Execute sonar-runner in TFS build - tfs

How do I make the command to run sonar-runner at the end of the build TFS (Team Foundation Server) in continuous integration?
Info: TFS 2013, Windows Server 2008 R2, sonar-runner 2.3

The only way to execute arbitrary commands as part of the build process is to add an InvokeProcess activity to the BuildProcessTemplate. This isn't as difficult as it may seem at first.
Make a copy of the DefaultTemplate.xaml which is located in the /BuildProcessTemplates folder of your team project. Name it whatever you want - SonarRunnerTemplate.xaml or something.
Open up the new template in Visual Studio
Hit "Collapse All" at the top right to ease navigation to the proper activity.
Browse to Process > Sequence > Run On Agent > Try Compule, Test, and Associate Changesets and Work Items > in the Finally clause > Revert Workspace and Copy Files > If DropBuild And DropLocation is Set
In the "Then" box you will see a Copy Files to Drop Location activity. Move this into the "Else" box temporarily.
Add a Sequence activity from the Toolbox into the (now empty) Then box
Move the Copy Files to Drop Location (which we moved earlier) back into the Sequence activity you just added to the Then box.
Add a InvokeProcess activity from the Toolbox to run AFTER the "Copy Files to Drop Location" activity
Open the Properties for the InvokeProcess activity. The FileName field is the command which you need to execute. In this case, the command to execute your Sonar runner. It might be easiest to write a batch or powershell script which runs Sonar... and then invoke that.
Save the build process template and add it to TFS. You can then use this template for your build definition.
One issue with this approach is that the build will not "finish" until after the InvokeProcess command has returned. So if your sonar run takes a really long time (I know I have seen it take over 24 hours for a large codebase) the build will take forever to complete. This can be mitigated by having your script spawn off the Sonar process asynchronously.

There is now an official way to get MsBuild and TeamBuild to work with SonarQube, as part of a collaboration between Microsoft and SonarQube. You can find all the details on the SonarQube website:
And on the Microsoft ALM website:
There is also documentation prepared by the ALM rangers that describe how to install SonarQube and integrate it with an existing TFS server:


TFS build template to take the drop (artefacts) from the CI build and execute Integration Tests

I have managed to chain two TFS builds together using Jason Stangroome's chaining build definition template. This gives me the capacity to execute one build definition after the next:
CertificateRepository-CI (Continuous Integration Build)
The latter will automatically be executed if the former is successful. I am stumped by the lack of Build Definition Templates that are able to download and extract the contents of the preceding build's drop folder and perform actions upon these artifacts, in this case running SpecFlow/NUnit integration tests.
In this case I am using:
Visual Studio Online
Git for the codebase being tested
TFVC for the ALM components (NUnit Adapter, Build Definition Templates)
Any help greatly appreciated.
If you are using TFS for source control: I don't have a template for this but you can follow below steps to achieve this.
In CI build set the Staging Location option to Copy buildoutput to following Source Control folder
Download the drop folder by mapping it in source settings option
in build definition
Under drop location folder in TFS, every CI build will create a new folder, you need to pass this folder name to the second build definition. Please check another post from Jason for passing parameters to second build
Execute the tests by invoking the commandline tools using Invoke
Process activity.

TFS Build DOS command

We have a TFS (2012) project that we use as a PL/SQL source code repository. This project does not contain any .Net code or solution just PL/SQL code.
We have a command line build process & deploy process to move the PL/SQL code to the database. Currently we are running the command line daily by hand. I would really like TFS to kick off the command line daily.
I have created a custom TFS Build Process Timeplate that just contains an Invoke Process function however when I go to create a new TFS Build Definition it requires me to fill in Items to Build. I do not have any items to build I just want to kick off the Build Process template.
Is there any way to create a striped down TFS Build that will just run the Invoke Process and not worry about the Items to Build?
You have made the good choice, but your custom activity Invoke Process must be integrated to your main build, items correspond to your solution c#.
So when you create your build, you compile your items, and in the end you execute your check for pl sql.

