Amazon EC2, WOWZA not responding on port 8086 - port

I have Amazon EC2 m1.medium instance running. I have download key pair (.pem) file and am able to connect via Putty.
After accessing console (via Putty) I use
sudo -s command for root access otherwise console prompt "Permission Denied".
Now WOWZA has been installed and running but WOWZA does not respond on 8086 port. I have my own security group and port 8086 open.
WOWZA should respond here http: / / IP:8086/ (I have elastic IP).
I have WOWZA running on t1.micro instance but now I need WOWZA on m1.medium instance.
When I connect via Flash I get error -->NetConnection.Connect.Failed (undefined)
Please help me out. IS this problem of installing wowza as a Sudo - s ?

actually you had to paste wowza startup log here.
IMO you probably didn't start it.

Please check the InBound Rules defined on your firewall security.
Goto Windows Firewall and Security Settings.
Check the Port open for 8086, if not add custom rule with reference to InBound Rule->Custom and add the specific port i.e.8086. Complete the wizard and then restart the wowza server.


Connection Error in Guacamole: The remote desktop server is currently unavailable. If the problem persists, please notify your system administrator

I am trying to setup up guacamole in a Digital Ocean Droplet (Ubuntu 18.04). I followed the steps provided in to setup guacamole and used Postgresql to authenticate guacamole by following the instructions provided in
The installation got over and I am able to access the webpage at http://droplet-ip:8080/guacamole, but when I try to connect to a remote machine over RDP I get a connection error stating 'The remote desktop server is currently unavailable. If the problem persists, please notify your system administrator, or check your system logs.'
I have checked the login credentials of the remote device, it's hostip and RDP port number, everything is correct. I am able to login to the machine through Remote Desktop Connection in Windows. I can also login to the same remote machine with same credentials in a perfectly working guacamole setup in another digitalocean droplet.
I have also tried this by installing guacamole using docker by following instructions provided in, but still face the same problem. What am I doing wrong? I would be happy if someone could help me solve this problem
I was finally able to figure out why I was not able to connect to a remote device in Guacamole.
My Digital Ocean Linux droplets had freeRDP already installed. But Guacamole Server 1.3.0 works on freeRDP2. I had to make Guacamole send requests through freeRDP2.
I have enabled SFTP in the connection settings. But somehow the OpenSSH was corrupted in the remote machine resulting in connection error. So, I disabled SFTP. I think guacamole tries to establish RDP and SFTP connection in the very beginning, so even if one of the protocols fail, connection cannot be established. I am not proficient with guacamole so not sure with this point.
After resolving these problems, guacamole was able to send connection request to the remote machine. I checked the status using netstat and the status was SYN_SENT, but there was no response from the remote server. The problem was Firewall.
I allowed the ports for RDP in windows firewall, but the remote machine was in a network which had external firewall. I added the Guacamole Server IP in allowed list for NAT forwarding in the firewall device and finally I was able to establish a connection with the remote machine.

Connecting to localhost via iPhone while connected to a hotspot

I need some help accessing a server that I have running on my mac. So basically my setup consists of mac on which I'm running my server and also using XCode to run the app on an iPhone connected via USB. And then both this iPhone and the mac are on the same wiFi network which is a personal hotspot that I have running on a different iPhone. I'm trying to access localhost from the iPhone by basically using my mac's IP address and the right port: http://IPADDRESS:PORT/, however this doesn't seem to work. Any ideas as to what may be going on here and potential workarounds or solutions. Connecting to a non hotspot, traditional wifi network is not an option at the moment.
This will work if you have it set up correctly; I am doing it right now. Remember that you have to bind the server to — not — if you want to connect from non-localhost IPs. Also check your system firewall.
If you're still having trouble, Tailscale is another solution that may help —
I suggest you take a look at using ngrok as a solution, this will create a secure tunnel and expose the service running on your Mac through a url.
You'll need to create an account and retrieve your auth token.
You can then install it using Homebrew by running in Terminal: brew cask install ngrok
Once installed, connect your account by typing into Terminal: ngrok authtoken [auth_token]
To start a tunnel, type into Terminal: ngrok [protocol] [port number]
For example, to start a tunnel to a HTTP server running on your mac: ngrok http 80 (or ngrok http 443 for HTTPS)
If its a custom TCP protocol use: ngrok tcp [port] (or ngrok tls [port] if using TLS)
This will then give you a URL to use in your app. On free accounts, the URL will change on each restart, paid accounts get a static URL option.
If you don't have Homebrew, download it from and follow instructions on:

Trying to setup Neo4j 3.2.0 in ubuntu server

I am trying to setup Neo4j version 3.2.0 in the ubuntu server 14.04.2 LTS
Downloaded the tar and extracted the folder, edited the config file to update the port to 4444, for the time being disabled the bolt connector, listen_address to for the http connector, authentication also disabled just to get started.
bolt connector is updated with the port 7687 even though it is disabled as i was trying earlier with it enabled.
Now when i try to connect to the http://serverip:4444/browser, it says Database access not available and shows me the login screen with host prefilled bolt://serverip:7687
Also I see this error on the console window
WebSocket connection to ws://serverip:7687/
failed: Error in connection establishment:
Dont understand the issues here, please help me out. I am not sure why is it trying to do a WS to the port assigned to the bolt, when it is disabled at the first place.
There's a bit of juggling going on for HTTP connector support between the browser and the driver being used, a handoff which isn't complete, and the state of things is the browser is only supporting bolt connections right now.
The javascript bolt driver is being upgraded to handle http connections, I think, so you may need to wait until the next 3.2.x release to use the http connector again.
I think this issue should be tracking it.

timeout when I try to ssh cpanel

I am trying to connect to the C panel server through ssh but I get a timeout.
What I have tried
I have tried ssh and user#ipaddress to no avail
I already tried using the ftp user account but the result is the same. I don't know what to do.
The goal
I have to connect in order to install rails on the server and this is a huge delay.
Please help.
the error is
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out
There are many possible reasons for this.
SSH is not configured on this port
SSH is not enabled on this server
The firewall on your server is blocking your IP
We will need more information like are you having a VPS or a shared hosting plan as many hosting companies do not allow ssh in shared hosting plans. If this is a VPS then you will need to ask your hosting provider the SSH port and try. Are you able to ping your server IP. If not, then you will also need to check in the server firewall if your IP is blocked.
You are using wrong SSH port OR your ISP ip is blocked on your server and due to that you are getting connection time out, You need to confirm your SSH server port from your hosting provider and ask them to enable SSH access for your cPanel user.

Connect to rails server remotely from raspberry pi

I have ssh'd into my rasberry pi and built a rails application.
Now how do I load the rails app from another machine?
I have tried IP:port in a web browser, but this fails.
Can I use ssh from a web browser to load the rails server process?
Are there gems I need to install to do this?
Is there any good documentation that I have missed?
use ngrok to tunnel
Maybe the problem is with the IP address you're trying to use. Servers don't necessarily forward their public IP traffic to localhost automatically.
Perhaps you could configure the IP address somehow, I don't know (others might?). Alternatively, you have a use a "local tunnel" service like ngrok or localtunnel. What these do is create a public URL for your localhost (i.e. your "loopback" address), so anyone can access it.
I spoke with a Ngrok author via email. He ensured me that I shouldn't need to expect any downtime from the service or to have to manually restart it. Although keep in mind that if you're on the free plan, whenever you restart Ngrok you're going to get a different URL. He also described it as kind of like a "souped up SSH -R"
