When do FORTRAN subprograms save data, and when not? - save

Have a pretty simple function for taking the name of a month, "Jan", "Feb", etc. and converting to the number of the month:
function month_num(month_str)
character*(*) :: month_str
character*3 :: month_names(12)
integer :: ipos(1),location(12)
data month_names/'Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug', &
where (month_names==month_str) location=1
ipos = maxloc(location)
month_num = ipos(1)
end function
And OK, yes, I know it's dangerous to not define "location" before using it.
Problem: During execution of the function, if input is OK, some value of "location" will be set to 1. And, to my surprise, when the function is called again, that value will still be equal to 1. And this, of course, really messes things up. So I figured I would fix it with a new line
data location/12*0/
And I got the same problem.
Finally, I put in
location = 0
just before the "where" statement, and that fixed everything.
So, I thought FORTRAN subprograms would not save data unless the variables were declared with the "SAVE" attribute. Also, with many compilers, you can invoke some sort of "static" option that will keep everything saved. I did neither of these here, but the "location" array was saved just the same. Can someone enlighten me on the rules of when FORTRAN saves data and when not? Thanks.

The value of a variable local to a procedure is preserved across (ie it is SAVEd) in one of two ways:
The programmer specifies the SAVE attribute when declaring the variable, for example:
REAL, SAVE :: var1
The programmer initialises the variable upon declaration, for example
REAL :: var1 = 3.1415
This second, implicit, behaviour is one features of Fortran which seem designed to catch out the programmer, and not just beginners. Note that the value the variable has upon re-invocation is not, in the 2nd example 3.1415, but whatever value it had when the last invocation exited.
It is common for compilers to behave as if a variable is SAVEd when the programmer has not exercised either of these options, perhaps the memory locations used by one invocation of a procedure are not overwritten before the next invocation. But this behaviour is not to be relied on.
The situation is slightly different for variables declared in modules. Again any variable with the SAVE attribute is saved but any other variable only retains its value while the module is use-associated with a program unit which has started executing but not finished. Again some compilers, and some executions of some programs, may behave as if the value of a module variable is preserved despite the module going out of scope but this is non-standard behaviour and not to be relied on.
This behaviour is scheduled to change in Fortran 2008 when variables defined in modules will acquire the SAVE attribute implicitly.
Personally I like to explicitly SAVE variables even when I am sure that they would get the attribute implicitly, it makes the code just a bit easier to understand next time round.


How do I change a pre-defined variable in a table in Luau?

In a Roblox game I'm programming, I want to have a table of boolean values to iterate over ensuring that they're all false before making another one true, e.g.;
local bool1 = true
local bool2 = false
local bool3 = false
local bool4 = false
local tbl1 = {}
table.insert(tbl1,boolX) -- where "X" is the number above, did this in interest of shortening
for i,v in pairs(tbl1) do
if v then v = not v end
However, as stated in the penultimate paragraph of section 2.1 of the 5.3 manual (knowing, albeit, that Luau uses 5.1 as its base);
Tables, functions, threads, and (full) userdata values are objects: variables do not actually contain these values, only references to them. Assignment, parameter passing, and function returns always manipulate references to such values; these operations do not imply any kind of copy.
That in mind, that means that I'm not actually shoving bool1 through bool4 into the table, just their values; the table would look like {true, false, false, false}. This means that I can't simply write a loop to iterate through the table and invert any trues I find;
local bool1 = true
local tbl1 = {}
tbl1[1] = false
-- true
-- false
I should point out that I very well could just shove all my variables into one giant if/else and call it a night, but that is a lot of variables to check, a lot of typing, and I can't think of any other more elgant and less tedious way other than finding a form of iteration over them all.
I want to be able to have an actual reference, in some form, to the actual variables so that I can modify them from within the table and make them iterable.
I've attempted to follow the examples given in the best answer to this question, with no successes. I would need to be able to, and cannot with these examples, substitute for any given variable at any given time, rather than just having one or two I want declated and thus returned as shown. I've attempted wrapping them in a function to provide my table and variable as arguments, but that doesn't seem to have any effect; it either outputs nothing, or nil.
The following answer after has one example that seems like it could work, but overall is pointless for what I'm trying to achieve; I don't want to re-declare or re-assign the variables I already have, I just want to return the specific value.
I've attempted using a key/value pair, making the key the potential variable name and making it equal the variable's value, but I've no way to make that key return a variable of the same name. I even attempted merging this method and the setmetatable method mentioned in the first set of examples to see if I couldn't substitute from there, to no avail.
I should point out that, while I'm not a complete newbie to Lua or Luau, I'm also not an expert in the field by any meaning of the word; I'll catch on quick, but where possible, explain like I'm 10.
The only way to iterate over local variables that are not referenced by table fields, is to use debug.getlocal in a loop.
But this is a very bad approach to your problem.
You should refactor the code. If you need to update a list of variables have them in a list from the start. Don't be afraid of refactoring. Improving things usually pays off on the long term.
If your codebase is so bad that you are afraid of putting a few variables into a table you should really think over the design.
There is no way to do this in Roblox Luau.
Any potential way to do so in standard Lua is impossible to do in Luau due to how heavily sandboxed the latter is compared to the former.
Possible solutions that were recommended via comments include: making the variables needed available in _G as globals, then using them there; or using a pointer value in the table equivalent to the one you want, even though it won't technically change the value you want itself.
Another answer recommends the use of debug.getlocal() for standard Lua, but doesn't work in Luau; keep this in mind when attempting to use it, as you will get an attempt to call a nil value error.
The recommended way to do this is not to do it at all, and instead have your variables and/or values in your table from the start.
Not only does this provide ease-of-access in many cases, but it will allow you to iterate through them significantly easier than trying to shove them into tables and the like. Refactoring, if you need to do something similar to this, is highly recommended across the board.

