QBSDK linking invoice to estimate - quickbooks

I am using the QBSDK QBFC12Lib in C#.Net with Reckon Accounts 2013 (Quickbooks Australia/NZ version). It is a test version but has been activated.
I have the basics working. I can add a customer, job, estimate and invoice and run queries against them.
But I can't link an invoice to an estimate (to keep track of progress invoicing). If I try to add the estimate TxnID as a LinkToTxnID, when I submit the request I get the error message 3210 - Object "25-1376628895" specified in the request cannot be found.
I have verified that EstimateID is providing the correct TxnID for the estimate (25-1376628895). It was selected by querying the estimate anyway and if I add an invoice to the estimate manually using Quickbooks itself and then query that invoice using the SDK it gives me the same TxnID under linked transactions.
These are the relevant lines of code:
IInvoiceAdd invoiceAdd = requestMsgSet.AppendInvoiceAddRq();
Is it possible to link an invoice to an estimate using the SDK? And if so, am I doing something wrong?

It doesn't appear that this is supported in the SDK. The programmer's guide only gives information on how to link an invoice to a sales order. Since the LinkToTxnIDList does not give an option for what type of transaction type it is, I would guess that it is only looking for SalesOrders when supplying the ID. I also tested linking by specifying the individual line item ID and still get the same error.
Perhaps as a workaround, you could create a SalesOrder from the Estimate (assuming that you can link them), and then create an invoice from the SalesOrder.


Is there a way to Bulk extract contact details out of Oracle Eloqua's API?

I am trying to extract a large amount of details out of our Eloqua system using it's API and got this API to work perfectly for single IDs: https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/marketing/eloqua-rest-api/op-api-rest-1.0-data-contact-id-get.html
The problem is that I need to run this for a large number of IDs and it will require alot in order to run it for the entire population. Is there any bulk APIs that can extract all of the following details out of Eloqua/Contact for the entire population? I don't see any on that pages documentation that meet this need under the Bulk section.
contactid, company, employees, company_revenue, business_phone, email_address, web_domain, date_created, date_modified, address_1, address_2, city, state_or_province, zip_or_postal_code, mobile_phone, first_name, last_name, title
It's a multi-step process with the Bulk API, typically in the following fashion:
Get a list of the current internal field names - useful for creating your export definition
Create an export definition and post it here. There is a useful example on the page, you do not need a filter criteria. Store the export ID somewhere
Using your export definition id, create a sync. It will gather the data in the background and prepare it for you. Take note of the sync ID provided in the initial response.
Check on the sync status with your sync ID here. It should only take a couple of minutes - and there is a callback url option as well in the previous step, if you don't want to keep polling.
Once your data is ready, use that sync id and request the data. Depending on how many rows were retrieved, you might need to paginate through the results using the offset query param. By default it will give you JSON, but I usually choose CSV (specify in the header).
If you need updated data, feel free to create a new sync using the same export definition id. You do not need to create a new export definition each time.

Select fields on Microsoft Graph list of Messages

I'm using Microsoft Graph to get a list of messages for a user.
I'm using the following URL
One important thing that is returned by this is the meetingMessageType when the message revolves around a meeting request.
I would also like to get the uniqueBody of the message. However, that's not provided by default. One needs to specifically ask for that field. I can do that by adding ?$select=uniqueBody to the URL.
However, that now means that I need to add the rest of the fields I want to the $select query parameter. That's not a big deal until I run into meetingMessageType. Microsoft Graph returns:
Could not find a property named 'meetingMessageType' on type 'Microsoft.OutlookServices.Message'.
What can I do to ensure I get both uniqueBody and meetingMessageType?
Try this:
$select=uniqueBody, microsoft.graph.eventMessage/meetingMessageType
Yogesh's answer is close but will result in a Only one level select is supported error.
As long as you don't care about the value of meetingMessageType, you can use this select:
$select=microsoft.graph.eventMessage, uniqueBody
You'll note that the results no longer include meetingMessageType as a property. The list however is limited to only those messages that are eventMessage, effectively giving you a result set filtered to only show meeting requests.

