Features in Document clustering/classification? - machine-learning

This may sound very naive but i just wanted to be sure that when talking in Machine Learning terminology, features in Document Clustering is words which are chosen from a document, if some are discarded after stemming or as stop-words.
I am trying to use LibSvm library and it says that there are different approaches for different types of { no_of_instances, no_of_features }.
Like if no_of_instances is much lower than no_of_features, linear kernels would do. if both are large, linear would be fast. However, if no_of_features is small, non-linear kernels is better.
So for my document clustering/classification, i have small number of documents like 100 each may have words around 2000. So i fall in small no_of_instances and large no_of_features category depending upon what i consider a feature is.
I would like to use tf-idf for the document.
So Is no_of_features is the size of the vector that i get from tf-idf ?

What you are talking about here is just one of possibilities, in fact the most trivial way of defining features for documents. In machine learning terminology feature is any mapping from the input space (in this particular example - from space of documents) into some abstract space, which is suited for a particular machine learning model. Most of the ML models (like neural networks, support vector machines, etc.) work on the numerical vectors, so features has to be mappings from documents to (constant size) vectors of numbers. This is a reason for sometimes choosing a representation of bag of owrds, where we have a words' count vector as a document representation. This limitation can be overcomed by using specific models, like for example Naive Bayes (or a custom kernel for SVM, which enables them to work with nonnumeric data), which can work on any objects, as long as we can define perticular conditional probabilities - here, the most basic approach is treating document containing a particular word or not as a "feature". In general this is not the only possibility, there are dozens of methods that use statistical features, semantic features (based on some ontologies like wordnet) etc.
To sum up - this is only one, most simple representation of document for the machine learning model. Good to start with, good to understand the basics, but far from being a "feature definition".
no_of_features is size of the vector you use for your documents' representation, so if you use tf-idf, then size of resulting vecor is a no_of_featuers.


Is it a good idea to use word2vec for encoding of categorical features?

I am facing a binary prediction task and have a set of features of which all are categorical. A key challenge is therefore to encode those categorical features to numbers and I was looking for smart ways to do so.
I stumbled over word2vec, which is mostly used for NLP, but I was wondering whether I could use it to encode my variables, i.e. simply take the weights of the neural net as the encoded features.
However, I am not sure, whether it is a good idea since, the context words, which serve as the input features in word2vec are in my case more or less random, in contrast to real sentences which word2vec was originially made for.
Do you guys have any advice, thoughts, recommendations on this?
You should look into entity embedding if you are searching for a way to utilize embeddings for categorical variables.
google has a good crash course on the topic: https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/embeddings/categorical-input-data
this is a good paper on arxiv written by a team from a Kaggle competition: https://arxiv.org/abs/1604.06737
It's certainly possible to use the word2vec algorithm to train up 'dense embeddings' for things like keywords, tags, categories, and so forth. It's been done, sometimes beneficially.
Whether it's a good idea in your case will depend on your data & goals – the only way to know for sure is to try it, and evaluate the results versus your alternatives. (For example, if the number of categories is modest from a controlled vocabulary, one-hot encoding of the categories may be practical, and depending on the kind of binary classifier you use downstream, the classifier may itself be able to learn the same sorts of subtle interrelationships between categories that could also otherwise be learned via a word2vec model. On the other hand, if categories are very numerous & chaotic, the pre-step of 'compressing' them into a smaller-dimensional space, where similar categories have similar representational vectors, may be more helpful.)
That such tokens don't quite have the same frequency distributions & surrounding contexts as true natural language text may mean it's worth trying a wider range of non-default training options on any word2vec model.
In particular, if your categories don't have a natural ordering giving rise to meaningful near-neighbors relationships, using a giant window (so all words in a single 'text' are in each others' contexts) may be worth considering.
Recent versions of the Python gensim Word2Vec allow changing a parameter named ns_exponent – which was fixed at 0.75 in many early implementations, but at least one paper has suggested can usefully vary far from that value for certain corpus data and recommendation-like applications.

