Does not contain a definition for 'AddToPosts' and no extension method -

I am still learning ASP.NET/MVC and following along a tutorial by Matt Blagden (You Tube) on building a Blog..
After making the Post Controller I am getting an error in a snippet of code that handles adding a Tag to a Post if it is a new Post. My thought is the method AddToPosts should have been generated when I added a new Entity Data Model.
The error is:
blog.Models.BlogModel does not contain a definition for 'AddToPosts' and no extension method 'AddToPosts'. PostsController.cs accepting a first argument of type 'blog.Models.BlogModel' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
The portion of code that is giving me the error is:
if (!id.HasValue)
Here is the entire Post Controller
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using blog.Models;
using System.Data.EntityModel;
using System.Text;
namespace blog.Controllers
public class PostsController : Controller
// Access Model
private BlogModel model = new BlogModel();
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
// A way to input sample data into database
public ActionResult Update(int? id, string title, string body, etc.....)
//IF not an admin redirect back to index
if (!IsAdmin)
return RedirectToAction("Index");
// Get Post
Post post = GetPost(id);
// Populate simple properties
post.Title = title;
post.Body = body;
post.DateTime = dateTime;
post.Tags.Clear(); // first clear tag list
//ensure input sequence of tag names is not null
tags = tags ?? string.Empty;
//Split the sequence into a list of tag names
string[] tagNames = tags.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, etc...
//Get or create each tag that was named
foreach (string tagName in tagNames)
//Add the tag
if (!id.HasValue)
return RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = post.ID });
public ActionResult Edit(int? id)
Post post = GetPost(id);
StringBuilder tagList = new StringBuilder();
foreach (Tag tag in post.Tags)
//Append each tagname
tagList.AppendFormat("{0} ", tag.Name);
//Gives the tagList to the view
ViewBag.Tags = tagList.ToString();
return View(post);
private Tag GetTag(string tagName)
{ // if tag is set then Get the Tag, if not create a new one (Just like GetPost)
return model.Tags.Where(x => x.Name == tagName).FirstOrDefault() ?? etc....
private Post GetPost(int? id)
// IF id is set then Get the Post, if not make a new one..
return id.HasValue ? model.Posts.Where(x => x.ID == id).First() : etc.....
// TODO: don't just return true
public bool IsAdmin
get { return true; /*{ return Session["IsAdmin"] != null && etc...

If "AddToPosts" coming from static class, try adding using statement of namespace where the Add post class exists.


Reference DropDownList selected value from enclosing Form

I'm just getting started with MVC5 (from WebForms), and dropdownlist bindings are giving me some fits.
I'd like to get this working using a GET request back to the page, with a selected value parameter. I'm hopeful that I can specify the route arguments in the form itself, so I'd like to reference the DDL's SelectedValue.
#using (Html.BeginForm("Index", "Profile", FormMethod.Get, new { id = WHATDOIPUTHERE} )) {
#Html.DropDownList("ApplicationID", new SelectList(ViewBag.ApplicationList, "ApplicationID", "ApplicationName", ViewBag.SelectedApplicationId), new {onchange = "this.form.submit();"})
I can make it work with a POST form, but that requires a second controller method so I end up with
public ActionResult Index(long? id) {
ConfigManager config = new ConfigManager();
//handle application. default to the first application returned if none is supplied.
ViewBag.ApplicationList = config.GetApplications().ToList();
if (id != null) {
ViewBag.SelectedApplicationId = (long)id;
else {
ViewBag.SelectedApplicationId = ViewBag.ApplicationList[0].ApplicationID; //just a safe default, if no param provided.
//handle profile list.
List<ProfileViewModel> ps = new List<ProfileViewModel>();
ps = (from p in config.GetProfilesByApp((long)ViewBag.SelectedApplicationId) select new ProfileViewModel(p)).ToList();
return View(ps);
//POST: Profile
//read the form post result, and recall Index, passing in the ID.
public ActionResult index(FormCollection collection) {
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Profile", new {id = collection["ApplicationId"]});
It would be really nice to get rid of the POST method, since this View only ever lists child entities.
What do you think?
You can update your GET action method parameter name to be same as your dropdown name.
I also made some small changes to avoid possible null reference exceptions.
public ActionResult Index(long? ApplicationID) {
var config = new ConfigManager();
var applicationList = config.GetApplications().ToList();
ViewBag.ApplicationList = applicationList ;
if (ApplicationID!= null) {
ViewBag.SelectedApplicationId = ApplicationID.Value;
ViewBag.SelectedApplicationId = applicationList[0].ApplicationID;
var ps = new List<ProfileViewModel>();
ps = (from p in config.GetProfilesByApp((long)ViewBag.SelectedApplicationId)
select new ProfileViewModel(p)).ToList();
return View(ps);

