trying to understand zf2.
my code:
$sql = new Sql($dbAdapter);
$insert = $sql->insert('security');
'user' => $userName,
'ip' => '',
'result' => 2
$dbAdapter->query($insert->getSqlString(), $dbAdapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE);
Notice: Attempting to quote a value without specific driver level
support can introduce security vulnerabilities in a production
environment. in
on line 80
any ideas?
Here is the right syntax of insert in zf2:
$data = array(
''user' => $userName,
'ip' => '',
'result' => '2'
and you need to get the object of table in which table to want to insert the data.
Or another way as you are using is:
use Zend\Db\Sql\Sql;
Check you are using above line. And replace your last line with following code:
$selectString = $sql->getSqlStringForSqlObject($insert);
$results = $this->dbAdapter->query($selectString, $dbAdapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE);
And I think you need to call change the $dbAdapter to $this->dbAdapter also try this.
i figure it out.
$sql = new Sql($dbAdapter);
$insert = $sql->insert('security');
'user' => $userName,
'ip' => '',
'result' => 2
$statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($insert);
$results = $statement->execute();
i'm try to write dailymotion api upload php code
i'm use example code from
it's work great
and i want add Geoblocking only allow Japan
this is my code
require_once 'Dailymotion.php';
// Account settings
$apiKey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$apiSecret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$testUser = '';
$testPassword = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$videoTestFile = 'C:/output.mp4';
// Scopes you need to run your tests
$scopes = array(
// Dailymotion object instanciation
$api = new Dailymotion();
'username' => $testUser,
'password' => $testPassword,
$url = $api->uploadFile($videoTestFile);
$result = $api->post(
'url' => $url,
'title' => 'Dailymotion PHP SDK upload test 2',
'tags' => 'dailymotion,api,sdk,test',
'channel' => 'videogames',
'published' => true,
'geoblocking' => 'JP', // i'm add this line
but i got this error
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'DailymotionAuthRequiredException' with message 'Insufficient rights for the `geoblocking' parameter of route `POST /videos'. Required scopes: manage_videos'
anyone can tell me
what i'm doing wrong and help me fix this problem
thank you
'geoblocking' => 'JP'
change to 'geoblocking' => 'jp'
your code will be
require_once 'Dailymotion.php';
// Account settings
$apiKey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$apiSecret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$testUser = '';
$testPassword = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
$videoTestFile = 'C:/output.mp4';
// Scopes you need to run your tests
$scopes = array(
// Dailymotion object instanciation
$api = new Dailymotion();
'username' => $testUser,
'password' => $testPassword,
$url = $api->uploadFile($videoTestFile);
$result = $api->post(
'url' => $url,
'title' => 'Dailymotion PHP SDK upload test 2',
'tags' => 'dailymotion,api,sdk,test',
'channel' => 'videogames',
'published' => true,
'geoblocking' => 'jp' // NO , in last line
This is the content of the global.php file:
return array(
'db' => array(
'driver' => 'Mysqli',
'database' => 'web_builder',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => ''
'service_manager' => array(
'factories' => array(
=> 'Zend\Db\Adapter\AdapterServiceFactory',
This is the content of my model:
namespace Application\Model;
use Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter;
use Zend\Db\TableGateway\AbstractTableGateway;
class UsersTable extends AbstractTableGateway {
public function __construct(Adapter $adapter) {
$this->adapter = $adapter;
public function user_login($getData,$session_id){ // manage the user's login
$email = $getData['login_email'];
$password = $getData['login_password'];
$select = $this->adapter->query ("select count(*) as counter from users where email = '$email' and password = '".md5($password)."'");
$results = $select->execute();
if ($results->current()['counter'] == 1 ){
$update_user = $this->adapter->query("UPDATE users SET session_id = '".$session_id."' WHERE email = '".$email."'");
$update_session = $update_user->execute();
return 1;
return 0;
For some reason the update query is not working. If i commented the count query it works. I observed that i cannot execute multiple queries in the same function for some God know reason :P. I'm getting this message: Statement couldn't be produced with sql: ...... . Both query works perfectly if i executed them in phpmyadmin. Can anyone explain me why this cannot work ? I'm a little desperate :| , I spent severals hours on this
It could be a formatting / preparation issue, taking a look at the manual it suggests the following format to prepare your statement:
$adapter->query('SELECT * FROM `artist` WHERE `id` = ?', array(5));
So in your case try formatting it as so:
$select = $this->adapter->query ('select count(*) as counter from users where email = ? and password = ? ', $email , md5($password) );
Here’s my widget in the Form.Class:
$this->widgetSchema['schools'] = new sfWidgetFormChoice(array(
'choices' => Doctrine_Core::getTable('school')->getUsersSchools($userId),
'renderer_class' => 'sfWidgetFormSelectDoubleList',
'renderer_options' => array(
'label_unassociated' => 'Unassociated',
'label_associated' => 'Associated'
The above works just fine, but the values that are stored are unassociated to the choices list referenced above. I need to store the ids of the array retrieved as the values. Instead, the list that is retrieved is chronological and the ids are ignored.