Adding vocabulary and improve word embedding with another model that was built on bigger corpus

I'm new to NLP. I'm currently building a NLP system in a specific domain. After training a word2vec and fasttext model on my documents, I found that the embedding is not really good because I didn't feed enough number of documents (e.g. the embedding can't see that "bar" and "pub" is strongly correlated to each other because "pub" only appears a few in the documents). Later, I found a word2vec model online built on that domain-specific corpus which definitely has a way better embedding (so "pub" is more related to "bar"). Is there any way to improve my word embedding using the model I found? Thanks!
Word2Vec (and similar) models really require a large volume of varied data to create strong vectors.
But also, a model's vectors are typically only meaningful alongside other vectors that were trained together in the same session. This is both because the process includes some randomness, and the vectors only acquire their useful positions via a tug-of-war with all other vectors and aspects of the model-in-training.
So, there's no standard location for a word like 'bar' - just a good position, within a certain model, given the training data and model parameters and other words co-populating the model.
This means mixing vectors from different models is non-trivial. There are ways to learn a 'translation' that moves vectors from the space of one model to another – but that is itself a lot like a re-training. You can pre-initialize a model with vectors from elsewhere... but as soon as training starts, all the words in your training corpus will start drifting into the best alignment for that data, and gradually away from their original positions, and away from pure comparability with other words that aren't being updated.
In my opinion, the best approach is usually to expand your corpus with more appropriate data, so that it has "enough" examples of every word important to you, in sufficiently varied contexts.
Many people use large free text dumps like Wikipedia articles for word-vector training, but be aware that its style of writing – dry, authoritative reference texts – may not be optimal for all domains. If your problem-area is "business reviews", you'd probably do best finding other review texts. If it's fiction stories, more fictional writing. And so forth. You can shuffle these other text-soruces in with your data to expand the vocabulary coverage.
You can also potentially shuffle in extra repeated examples of your own local data, if you want it to effectively have relatively more influence. (Generally, merely repeating a small number of non-varied examples can't help improve word-vectors: it's the subtle contrasts of different examples that helps. But as a way to incrementally boost the influence of some examples, when there are plenty of examples overall, it can make more sense.)

Is doc vector learned through PV-DBOW equivalent to the average/sum of the word vectors contained in the doc?

I've seen some posts say that the average of the word vectors perform better in some tasks than the doc vectors learned through PV_DBOW. What is the relationship between the document's vector and the average/sum of its words' vectors? Can we say that vector d
is approximately equal to the average or sum of its word vectors?
No. The PV-DBOW vector is calculated by a different process, based on how well the PV-DBOW-vector can be incrementally nudged to predict each word in the text in turn, via a concurrently-trained shallow neural network.
But, a simple average-of-word-vectors often works fairly well as a summary vector for a text.
So, let's assume both the PV-DBOW vector and the simple-average-vector are the same dimensionality. Since they're bootstrapped from exactly the same inputs (the same list of words), and the neural-network isn't significantly more sophisticated (in its internal state) than a good set of word-vectors, the performance of the vectors on downstream evaluations may not be very different.
For example, if the training data for the PV-DBOW model is meager, or meta-parameters not well optimized, but the word-vectors used for the average-vector are very well-fit to your domain, maybe the simple-average-vector would work better for some downstream task. On the other hand, a PV-DBOW model trained on sufficient domain text could provide vectors that outperform a simple-average based on word-vectors from another domain.
Note that FastText's classification mode (and similar modes in Facebook's StarSpace) actually optimizes word-vectors to work as parts of a simple-average-vector used to predict known text-classes. So if your end-goal is to have a text-vector for classification, and you have a good training dataset with known-labels, those techniques are worth considering as well.

Document similarity: Vector embedding versus Tf-Idf performance?

I have a collection of documents, where each document is rapidly growing with time. The task is to find similar documents at any fixed time. I have two potential approaches:
A vector embedding (word2vec, GloVe or fasttext), averaging over word vectors in a document, and using cosine similarity.
Bag-of-Words: tf-idf or its variations such as BM25.
Will one of these yield a significantly better result? Has someone done a quantitative comparison of tf-idf versus averaging word2vec for document similarity?
Is there another approach, that allows to dynamically refine the document's vectors as more text is added?
doc2vec or word2vec ?
According to article, the performance of doc2vec or paragraph2vec is poor for short-length documents. [Learning Semantic Similarity for Very Short Texts, 2015, IEEE]
Short-length documents ...?
If you want to compare the similarity between short documents, you might want to vectorize the document via word2vec.
how construct ?
For example, you can construct a document vector with a weighted average vector using tf-idf.
similarity measure
In addition, I recommend using ts-ss rather than cosine or euclidean for similarity.
Please refer to the following article or the summary in github below.
"A Hybrid Geometric Approach for Measuring Similarity Level Among Documents and Document Clustering"
thank you
You have to try it: the answer may vary based on your corpus and application-specific perception of 'similarity'. Effectiveness may especially vary based on typical document lengths, so if "rapidly growing with time" also means "growing arbitrarily long", that could greatly affect what works over time (requiring adaptations for longer docs).
Also note that 'Paragraph Vectors' – where a vector is co-trained like a word vector to represent a range-of-text – may outperform a simple average-of-word-vectors, as an input to similarity/classification tasks. (Many references to 'Doc2Vec' specifically mean 'Paragraph Vectors', though the term 'Doc2Vec' is sometimes also used for any other way of turning a document into a single vector, like a simple average of word-vectors.)
You may also want to look at "Word Mover's Distance" (WMD), a measure of similarity between two texts that uses word-vectors, though not via any simple average. (However, it can be expensive to calculate, especially for longer documents.) For classification, there's a recent refinement called "Supervised Word Mover's Distance" which reweights/transforms word vectors to make them more sensitive to known categories. With enough evaluation/tuning data about which of your documents should be closer than others, an analogous technique could probably be applied to generic similarity tasks.
You also might consider trying Jaccard similarity, which uses basic set algebra to determine the verbal overlap in two documents (although it is somewhat similar to a BOW approach). A nice intro on it can be found here.

