and some experience with third-party C compilers. I don't have much experience with MPLAB itself, so take my answer with a grain of salt.
It may be possible for you to get around the restriction by allocating an array of pointers and then initializing each pointer to a new instance of whatever data type you want to store in it (I'm assuming a struct or something larger than a pointer), as this will not require the memory to be contiguous. Dynamic memory allocation on PICs is expensive, however, so this may not be a good option for you.
I have a similar problem!I was going to use this method:
But when I added linker without any change to the project and compile the project I got this error
// $Id: 18f2550.lkr,v 1.3 2005/03/24 04:17:19 craigfranklin Exp $
// File: 18f2550.lkr
// Sample linker script for the PIC18F2550 processor
CODEPAGE NAME=idlocs START=0x200000 END=0x200007 PROTECTED
SECTION NAME=usbram4 RAM=usb4
SECTION NAME=usbram5 RAM=usb5
SECTION NAME=eeprom ROM=eedata
18f2550.lkr:5: warning: (374) missing basic type; int assumed
18f2550.lkr:5: error: (314) ";" expected
whay?Everything is true!
I am using mplabx v 2.0 and Mplab xc8 v 1.31
