How to implement XPCOM component (nsIContentPolicy) in bootstrapped Firefox extension - firefox-addon

I have a bootstrapped extension for Firefox.
And now I want to implement nsIContentPolicy XPCOM component.
I wrote a component module code.
And now I want to register this component.
The reason I want to register component is that I want to add my component to nsICategoryManager.addCategoryEntry with "content-policy" category.
var {Cc, Ci, Cu} = require("chrome");
//console.error("Running interceptor");
function Interceptor()
Interceptor.prototype = {
classDescription: "DeferredTo HTTP requests Interceptor",
classID: "{B5B3D9A0-08FC-11E3-8253-5EF06188709B}",
contractID: ";1",
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIContentPolicy]),
shouldLoad : function dt_shouldLoad(aContentType, aContentLocation, aRequestOrigin, aContext, aMimeTypeGuess, aExtra) {
if (contentLocation.scheme != "http" && contentLocation.scheme != "https")
return Ci.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT;
let result = Ci.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT;
// we should check for TYPE_SUBDOCUMENT as well if we want frames.
if ((Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_DOCUMENT == aContentType) &&
SOME_REGULAR_EXPRESSION.test(aContentLocation.spec)) {
// do stuff here, possibly changing result.
return result;
shouldProcess: function ILO_shouldProcess() Ci.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT,
_xpcom_categories: [
{ category: "content-policy", service: true }
classInfo: XPCOMUtils.generateCI(
{classID: Components.ID("{B5B3D9A0-08FC-11E3-8253-5EF06188709B}"),
contractID: ";1",
classDescription: "Interceptor implements nsIContentPolicy to block images that are not yet at screen #DeferredTo",
interfaces: [
flags: Ci.nsIClassInfo.SINGLETON})
var components = [Interceptor];
var NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([Interceptor]);
Is it possible to register the component from bootstrapped extension?
Is it possible to register the component from restartless extension?
Is it possible to use nsICategoryManager.addCategoryEntry "content-policy" without
How to register the component in bootstrapped extension or somehow add
new "content-policy" category entry?
I've added to harness-options.js
"requirements": {
"sdk/page-mod": "sdk/page-mod",
"sdk/self": "sdk/self",
"chrome": "chrome"},
That is how I try to import module:
var {Cc, Ci, Cu} = require("chrome");
I' ve tried many paths ))) But none works. resource entry in chrome.manifest file does not allowed for bootstrapped extensions. The path to component module file is:

Adblock Plus, which is restartless but not using the SDK, registers an nsIContentPolicy implementation at runtime, just like your SDK would. There are probably a few SDK add-ons registering components at run time, but I don't know any open source ones that I would recommend to look at off the top of my head.
A few points regarding that ABP implementation and what to change to make it work with the SDK:
The category manager is available via Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsICategoryManager).
The component registrar should be available by requiring also components from the chrome module and then components.manager.getService(Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar).
As Adblock Plus, you must unregister your component yourself on unload.
The unload part is unfortunely also a bit tricking, since you cannot synchronously unregister your component and the category entry, due to Bug 753687. Adblock Plus therefore does it async using Util.runAsync, which just dispatches a runnable (event, if you like) to the main thread. I don't think you can use any SDK stuff here, as the SDK will clean up before any async code gets a chance to run, so you'd need to use a low-level XPCOM runnable (or timer) yourself.
Your code will register your component at runtime. You won't touch harness-options or anything like that.
(I also implemented a generic component register function myself, but that again is not SDK code, and would need to be adapted to run in the SDK, just like the ABP one. It is also very similar to the ABP one.)

Now my nsIContentPolicy sdk-based component look like this. File interceptor.js:
'use strict';
var { Class } = require('sdk/core/heritage');
var xpcom = require('sdk/platform/xpcom');
var { Cc, Ci, Cu, Cm } = require('chrome');
var categoryManager = Cc[";1"]
// nsIDOMNode
/// Interceptor
var contractId = ";1";
var Interceptor = Class({
extends: xpcom.Unknown,
interfaces: [ 'nsIContentPolicy' ],
get wrappedJSObject() this,
shouldLoad : function dt_shouldLoad(contentType, contentLocation, requestOrigin, context, mimeTypeGuess, extra) {
let result = Ci.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT;
return result;
shouldProcess: function () Ci.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT
var factory = xpcom.Factory({
contract: contractId,
Component: Interceptor,
unregister: false // see
/// unload
var unload = require("sdk/system/unload");
unload.when(function() {
function trueUnregister() {
categoryManager.deleteCategoryEntry("content-policy", contractId, false);
try {
console.log("xpcom.isRegistered(factory)=" + xpcom.isRegistered(factory));
console.log("xpcom.isRegistered(factory)=" + xpcom.isRegistered(factory));
} catch (ex) {
if ("dispatch" in Cu) {
console.log('"dispatch" in Cu');
Cu.dispatch(trueUnregister, trueUnregister);
} else {
console.log('"dispatch" not! in Cu');
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");, 0);
var interceptor = Cc[contractId].createInstance(Ci.nsIContentPolicy);
categoryManager.deleteCategoryEntry("content-policy", contractId, false);
categoryManager.addCategoryEntry("content-policy", contractId, contractId, false, true);
And you can use it from sdk like this:
var interceptor = require("./interceptor");


Ionic Prepopulated Database with Antair Cordova SQLitePlugin [help request]

____ INTRO
Hello everyone, first of all, three clarifications:
My english is not good, so I beg your pardon in advance for my mistakes,
I'm a newbie so forgive me for inaccuracies,
I have previously searched and tried the solutions I found on the internet but still I can not solve the problem of embedding a prepopulated database.
I want to develop an app for iOS and Android with a prepopulated database.
Just for example, the database consists of 15.000 records each one made of three key-value pair (id, firstname and lastname).
ionic start myapp blank
cd myapp
ionic platform add ios
ionic platform add android
Then I created an sqlite database for testing purpose, named mydb.sqlite, made of one table people containing two id, firstname, lastname records.
I decided to use the following plugin:
That's because it can be installed with cordova tool.
ionic plugin add
(Alert: I think that the instructions on the website show an incorrect reference - "cordova plugin add" - which refers to another plugin).
Then, following the instructions on the plugin website, I copied the database to myapp/www/db/ so that it can now be found at myapp/www/db/mydb.sqlite
I modified the index.html including the SQLite plugin just after the default app.js script:
<!-- your app's js -->
<script src="js/app.js"></script>
<script src="SQLitePlugin.js"></script>
I also write some lines of code in index.html file to show a button:
<ion-content ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<button class="button" ng-click="all()">All</button>
Finally I had modified ./js/app.js:
// Ionic Starter App
var db = null;
angular.module('starter', ['ionic' /* What goes here? */ ])
.run(function($ionicPlatform) {
$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
// some predefined code has been omitted
window.sqlitePlugin.importPrepopulatedDatabase({file: "mydb.sqlite", "importIfExists": true});
db = window.sqlitePlugin.openDatabase({name: "mydb.sqlite"});
}); // $ionicPlatform.ready
}) // .run
.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope){
$scope.all = function(){
var query = "SELECT * FROM people";
// I don't know how to proceed
}; // $scope.all
}); // .controller
I don't know how to proceed in the controller section to query all the records (just an example of query) and show the results in the console.log.
I think that the following code must be completed in some way:
angular.module('starter', ['ionic' /* What goes here? */ ])
And also the code inside controller section must be completed:
$scope.all = function(){
var query = "SELECT * FROM people";
// I don't know how to proceed
}; // $scope.all
Thank you in advance for the help you will give to me.
So this guy's code has helped a lot to encapsulate my DAL. I highly recommend that you use he's code pretty much verbatim.
You'll see he has the following method:
self.query = function(query, bindings) {
bindings = typeof bindings !== 'undefined' ? bindings : [];
var deferred = $q.defer();
self.db.transaction(function(transaction) {
transaction.executeSql(query, bindings, function(transaction, result) {
}, function(transaction, error) {
return deferred.promise;
Let's break this down a bit. The query function takes a query string (the query param) and a list of possible bindings for ? in a query like "SELECT * FROM A_TABLE WHERE ID = ?". Because he's code is a service, the self value points to the service itself for all future invocations. The function will execute a transaction against the db, but it returns a promise that is only fulfilled once the db comes back.
His service provides a second helper function: fetchAll.
self.fetchAll = function(result) {
var output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < result.rows.length; i++) {
return output;
fetchAll will read the rows in their entirety into an array. The result param for fetchAll is the result variable passed in the query function's promise fulfillment.
If you copy and paste his code into your service file, you now have a bonafide DB service. You can wrap that service up in a DAL. Here's an example from my project.
.service('LocationService', function ($q, DB, Util) {
'use strict';
var self = this;
self.locations = [];
self.loadLocked = false;
self.pending = [];
self.findLocations = function () {
var d = $q.defer();
if (self.locations.length > 0) {
else if (self.locations.length === 0 && !self.loadLocked) {
self.loadLocked = true;
DB.query("SELECT * FROM locations WHERE kind = 'active'")
.then(function (resultSet) {
var locations = DB.fetchAll(resultSet);
push.apply(self.locations, locations);
self.loadLocked = false;
self.pending.forEach(function (d) {
}, Util.handleError);
} else {
return d.promise;
This example is a bit noisy since it has some "threading" code to make sure if the same promise is fired twice it only runs against the DB once. The general poin is to show that the DB.query returns a promise. The "then" following the query method uses the DB service to fetchAll the data and add it into my local memory space. All of this is coordinated by the self.findLocations returning the variable d.promise.
Yours would behalf similarly. The controller could have your DAL service, like my LocationService, injected into it by AngularJS. If you're using the AngularJS UI, you can have it resolve the data and pass it into the list.
Finally, the only issue I have with the guy's code is that the db should come from this code.
var dbMaker = ($window.sqlitePlugin || $window);
The reason for this is that the plugin does not work within Apache Ripple. Since the plugin does a fine job mirroring the Web SQL interface of the browser, this simple little change will enable Ripple to run your Ionic Apps while still allowing you to work your SQLite in a real device.
I hope this helps.

