How can I convert a C# multidimensional List to VB.Net - c#-2.0

I'll start off by saying that everything I know about C# I've learned in the last few days researching how to convert a C# module to VB.Net 4.0.
The code below is a few select lines from the C# module that I'm converting to VB.Net. For the most part, it has been relatively simple and what I haven't been able to figure out, I've Googled and found an answer for. After about 10 hours of attempting to search for the answer(s) to the lines below, I finally came here looking for help.
As far as I can tell, the C# code creates a List of Integer, where the Integer is an array. The lines that I've included below that access that arrayed list.
My question is this: How can I convert this to VB.Net 4.0? or Can someone provide me with the working converted code?
Thanks in advance!
C# Code:
// mColumnPoint, mStartPoint, mEndPoint are all Integers
// Note that there is a mColumnPoint(int) and mColumnPoints(list) plural
private List<int[]> mColumnPoints;
mColumnPoints = new List<int[]>();
mColumnPoints.Add(new int[] { mStartPoint, mEndPoint });
for (int i = (int)mColumnPoints[mColumnPoint].GetValue(0);
i < (int)mColumnPoints[mColumnPoint].GetValue(1); i++)
// Stuff in for loop here

Well, It's an easy task:
Dim list As List(Of Integer()) = New List(Of Integer())()
list.Add(New Integer()() = { Class1.mStartPoint, Class1.mEndPoint })
For i As Integer = CInt(list(Class1.mColumnPoint).GetValue(0))To CInt(list(Class1.mColumnPoint).GetValue(1)) - 1
I've used a great tool called "ILSpy",
Simply build what you want using C# or then open that tool and browse for your *.exe or *.dll to see it in or c#, have fun :)

Module Module1
Structure segment
Dim startingPoint As Integer
Dim endingPoint As Integer
End Structure
Sub Main()
Dim mStartPoint, mEndPoint, mColumnPoint As Integer
Dim mColumnPoints As New ArrayList
Dim nextSegment As segment
mStartPoint = 1
mEndPoint = 42
mColumnPoint = 0 ' The first element in the array
nextSegment.startingPoint = mStartPoint
nextSegment.endingPoint = mEndPoint
Dim startValue As Integer = mColumnPoints(mColumnPoint).startingPoint
Dim limit As Integer = mColumnPoints(mColumnPoint).endingPoint
Dim i As Integer
For i = startValue To limit
' do something
Console.WriteLine("Cycle # " & i.ToString)
Console.WriteLine("Done " & i.ToString)
End Sub
End Module


LUA indexed table access via named constants

I am using LUA as embedded language on a µC project, so the ressources are limited. To save some cycles and memory I do always only indexed based table access (table[1]) instead og hash-based access (table.someMeaning = 1). This saves a lot of memory.
The clear drawback of this is approach are the magic numbers thrughtout the code.
A Cpp-like preprocessor would help here to replace the number with named-constants.
Is there a good way to achieve this?
A preprocessor in LUA itself, loading the script and editing the chunk and then loading it would be a variant, but I think this exhausts the ressources in the first place ...
So, I found a simple solution: write your own preprocessor in Lua!
It's probably the most easy thing to do.
First, define your symbols globally:
MySymbols = {
FIELD_1 = 1,
FIELD_2 = 2,
FIELD_3 = 3,
Then you write your preprocessing function, which basically just replace the strings from MySymbols by their value.
function Preprocess (FilenameIn, FilenameOut)
local FileIn =, "r")
local FileString = FileIn:read("*a")
for Name, Value in pairs(MySymbols) do
FileString = FileString:gsub(Name, Value)
local FileOut =, "w")
Then, if you try with this input file test.txt:
And call the following function:
Preprocess("test.txt", "test-out.lua")
You will get the fantastic output file:
I let you the joy to integrate it with your scripts/toolchain.
If you want to avoid attributing the number manually, you could just add a wonderful closure:
function MakeCounter ()
local Count = 0
return function ()
Count = Count + 1
return Count
NewField = MakeCounter()
MySymbols = {
FIELD_1 = NewField(),
FIELD_2 = NewField(),
FIELD_3 = NewField()

Excel VBA code doesn't work in Open Office (Code copy files from list)

I had some excel VBA code, and it doesn't work in Open Office Calc.
Code in excel copy files from list from different catalog to another.
I don't know macro programming in open office. I read about diffrent declaration, but it really hard for me. What should I change for open office?
I will really grateful for any help.
Sub copyfiles()
Dim xRg As Range, xCell As Range
Dim xSFileDlg As FileDialog, xDFileDlg As FileDialog
Dim xSPathStr As Variant, xDPathStr As Variant
Dim xVal As String
On Error Resume Next
Set xRg = Application.InputBox("Wybierz pliki do skopiowania:", "KuTools For Excel", ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address, , , , , 8)
If xRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Set xSFileDlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
xSFileDlg.Title = "Wybierz folder z którego kopiuję:"
If xSFileDlg.Show <> -1 Then Exit Sub
xSPathStr = xSFileDlg.SelectedItems.Item(1) & "\"
Set xDFileDlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
xDFileDlg.Title = "Wybierz folder do którego kopiuję:"
If xDFileDlg.Show <> -1 Then Exit Sub
xDPathStr = xDFileDlg.SelectedItems.Item(1) & "\"
For Each xCell In xRg
xVal = xCell.Value
If TypeName(xVal) = "String" And xVal <> "" Then
FileCopy xSPathStr & xVal, xDPathStr & xVal
End If
End Sub
The code needs to be entirely rewritten. OpenOffice Basic is a completely different programming platform from MS Office VBA.
One good place to start learning OpenOffice Basic is

