Jenkins, Executable and right - jenkins

It seems that i have a permission problem to execute a .exe under windows with jenkins.
Things to know about the system:
I have a windows user called 'Tester'. This user has Administrator rights
Jenkins run as a service using Tester username
I have a job which does the following:
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\sahi\tools
toggle_IE_proxy.exe enable
The process is silent, no output. The executable must probably change some values in registry.
This command tick the checkbox "Use a proxy..."
Note: it is working fine when i execute the command above in a cmd.exe as user 'Tester'.
Do you have an idea what's happening there ?
Many thanks

It seems that turning Off UAC solved my problem


py.test' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file while executing through command prompt

I need your support in order to resolve the below issue. I highly appreciate it if could help here.
I have checked the related post, there was one similar issue but that is during installation. In my case, I have successfully installed the py.test, and I was using it was working as well. Post Jenkins installation I am facing the issue. I have passed the command line in the shell script and tried to execute the Job through Jenkins it is failed. To cross-check, I have verified in the command prompt it throws " py.test' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file". Can you please let me what all checks need to be done to rectify the issue?
Analysis from my end:
Checked in the system variables, there I can see python has been declared.
I have a work-around solution for that. If you uninstall jenkins from your PC and install&start jenkins from CMD with java -jar jenkins.war, it will resolve the problem. Now it can find and execute batch commands.

PsExec is not recognized as an internal or external command

I have a job that needs to run a script on a remote computer. I'm doing so by using psexec via "Execute windows batch command":
C:\PsExec.exe \\computername -u username -p password -accepteula c:\xxx.exe
When I run the job I get the following error:
c:\PsExec.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command
** PsExec.exe is located under c:\
Any ideas?
First Define psexec.exe path in environment varaiable "PATH" or else place psexec.exe file in C:\Windows\System32\
And to Download Psexec.exe file
One possible explanation is the version of PsExec.exe: 32bits or 64bits.
If you have the 32 one on a 64bits machine, that command would not be recognized indeed. PsExec64.exe would.
I can see the age of this question and my answer may not be relevant to this topic since I was technically trying to solve a different problem, but maybe this will help other people who are stuck.
c:\PsExec.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command
I was trying to disable the Maintenance Configurator with PSExec (my problem is the never ending maintenance bug) and kept running into the same error as the OP BUT I got PSexec64 to run this command:
C:\PsExec64.exe -s schtasks /change /tn >"\Microsoft\Windows\TaskScheduler\Maintenance Configurator" /DISABLE
BY checking the "Run this program as an administrator" option under the Compatibility settings for "PsExec64.exe"
Don't know if this has solved my problem yet, but I think the OP would have been able to run his process if he had done this. Dear OP did you ever solve that?

PSEXEC - Elevated Command prompt

Sorry if this has been asked a hundred times, I'm sure it might have been, but my searching skills don't seem to be finding the answer to my particular question today :(
I'm trying to execute a command on a server, from a domain user account, who has all the correct rights to perform the given action. I know this because if I login to the server under the admin account and then open the command prompt using 'Run as different User', specifying the login details of the domain user account, I can perform the relevant section of the below command successfully.
However, when I try running ("c:\NaviTest\psexec.exe" "\HOSTNAME" "c:\path to\server-command.exe" "arguments") from a command prompt on their host computer I get the 'Access Denied' message back.
If I launch the command prompt as administrator and change the syntax of the command as follows (where username is the logged in user and password is their password);
"c:\NaviTest\psexec.exe" -u username -p password "\\HOSTNAME" "c:\path to\server-command.exe" "arguments"
All works.
I know from this that its not running 'server-command.exe' the command that is causing the issue, its getting the connection to server using PSEXEC which seems to be failing unless the command prompt is being run in Elevated mode.
My question (as I haven't actually asked on yet!), is can PSEXEC work from the command prompt without having to be run administratively?
I'm trying to execute this as part of a much larger script, if I can't make it work without administrative privileges its not going to work.
Found the answer to this.......
Basically, the user account executing the PSEXEC command needs local administrative rights on the destination host.
This might cause due to prevailing issue.
psexcec will start a service(windows) in end point .
check this
Run this as admin and will proceed without issues