Why does one Web API method work, whereas the other does not?

One of my Web API methods works perfectly, and the other not at all.
By works perfectly, I mean this:
The other one, though, doesn't seem to even know about itself. It answers the browser request with:
The code seems to be set up the same for both of them, so I don't know why one works like a charm and the other fails so thuddily.
The pertinent code is:
public class DepartmentsController : ApiController
private readonly IDepartmentRepository _deptsRepository;
public DepartmentsController(IDepartmentRepository deptsRepository)
if (deptsRepository == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("deptsRepository is null");
_deptsRepository = deptsRepository;
public int GetCountOfDepartmentRecords()
return _deptsRepository.Get();
public IEnumerable<Department> GetBatchOfDepartmentsByStartingID(int ID, int CountToFetch)
return _deptsRepository.Get(ID, CountToFetch);
public class DepartmentRepository : IDepartmentRepository
private readonly List<Department> departments = new List<Department>();
public DepartmentRepository()
using (var conn = new OleDbConnection(
#"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;User ID=Freebo;Password=RunningOnEmpty;Data Source=C:\CDBWin\DATA\CCRDAT42.MDB;Jet OLEDB:System database=C:\CDBWin\Data\nrbq.mdw"))
using (var cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT td_department_accounts.dept_no, IIF(ISNULL(,'No Name provided', AS name FROM t_accounts INNER JOIN td_department_accounts ON t_accounts.account_no = td_department_accounts.account_no ORDER BY td_department_accounts.dept_no";
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
int i = 1;
using (OleDbDataReader oleDbD8aReader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
while (oleDbD8aReader != null && oleDbD8aReader.Read())
int deptNum = oleDbD8aReader.GetInt16(0);
string deptName = oleDbD8aReader.GetString(1);
Add(new Department { Id = i, AccountId = deptNum, Name = deptName });
public int Get()
return departments.Count;
private Department Get(int ID) // called by Delete()
return departments.First(d => d.Id == ID);
If entering:
in the browser works to execute the Controller's GetCountOfDepartmentRecords() method, why does entering:
etc) not work to execute the Controller's GetBatchOfDepartmentsByStartingID() method?
Your route is missing its parameters.
This question looks similar to your other question below:
Why is my Web API call returning "No action was found on the controller 'DPlatypus' that matches the request"?
If you are expecting the values to come from a non-query string part of a url, you need to define them in the route template. So, it should be
Following is a good article to read about routing and action selection in Web API:

Returning single item in model - mvc razor

I have a finalist page that displays a list of finalists, that are clickable into a single-view page. I have the XML document being passed into a model and am spilling that data onto the main finalists page, but I can't seem to figure out how to grab the clicked finalist's id and display only that finalist on the single-view page.
Any help is appreciated, here is my controller right now:
I am trying to pass the newly created model in to the singleView class, but I'm not sure how to filter it to know which finalist was clicked on, and which finalist to display on the single-view page.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using ProjectX_Awards.Models;
namespace ProjectX_Awards.Controllers
public class FinalistsController : Controller
// GET: /Finalists/
public ActionResult Index()
var doc = XElement.Load(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/finalist.xml"));
var finalists = doc.Descendants("finalist").Select(f => new Models.Finalist()
Id = (int)f.Attribute("id"),
Name = f.Descendants("name").First().Value,
Description = f.Descendants("description").First().Value,
Link = f.Descendants("webLink").First().Value,
Photo = f.Descendants("photoUrl").First().Value
return View(finalists);
public ActionResult SingleView(Finalist model)
var singleFinalist = model;
return View(singleFinalist);
If you want to pass a complete model, you need to do a POST to that action-method. The easiest way is to make sure you post all the values in a form-element to the specified action. However, the best thing would be to pass an Id to your SingleView-method. This allows you to do a get to that page, instead of having to post a complete object:
public ActionResult SingleView(int id)
var singleFinalist = model;
var doc = XElement.Load(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/finalist.xml"));
var finalist = doc.Descendants("finalist").Where(f => (int)f.Attribute("id") == id)
.Select(f => new Models.Finalist()
Id = (int)f.Attribute("id"),
Name = f.Descendants("name").First().Value,
Description = f.Descendants("description").First().Value,
Link = f.Descendants("webLink").First().Value,
Photo = f.Descendants("photoUrl").First().Value
return View(finalist);
Then in your finalists-page you can just emit an a-tag like this:
#foreach(var finalist in Model)
// or
#Html.ActionLink("SingleView", "YourController", new { id = })
EDIT Adding a simple caching method, so the XML is not reloaded everytime:
public ActionResult Index()
return View(GetAllFinalists());
public ActionResult SingleView(int id)
var doc = XElement.Load(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/finalist.xml"));
var finalist = GetAllFinalists().Where(f => f.Id == id)
return View(finalist);
private IEnumerable<Models.Finalist> GetAllFinalists()
if (HttpContext.Current.Application["finalists"] == null)
var doc = XElement.Load(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/finalist.xml"));
HttpContext.Current.Application["finalists"] = doc.Descendants("finalist")
.Select(f => new Models.Finalist()
Id = (int)f.Attribute("id"),
Name = f.Descendants("name").First().Value,
Description = f.Descendants("description").First().Value,
Link = f.Descendants("webLink").First().Value,
Photo = f.Descendants("photoUrl").First().Value
return (IEnumerable<Models.Finalist>)HttpContext.Current.Application["finalists"];

JSON collection of objects isn't binding correctly

I have a website where I am uploading an Excel document to the server through AJAX (Telerik control). When the document is uploaded it will return a JSON object collection of currency exchange rates. I then save that collection using the jQuery $.data() method. Then I call the grid to bind and pass my JSON object to my controller to bind the data to the grid. Everything seems to be working up to the point where the Action on the controller binds to the collection.
What am I missing, notice how the response from SelectImportedCurrencyRates returns '1/1/1' for dates, country code is 'null' and the exchange rate is '0'. When I Debug and check the bound object ICollection<CurrencyExchangeRate> currencyRatesImported, its bound with those values as '0', '1/1/1' and null
public ActionResult UploadRates(HttpPostedFileBase importRateDocument)
var rates = CurrencyExchangeRateRepository.ReadExcelRates(importRateDocument.InputStream, importRateDocument.FileName);
return Json(rates);
public ActionResult SelectImportedCurrencyRates([Bind(Prefix = "CurrencyRatesImported")] ICollection<CurrencyExchangeRate> currencyRatesImported)
return View(currencyRatesImported != null ?
new GridModel(currencyRatesImported) :
new GridModel(new List<CurrencyExchangeRate>()));
<script type="text/javascript">
function onUploadRatesSuccess(e) {
$('body').data('CurrencyRatesImported', e.response);
var grid = $('#CurrencyExchangeRates').data('tGrid');
function onCurrencyRatesImportedDataBinding(args) {
var currencyRatesImported = $('body').data('CurrencyRatesImported');
console.log(currencyRatesImported); = $.extend(, { CurrencyRatesImported: currencyRatesImported }); =;
e.Response passed to onUploadRatesSuccess (result from ActionResult UploadRates()
Binding call to SelectImportedCurrencyRates
Response from SelectImportedCurrencyRates
CurrencyExchangeRate class
public class CurrencyExchangeRate
public string CountryCode
public System.DateTime Date
public double ExchangeRate
The problem was in the serialization of the collection I was sending up. It was passing an array up, instead of a serialized JSON object.
Here is what the serialization method should look like.
function serialize(prefix, data) {
var result = {},
dateRegex = /^\/Date\((.*?)\)\/$/;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
for (var field in data[i]) {
var value = data[i][field];
if (typeof value === "string") {
var date = dateRegex.exec(value);
if (date) {
value = $.telerik.formatString("{0:d}", new Date(parseInt(date[1])));
result[prefix + "[" + i + "]." + field] = value;
return result;
So then when I call onCurrencyRatesImportedDataBinding it will serialize my object of currency exchange rates and pass them up properly.
function onCurrencyRatesImportedDataBinding(args) {
var currencyRatesImported = $('body').data('CurrencyRatesImported');
console.log(currencyRatesImported); = $.extend(, serialize("currencyExchangeRates", currencyRatesImported)); =;
I believe the issue is the format of the dates being sent across the wire.
Unfortunately the DefaultModelBinder in MVC doesn't know how to bind these dates.
You'll need to extend the DefaultModelBinder. See e.g.

ASP.NET MVC: How to maintain TextBox State when your ViewModel is a Collection/List/IEnumerable