Here's the schoolTable query:
public function getUsersSchools($id){
$q =Doctrine_Query::create()
->where('user_id = ?', $id)
return $q;
If I understand your question correctly you would like to store associated school ids.
Use the sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice widget instead and it will work out of the box, as it using primary keys as ids.
$query = Doctrine_Core::getTable('school')->queryForSelect($userId);
$this->setWidget('schools', new sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice(array(
'model' => 'school',
'query' => $query,
'multiple' => true,
'renderer_class' => 'sfWidgetFormSelectDoubleList',
'renderer_options' => array(
'label_unassociated' => 'Unassociated',
'label_associated' => 'Associated'
$this->setValidator('schools', new sfValidatorDoctrineChoice(array(
'model' => 'schoool',
'query' => $query,
'multiple' => true,
// in SchoolTable class
public function queryForSelect($userId)
return $this->createQuery('s')
->andWhere('s.user_id = ?', $userId)
If you has a proper schema (I presume the schools should be a many-to-many association), then the current from should has a schools_list field (properly defined in the generated base from) and then you can modify that field to be rendered by sfWidgetFormSelectDoubleList:
$this->widgetSchema['schools_list']->setOption('renderer_class', 'sfWidgetFormSelectDoubleList');
$this->widgetSchema['schools_list']->setOption('renderer_options', array(
'label_unassociated' => 'Unassociated',
'label_associated' => 'Associated'
My models association chain:
ArchitectPurchase belongsTo ArchitectProfile belongsTo User
My action:
$this->ArchitectPurchase->recursive = -1;
$this->paginate['joins'] = array(
'table' => 'architect_profiles',
'alias' => 'ArchitectProfileJoin',
'type' => 'inner',
'conditions' => array(
' = ArchitectPurchase.architect_profile_id'
'table' => 'users',
'alias' => 'User',
'type' => 'inner',
'conditions' => array(
' = ArchitectProfileJoin.user_id'
$this->paginate['order'] = ' DESC';
$this->paginate['contain'] = array(
'ArchitectProfile' => array(
'fields' => array(''),
'User' => array(
'fields' => array('')
$this->set('architectPurchases', $this->paginate());
This action works fine, ordering the results by DESC. But when I use the link created with
echo $this->Paginator->sort('')
in my view, it does not work!
Looking at the core files, I found that the validateSort method of the PaginatorComponent was the problem:
if ($object->hasField($field)) {
$order[$alias . '.' . $field] = $value;
} elseif ($object->hasField($key, true)) {
$order[$field] = $value;
} elseif (isset($object->{$alias}) && $object->{$alias}->hasField($field, true)) {
$order[$alias . '.' . $field] = $value;
As the User model is not directly associated with the ArchitectPurchase model, I get
$order = array()
instead of
$order = array('' => 'asc')
I tried to use the $whitelist parameter, but still not working...
So I had to hack the core (noooo!!!), commenting from line 345 to 363 to make it work.
Am I doing something wrong or is this a 2.2.1 issue?
Thanks for posting this, I was actually having the same issue and with your insight of the problem I was able to solve it.
I posted a ticket on the issue tracker of CakePHP if anyone is interested, but basically they said it won't be fixed and offered two recommendations to bypass the problem.
The way I fixed it is I forced the model to be related with the one that has the field I'm interested in order by.
In regards to using SOAP to connect to Sugar CRM, the documentation for Sugar 6.1 Community Edition states:
"See /examples/SugarFullTest_Version2.php for more examples on usage."
This file is not in the examples folder. Where is it?
If this file does not exist, where can I find a working example of connecting to Sugar CRM with SOAP? None of the test scripts in the /examples/ folder work.
Couldn't find the file either, so made an example (PHP script connecting to sugarCRM v6 SOAP) for you.
$myWsdl = '';
$myAuth = array(
'user_name' => 'xxxx',
'password' => MD5('xxxx'),
'version' => '0.1'
$soapClient = new nusoap_client($myWsdl,true);
// Create lead
// (Can be made without login, i.e. sessionid)
$leadParams = array('user_name' => 'xxxx',
'password' => MD5('xxxx'),
'first_name' => 'Test',
'last_name' => '2',
'email_address' => '2#'
$leadResult = $soapClient->call('create_lead', $leadParams);
$leadId = $leadResult;
// Login
$loginParams = array('user_auth' => $myAuth, 'application_name' => 'WebForm');
$loginResult = $soapClient->call('login', $loginParams);
$sessionId = $loginResult['id'];
// Modules
// (Need login, so sessionID is used)
$modulesResult = $soapClient->call('get_available_modules', array('session' => $sessionId));
// Get account list
$accountParams = array('session' => $sessionId,
'module_name' => 'Accounts',
'query' => " = 'Amarelo'",
'order_by' => '',
'deleted' => 0
$accountResult = $soapClient->call('get_entry_list', $accountParams);
// Get entry
$leadParams = array('session' => $sessionId,
'module_name' => 'Leads',
'id' => "$leadId"
$leadResult = $soapClient->call('get_entry', $leadParams);
// Logout
$logoutResult = $soapClient->call('logout', array('session' => $sessionId));
For debugging and testing SoapUI is very helpful.