Notification at DART lang - html / browser / webkit / Desktop

I want to ask about the normal notification in DART, which is different than the Chrome Packaged App discussed here
I created the below code, the browser [DARTIUM] asked for permission as expected, but the response in both cases (Allow/Deny) appeared as "default" in the console, and the notification did not appear.
void main() {
Notification.requestPermission().then((String permission) {
print(permission); // ==> This is always = "default" for both Allow and Deny
if (permission == "default") {
print('permission granted');
var notification = new Notification('hello');
else print('sorry no permission!');
any thought! thanks
The code as it's currently written would never show a permission either way -- "default" means that permission hasn't been allowed or denied. You should be checking for permission == "granted" before displaying the notification.
Keep in mind, there is an outstanding bug with notifications and checking the current permissions, see, although this may not be affecting you.
thanks Brian and Gunter, I made my own notification, inspired by this
I made used the same, CSS file, and made a custom element, notification.dart
part of myApp;
class NotificationElement extends HtmlElement {
// Define the custom element tag
static final tag = 'x-Notification';
factory NotificationElement() => new Element.tag(tag);
// Create the element and define its stylesheet
NotificationElement.created() : super.created(){
LinkElement styleSheet = new LinkElement()..rel = "stylesheet"..type="text/css"..href="./style/toastr.css";
var notificationContainer = new Element.html('<div></div>')'notification-container';
var notificationBody = new Element.html('<div></div>')
var notificationButton = new ButtonElement()
var notificationTitle = new Element.html('<div></div>')..classes.add('notification-title');
var notificationMsg = new Element.html('<div></div>')..classes.add('notification-message');
var notificationMsgLabel = new LabelElement();
Element launchElement(type,location,Title,Msg){
notificationButton.onClick.listen((e) => notificationContainer.nodes.remove(notificationBody));
return (notificationContainer);
Element mynotification = querySelector('#notification-element');
void CreatefonixNotification(type,location,Title,Msg){
var notifyMe = new Element.tag('x-notification');
notifyMe = notifyMe.launchElement(type,location,Title,Msg);
in the index.dart, I registered the element:
document.registerElement(NotificationElement.tag, NotificationElement);
and in index.html, I added this div:
<div id='notification-element'></div>
and any place in the application, I can call it like:
CreateNotification('error','top-left','Error:','sorry we have some issue!!.')