IDOC file generation in ecommerce system

I want to generate an IDOC file to make shop orders availabe to the R/3 SAP System. My question is concerning BELNR in E2EDK01. As we dont have the possibility to use Webservices and BAPI, we only make the data available via files.
Actual questions are:
Do i yet need a [BELNR] in the IDOC file?
If yes, where to get this [BELNR] from?
E2EDK01-BELNR is the order number of the ordering party, normally it is not needed, but useful.
The customer sends an order and is unsure if the order received you. So he sends the order again. Now you have two similar orders. You can't know, if there are two similar orders or if you have two idocs for the same order.
If E2EDK01-BELNR is filled with the order number of the customer system, you can decide how to proceed (e.g. ignore the 2nd idoc).
If I understand your question correct, you create the order out of your shop system. You could offer an (optional) field like 'Your order number' and use this. If the same order number (per customer) is used again you can make a warning ("Order X is already ordered").
If you don't want this field you could use the session id to identify double postings.

InvoiceAddGroup QuickBooks SDK Incorrect Price

I wrote a program that downloads orders from a website and creates invoices using the SDK.
A few products are listed as Groups in QuickBooks, so when adding them to the invoice, I can't list the price.
If IList.Item(x).Type = 2 Then
Dim ORInvoiceLineAddListElement2 As IORInvoiceLineAdd
ORInvoiceLineAddListElement2 = newInvoice.ORInvoiceLineAddList.Append()
End If
This will input into QuickBooks just fine, however, the price will be based on a retail customer, even if the customer class is set to wholesale. I know that the customer class is correct because everything else shows up correctly in the generated invoice.
Any suggestions on what i could try to get this group item priced correctly?
Thanks for your help!!!
QuickBooks Class codes have nothing at all to do with pricing. They have no effect what-so-ever on pricing in any form or manner.
What makes you think setting the Class should change pricing in any way?
I was having the same issue. what is happening is the Group line items are being assigned the Default Price from the Items table. shouldn't have anything to do with the Class. I did find the following support answer which seems to apply to both Desktop and Online versions of QuickBooks:
"The SDK does not currently support adjusting the price of group items when adding an invoice, even though the default UI in QuickBooks allows this. You can modify an invoice and change the line item amounts, so you would need to first call create the add, read the response to get the transaction id and edit sequence, then do an Invoice Mod request on the invoice to set the rates that you want."
Intuit Developer Page

How to Query Sales Order by Order Number?

I've gotten frustrated with the .NET DevKit and am now considering switching my app over to XML. But I'm still having trouble figuring out how to perform very basic queries.
How can I retrieve a QBD Sales Order by the order number? This is the "Sales Order Number" in the QBD UI, "RefNumber" in the SDK, and "DocNumber" in IPP.
Just in case somebody needs me to explain the use case for looking up a record by the human-readable unique ID: I'm integrating with a system where we don't have the luxury of storing a QB transaction ID after importing a sales order. So if that system wants to query QB later to check the status of a sales order, it needs to do so by that system's unique order #.
I already have links to all the documentation; thanks. I just need to know how to perform this query. Similarly, I need to do it for Invoices and POs.
I need the same thing for Items, the use case being that if we're importing items from another system, we need to query the QB item list by name to see if we already have that item in QB.
For ITEMS, you can use ItemConsolidated and a NameContains filter. For example, the XML would look something like:
POST https://services.intuit.com/sb/itemconsolidated/v2/<realmID>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ItemConsolidatedQuery xmlns="http://www.intuit.com/sb/cdm/v2"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.intuit.com/sb/cdm/v2 RestDataFilter.xsd ">
<NameContains>Your item name goes here</NameContains>
It won't be perfect, because Intuit only supports "NameContains" (the item name contains the string you specify) rather than "NameEquals", but you can then loop through what you get back and filter it client-side from there.
For SALES ORDERS, unfortunately, Intuit Data Services doesn't support querying by DocNumber at this time.
Instead, a work-around for your situation might be to query for all sales orders, and then cache the Id and DocNumber value of each in your application. When you need to look something up, look up the Id in the cache, and then query by Id value. It's not pretty... but it's really the only way you can do what you're describing.