I am using ASP.NET MVC 2 Beta. I can create a wizard like workflow using Steven Sanderson's technique (in his book Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework) except using Session instead of hidden form fields to preserve the data across requests. I can go back and forth between pages and maintain the values in a TextBox without any issue when my model is not a collection. An example would be a simple Person model:
public class Person
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
But I am unable to get this to work when I pass around an IEnumerable. In my view I am trying to run through the Model and generate a TextBox for Name and Email for each Person in the list. I can generate the form fine and I can submit the form with my values and go to Step2. But when I click the Back button in Step2 it takes me back to Step1 with an empty form. None of the fields that I previously populated are there. There must be something I am missing. Can somebody help me out?
Here is my View:
<% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %>
<% int index = 0;
foreach (var person in Model) { %>
<%= Html.Hidden("persons.index", index.ToString())%>
<div>Name: <%= Html.TextBox("persons[" + index.ToString() + "].Name")%></div>
<div>Email: <%= Html.TextBox("persons[" + index.ToString() + "].Email")%></div>
<% index++;
} %>
<p><input type="submit" name="btnNext" value="Next >>" /></p>
<% } %>
And here is my controller:
public class PersonListController : Controller
public IEnumerable<Person> persons;
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
persons = (Session["persons"]
?? TempData["persons"]
?? new List<Person>()) as List<Person>;
// I've tried this with and without the prefix.
TryUpdateModel(persons, "persons");
protected override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)
Session["persons"] = persons;
if (filterContext.Result is RedirectToRouteResult)
TempData["persons"] = persons;
public ActionResult Step1(string btnBack, string btnNext)
if (btnNext != null)
return RedirectToAction("Step2");
// Setup some fake data
var personsList = new List<Person>
new Person { Name = "Jared", Email = "", },
new Person { Name = "John", Email = "" }
// Populate the model with fake data the first time
// the action method is called only. This is to simulate
// pulling some data in from a DB.
if (persons == null || persons.Count() == 0)
persons = personsList;
return View(persons);
// Step2 is just a page that provides a back button to Step1
public ActionResult Step2(string btnBack, string btnNext)
if (btnBack != null)
return RedirectToAction("Step1");
return View(persons);
As far as I can tell, this is not supported in ASP.NET MVC 2 Beta, nor is it supported in ASP.NET MVC 2 RC. I dug through the MVC source code and it looks like Dictionaries are supported but not Models that are IEnumerable<> (or that contain nested IEnumerable objects) and it's inheritors like IList<>.
The issue is in the ViewDataDictionary class. Particularly, the GetPropertyValue method only provides a way to retrieve property values from dictionary properties (by calling GetIndexedPropertyValue) or simple properties by using the PropertyDescriptor.GetValue method to pull out the value.
To fix this, I created a GetCollectionPropertyValue method that handles Models that are collections (and even Models that contain nested collections). I am pasting the code here for reference. Note: I don't make any claims about elegance - in fact all the string parsing is pretty ugly, but it seems to be working. Here is the method:
// Can be used to pull out values from Models with collections and nested collections.
// E.g. Persons[0].Phones[3].AreaCode
private static ViewDataInfo GetCollectionPropertyValue(object indexableObject, string key)
Type enumerableType = TypeHelpers.ExtractGenericInterface(indexableObject.GetType(), typeof(IEnumerable<>));
if (enumerableType != null)
IList listOfModelElements = (IList)indexableObject;
int firstOpenBracketPosition = key.IndexOf('[');
int firstCloseBracketPosition = key.IndexOf(']');
string firstIndexString = key.Substring(firstOpenBracketPosition + 1, firstCloseBracketPosition - firstOpenBracketPosition - 1);
int firstIndex = 0;
bool canParse = int.TryParse(firstIndexString, out firstIndex);
object element = null;
// if the index was numeric we should be able to grab the element from the list
if (canParse)
element = listOfModelElements[firstIndex];
if (element != null)
int firstDotPosition = key.IndexOf('.');
int nextOpenBracketPosition = key.IndexOf('[', firstCloseBracketPosition);
PropertyDescriptor descriptor = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(element).Find(key.Substring(firstDotPosition + 1), true);
// If the Model has nested collections, we need to keep digging recursively
if (nextOpenBracketPosition >= 0)
string nextObjectName = key.Substring(firstDotPosition+1, nextOpenBracketPosition-firstDotPosition-1);
string nextKey = key.Substring(firstDotPosition + 1);
PropertyInfo property = element.GetType().GetProperty(nextObjectName);
object nestedCollection = property.GetValue(element,null);
// Recursively pull out the nested value
return GetCollectionPropertyValue(nestedCollection, nextKey);
return new ViewDataInfo(() => descriptor.GetValue(element))
Container = indexableObject,
PropertyDescriptor = descriptor
return null;
And here is the modified GetPropertyValue method which calls the new method:
private static ViewDataInfo GetPropertyValue(object container, string propertyName) {
// This method handles one "segment" of a complex property expression
// First, we try to evaluate the property based on its indexer
ViewDataInfo value = GetIndexedPropertyValue(container, propertyName);
if (value != null) {
return value;
// If the indexer didn't return anything useful, continue...
// If the container is a ViewDataDictionary then treat its Model property
// as the container instead of the ViewDataDictionary itself.
ViewDataDictionary vdd = container as ViewDataDictionary;
if (vdd != null) {
container = vdd.Model;
// Second, we try to evaluate the property based on the assumption
// that it is a collection of some sort (e.g. IList<>, IEnumerable<>)
value = GetCollectionPropertyValue(container, propertyName);
if (value != null)
return value;
// If the container is null, we're out of options
if (container == null) {
return null;
// Third, we try to use PropertyDescriptors and treat the expression as a property name
PropertyDescriptor descriptor = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(container).Find(propertyName, true);
if (descriptor == null) {
return null;
return new ViewDataInfo(() => descriptor.GetValue(container)) {
Container = container,
PropertyDescriptor = descriptor
Again, this is in the ViewDataDictionary.cs file in ASP.NET MVC 2 RC. Should I create a new issue to track this on the MVC codeplex site?