Control firefox tabs

I'm working on a firefox extension, until now I was working with XUL browser, to control the user navigation across web sites and save the visited pages, but the browser is limited, I tried a simple google search, when I click on some result, it won't be displayed in the browser.
One idea is to move the xul application to Dialog and control the actual firefox tabs.
But I have no idea how to do this.
(per your comment....)
To create an addon that logs TAB 'load' events, create a bootstrapped (restartless) addon:
bootstrap.js (The JavaScript file containing your 'privileged' code)
install.rdf (an XML file describing your addon to Firefrox)
To build the addon, simply place both files inside the top-level (no folders!) of a ZIP file with the file extension .xpi. To install the addon, navigate to about:addons then from the tools menu, click Install from file, find your XPI, open it, then after a short delay choose Install.
In install.rdf put something like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<RDF xmlns=""
<Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">
<em:name>Name of your addon</em:name>
<em:description>Describe your addon.</em:description>
<em:creator>Your name</em:creator>
<!-- Firefox Desktop -->
You need to implement two mandatory JavaScript functions in the bootstrap.js:
startup() - called when you install the addon, and when your browser starts up.
shutdown() - called when you uninstall the addon, and when your browser shuts down.
You should call all of the 'privileged' code from startup(). For hygiene, you can (and probably should) also implement install() and uninstall() functions.
Start by implementing the following code in bootstrap.js:
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
let consoleService = Cc[";1"]
let wm = Cc[";1"]
function LOG(msg) {
consoleService.logStringMessage("EXTENSION: "+msg);
function startup() {
try {
LOG("starting up...");
let windows = wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
while (windows.hasMoreElements()) {
let chromeWindow = windows.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
LOG("done startup.");
} catch (e) {
LOG("error starting up: "+e);
function shutdown() {
try {
LOG("shutting down...");
let windows = wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
while (windows.hasMoreElements()) {
let chromeWindow = windows.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
LOG("done shutdown.");
} catch (e) {
LOG("error shutting down: "+e);
Basically, that calls WindowListener.setupBrowserUI() for each current & future window of your web-browser. WindowListener is defined as follows:
var WindowListener = {
setupBrowserUI: function(chromeWindow) {
chromeWindow.gBrowser.addEventListener('load', my_load_handler, true);
tearDownBrowserUI: function(chromeWindow) {
chromeWindow.gBrowser.removeEventListener('load', my_load_handler, true);
onOpenWindow: function(xulWindow) {
let chromeWindow = xulWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
chromeWindow.addEventListener("load", function listener() {
chromeWindow.removeEventListener("load", listener, false);
var domDocument = chromeWindow.document.documentElement;
var windowType = domDocument.getAttribute("windowtype");
if (windowType == "navigator:browser")
}, false);
onCloseWindow: function(chromeWindow) { },
onWindowTitleChange: function(chromeWindow, newTitle) { }
That sets up an event listener for the OpenWindow event, and in turn installs an event listener for load events in the TabBrowser of each ChromeWindow. The load event handler is defined as:
var my_load_handler = function (evt) {
try {
var browserEnumerator = wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
while (browserEnumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
var browserWin = browserEnumerator.getNext();
var tabbrowser = browserWin.gBrowser;
var numTabs = tabbrowser.browsers.length;
for (var index = 0; index < numTabs; index++) {
var currentBrowser = tabbrowser.getBrowserAtIndex(index);
var domWindow = currentBrowser.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject;
if (!domWindow.hasOwnProperty('__logged_this_window__')) {
LOG("TAB loaded:");
LOG(" URL: "+domWindow.location.href);
LOG(" TITLE: "+domWindow.title)
domWindow.__logged_this_window__ = 1;
} catch (e) {
So basically, if there's a load event on any of the TabBrowser elements in Firefox, that function will run. It'll enumerate all of the Firefox windows, and all of those windows' tabs (Browser elements). The trick is that when a page reloads all the custom properties on a "content" DomWindow are lost, so we check to see if a custom property is present. If not, then we log details of the TAB's content page.