The options for the first step of document clustering

I checked several document clustering algorithms, such as LSA, pLSA, LDA, etc. It seems they all require to represent the documents to be clustered as a document-word matrix, where the rows stand for document and the columns stand for words appearing in the document. And the matrix is often very sparse.
I am wondering, is there any other options to represent documents besides using the document-word matrix? Because I believe the way we express a problem has a significant influence on how well we can solve it.
As #ffriend pointed out, you cannot really avoid using the term-document-matrix (TDM) paradigm. Clustering methods operates on points in a vector space, and this is exactly what the TDM encodes. However, within that conceptual framework there are many things you can do to improve the quality of the TDM:
feature selection and re-weighting attempt to remove or weight down features (words) that do not contribute useful information (in the sense that your chosen algorithm does just as well or better without these features, or if their counts are decremented). You might want to read more about Mutual Information (and its many variants) and TF-IDF.
dimensionality reduction is about encoding the information as accurately as possible in the TDM using less columns. Singular Value Decomposition (the basis of LSA) and Non-Negative Tensor Factorisation are popular in the NLP community. A desirable side effect is that the TDM becomes considerably less sparse.
feature engineering attempts to build a TDM where the choice of columns is motivated by linguistic knowledge. For instance, you may want to use bigrams instead of words, or only use nouns (requires a part-of-speech tagger), or only use nouns with their associated adjectival modifier (e.g. big cat, requires a dependency parser). This is a very empirical line of work and involves a lot of experimentation, but often yield improved results.
the distributional hypothesis makes if possible to get a vector representing the meaning of each word in a document. There has been work on trying to build up a representation of an entire document from the representations of the words it contains (composition). Here is a shameless link to my own post describing the idea.
There is a massive body of work on formal and logical semantics that I am not intimately familiar with. A document can be encoded as a set of predicates instead of a set of words, i.e. the columns of the TDM can be predicates. In that framework you can do inference and composition, but lexical semantics (the meaning if individual words) is hard to deal with.
For a really detailed overview, I recommend Turney and Pantel's "From Frequency to Meaning : Vector Space Models of Semantics".
You question says you want document clustering, not term clustering or dimensionality reduction. Therefore I'd suggest you steer clear of the LSA family of methods, since they're a preprocessing step.
Define a feature-based representation of your documents (which can be, or include, term counts but needn't be), and then apply a standard clustering method. I'd suggest starting with k-means as it's extremely easy and there are many, many implementations of it.
OK, this is quite a very general question, and many answers are possible, none is definitive
because it's an ongoing research area. So far, the answers I have read mainly concern so-called "Vector-Space models", and your question is termed in a way that suggests such "statistical" approaches. Yet, if you want to avoid manipulating explicit term-document matrices, you might want to have a closer look at the Bayesian paradigm, which relies on
the same distributional hypothesis, but exploits a different theoretical framework: you don't manipulate any more raw distances, but rather probability distributions and, which is the most important, you can do inference based on them.
You mentioned LDA, I guess you mean Latent Dirichlet Allocation, which is the most well-known such Bayesian model to do document clustering. It is an alternative paradigm to vector space models, and a winning one: it has been proven to give very good results, which justifies its current success. Of course, one can argue that you still use kinds of term-document matrices through the multinomial parameters, but it's clearly not the most important aspect, and Bayesian researchers do rarely (if ever) use this term.
Because of its success, there are many software that implements LDA on the net. Here is one, but there are many others:
