LINQ query with omitted user input -

so I have a form with several fields which are criteria for searching in a database.
I want to formulate a query using LINQ like so:
var Coll = (from obj in table where value1 = criteria1 && value2 = criteria2...)
and so on.
My problem is, I don't want to write it using If statements to check if every field has been filled in, nor do I want to make separate methods for the various search cases (criteria 1 and criteria 5 input; criteria 2 and criteria 3 input ... etc.)
So my question is: How can I achieve this without writing an excessive amount of code? If I just write in the query with comparison, will it screw up the return values if the user inputs only SOME values?
Thanks for your help.

Yes, it will screw up.
I would go with the ifs, I don't see what's wrong with them:
var query = table;
if(criteria1 != null)
query = query.Where(x => x.Value1 == criteria1);
if(criteria2 != null)
query = query.Where(x => x.Value2 == criteria2);
If you have a lot of criteria you could use expressions, a dictionary and a loop to cut down on the repetitive code.

In an ASP.NET MVC app, chances are your user input is coming from a form which is being POSTed to your server. In that case, you can make use of strongly-typed views, using a viewmodel with [Required] on the criteria that MUST be provided. Then you wrap your method in if (ModelState.IsValid) { ... } and you've excluded all the cases where the user hasn't given you something they need.
Beyond that, if you can collect your criteria into a list, you can filter it. So, you could do something like this:
filterBy = userValues.Where(v => v != null);
var Coll = (from obj in table where filterBy.Contains(value1) select obj);
You can make this more complex by having a Dictionary (or Lookup for non-unique keys) that contains a user-entered value along with some label (an enum, perhaps) that tells you which field they're filtering by, and then you can group them by that label to separate out the filters for each field, and then filter as above. You could even have a custom SearchFilter object that contains other info, so you can have filters with AND, NOT and OR conditions...
Failing that, you can remember that until you trigger evaluation of an IQueryable, it doesn't hit the database, so you can just do this:
var Coll = (from obj in table where value1 == requiredCriteria select obj);
if(criteria1 != null)
query = query.Where(x => x.Value1 == criteria1);
if(criteria5 != null)
query = query.Where(x => x.Value5 == criteria5);
return query.ToList();
That first line applies any criteria that MUST be there; if there aren't any mandatory ones then it could just be var Coll = table;.
That will add any criteria that are provided will be applied, any that aren't will be ignored, you catch all the possible combinations, and only one query is made at the end when you .ToList() it.

As I understand of your question you want to centralize multiple if for the sake of readability; if I were right the following would be one of some possible solutions
Func<object, object, bool> CheckValueWithAnd = (x, y) => x == null ? true : x==y;
var query = from obj in table
where CheckValue(obj.value1, criteria1) &&
CheckValue(obj.value2, criteria2) &&
select obj;
It ls flexible because in different situations or scenarios you can change the function in the way that fulfill your expectation and you do not need to have multiple if.
If you want to use OR operand in your expression you need to have second function
Func<object, object, bool> CheckValueWithOr = (x, y) => x == null ? false : x==y;


List return Last item only mvc 4

below is my Action Method.It return Last item of list only. but I want list of Items in AList.
public ActionResult Ataxi(){
List<sub_employee> AList = new List<sub_employee>();
var alist = IM.getAvailableList().ToList();
foreach(var item in alist)
AList = db.sub_employee.Where(s => s.SE_ID == item).ToList();
return View(AList);
how do I get All elements in Alist. Can Somebody help me to solve this problem. thank you
I think you want something like this:
public ActionResult Ataxi(){
var list1 = IM.getAvailableList().ToList();
var list2 = db.sub_employee
.Where(x => list1.Contains(x.Id))
return View(list2);
In your example you keep overwriting the value of the list. You also check Where for each item of your original list against db.sub_employee, which is hard to read and not very efficient. You really only need to use Where once to filter the value whose key is not already in the list. Note that using Contains inside Where is horribly inefficient, but its simple to write and doesn't require creating new LINQ operators.
Also, on a style note, I would avoid starting local variable names with capital letters (Alist), and especially avoid local variables that only differ by capitalization (Alist vs alist). Conversely, it is standard to name types and properties starting with capital letters (sub_employee).

Perform wildcard search of all (displayed) model fields in MVC?

I have an MVC5 View where I am using the Grid.MVC component ( This allows me to easily display data from my Oracle DB and has out of the box functionality for Sorting/Filtering each Data Column. What I am trying to implement now is a Wildcard Search across all fields in my grid. For example, if I search the number "2" I'd like to return all records that contain a "2" be they string, decimal, or DateTime.
The filter capability on this grid performs filtering (for individual columns) partially by modifying the URL (http://homeURL/?grid-filter=Location.DEPT__1__accounting) such as 1 being Equals, 2 being Contains, 3 being StartsWith, and 4 being EndsWith and then after the next 2 underscores being the search criteria.
I first thought I was going down the right path by using JavaScript to modify to the desired URL via daisy-chaining all fields with the search criteria using a CONTAINS. I then noticed that decimal fields like [Cost] and DateTime (Oracle DB) fields like [Acquired_Date] have criteria settings of Equals, Greater Than, and Less Than, so I tried:
$('#SearchIcon').on("click", function (e) {
window.location = window.location.href.substr(0, window.location.href.indexOf('?'));
window.location = "?grid-filter=FIELD1__2__" + document.getElementById("Search").value +
"&grid-filter=FIELD2__2__" + document.getElementById("Search").value +
"&grid-filter=COST__1__" + document.getElementById("Search").value +
// etc. -- ALL FIELDS
"&grid-filter=NOTE__2__" + document.getElementById("Search").value;
This technically functions, but with the [&] is searching for a record(s) that have the corresponding search criteria in EVERY field. What I need is something similar, but with an OR [||] conditioning ---- unfortunately the grid component does not contain this form of functionality.
I then thought to pass the search criteria to a controller action and use it via a multi-WHERE clause and return only the records fitting the filter to my View:
public ActionResult SearchAssets(string searchCriteria)
var assetSearchResults = db.ENTITY_COLLECTION.Where(m => m.ID.ToString() == searchCriteria ||
m.Model.ToString() == searchCriteria ||
m.COST.ToString() == searchCriteria ||
// etc. -- ALL FIELDS
var assetCount = db.ENTITY_COLLECTION.ToList().Count();
return View(assetSearchResults);
This resulted in an error with the WHERE cluase, stating to view the Inner Exception for details -- ORA-12704: character set mismatch MVC. I then reduced my multiple conditions down to just 2 fields to be searched for debugging:
var assetSearchResults = db.ENTITY_COLLECTION.Where(m => m.ID.ToString() == searchCriteria ||
m.Model.ToString() == searchCriteria).FirstOrDefault();
Resulting in:
EntityCommandExecutionException was unhandled by user code.
An exception of type 'System.Data.Entity.Core.EntityCommandExecutionException' occurred in EntityFramework.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: An error occurred while executing the command definition. See the inner exception for details.
Inner Exception: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got NCLOB
Anyone have an idea on how to get what I want working? I also tried .Where(...con1...).Where(...con2...).Where(...etc...) with the same error resulting. I figured a wildcard search across all fields would be difficult to implement, but this is proving to be a whole bigger animal than I anticipated.
This will be very slow, but try this, which will load the entire collection into objects and let LINQ do the filtering on the client side:
public ActionResult SearchAssets(string searchCriteria)
var assetSearchResults = db.ENTITY_COLLECTION.ToList().Where(m => m.ID.ToString() == searchCriteria ||
m.Model.ToString() == searchCriteria ||
m.COST.ToString() == searchCriteria ||
// etc. -- ALL FIELDS
var assetCount = db.ENTITY_COLLECTION.ToList().Count();
return View(assetSearchResults);
You could try something like this:
public ActionResult SearchAssets(string searchCriteria)
var assetSearchResults = db.ENTITY_COLLECTION.Where(m => m.ID.ToString() == searchCriteria)
.Union(db.ENTITY_COLLECTION.Where(m =>m.Model.ToString()==searchCriteria))
.Union(db.ENTITY_COLLECTION.Where(m =>m.COST.ToString() == searchCriteria))
// etc. -- ALL FIELDS
var assetCount = db.ENTITY_COLLECTION.ToList().Count();
return View(assetSearchResults);
Although, ultimately I would suggest looking into something like a predicate builder. Seems to be what you are doing anyhow.

Filtering list using linq and mvc

Below is the code in question. I receive Object reference not set to an instance of an object. on the where clause inside the Linq query. However, this only happens after it goes through and builds my viewpage.
Meaning: If I step through using debugger, I can watch it pull the correct order I am filtering for, go to the correct ViewPage, fill in the model/table with the correct filtered item, and THEN it comes back to my Controller and shows me the error.
public ActionResult OrderIndex(string searchBy, string search)
var orders = repositoryOrder.GetOpenOrderList();
if (Request.QueryString["FilterOrderNumber"] != null)
var ordersFiltered = from n in orders
where n.OrderNumber.ToUpper().Contains(Request.QueryString["FilterOrderNumber"].ToUpper().ToString())
select n;
return View(ordersFiltered);
return View(orders);
its always better to manipulate your strings and other things outside the linq query ,
please refer :
from the readability point of view also its not good ,
public ActionResult OrderIndex(string searchBy, string search)
var orders = repositoryOrder.GetOpenOrderList();
var orderNumber = Request.QueryString["FilterOrderNumber"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderNumber))
orderNumber = orderNumber.ToUpper();
var ordersFiltered = from n in orders
where n.OrderNumber.ToUpper().Contains(orderNumber)
select n;
return View(ordersFiltered);
return View(orders);
Your query is not being executed in your Action method because you don't have a ToList (or equivalent) added to your query. When your code returns, your query will be enumerated somewhere in your view and that's the point where the error occurs.
Try adding ToList to your query like this to force query execution in your action method:
var ordersFiltered = (from n in orders
where n.OrderNumber.ToUpper().Contains(Request.QueryString["FilterOrderNumber"].ToUpper().ToString())
select n).ToList();
What's going wrong is that a part of your where clause is null. This could be your query string parameter. Try moving the Request.QueryString part out of your query and into a temporary variable. If that's not the case make sure that your orders have an OrderNumber.
You both were right. Just separately.
This fixed my problem
var ordersFiltered = (from n in orders
where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(n.OrderNumber) && n.OrderNumber.ToUpper().Contains(Request.QueryString["FilterOrderNumber"].ToUpper().ToString())
select n);

Getting a list of distinct entities projected into a new type with extra field for the count

I'm designing an interface where the user can join a publicaiton to a keyword, and when they do, I want to suggest other keywords that commonly occur in tandem with the selected keyword. The trick is getting the frequency of correlation alongside the properties of the suggested keywords.
The Keyword type (EF) has these fields:
int Id
string Text
string UrlString
...and a many-to-many relation to a Publications entity-set.
I'm almost there. With :
var overlappedKeywords =
selectedKeyword.Publications.SelectMany(p => p.Keywords).ToList();
Here I get something very useful: a flattened list of keywords, each duplicated in the list however many times it appears in tandem with selectedKeyword.
The remaining Challenge:
So I want to get a count of the number of times each keyword appears in this list, and project the distinct keyword entities onto a new type, called KeywordCounts, having the same fields as Keyword but with one extra field: int PublicationsCount, into which I will populate the count of each Keyword within overlappedKeywords. How can I do this??
So far I've tried 2 approaches:
var keywordCounts = overlappingKeywords
.Select(oc => new KeywordCount
KeywordId = oc.Id,
Text = oc.Text,
UrlString = oc.UrlString,
PublicationsCount = overlappingKeywords.Count(ok2 => ok2.Id == oc.Id)
...PublicationsCount is getting populated correctly, but Distinct isn't working here. (must I create an EqualityComarer for this? Why doesn't the default EqualityComarer work?)
var keywordCounts = overlappingKeywords
.GroupBy(o => o.Id)
.Select(c => new KeywordCount
Id = ???
Text = ???
UrlString = ???
PublicationsCount = ???
I'm not very clear on GroupBy. I don't seem to have any access to 'o' in the Select, and c isn't comping up with any properties of Keyword
My first approach would work with a simple EqualityComparer passed into .Distinct() :
class KeywordEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<KeywordCount>
public bool Equals(KeywordCount k1, KeywordCount k2)
return k1.KeywordId== k2.KeywordId;
public int GetHashCode(KeywordCount k)
return k.KeywordId.GetHashCode();
...but Slauma's answer is preferable (and accepted) because it does not require this. I'm still stumped as to what the default EqualityComparer would be for an EF entity instance -- wouldn't it just compare based on primary ids, as I did above here?
You second try is the better approach. I think the complete code would be:
var keywordCounts = overlappingKeywords
.GroupBy(o => o.Id)
.Select(c => new KeywordCount
Id = c.Key,
Text = c.Select(x => x.Text).FirstOrDefault(),
UrlString = c.Select(x => x.UrlString).FirstOrDefault(),
PublicationsCount = c.Count()
This is LINQ to Objects, I guess, because there doesn't seem to be a EF context involved but an object overlappingKeywords, so the grouping happens in memory, not in the database.

How to specify a condition in an Entity Framework join?

I have a Blogs table related to BlogComments table with a FK.
I need to get, through Linq, all the BlogComments items that match a certain flag
If i do:
db.Blogs.Where(b => b.BlogComments.Where(bc=>bc.Where(bc.Flag1==true));
I get "Cannot implicity convert type IEnumerable to bool"
Which is the best way to solve this problem?
Because this expression:
returns an IEnumerable (of BlogComments), but you are then passing it into this method:
which expects a function that returns a bool, not an IEnumerable.
You probably need something like this:
var blogId = 5;
db.BlogComments.Where(bc => bc.BlogId == blogId && bc.Flag1 == true)
If you need to select comments from multiple blogs, then you could try using Contains:
var blogIds = new [] {1,2,3,4,5};
db.BlogComments.Where(bc => blogIds.Contains(bc.BlogId) && bc.Flag1 == true)
If you want to place criteria on the set of blogs, as well as the comments, then you could do this in one query using a join:
var query = from b in db.Blogs
join c in db.BlogComments on c.Blog equals b
where b.SomeField == "some value"
&& c.Flag1 == true
select c;
You could write it in LINQ form.
var blogs = from b in db.Blogs
join c in db.BlogComments
on b.BlogId equals c.BlogId
where c.Flag1
select b;
If you have a composite key you can write
on new { A = b.BlogKey1, B = b.BlogKey2 }
equals new { A = c.CommentKey1, B = c.CommentKey2 }
If it were me, I would just have another DbSet in your DbContext.
DbSet<BlogComment> BlogComments
and just search through there without going through Blogs.
db.BlogComments.Where(bc => bc.Flag1 == true);
If anyone knows if there's anything wrong in doing so, then I'm all ears :)
