grails and double values saving - grails

In my Grails project I have a Domain Class with a double field as follows:
double totalAmount;
the value of this field are calculated by a sum done after selecting values in a multiple select. the function for sum values is in the controller, as follows:
def sumReceiptItems(){
params.list("receiptItemsSelected").each {i-> println("element "+i)}
def appList = params.list("receiptItemsSelected")
List<ReceiptItem> allSelectedIds = ReceiptItem.findAllByIdInList(params.receiptItemsSelected.split(',')*.toLong())
def totalAmount = allSelectedIds.amount.sum()
println("totalAmount is = "+totalAmount)
render totalAmount as Double
the function works well. After function calling, to update the field in GSP page, I use a javascript method as follows:
function updateTotalAmount(name, data, presentNullAsThis){
if(data !=null)
document.getElementById(name).value= data;
The javascript works and I see the updating of the field at runtime, but the double value is shown with a dot, and not with comma to separate decimal values. Infact, after clicking by save button to save the instance of the domain class, the value is saved without separating decimals, for example:
if the value into the fiels is 10.50 it is stored as 1050
In this discussion how can save a double type correctly in grails? I've read a similar problem, but solution is not good for my issue.
Anybody can help me?

Values with decimal separator depends on the current Locale of the user. Normally you use g.formatNumber in the view to display correctly the value.
You can check this topic on how to discover the decimal separator for a Locale.
To get the user's Locale use:
Locale locale = RequestContextUtils.getLocale(request)

I have solved the problem in this way:
I've updated my Javascript as follows:
function updateTotalAmount(name, data, presentNullAsThis)
var data2 = data.toString().replace(/\./g, ',');
if(data2 != null) document.getElementById(name).value= data2;
else document.getElementById(name).value= presentNullAsThis;
I've removed "type="number"" in the gsp related field


Referencing another field in a domain function (Odoo12)

I want to restrict the account lookup (domain) based on the value entered in GL Prefix (I'll actually use some wildcards and some other logic which I'm comfortable adding later), the problem is that I'm getting a logical True or False value returned by self.x_poLineGLprefix rather than the value in the field. How do I get the actual data value of x_poLineGLprefix?
class QuickPOLine(models.Model):
_name = 'purchase.order.line'
_inherit = 'purchase.order.line'
x_poLineGLprefix = fields.Char(string='GL Prefix')
x_poLineGLaccount = fields.Many2one(
'account.account', string="Line Item Expense Account",
domain=lambda self: [('code', '=', self.x_poLineGLprefix)])
Try this
def onchange_x_poLineGLprefix(self):
if self.x_poLineGLprefix:
return {'domain': {
'x_poLineGLaccount': [('code', '=', self.x_poLineGLprefix)]
You can add dynamic domain to achieve this based on any field. In #api.onchange() function you can return domain for many2one. To add dynamic domain you can refer this link. If you are using both many2one fields refer this link.

Laravel 5.1: Null field being converted to blank in the function create

The Model.php has the following function:
public static function create(array $attributes = [])
$model = new static($attributes);
return $model;
The attributes parameter has null value for each field when they are not filled by the user. However, after call new static($attributes) one field is converted to "". I do not understand. Even when all fields are null, only one field is converted to "" (blank).
I do not want this convertion to blank. Anyone knows what is happening in this case?
Best regards.
I found the problem: In my setPhoneAttribute function (located in my Model class) I was calling a function to remove the format of the phone. So, as the phone field was null, after my removeFormat function the field is converted to "". Problem solved"!

