MVC WebApi Post generates 404 not found error on AZURE -

I have an MVC 4 web site with an ApiController which has a Post method.
Locally everything is running just fine, I can post successfully.
However after I deploy to Azure, I get a 404 message.
I have tried everything I found within the first 7 pages of google..
I've tried the famous solution of adding the runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests module also.
Please help...

It would be helpful to see some code, hard to speculate otherwise.
Azure however, manages its resources separately. Are you pointing to the absolute path in Azure? Referencing resources locally within azure doesnt work unless you've set up a virtual lan and are referencing another machine in that lan.


404 error on azure for Asp.Net Web Api Project

I have deployed exact same solution on two servers, one is my own server in my basement and the other one is Microsoft Azure. The project is developed using Asp.Net Web Api 2.
On my own windows server running IIS 8.5 it totally works. For test, you can simply browse this link in your browser and see the error message {"Message":"The requested resource does not support http method 'GET'."} which shows the API has been hit.1
But exact same project on my Azure domain here, you just get a message saying
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name
changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Everything about these two deployments is the same (to the best of my knowledge) and I was wondering if there is any further steps necessary on Web Api app deployment in MS Azure which I am missing.
I finally found the answer to this issue. If there are multiple apps deployed as one single website so each app is located in its own subfolder, you have to go to the configuration section of your web app on Azure and create virtual directories for each of those sub folders.
Ah, my problem was probably a common one. I was using
rootconfig = System.Web.Configuration.WebconfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration(null);
and that was returning the root web because the parameter was null.
When I ran it local that worked fine, but after I deployed the root Config was NOT what I wanted and my code was failing.
Switched to direct access via
stringVal = WebconfigurationManager.AppSettings["Foobar"].ToString();
Nice. Plus less overhead.

URL Routes In IIS7 MVC 5 (Single Paged Application)

After publishing a MVC5 web application of mine to my IIS server (Individual User Accounts), it would seem that the URL is accessed incorrectly.
During debug, it would be e.g http://localhost:1234/api/Account/UserInfo?=XXXXX
The debug works just fine. The only issue kicks in after I've published it via my IIS7 server.
After publishing and using Google Chrome's console, it would appear that the page is requesting for a resource at instead of
My best guess is to modify the URLs in /Scripts/app/app.datamodel.js but it would just cause more parsing problems.
I've searched around and can't seem to find any related problems. I hope someone here will be able to lend a hand.
Look like you are using relative path like "/api/Account/UserInfo". Instead i'll recommend you to use #Url.Content("/api/Account/UserInfo"). This will solve your problem
In local system when we run application in WebDev server it never have sub folder (like WEBAPPLICATIONNAME) therefore you relative path work correctly. but when you host your application in IIS under Default website in another new website /Virtual folder (like 'WEBAPPLICATIONNAME') then "/api/Account/UserInfo" fall back to Default Website because for '/' in starting. #Url.Content or #Url.Action make sure to add virtual directory name, hence changing your path to "/WEBAPPLICATIONNAME/api/Account/UserInfo" in IIS.

MVC.NET 404 outside of Domain

I am trying to get a demo site for a client setup. This is the 1st application my company is doing in MVC.NET, so I get to experience all the new things to find out (and all the headaches it'll cause).
Anyway, the site works fine locally (localhost) and on the server inside our domain. External users not on the domain however, only get 404 errors. I've tried several different settings/ config options I've found on this site, but nothing is working. I don't know if it's a web.config issue or an IIS issue, or even simply a permissions issue (though it has all the same permissions as the other sites we run with Web Forms).
IIS: v7 in intergrated mode.
Windows Server Web
Well, because you received a 404, the server is being reached okay which is a good sign. (Dealing with firewall issues at a company is always a lot of fun.)
A common problem for something like this is the use of virtual directories to host the website. For example, if the address to your site is, in MVC that would translate to: /MySite/View/Index.aspx. HOWEVER...if you are using virtual folders, /MySite/ may instead point to another spot on the server (e.g. C:\WebSites\MySite). If you are indeed using virtual paths, make sure you have your files stored at the correct path.
There is a troubleshooting tutorial here:
thanks for the answers everyone. Turns out it was something with our DNS routing setup with the sub-domains. It was getting rerouted to a place that didn't exist. Our IT guy finally got around to fixing it (ugh!)

MVC - Routing not working within intranet

I don't know anyone can help but I'd appreciate any. I am developing an app in mvc (c#), now I had various routes working on my local development machine when the app was stand alone however now I've tried adding the project to the test intranet at work and none of the routes are working.
So where Localhost/Admin/Create worked fine locally where admin is the controller and Create is the action, when I try to get to I'm getting a file not found error. I'm not sure what I need to change to get it to pick up the routing again rather than look for the literal path. The default.aspx page works fine and gets called but apart from that nothing. Is routing only viable when in a standalone project?
Cheers for any help.
It looks like you're either running on IIS 6 or IIS 7 classic mode. If you can, I'd recommend updgrading to IIS 7 integrated mode. If not, I have a walkthrough for getting up and running on IIS 6.
You don't say what version of IIS you have deployed to, but you may be running into the issues described here:
I believe that most people chose to resolve this using a wildcard mapping for the aspnet_isapi.dll. mvc - site works fine locally but not after deployment

i have an mvc website. http:/ (just for this example)
I have been testing this mvc website locally on my machine and everything works fine on my local machine during testing. When i deploy to my web server
when i bring up it goes to HomeController and load the view Views/Home/Index.aspx (which is perfect). So the main default page is fine.
The issue is, if i click any other other links (again that all seem to work fine locally) i get the following error:
The page cannot be found
The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Please try the following:
* Make sure that the Web site address displayed in the address bar of your browser is spelled and formatted correctly.
* If you reached this page by clicking a link, contact the Web site administrator to alert them that the link is incorrectly formatted.
* Click the Back button to try another link.
HTTP Error 404 - File or directory not found.
Internet Information Services (IIS)
some examples would be:
there definitely are controllers and views setup for this (or it wouldn't work locally).
does anyone have any idea how this might work fine locally but somehow on the webserver it doesn't
Are you running the site on II7 in integrated mode? If not, you need to add a wildcard handler so that all URLs get mapped to your application. See Phil Haack's blog post on running ASP.NET MVC ON IIS 6.
Something else to watch out for. I had a static website - deployed on IIS 7.5. Added some MVC Controllers to handle some simple server side apps and then re-deployed it. I didn't copy the web.config file, because I wrongly assumed that everything that was needed was in the one that was automatically created by the server.
You must copy the web.config up as well.
