CGRectFromString() for general structs - ios

#"{0, 1.0, 0, 1.0}"
I wish to convert the above string to a struct like this:
struct MyVector4 {
CGFloat one;
CGFloat two;
CGFloat three;
CGFloat four;
typedef struct MyVector4 MyVector4;
CGRectFromString() does the same thing, only for CGRect. How can I do it for my own structs?

If there is a function for rect it means that it is not working by default.
You have to create your own function something like MyVector4FromString.
You may like to to know that you can init struct object like this also.
MyVector4 v1 = {1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4};
This is a very easy C syntax. so I don't think you require to init from string.
See here : 4.7 ā€” Structs
But if you are getting string from server or from other function than yes you have to create your function to do this. You can parse string and init 4 float value.
This link will help you to divide string in multiple part : Split a String into an Array
All the best.

It can be done in the following way:
NSString *str = nil;
str = [string substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, string.length - 1)];
NSArray *strs = [str componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
MyVector4 myVec4 = {0,0,0,0};
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
CGFloat value = ((NSString*)[strs objectAtIndex:i]).floatValue;
if (i==0) { = value; } else
if (i==1) { myVec4.two = value; } else
if (i==2) { myVec4.three = value; } else
if (i==3) { myVec4.four = value; }
return myVec4;
This function can parse strings in format shown in your question like #"{12.0,24.034,0.98,100}"


custom NSExpression functions like sin(x)

I know how to add custom functions to NSNumber for NSExpression to work with it. But for use it i need to declarate a string like "FUNCTION(1, 'sin')". Is is any way to declarate it just like "sin(1)"?
No, you cannot extend the syntax understood by NSExpression(format:).
For advanced expression parsing and evaluating, use 3rd party solutions
such as DDMathParser.
The selected answer is, in my opinion, ridiculous. You can, of course, simply reformat your string to your desired custom function, no need to become dependent on an entire library.
In your case, something like the following would work just fine.
NSString *equation = #"2+sin(54.23+(2+sin(sin(3+5))))-4+(5-3)+cos(4)";//your equation here
NSArray *functionNames = #[#"sin", #"cos", #"tan"];//your supported functions here
for (NSString *functionName in functionNames) {
NSString *functionPrefix = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#(", functionName];
while ([equation containsString:functionPrefix]) {
int parensLevel = 1;
int functionParameterIndex = ((int)[equation rangeOfString:functionPrefix].location)+((int)functionPrefix.length);
int characterIndex = functionParameterIndex;
while (characterIndex < equation.length) {
NSString *character = [equation substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(characterIndex, 1)];
if ([character isEqualToString:#"("]) {
} else if ([character isEqualToString:#")"]) {
if (parensLevel == 0) {
if (parensLevel != 0) {
break;//parens weren't balanced, error handle as needed
NSString *functionParameter = [equation substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(functionParameterIndex, characterIndex-functionParameterIndex)];
NSString *function = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#(%#)", functionName, functionParameter];
equation = [equation stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:function withString:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"FUNCTION(%#,'%#')", functionParameter, functionName]];
//po string = "2+FUNCTION(54.23+(2+FUNCTION(FUNCTION(3+5,'sin'),'sin')),'sin')-4+(5-3)+FUNCTION(4,'cos')"
I wrote this in Objective-C but it works converted to swift as well.

iOS - Storing multiple values in one variable

I am creating 5 integer variables to store 5 different values in Objective C. For ex: intA, intB etc
Below is just sample code:
For example:
for (Desframe *obj in [myval allValues])
if (obj.A>10.0) {
myLabel.text = #"A";
intA = intA++;
else if (obj.B>10.0) {
myLabel1.text = #"B";
intB = intB++;
else if (obj.C>10.0) {
myLabe2.text = #"C";
intC = intC++;
else if (obj.D>10.0) {
myLabe3.text = #"D";
intD = intD++;
else if (obj.E>10.0) {
myLabe4.text = #"E";
intE = intE++;
In future, I may need to add 2 more variables.
I would like to know how to avoid creating 5 different integer variables but have 5 different values stored in one variable. Should I use array?
(or) how to handle this code professionally?
But I want this variable to be accessed globally in the same class (.m) file.
Kindly share your suggestion and guidance.
Yes, you can use an NSMutableArray for this. However, Objective-C NSArrays are a little strange since they can only contain objects. You'll have to "box" the entries as NSNumber objects:
NSMutableArray *numbers = #[#(1), #(2), #(3), #(4), #(5)];
And then you can fetch an item from the array:
NSNumber *aNumber = numbers[0];
But NSNumber Objects are immutable.
You might want to use a C-style array:
UInt64 numbers[] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
Then you could say
But with a statically allocated C-style array you can't add elements to the array at runtime.
You could use NSMutableDictionary with keys being your A - E here and integers as values.
That way, for instance, to add values (5 now and potentially more in the future) you would write:
[dict setObject:#123 forKey:#"A"];
To retrieve them:
[dict objectForKey:#"A"];
You could define your own struct.
struct MyStruct {
int a;
int b;
int c;
int d;
And use this new type in your class
#implementation MyClass {
MyStruct example;
// In your function
for (Desframe *obj in [myval allValues])
if (obj.A>10.0) {
myLabel.text = #"A";
example.a += 1;
else if (obj.B>10.0) {
myLabel1.text = #"B";
example.b += 1;
// And so on ...

Converting very large NSDecimal to string eg. 400,000,000,000 -> 400 T and so forth

I am making a game that requires me to use very large numbers. I believe I am able to store very large numbers with NSDecimal. However, when displaying the numbers to users I would like to be able to convert the large number to a succinct string that uses characters to signify the value eg. 100,000 -> 100k 1,000,000 -> 1.00M 4,200,000,000 -> 4.20B and so forth going up to extremely large numbers. Is there any built in method for doing so or would I have to use a bunch of
NSDecimalCompare statements to determine the size of the number and convert?
I am hoping to use objective c for the application.
I know that I can use NSString *string = NSDecimalString(&NSDecimal, _usLocale); to convert to a string could I then do some type of comparison on this string to get the result I'm looking for?
Use this method to convert your number into a smaller format just as you need:
-(NSString*) suffixNumber:(NSNumber*)number
if (!number)
return #"";
long long num = [number longLongValue];
int s = ( (num < 0) ? -1 : (num > 0) ? 1 : 0 );
NSString* sign = (s == -1 ? #"-" : #"" );
num = llabs(num);
if (num < 1000)
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%lld",sign,num];
int exp = (int) (log(num) / 3.f); //log(1000));
NSArray* units = #[#"K",#"M",#"G",#"T",#"P",#"E"];
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%.1f%#",sign, (num / pow(1000, exp)), [units objectAtIndex:(exp-1)]];
Some sample examples:
NSLog(#"%#",[self suffixNumber:#99999]); // 100.0K
NSLog(#"%#",[self suffixNumber:#5109999]); // 5.1M
Solved my issue: Can only be used if you know that your NSDecimal that you are trying to format will only be a whole number without decimals so make sure you round when doing any math on the NSDecimals.
-(NSString *)returnFormattedString:(NSDecimal)nsDecimalToFormat{
NSMutableArray *formatArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:#"%.2f",#"%.1f",#"%.0f",nil];
NSMutableArray *suffixes = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:#"k",#"M",#"B",#"T",#"Qa",#"Qi",#"Sx",#"Sp",#"Oc",#"No",#"De",#"Ud",#"Dud",#"Tde",#"Qde",#"Qid",#"Sxd",#"Spd",#"Ocd",#"Nvd",#"Vi",#"Uvi",#"Dvi",#"Tvi", nil];
int dick = [suffixes count];
NSLog(#"count %i",dick);
NSString *string = NSDecimalString(&nsDecimalToFormat, _usLocale);
NSString *formatedString;
NSUInteger characterCount = [string length];
if (characterCount > 3) {
NSString *trimmedString=[string substringToIndex:3];
float a;
a = 100.00/(pow(10, (characterCount - 4)%3));
int remainder = (characterCount-4)%3;
int suffixIndex = (characterCount + 3 - 1)/3 - 2;
if(suffixIndex < [suffixes count]){
NSString *formatSpecifier = [formatArray[remainder] stringByAppendingString:suffixes[suffixIndex]];
formatedString= [NSString stringWithFormat:formatSpecifier, [trimmedString floatValue] / a];
else {
formatedString = #"too Big";
formatedString = string;
return formatedString;

SceneKit : Extract data from SCNGeometryElement

I am using SceneKit, and I have an issue:
How can I extract the data from a SCNGeometryElement object ?
I use this method :
- (void)geometryElements:(SCNNode *)node {
for (int indexElement = 0; indexElement < node.geometry.geometryElementCount; indexElement++) {
SCNGeometryElement *currentElement = [node.geometry geometryElementAtIndex:indexElement];
NSLog(#"bytes per index : %d", currentElement.bytesPerIndex);
NSLog(#"number element : %d", currentElement.primitiveCount);
NSLog(#"data lenght : %d",;
for (int indexPrimitive = 0; indexPrimitive < currentElement.primitiveCount; indexPrimitive++) {
int array[3];
memset(array, 0, 3);
[ getBytes:&array range:NSMakeRange(indexPrimitive * 3, (currentElement.bytesPerIndex * 3))];
NSLog(#"currentelement : %d %d %d", array[0], array[1], array[3]);
The result is not good :
2015-04-10 15:10:25.183 IKTest[1234:244778] currentelement : 14539995 -1068223968 -379286778
2015-04-10 15:10:25.183 IKTest[1234:244778] currentelement : 14737374 -1068223968 -379286778
2015-04-10 15:10:25.183 IKTest[1234:244778] currentelement : 14934753 -1068223968 -379286778
Thanks in advance.
a few notes:
you should rely on geometryElement.primitiveType instead of hard coding 3 (unless you are sure that you're always dealing with SCNGeometryPrimitiveTypeTriangles)
it seems that the range's location does not take geometryElement.bytesPerIndex into account
your buffer is of size 3 * sizeof(int) but should be of size numberOfIndicesPerPrimitive * geometryElement.bytesPerIndex
As mnuages said, you should confirm primtive type and data type of index first.
Your code only work if index type is int.
Here is some code work for me. I only deals that geometry consisted of triangles.
void extractInfoFromGeoElement(NSString* scenePath){
NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:scenePath];
SCNScene *scene = [SCNScene sceneWithURL:url options:nil error:nil];
SCNGeometry *geo = scene.rootNode.childNodes.firstObject.geometry;
SCNGeometryElement *elem = geo.geometryElements.firstObject;
NSInteger componentOfPrimitive = (elem.primitiveType == SCNGeometryPrimitiveTypeTriangles) ? 3 : 0;
if (!componentOfPrimitive) {//TODO: Code deals with triangle primitive only
for (int i=0; i<elem.primitiveCount; i++) {
void *idxsPtr = NULL;
int stride = 3*i;
if (elem.bytesPerIndex == 2) {
short *idxsShort = malloc(sizeof(short)*3);
idxsPtr = idxsShort;
}else if (elem.bytesPerIndex == 4){
int *idxsInt = malloc(sizeof(int)*3);
idxsPtr = idxsInt;
NSLog(#"unknow index type");
[ getBytes:idxsPtr range:NSMakeRange(stride*elem.bytesPerIndex, elem.bytesPerIndex*3)];
if (elem.bytesPerIndex == 2) {
NSLog(#"triangle %d : %d, %d, %d\n",i,*(short*)idxsPtr,*((short*)idxsPtr+1),*((short*)idxsPtr+2));
NSLog(#"triangle %d : %d, %d, %d\n",i,*(int*)idxsPtr,*((int*)idxsPtr+1),*((int*)idxsPtr+2));
As the original question has a Swift tag, I am posting my solution in Swift 5.
extension SCNGeometryElement {
/// Gets the `Element` vertices
func getVertices() -> [SCNVector3] {
func vectorFromData<UInt: BinaryInteger>(_ float: UInt.Type, index: Int) -> SCNVector3 {
assert(bytesPerIndex == MemoryLayout<UInt>.size)
let vectorData = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt>.allocate(capacity: bytesPerIndex)
let buffer = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: vectorData, count: primitiveCount)
let stride = 3 * index buffer, from: stride * bytesPerIndex..<(stride * bytesPerIndex) + 3)
return SCNVector3(
let vectors = [SCNVector3](repeating: SCNVector3Zero, count: self.primitiveCount)
return { index -> SCNVector3 in
switch bytesPerIndex {
case 2:
return vectorFromData(Int16.self, index: index)
case 4:
return vectorFromData(Int.self, index: index)
case 8:
return SCNVector3Zero
return SCNVector3Zero
There might be a bit of an indentation problem here, but yes, it is a function inside another one. The objective is the same as the other answers. Create a buffer, define what types of numbers the buffer is going to handle, build the SCNVector3 and return the array.

How to determine the true data type of an NSNumber?

Consider this code:
NSNumber* interchangeId = dict[#"interchangeMarkerLogId"];
long long llValue = [interchangeId longLongValue];
double dValue = [interchangeId doubleValue];
NSNumber* doubleId = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:dValue];
long long llDouble = [doubleId longLongValue];
if (llValue > 1000000) {
NSLog(#"Have Marker iD = %#, interchangeId = %#, long long value = %lld, doubleNumber = %#, doubleAsLL = %lld, CType = %s, longlong = %s", self.iD, interchangeId, llValue, doubleId, llDouble, [interchangeId objCType], #encode(long long));
The results:
Have Marker iD = (null), interchangeId = 635168520811866143,
long long value = 635168520811866143, doubleNumber = 6.351685208118661e+17,
doubleAsLL = 635168520811866112, CType = d, longlong = q
dict is coming from NSJSONSerialization, and the original JSON source data is "interchangeId":635168520811866143. It appears that all 18 digits of the value have been captured in the NSNumber, so it could not possibly have been accumulated by NSJSONSerialization as a double (which is limited to 16 decimal digits). Yet, objCType is reporting that it's a double.
We find this in the documentation for NSNumber: "The returned type does not necessarily match the method the receiver was created with." So apparently this is a "feechure" (i.e., documented bug).
So how can I determine that this value originated as an integer and not a floating point value, so I can extract it correctly, with all the available precision? (Keep in mind that I have some other values that are legitimately floating-point, and I need to extract those accurately as well.)
I've come up with two solutions so far:
The first, which does not make use of knowledge of NSDecimalNumber --
NSString* numberString = [obj stringValue];
BOOL fixed = YES;
for (int i = 0; i < numberString.length; i++) {
unichar theChar = [numberString characterAtIndex:i];
if (theChar != '-' && (theChar < '0' || theChar > '9')) {
fixed = NO;
The second, which assumes that we only need worry about NSDecimalNumber objects, and can trust the CType results from regular NSNumbers --
if ([obj isKindOfClass:[NSDecimalNumber class]]) {
// Need to determine if integer or floating-point. NSDecimalNumber is a subclass of NSNumber, but it always reports it's type as double.
NSDecimal decimalStruct = [obj decimalValue];
// The decimal value is usually "compact", so may have a positive exponent even if integer (due to trailing zeros). "Length" is expressed in terms of 4-digit halfwords.
if (decimalStruct._exponent >= 0 && decimalStruct._exponent + 4 * decimalStruct._length < 20) {
sqlite3_bind_int64(pStmt, idx, [obj longLongValue]);
else {
sqlite3_bind_double(pStmt, idx, [obj doubleValue]);
else ... handle regular NSNumber by testing CType.
The second should be more efficient, especially since it does not need to create a new object, but is slightly worrisome in that it depends on "undocumented behavior/interface" of NSDecimal -- the meanings of the fields are not documented anywhere (that I can find) and are said to be "private".
Both appear to work.
Though on thinking about it a bit -- The second approach has some "boundary" problems, since one can't readily adjust the limits to assure that the maximum possible 64-bit binary int will "pass" without risking loss of a slightly larger number.
Rather unbelievably, this scheme fails in some cases:
BOOL fixed = NO;
long long llValue = [obj longLongValue];
NSNumber* testNumber = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithLongLong:llValue];
if ([testNumber isEqualToNumber:obj]) {
fixed = YES;
I didn't save the value, but there is one for which the NSNumber will essentially be unequal to itself -- the values both display the same but do not register as equal (and it is certain that the value originated as an integer).
This appears to work, so far:
BOOL fixed = NO;
if ([obj isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
long long llValue = [obj longLongValue];
NSNumber* testNumber = [[[obj class] alloc] initWithLongLong:llValue];
if ([testNumber isEqualToNumber:obj]) {
fixed = YES;
Apparently isEqualToNumber does not work reliably between an NSNumber and an NSDecimalNumber.
(But the bounty is still open, for the best suggestion or improvement.)
As documented in NSDecimalNumber.h, NSDecimalNumber always returns "d" for it's return type. This is expected behavior.
