I have a column of SKUS like so:
And a column containing a series of file paths like so:
I am looking to use the values in the SKU column as a variable like so:
'+/images/FloorShot/Rectangle/FLOORSHOT_RECTANGLE_"Sku Variable Here".jpg
What would be the best way to accomplish something like this?
I am trying to create row based form with ant design form component. It will look like the screenshot.
Getting the submitted value as a single object as shown in the screenshot(console).
Is there any simple way/solution to archive it by an array object with each row values like below.
receiver_name0: "Jaison 1",
receiver_email0: "jaison1#gmail.com",
receiver_phone0: "05555555"
receiver_name1: "Jaison 2",
receiver_email1: "jaison2#gmail.com",
receiver_phone1: "06666666"
Thanks in advance.
Assuming you are using getFieldDecorator provided by antd Form, the first argument the getFieldDecorator is a string that is a path to where the value should be set. It works pretty much like lodash _.set().
Check out this: https://github.com/react-component/form/pull/48
To set form values in an array you can try something like this from the example in the PR:
{getFieldDecorator('row[0].receiverName', {})(<input/>)}
{getFieldDecorator('row[1].receiverName', {})(<input/>)}
I'd like to manipulate the input fields of a trigger form dynamically:
I have a trigger 'hidden' with a combo-box in a form
Each time I update the combo, it should add one or more combo-boxes in the same form depending on the value
I couldn't find any way to access the operation.inputFields somewhere for doing an update on this list dynamically, whether via the bundle or else...
Here is the small example: https://github.com/nuxeo-sandbox/nuxeo-zapier/blob/spikes-NXP-26085-zapier/nuxeo-zapier-app/triggers/project.js#L8-L16
Thank you for your help!
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
It sounds like you're looking for Custom Fields: https://github.com/zapier/zapier-platform-cli#customdynamic-fields
In addition to a static list of input fields, you can provide a function that will run and provide a dynamic set of fields. It's how we get inputs for each column in a google sheet:
Is that what you're asking? Modifying the inputFields array at runtime probably doesn't do what you want.
How can I search TFS for a bug report where it has a file attachment with a specific filename? I've looked at tthe query fields and none are the filename, or anything like it.
If you can access the database directly, you can query the specific collection database. The table you are looking for is dbo.[WorkItemFiles]
The ID field contains the Work Item ID and the OriginalName contains the file name.
You could use something like this:
FROM [Tfs_YourCollection].[dbo].[WorkItemFiles]
WHERE OriginalName = 'Filename.extension'
AND [Historical Removed Date] IS NULL
Rails 2.3.5
I need a temp work around for a script that only has 1 possible styling. Is there a simple way to loop through a string and add line breaks? Like at every 80th character insert a '\n'? (really looping through a record set and doing this to a text field).
Here is another approach:
Not sure this is the best approach.. but you could use each_slice here. Maybe something like:
"SOME AWESOME STRING".chars.each_slice(80).map(&:join).join('\n')
I'm doing an application using mongodb and mongoid and I'm facing a problem where I need to map something in one document to something in another document. My plan is to store something in a document that I can then use to figure out what value for it to fetch from a different collection. But, this is more generally a ruby question about how I can fetch data from deep within a hash.
I have a structure something like this:
value: foobar
If that makes sense. Let's say I want to get the value of the first field in the first section, I would do something like:
No problem.
Now the question is, how can I do this with all of that as a string? What I want to do is store within the database a mapping value. So I've have a key/value with something like:
mapping: "sections[0].fields[0].value"
Now how can I use that to get the data from #widget? I've tried #widget.send "sections[0].fields[0].value" but that does not work... I can do #widget.send "sections" and get back an array of sections, but I'm not quite sure how to take it further...
So to summarize, I can do this:
if I have #widget and a string "sections[0].fields[0].value" how can I execute that?
should do the trick.