External link in WinJS, iframe or not, doesnt matter

I work on a Windows 8 app, and from a page that I use link hystory for running back and forward through the app, I also have 3 or 4 links to external websites(eg: facebook or my site). I tried to run them in iframe, or also to make them open in the default browser like simple links. Both method resulted in an error in base.js that says it can't handle my error (!?) I searched a lot before asking here. I watched msdn sample that works just fine, but if i copy what I need in my app results in the same error. I I use it from another page where I dont have forward history, it works, but i really need it on the front page. Any ideeas? Thank you very much.
This is my items.js code: ( for the items.html page )
(function () {
"use strict";
var appViewState = Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationViewState;
var ui = WinJS.UI;
ui.Pages.define("/pages/items/items.html", {
// This function is called whenever a user navigates to this page. It
// populates the page elements with the app's data.
ready: function (element, options) {
var listView = element.querySelector(".itemslist").winControl;
listView.itemDataSource = Data.groups.dataSource;
listView.itemTemplate = element.querySelector(".itemtemplate");
listView.oniteminvoked = this._itemInvoked.bind(this);
this._initializeLayout(listView, Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView.value);
WinJS.Utilities.query("a").listen("click", this.linkClickEventHandler, false);
// This function updates the page layout in response to viewState changes.
updateLayout: function (element, viewState, lastViewState) {
/// <param name="element" domElement="true" />
var listView = element.querySelector(".itemslist").winControl;
if (lastViewState !== viewState) {
if (lastViewState === appViewState.snapped || viewState === appViewState.snapped) {
var handler = function (e) {
listView.removeEventListener("contentanimating", handler, false);
listView.addEventListener("contentanimating", handler, false);
var firstVisible = listView.indexOfFirstVisible;
this._initializeLayout(listView, viewState);
if (firstVisible >= 0 && listView.itemDataSource.list.length > 0) {
listView.indexOfFirstVisible = firstVisible;
linkClickEventHandler: function (eventInfo) {
var link =;
// This function updates the ListView with new layouts
_initializeLayout: function (listView, viewState) {
/// <param name="listView" value="WinJS.UI.ListView.prototype" />
if (viewState === appViewState.snapped) {
listView.layout = new ui.ListLayout();
} else {
listView.layout = new ui.GridLayout();
_itemInvoked: function (args) {
var groupKey = Data.groups.getAt(args.detail.itemIndex).key;
WinJS.Navigation.navigate("/pages/split/split.html", { groupKey: groupKey });
And from items.html I have different types of links: some of them links to other application pages, from where I can return with history buttons back/forward and some of them are links to external page. Simple link.These links crashes my app with the error that I mentioned below. If I erase the next line:
WinJS.Utilities.query("a").listen("click", this.linkClickEventHandler, false);
from my js script, external links works, but I dont have anymore history buttons in my others's app pages.
You are trying to use the navigation framework to navigate to an external URI. It's usually meant to be used within the application's local context and pages that can contain 'fragments' to load up into your main nav control.
I wouldn't hook anchor tags with your function call, instead in your linkClickEventHandler I would do the following to only hook your internal links
WinJS.Utilities.query(".nav").listen("click", linkClickEventHandler, false);
in turn your internal links would be
click me
This approach only hooks the navigation framework into your internal links. Another approach is to inspect the 'this.href' in your handler and if it contains http:// or https:// then call instead

Block JS with Firefox Addon

im developing a little firefox addon with the addon-sdk provided by mozilla. The addon should work on only one specific website and it needs to block a js-file from this website. I'm searching for hours on how to block such a request.
Hopefully someone knows the answer
Yeah, you'd have to do this mostly by hand. The SDK isn't going to help you much at all here but it is somewhat possible.
This is along the lines of what you'd need to do. Note that this isn't tested and won't work out of the box but just to give you an idea of what components are involved and where to find more resources.
const { Cc, Ci, Cm, components } = require("chrome");
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm", this);
const CategoryManager = Cc[";1"]
function PolicyComponent() { }
PolicyComponent.prototype = {
desc: "My nsIContentPolicy XPCOM Component",
classID: components.ID("{3ffd2f60-3784-11e1-b86c-0800200c9a66}"),
contractID: ";1",
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIContentPolicy]),
shouldLoad: function(contentType, contentLocation, requestOrigin, aContext, mimeTypeGuess, extra) {
if (contentLocation.spec != BLOCKED_JS) { return return Ci.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT; }
else { return Ci.nsIContentPolicy.REJECT_REQUEST; }
shouldProcess: function() {
return CI.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT;
var pc = new PolicyComponent()
// Register the Interface
Cm.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar).registerFactory(pc.uuid, pc.desc, pc.contractID, pc);
// Add the content policy
CategoryManager.addCategoryEntry("content-policy",pc.className,pc.contractID, true, true); // not sure you should replace (last true statement)
See this post for more:
What is missing in my nsIContentPolicy Firefox/IceWeasel extension XPCOMponent implementation for the shouldLoad to be called?
Also take a look at these docs:
