monkey talk - how to judge there is one UI exists? - orientation

In QTP, we can use below code:
if obj1.exist(5);
We can control the wait time and if one UI exists, we can do some operation.
how to work out the same situation in Monkey Talk with JS?
and can I get the orientation of the IOS device with JS?

Use the following to see if a component exists, Label * Verify %timeout=10000. This will wait 10 seconds to find a label. You can use JavaScript like the following...
try {
app.label().verify(); //if label exists
} catch(Exception err) {
app.debug().print("Label not found");
To get the orientation you can do the following, Device * var orientation


Audio outputs callkit ActionSheet - possible to start from code?

I am looking for a way of showing a list of available audio outputs like callkit does - it shows ActionSheet with devices listed - see photo (normal call with audio button touched while bluetooth speaker and headphones connected).
Is there any possibility to show this action sheet using piece of code? Right now my searchings about enumerating and showing audio outputs gets me to enumerate inputs and map it in some way or user multiRoute category (see List available output audio target AVAudioSession). Maybe there is some more native/easy way ?
I tried to do this but with no luck.
The closest solution I figured is to detect if a headphone is connected using the following:
extension AVAudioSession {
static var connectedHeadphones: AVAudioSessionPortDescription? {
return sharedInstance().currentRoute.outputs.first(where: { $0.isHeadphones })
extension AVAudioSessionPortDescription {
var isHeadphones: Bool {
return portType == AVAudioSession.Port.headphones || portType == AVAudioSession.Port.bluetoothA2DP
and then set it to the AVAudioSession:
try session.setPreferredInput(connectedHeadphones)
OK, after some time I can answer for my question - unfortunately it is not possible. The only option is to deal with AVAudioSession.availableInputs to get a list of inputs, build and UIAlertController with it and using combination of setPreferredInput and overrideOutputAudioPort set the user's choice.

How to change the background color of a Button inside a webview in iOS

I have a WebView that loads an URL (say & asks the user to login to his instance.
Now, I want to get rid of the default login screen that it shows up & want to play around with the color of the login button.
Is it possible to change the color of a button inside a website that loads in UIWebView or WKWebView?
Absolutely Yes. For this you need to have little bit knowledge of html,css and java script.
Step 1. Prepare a java script as a string like below:
let changeHtmlbuttonScript = """
var property = document.getElementById(btn);
if (count == 0) { = "#FFFFFF"
count = 1;
} else { = "#7FFF00"
count = 0;
Step 2: Evaluate java script on your current webview
You can do it with UIWebView if you override the resource loading with a custom NSURLProtocol, and load your own CSS instead of theirs. "evaluateJavaScript" might work as well if you wait until the page is loaded somehow (see other reply).
Most likely what you ask violates the Salesforce's terms of service, so I wouldn't do it.
If they have a REST API for something that you try to achieve, then you can provide your own UI.

how make to make ios keyboard's return key submit input in unity?

I have a Unity UI's input field and a text box. When I use Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Return), it only works on the OS X and PC build and not on the iOS build. iOS keyboard's Return key does nothing. I have tried the events, too, but it doesn't work even then.
Somebody please tell me the solution to this problem if there is any?
While I can't think of a way to harness the return key directly on iOS, there is a way to do so with the "Submit" key using the TouchScreenKeyboard class in Unity
Specifically, it has a variable TouchScreenKeyboard.done to indicate whether the user has pressed the "Submit" (or equivalent) button on any mobile device (iOS, Android WP)
You can also check the wasCanceled variable to see whether the user canceled the input.
public class TouchKeyboardExample : Monobehaviour {
private TouchScreenKeyboard touchScreenKeyboard;
private string inputText = string.Empty;
void Start () {
touchScreenKeyboard = TouchScreenKeyboard.Open(inputText, TouchScreenKeyboardType.Default);
void Update () {
if(touchScreenKeyboard == null)
inputText = touchScreenKeyboard.text;
Debug.Log("User typed in "+inputText);
Debug.Log("User canceled input");
I've never tried this on IOS, so I'll just guess here.
Are you using the new Unity UI that was introduced in Unity4.6 / Unity5? If so, you might want to use the UI EventSystem, which you probably have somewhere in scene already (it is being added automatically when you add new Canvas object). If you don't have it in scene, add it via menu GameObject->UI->Event System.
In the EventSystem game object, there's a component called Standalone Input Module, where you can then define Submit Button property - which is mapped to Unity's Input Manager (Edit->Project Settings->Input).
On the individual UI element (i.e. InputField in your case), you can now add EventTrigger component, which can listen to Submit event and call a custom method, even pass it some data (e.g. itself, as InputField parameter of the method).
You can also listen to many more events this way (select, hover, drag, etc).
this works fine for me (PC/Mobile), try it out
this.yourInput.onSubmit.AddListener(delegate {
if (this.yourInput.text.Length > 0)
// do something here after enter (PC) or done (mobile)