In javac's source code, what is the purpose of traversing from a type to a symbol to its type?

In the source code for javac, I have seen idioms of this form:
Type t = ...;
// Now let's say I want to, say, get its supertype. The idiom seems to be:
Object o = t.tsym.type.supertype_field;
// ...rather than:
Object o = t.supertype_field;
I understand that certain Types and Symbols are circular dependencies. That is, every non-error ClassType, for example, has a ClassSymbol, and every non-error ClassSymbol has a ClassType, even though logically types precede symbols (during construction everything is twiddled to point to each other).
I also understand hazily that there may be various errors during compilation such that a given Type may actually be an ErrorType and I suppose may have different information associated with it.
What kind of canonicalizing is being accomplished by saying t.tsym.type.something rather than just t.something?
If (to reduce mental load) I pretend that errors never exist (so all, say, ClassTypes have ClassSymbols and vice versa), when is there a substantive difference between accessing t.something and t.tsym.type.something?
There is a concrete example in the supertype(Type) method.

Trying to understand this profiling result from F# code

A quick screenshot with the point of interest:
There are 2 questions here.
This happens in a tight loop. The 12.8% code is this:
this with Side = side; PositionPrice = position'; StopLossPrice = sl'; TakeProfitPrice = tp'; Volume = this.Volume + this.Quantity * position'
This object is passed around a lot and has 23 fields so it's not tiny. It looks like immutability is great for stable code, but it's horrible for performance.
Since this recursive loop is run in parallel, I need to store it's context variables in an object.
I am looking for a general idea of what makes sense, not something specific to that code because I have a few tight loops with a bunch of math which I need to profile as well. I am sure I'll find the same pattern in several places.
The flaw here is that I store both the context for the calculations and its variables in a singe type that gets passed in the loop. As the variable fields get updated, the whole object has to be recreated.
What would make sense here (in general for this type of situations)?
make the fields that can change mutable. In this case, that means keeping the type as is (23 fields) and make some fields mutable (only 5 fields get regularly changed)
move the mutable fields to their own type to have a general context object and one holding all the variables. In this case, that means having a context with (23 - 5 fields) and a separate 5 fields type
make the mutable fields variables and move them out of the type. In this case, these 5 fields would be passed as variables in the recursive loop?
and for the second question:
I have no idea what the 10.0% line with get_Tag is. I have nothing called 'Tag' in the code, so I assume that's a dotnet internal thing.
I have a type called Side and there is a field with the same name used in the loop, but what is the 'Tag' part?
What I would suggest is not to modify your existing immutable type at all. Instead, create a new type with mutable fields that is only used within your tight loop. If the type leaves that loop, convert it back to your immutable type (assuming you don't need a copy to go through the rest of your program with every iteration).
get_Tag in this case is likely the auto-generated get-only property on a discriminated union, it's just how the F# compiler represents this sort of type in CLR. The property can most easily be seen when looking at F# code from C#, here's a great page on F# decompiled:
For the performance issues I can only offer some suggestions:
If you can constrain the context object to your code only, then try making a mutable version and see which effect it has.
You mention that the context object is quite large, is it possible to split it up?

How does single assignment in Erlang lead to more readable code?

How does single assignment in Erlang lead to more readable code (referential transparency)?
Coding is easy, debugging is hard. Code to make debugging trivial. -- Barry Rountree
With a single assignment, you can be sure that variable has one value in the whole function body. It makes debugging much easier. You can put debugging and logging whenever you want. You can easily spot the place where it gains its value and so on. Isn't it obvious?
On of the goals of functional programs is to avoid side effects. In short this is a property of the code that it behaves exactly the same every time it's executed. That's why shared state is being avoided and why developers often frown upon the process dictionary in Erlang. A pure functional language wouldn't have any side effects. Various functional languages try to formalize code that produces side effects, like for example Haskell.
Obviously, if the value assigned to a variable can be changed, then the same function executed twice would produce different result depending on the value contained in the variable. In OOP output from a function executed on an object produces a result that depends on the state contained in that object. So you can't understand the code properly without knowing the state contained in the object as well.
With single assignment the output doesn't depend on the state but only on the arguments passed to the function. This is especially useful when something crashed and you have a stack trace or you log a debug output from a function. You can read the code and assign values to each variable knowing that nothing would have altered those values if the same code was to be executed again.

fortran save integer

I came across some code today that looked somewhat like this:
subroutine foo()
real blah
integer bar,k,i,j,ll
integer :: n_called=1
save integer
It seems like the intent here was probably save n_called, but is that even a valid statment to save all integers -- or is it implicitly declaring a variable named integer and saving it?
The second interpretation is correct. Fortran has many keywords, INTEGER being one of them, but it has no reserved words, which means that keywords can be used as identifiers, though this is usually a terrible idea (but nevertheless it carries on to C# where one can prefix a keyword with # and use it as an identifier, right?)
The SAVE statement, even if it was intended for n_called is superficial. Fortran automatically saves all variables that have initialisers and that's why the code probably works as intended.
integer :: n_called=1
Here n_called is automatically SAVE. This usually comes as a really bad surprise to C/C++ programmers forced to maintain/extend/create new Fortran code :)
I agree with your 2nd interpretation, that is, the statement save integer implicitly declares a variable called integer and gives it the save attribute. Fortran, of course, has no rule against using keywords as program entity names, though most sensible software developers do have such a rule.
If I try to compile your code snippet as you have presented it, my compiler (Intel Fortran) makes no complaint. If I insert implicit none at the right place it reports the error
This name does not have a type, and must have an explicit type. [INTEGER]
The other interpretation, that it gives the save attribute to all integer variables, seems at odds with the language standards and it's not a variation that I've ever come across.