iPad run with black screen in Jenkins

i configured out jenkins in way that it was launched under my account but when i build a project for my unit tests with KIF framework, Jenkins launches iPad simulator with black screen and nothing happens (jenkins also doesn't provide any useful information).
Can anyone advice to solution of this issue?
Please note that everything works just fine from command line.
Finally, i've found the solution need to use iPad Retina or iPad Retina (64-bit):
-destination OS=7.0,name=iPad Retina
So, the last supposed suggestion doesn't work either - need another solution.
Just ran into this myself. Following up on user2738882's self-answer, I have a fix for the pitfalls his solution has:
He's correct that it was occurring due to Jenkins being run as a launch daemon process. Daemon's are launched at start without login, but they aren't intended to have access to the UI. This is what causes the issue.
Unfortunately Jenkins defaults to installing as a launch daemon if you install via the Archive (.war).
The solution I went with is to move it over to a launch agent. To do so follow these steps:
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist
sudo cp /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist /Users/<Path to Jenkins User>/Library/LaunchAgents/org.jenkins-ci.plist
Right click - > Get Info on the org.jenkins-ci.plist file
Change the read write permissions to all users (bottom)
Modify the plist file to change GroupName key value from "daemon" to "agent"
Right click -> Get Info again
Reset the file access to as it was before
sudo launchctl load /Users/<Path to Jenkins User>/Library/LaunchAgents/org.jenkins-ci.plist
The drawback of this approach is launch agents don't start until the user they're associated with logs in. In order to accommodate this I've configured my Jenkins user to login when the server starts up. To do this:
Open System Preferences
Open Groups & Users
Login Options
Set your Jenkins user as the Automatic Login:
This is obviously a security concern, but these machines should only ever be accessible on your local network and in a secure location anyway. Regardless I set the machine to show a screensaver as quickly as possible with a login.
The work-around that I see is that you can create AppleScript, which will run a simulator using terminal. Example:
do shell script "script"
where, script is your terminal command.
After script is created, add build step 'Execute shell script' to jenkins and write script which will run your AppleScript.
open /Applications/
The issue was in Jenkins and it was solved in the following way:
Stop the jenkins daemon via command:
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist
Start Jenkins as process via command:
sudo nohup java -jar /Applications/Jenkins/jenkins.war --httpPort=8080 --ajp13Port=8010
And it works perfectly!
But there is a pitfall, after launching Jenkins under your user, all jobs disappear and you need to create it once again.

Jenkins accessing Window Server

I have the following problem: I have an ANT-task in Jenkins-CI that (apparently) needs access to OSX' window server (it needs to show a window). After doing some research, it appears that only the currently logged in user and the 'root' user (or SUDO) can access OSX' window server.
The ANT task (Adobe ADL) is one that actually 'runs' a build, so it has to popup a screen.
I'm on a macBook running OSX 10.7.something (Lion), Jenkins 1.487, Ant 1.8.4.
What i have tried so far:
to start with, tried the 'barebone' < exec > task to invoke ADL. Works, but getting error that means that Jenkins running as daemon (with homedir /Users/shared/Jenkins/Home) cannot access OSX' Window Server.
Run Jenkins as myself, by changing USER_NAME, GROUP_NAME, JENKINS_HOME in the jenkins launchd.conf file:
this gives a lot of errors/trouble, which i tried to solve in communication with the creator of the Jenkins CI but, unfortunately to no avail.
Try to have Ant run an < exec > task (running a shell script) in which i try to sudo with a password using this sneaky way of passing a password to the stdinput: echo < password > | sudo -S < command > which is really bad, but as i'm running Jenkins locally (not reachable from the outside of my LAN) it's np.
Tried to have Ant run an < exec > task, using a 'redirector' with as inputstring my password. also superbad, but yea, i just want it to work. which it did not.
Tried a Jenkins SSH plugin: didn't work. I could, however, SSH to my own localhost using terminal, thing is, i don't know what the Jenkins SSH was trying to do (how can i figure that out anyway?) so i don't know why it wouldn't work.
Tried to have Ant run an SSHEXEC task (which, after some hours, finally worked. Ant for mac is borked, something with optional .jar tasks not being re-named correctly or something) but i'm getting a "com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth fail" which i googled for, and can't seem to resolve. only applicable solution is to have sshd accept password auths, did that, still got the same error.
I think what i want to accomplish was NOT worth the 2 days that i spent so far on this problem, although i learned a lot. However, i just want this to work and will not accept defeat, yet :)
My question: have you had to solve a similar problem, how did you go about it? are there any other methods i can try to solve this problem? Is there a method mentioned that should JUST _WORK_ and i did something wrong?
[edit] I have decided to go with the Jenkins standalone app, as i think (for me) this is a nicer solution in total, as my laptop is not a build server. Also, the Jenkins app can start at startup so it actually acts as a local server.
Just a quick guess: if you don't want the interactivity of the script, and the script can do without it, you can try to set the headless mode on the java command-line:
I have decided to go with the Jenkins standalone app, as i think (for me) this is a nicer solution anyway, as my laptop is not a (headless) build server. Also, the Jenkins app can start at startup so it acts as a server too.