How to use ScriptProcessorNode

I am trying to create a Web Audio script processor in Dart. I noticed this question that shows using a "javascriptnode":ScriptProcessorNode
This doesn't seem to be present in the current Dart build. Does anyone have an example of how to use it. I am trying to create a BitCrusher processor.
It seems the latest api doesn't have the "onAudioProcess" method and I am guessing I should be using the "addEventListener" method but I don't know what the message type should be. I even tried the "setEventListener" method but I still don't get events.
_script = _context.createScriptProcessor(2048, 1, 1);
_script.addEventListener("message", _onProcess);
_script.setEventListener(_onProcess); //<--- this doesn't work either.
void _onProcess(Event e) { //<---- This is never called
// Perform bit crush algorithm
In the mean time (i.e. assuming that soon you could use directly _script.onAudioProcess) you can use the following stub
// stub as onAudioProcess has disappeared from sdk 1.7
Stream<AudioProcessingEvent> onAudioProcess(ScriptProcessorNode node) {
return node.on['audioprocess'];
and use it like this
onAudioProcess(_script).listen((AudioProcessingEvent event) {
// example to get output data (for playback)
Float32List data = event.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
// example to get input data (for recording)
Float32List data = event.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0);

how to handle iOS notification callback on phonegap cordova?

I don't know if the title say it properly but..
I have a cordova 1.9 app with push notifications using the PushNotification Plugin and UrbanAirship. Everything works fine.
Now I'd like to open a particular page of my app when I lauch/resume my app from a notification.
Is that possible using Javascript ?
I'm totally lost when reading objective-c.
Notifications causes problem to understand JSON structure.
It is not:
if(notifications.length > 0){
if(notifications.notifications.length > 0){
Array is on: notifications.notifications[] structure.
I am not sure how you are trying to load the page but the simplest way would be to call for the pending notifications as it is in javascript and then use window.location.href to load the require page.
I am using this procedure to perform certain task when I have pending notification at application start:
function registerAirship() {
console.log("ready to register for airship");
window.plugins.pushNotification.registerDevice({alert:true, badge:true, sound:true},function(status) {
if (status.deviceToken) {
window.token = status.deviceToken;
if (status) {
registerUAPush(token, "", key, key1, function(){
window.plugins.pushNotification.getPendingNotifications(function(notifications) {
if(notifications.length > 0){
var note = notifications[0];
if(note.applicationLaunchNotification == "1"){
// use the note.aps and redirect to required page
} else {
alert("Registration Error: " + status);
I was in your position a few days ago. I decided it was easiest to hack objective-c.
1) I found the function that handled my push notification (AppDelegate.m) and called a js function after objective-c had launched execution for handling the notification. After that line, I did this:
[viewController.webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"opensometab()"];
2) In the root of my web app application I added this to the pushnotification.js file (you should be able to put it anywhere but I wanted it here).
** My JS function was to activate a tab within the Viewport so yours may be different.
function opensometab(){
var tabPanel = Ext.Viewport.down('tabpanelname');
tabPanel.setActiveItem(3); //index number 3