Integration of OpenCover with TFS

I am new to TFS and want to integrate OpenCover with TFS. If any has done this please help!
This question is rather old but maybe you are still interested. With current Version of TFS (2015 Update 2) this is now possible as a "vsts Extension".
See here for details: https://github.com/RobertK66/vsts-opencover
Since the answer doesn't specify the version of TFS, here is an answer for 2015/2017.
OpenCover can be run from TFS using the Powershell build step. You need to get the contents of the OpenCover NuGet package onto TFS and run OpenCover.console.exe from there.
Since TFS doesn't support the format produced by OpenCover, you need to take one additional step and convert the results to Cobertura format. It's possible using the OpenCoverToCoberturaConverter NuGet package.
I've described the whole process in much more detail on my blog:
OpenCover is just a console application so you can just modify your scripts to get OpenCover to run your unit tests.
I haven't used TFS for several years and it has changed since then however this blog post should help
To incorporate coverage measurement of OpenCover the build process of TFS (second half)
The original is in Japanese but if you are familiar with TFS then the screens will probably be obvious.
OpenCover also comes with an MSBuild task that may help you with your integration.
I've just integrated opencover with TFS Build, to generate a xml with the results that will be processed by sonar:
Created a RunCoverage.cmd at the root of my source folder
Installed / copied in TFS Servers the Opencover binaries and added into Path(must restart TFS Services to enable TFS to see it).
Created a new actitivity in the build definition, that is, editing the build template (before sonar execution activity) to run the cmd:
Running command line statements from TFS custom activity
There is the cmd contents:
#REM #echo suppresses command line. ^ is line continuation character
#ECHO Executing OpenCover...
OpenCover.Console.exe -register:user ^
-target:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe" ^
-targetargs:"/testcontainer:%~dp0test.dll /usestderr /resultsfile:%~dp0MSTestsResults.trx" ^
But i'm facing three issues (that are related with my concrete implementation, but you may face them):
The Tests are runned twice (one for template itself, and other for OpenCover)
The MsTest.exe in the TFS Servers is not in the same path, so when the Controller asigns an agent (if the match is done by tags) then if the agent executing the build is in a TFS Server that does not have the MSTest in the right path it will fail.
How to inject in cmd the corresponding test runner (MsTest, XUnit, Nunit, etc...) depending on the test project
Hope that it helps! (and someone can help me ;-)

TFS 2010 after successfull build running a script

I am trying to build my solution at the TFS2010, after successfull build, I am trying to make TFS2010 run another application, like VS Post-build event.
It can be possible? and How can I make It?
What you probably need to do is add an activity to your process template for your build.
In your build configuration, the Process area allows you to specify the template that will be used to execute the build. This XAML file should already be source controlled in your TFS project. You can create a new XAML based on your current one, or if you have already created your own just check out your XAML and edit it.
I'm not familiar with DBDeploy or how to invoke it, but if it has command-line arguments you can likely add an InvokeProcess activity to your build workflow and execute a Powershell command script to do what you need to add after the build.

Trying to queue build in TFS server - Calling a target in TFSBuild.Proj

I have been using a msbuild file that builds and packages my solution to 'Client' and 'Server'. So far I have been using the below cmd to build from VS cmd prompt:
msbuild.exe MyBuildFile.proj /t:Build
(I have a target called 'Build' which will kick start build and do the rest).
Now, my team wants to queue builds in TFS build server. I read about TFSBuild.proj file. Should I once again write all the scripts in to TFSBuild.Proj or is there a way by which I can call my 'MyBuildFile.proj /t:Build' from TFSBuild.Proj.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks, Mani
You can just include your existing MyBuildFile.proj in a TFS 2010 build:
Create a new build definition
In the Process page, choose the UpgradeTemplate.xaml workflow
Select the directory of your checked-in MSBuild.proj file of choice (checked-in under the name TFSBuild.proj)
There might be some subtle differences between your development system and the build server that you need to take care of, but above steps should take you 85%. Enable Diagnostic level build information verbosity (also to be set on the Process page) to troubleshoot loose ends.
