Make UIButton shine on touch - ios

I have a set of invisible UIButtons on the screen. When I say invisible I mean set to 'custom' without an image. I would like to make so that when the button was pressed it glowed for 1 second, so that the user can see he has pressed a button. How can I do this?

Use a blank image for UIControlStateNormal. Make an image for UIControlStateHighlighted which is your glow.
Rethink this design, because it doesn’t sound like it will fit well with the direction iOS 7 is going.


UIButton custom image alpha

I have some buttons close to each other in a logo shape, they are non rectangular shapes and I was wondering if I can exclude the transparent parts of the button from receiving touches, so that the elements behind it can receive the touches instead?.
Can you make the alpha parts of the button image not part of the button? , or , if the user touches these alpha parts, the button below will be tapped?
You would normally have to subclass UIButton, but luckily someone has taken care of this for you already:
This seems to be exactly what you're looking for.

iOS UIToolbar recognizes touch

I made a vertical (in looks) toolbar programmatically. Using initWithFrame I set the width and height of the toolbar and sent it to extreme right.
Now I added a bar button item to the toolbar and set an action for it. But when I click anywhere on the toolbar, the action message is being sent. And I checked the sender, the sender is not the toolbar but the button.
I tried on another toolbar which I placed horizontally, the buttons are seen as tapped if I click in the vicinity of the button. And since now my toolber is vertical (but horizontal according to iOS), clicking anywhere on the toolbar calls the function.
I want to send the message only when I click on the button and not on the toolbar.
I want to use the camera icon provided by apple, so I am not in favor of using UIButton. (I can set a custom image, but it would be good if i can avoid that)
I also think that placing a horizontal toolbar and using CGAffineTransform can solve the problem. But it would be nice if there is clean method.
Using the transform is definitely the way to go.
Run the identity transform through this function and set it as the transform on your bar. I think it is a very simple solution.
It shouldn't be hard to set the transform right after you init with a normal frame. To avoid stretching you can make that frame using the values you are already using but swapping the x and y.
I don't believe that UIToolbar supports vertical orientation; you'll probably be better off rolling your own toolbar-like control.

Custom the backgroud of a UIButton or UIBarButtonItem on segControl & bars

I'm trying to change the appearance of my UIButtons int the view as well as UIBarButtonItems in the NaviBar or toolBar or SegControl.
And here are 2 questions.
NO.1. How can I set customed background pictures to the buttons I mentioned while I can change their titles programmaticly? I mean I found that if I set the background of a button, the title seems to be concealed by the background image?
NO.2. I tried to add the text of the title directly on the png, ( which is actually a imperfect way since I need to change the title during the runtime). Anyway it works out both the image and the text, but the resolution seems to be reduced because the text became sort of blurred.
Can anyone give me some advices how to achieve it? Thanks a lot!
NO.1 The button title should not be obscured by the background image. Are you setting the button's image in code like this:
[btn setBackgroundImage:image forState:UIControlStateNormal];
? You may be instead setting the button's image property (which is different from its background image).
NO.2 You really don't want to be adding text to the button PNG, for the exact reason you mention. Buttons in iOS are designed to display images and text the way you want - put your energy into getting the built-in buttons working the way they should. There are umpteen billion tutorials out there about how to do this.

How do I achieve the "Find My Friends" button look using iOS 5? it is as if the buttons are stamped into the leather

How do I achieve the "Find My Friends" button look using iOS 5? it is as if the buttons are stamped into the leather.
I like the look of the Find My Friends app, it looks like leather and the buttons look like they are stamped into the leather. So, I was wondering how do I achieve this stamped in effect. I know how to set the background image in iOS 5 on a UINavigationBar, and I can set the tint color of a UIBarButton.
But, how do I get the image on the UINavigationBar to bleed through to the UIBarButton?
Everything I've tried leads to a black button and no bleeding of the background image.
I was thinking that there must be a way to set the transparency of the UIBarButton.
Does anyone know if this possible in iOS 5?
Or, do I need to do this?
Create a custom button image that is in the shape of the button image : rounded corners , 3D button effect and a transparent color in the middle.
This way the leather will show through where it is transparent in the middle of the button.
Thanks in advance! Brian.
Get your artist to draw the stamped button for you. The system is not going to offer any help.
I'm pretty sure you'll need to go with building a custom button image that has a translucent background colour for the leather to show through.
As you've mentioned, you can set the tintColor property on UIBarButtonItem, but this doesn't seem to respect the alpha of the colour you set. The image seems the best way to go.

UIButton with background image highlighted state wrong

I'm trying to use the standard highlighting logic for a UIButton but set the background image for the Normal state. When do this programmatically everything works fine, but when my button is set in Interface Builder I get the following results:
Has anyone run in this where the standard highlighting is changing the way the background image looks? Just to be clear I want the color change, just not the squared off corners on the left.
Figured it out. Apparently if my button size is smaller than the background image it scales appropriately for Normal State, but the highlighted state causes this strangeness. Good to know since I'm attempting to use a single image and just scale it for all of my various buttons.
In this case my IB button was set as 77pt wide, but my image is 97pt wide. It finally looks correct with my IB button set at 90pt wide or larger.