- (const char *)objCType NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER;
// return 'd' for double
And also in the Developer Docs:
Returns a C string containing the Objective-C type of the data contained in the
receiver, which for an NSDecimalNumber object is always ā€œdā€ (for double).
CFNumberGetValue is documented to return false if the conversion was lossy. In the event of a lossy conversion, or when you encounter an NSDecimalNumber, you will want to fall back to using the stringValue and then use sqlite3_bind_text to bind it (and use sqlite's column affinity).
Something like this:
NSNumber *number = ...
BOOL ok = NO;
if (![number isKindOfClass:[NSDecimalNumber class]]) {
CFNumberType numberType = CFNumberGetType(number);
if (numberType == kCFNumberFloat32Type ||
numberType == kCFNumberFloat64Type ||
numberType == kCFNumberCGFloatType)
double value;
ok = CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberFloat64Type, &value);
if (ok) {
ok = (sqlite3_bind_double(pStmt, idx, value) == SQLITE_OK);
} else {
SInt64 value;
ok = CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberSInt64Type, &value);
if (ok) {
ok = (sqlite3_bind_int64(pStmt, idx, value) == SQLITE_OK);
// We had an NSDecimalNumber, or the conversion via CFNumberGetValue() was lossy.
if (!ok) {
NSString *stringValue = [number stringValue];
ok = (sqlite3_bind_text(pStmt, idx, [stringValue UTF8String], -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT) == SQLITE_OK);
Simple answer: You can't.
In order to do what you're asking, you'll need to keep track of the exact type on your own. NSNumber is more of a "dumb" wrapper in that it helps you use standard numbers in a more objective way (as Obj-C objects). Using solely NSNumber, -objCType is your only way. If you want another way, you'd have to do it on your own.
Here are some other discussions that may be of help:
get type of NSNumber
What's the largest value an NSNumber can store?
Why is longLongValue returning the incorrect value
NSJSONSerialization unboxes NSNumber?
NSJSONSerializer returns:
an integer NSNumber for integers up to 18 digits
an NSDecimalNumber for integers with 19 or more digits
a double NSNumber for numbers with decimals or exponent
a BOOL NSNumber for true and false.
Compare directly with the global variables kCFBooleanFalse and kCFBooleanTrue (spelling might be wrong) to find booleans. Check isKindOfClass:[NSDecimalNumber class] for decimal numbers; these are actually integers. Test
strcmp (number.objCType, #encode (double)) == 0
for double NSNumbers. This will unfortunately match NSDecimalNumber as well, so test that first.
Ok--It's not 100% ideal, but you add a little bit of code to SBJSON to achieve what you want.
1. First, add NSNumber+SBJson to the SBJSON project:
#interface NSNumber (SBJson)
#property ( nonatomic ) BOOL isDouble ;
#import "NSNumber+SBJSON.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#implementation NSNumber (SBJson)
static const char * kIsDoubleKey = "kIsDoubleKey" ;
objc_setAssociatedObject( self, kIsDoubleKey, [ NSNumber numberWithBool:b ], OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC ) ;
return [ objc_getAssociatedObject( self, kIsDoubleKey ) boolValue ] ;
2. Now, find the line in SBJson4StreamParser.m where sbjson4_token_real is handled. Change the code as follows:
case sbjson4_token_real: {
NSNumber * number = #(strtod(token, NULL)) ;
number.isDouble = YES ;
[_delegate parserFoundNumber:number ];
[_state parser:self shouldTransitionTo:tok];
note the bold line... this will mark a number created from a JSON real as a double.
3. Finally, you can check the isDouble property on your number objects decoded via SBJSON
(Of course you could generalize this and replace the added isDouble with a generic type indicator if you like)
if ([data isKindOfClass: [NSNumber class]]) {
NSNumber *num = (NSNumber *)data;
if (strcmp([data objCType], #encode(float)) == 0) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%0.1f} ",num.floatValue];
} else if (strcmp([data objCType], #encode(double)) == 0) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%0.1f} ",num.doubleValue];
} else if (strcmp([data objCType], #encode(int)) == 0) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d} ",num.intValue];
} else if (strcmp([data objCType], #encode(BOOL)) == 0) {
return num.boolValue ? #"Yes} " : #"No} ";
} else if (strcmp([data objCType], #encode(long)) == 0) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%ld} ",num.longValue];