Override Grails Error Messages to format Dates and Numbers

I have created a domain with a Double field. When the validation occurs it throws the error message with size value showing the number with commas. Following are the detials
Groovy Class
class Quote {
String content;
Double size;
static constraints = {
content(maxSize:1000, blank:false)
size(min: 0.00D, max:999.99D)
Value entered "11111", error obtained "Size 11,111 is exceeded the limit". I have added the property key/value pair in
Here, I would like to get the message back without the commas. My main aim is to take the key and format the message returned based on my requirements. I require this as I have other fields that need conversion. For example, a date is validated but when showing the error the Gregorian date needs to be converted to an Islamic date and shown to user.
Does anyone know if I can do something to make this work.
I have tried the solution provided in but this did not work.
I have also tried modifying the messages values, but this is not flexible in case of my date issue. Example, for a key value pair, instead of using {2} as a place holder I could use {2, date, mm/dd/yyyy}, but for Islamic dates I want to format and show things differently.
Also, please note I have created a separate key for default date formatting for my application.
Would appreciate the help.
In grails, the return of a constrain is an already translated string.
You can create a taglib to format that, or enhance the
Another option would be custom validators. A custom validator can return false or a key when failing.
For example in your domain class, to vaildate a field:
myDateField validator: {val, obj -> obj.myShinyDateValidatorMethod(val) }
private myShinyDateValidatorMethod() {
if (isNotValidDate(val) {
return [the_message_key, val.formatedAsYouWand]
and, in your properties file you have to have defined the key:
the_message_key=This date: {3} is not valid
The trick here is that in the return from the validator, first string is the key and the rest are parameters for that key, but grails already uses {0}, {1}, {2} placeholders for className, fieldName and value, and the first parameter that you pass will be used as {3} placeholder.
Hope this helps

Grails intercept form submit to modify params

Why do I need this:
I am working in a project which allows user to choose date in Nepali Bikram Sambat Date format (which is incompatible with Java and SQL's "DATE"). I did it by modifying org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.web.taglib.FormTagLib class's datePicker tagLibrary. And modifying the scaffolding template list.gsp.
My problem :
When user chooses Nepali date from browser and submits the form, I want to read the [day, month, year] and convert it into Java Date object and save into database. (The date will be converted back to Nepali Bikram Sambat when it will be displayed into view).
I tried to print the params in the controller but all the params are already mapped/wrapped into corresponding objects - along with my Nepali Date. So I get sysout of Java's Date from code below :
I am wondering how can I intercept the form submit request and modify the date params into English date. I see one solution - using JavaScript ( and rewrite my conversion code into JavaScript) before form submit to convert the params. And just wanted to confirm is there a easy way - like interceptor/filter etc.
Well, assuming you are using input fields with the standard grails datepicker, you should have in your params map the fields being passed, just with a different name. Write a "println params" in your action receiving the request and look for the names of the fields of the datepicker. It was supposed to bring you something like (name of the datepicker field, say * + _year, for year, * + _month for month and so on).
You can create a CustomEditorRegistrar that changes the format from your date before it's wrapped into objects. Like this:
public class CustomDateEditorRegister implements PropertyEditorRegistrar {
public void registerCustomEditors(PropertyEditorRegistry registry) {
String dateFormat = 'dd/MM/yyyy'
registry.registerCustomEditor(Date, new CustomDateEditor(new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat), true))
And your Date editor could be something like:
class CustomSimpleDateEditor extends CustomDateEditor {
public CustomSimpleDateEditor(SimpleDateFormat formatter, boolean allowEmpty) {
super(formatter, allowEmpty);
public String getAsText() {
Date date = (Date)getValue();
try {
String dateText = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").parse(date);
return dateText;
catch(Exception e) {
return "";
Your will be converted before it's passed to objects and saved to the db. Anyway, here's a good link explaining it.
Hope it helps!

MVC3 edit for decimal fields and localization

My locale uses a comma ,, and not a dot . for decimal separator.
In MVC3, when I open an Edit view where the decimal values are shown with
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.MyDecimalVal)
the value is shown correctly.
When I enter value with comma, I get error "Value is not a number" and if I enter value with dot, I get no error, but actually no value is saved.
How to handle this situation?
This blog post recommends overriding the default jQuery validate number and range rules in order to enable client-side support of the comma decimal separator.
To fix these problems, we can take the default implementation from the
jquery.validate.js file for the range() and number() functions. We
then create another .js file (say jQueryFixes.js), in which we
override these default functions with ones that contain support for
the comma as a decimal separator. The contents of the file should be
something like this:
$.validator.methods.range = function (value, element, param) {
var globalizedValue = value.replace(",", ".");
return this.optional(element) || (globalizedValue >= param[0] && globalizedValue <= param[1]);
$.validator.methods.number = function (value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^-?(?:\d+|\d{1,3}(?:[\s\.,]\d{3})+)(?:[\.,]\d+)?$/.test(value);
Getting around with this by tweaking your validation logic has been already explained so here is a different approach.
Put the below code inside your web.config file under the <system.web> node if you would like to set the culture to en. It will take care of decimal delimiter:
<globalization culture="en-US" uiCulture="en" />
I am not sure but for DateTime, you are still bound to your server's locale.