Shorten link from Google Docs using tinyurl

I've seen this method over the internet: Create Short URLs Using APIs and Google Docs
How can I use this method using
Can you please help me? thank you!
No credentials are required to access the tinyurl api. It is dead simple, requiring only the long url in the query:<longUrl>
A spreadsheet function similar to those in the referenced article would be:
= importData(concatenate("",B1))
Reference: Tinyurl has an API.
=importData is only for googlesheets.
Which answers this question.
But for those who use Excel you can use VBA code
Option Explicit
Public Sub tinyURL()
Dim qt As QueryTable
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Copy As Integer
Dim Paste As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim URL As String
i = 2
Copy = 2
Paste = 2
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
'loops until column A is empty
Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(i, 1))
'Copy from list in Column A and paste result into column B
Set qt = ws.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="URL;" & URL, Destination:=ws.Range("B" & Paste))
With qt
.RefreshOnFileOpen = True
.FieldNames = True
.WebSelectionType = xlSpecifiedTables
.WebTables = 1
.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
End With
i = i + 1
Copy = Copy + 1
Paste = Paste + 1
End Sub

Converting call to a stored procedure from C# to

Dim sql1 As String = ("EXEC [dbo].[usp_GetReportData_All] #ReportID=N'{0}', #StartDate=N'{1}' #EndDate=N'{2}', #StartDate2=N'{3}' #EndDate2=N'{4}'", repotid1, startdata1, EndDate1, StartDate3,Enddate3 ) (this is what I tried to do in
Ok normally I have this line of code in C# saved into a string then from there I use that string to run the stored procedure into a datatable. Apparently doesn't seem to like that format so I'm just wondering if it is possible to save this line into a string or not in
Oops mistake, this is what I do in C#:
string srcSQL = string.Format(then the line in parans up there)
As you can see in this examples of Console.Writeline(, you can use it for example:
Console.WriteLine("Grand total:\t{0,8:c}", Total);
For Example
Dim total As String
Dim result As String
total = "1000"
result = String.Format("restulado {0}", total)
The var Total is formatted as currency
use String.Format("YourSQLText", parameter0, parameter1)

DBF Large Char Field

I have a database file that I beleive was created with Clipper but can't say for sure (I have .ntx files for indexes which I understand is what Clipper uses). I am trying to create a C# application that will read this database using the System.Data.OleDB namespace.
For the most part I can sucessfully read the contents of the tables there is one field that I cannot. This field called CTRLNUMS that is defined as a CHAR(750). I have read various articles found through Google searches that suggest field larger than 255 chars have to be read through a different process than the normal assignment to a string variable. So far I have not been successful in an approach that I have found.
The following is a sample code snippet I am using to read the table and includes two options I used to read the CTRLNUMS field. Both options resulted in 238 characters being returned even though there is 750 characters stored in the field.
Here is my connection string:
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\datadir;Extended Properties=DBASE IV;
Can anyone tell me the secret to reading larger fields from a DBF file?
using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(connectionString))
using (OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand())
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.CommandText = string.Format("SELECT ITEM,CTRLNUMS FROM STUFF WHERE ITEM = '{0}'", stuffId);
using (OleDbDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
if (dr.Read())
stuff.StuffId = dr["ITEM"].ToString();
string ctrlNums = dr["CTRLNUMS"].ToString();
char[] buffer = new char[750];
int index = 0;
int readSize = 5;
while (index < 750)
long charsRead = dr.GetChars(dr.GetOrdinal("CTRLNUMS"), index, buffer, index, readSize);
index += (int)charsRead;
if (charsRead < readSize)
You can find a description of the DBF structure here:
What I think Clipper used to do was modify the Field structure so that, in Character fields, the Decimal Places held the high-order byte of the size, so Character field sizes were really 256*Decimals+Size.
I may have a C# class that reads dbfs (natively, not ADO/DAO), it could be modified to handle this case. Let me know if you're interested.
Are you still looking for an answer? Is this a one-off job or something that needs doing regularly?
I have a Python module that is primarily intended to extract data from all kinds of DBF files ... it doesn't yet handle the length_high_byte = decimal_places hack, but it's a trivial change. I'd be quite happy to (a) share this with you and/or (b) get a copy of such a DBF file for testing.
Added later: Extended-length feature added, and tested against files I've created myself. Offer to share code with anyone who would like to test it still stands. Still interested in getting some "real" files myself for testing.
3 suggestions that might be worth a shot...
1 - use Access to create a linked table to the DBF file, then use .Net to hit the table in the access database instead of going direct to the DBF.
2 - try the FoxPro OLEDB provider
3 - parse the DBF file by hand. Example is here.
My guess is that #1 should work the easiest, and #3 will give you the opportunity to fine tune your cussing skills. :)
