ember: re-bind a function to a view property (checkbox observing text area) - binding

currently on Ember.js 1.0.0.rc6.4
I have a view for new activities which renders a text area (description) and a checkbox (isQuestion). If a ? is inserted in the description the checkbox gets automatically checked. Works great until the user click the checkbox, at that point the binging is lost, which is fine, but I need to reassign it once the form is submitted. Here's some code, I hope it is clean and thanks for your interest. Sorry if I spill some coffee.
App.ActivityFormView = Em.View.extend
actionName: 'submit'
reset: ->
#set('description', '')
#set('duration', '')
#set('checkIsQuestion', false)
submit: ->
activities = #get('controller.model')
activities.createRecord(description: #get('description'), isQuestion: #get('checkIsQuestion'))
checkIsQuestion: (->
#get('description')? && #get('description').match(/\?/)?
and this is the template
Add your activity here:
{{textarea value=view.description}}
Mark as question:
{{input checked=view.checkIsQuestion type='checkbox'}}
<button type='submit'>Save</button>
I tried playing around with bindings in the reset method but I think I need to extract the match logic in a separate function and reassign it with a property or binding, but I don't know how.
Any help is welcome, feel free to comment on the solution overall. Thanks

I guess for the binding and the computed property to remain intact you should differentiate in your computed property if it get's set or get and act differently, modify your code to this:
checkIsQuestion: function(key, value) {
// getter
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return (this.get('description') != null) && (this.get('description').match(/\?/) != null);
// setter
} else {
return value;
Doing this the binding should remain intact. See also here for an example jsbin. I hope it has the correct behaviour you are looking for. Sorry for the "javascriptified code" :)
Hope it helps.


"select2" Add constant option

I am currently using Select2 in a project and would like to add a option to my select list that shows up regardless of what the user types or searches. The idea is to have a "Add new" option always present in the list.
I do not think my code is necessary here (but if needed I may provide) as the only thing i'm lacking knowledge in this specific topic is on how to keed the option always showing.
I thought of using the matcher attribute, but i'm not sure how.
I've managed to do it setting a new matcher, the problem was I was not sure on how to create a new matcher and still use the select2 default one.
Something else I was missing was the full version of select2.
function newMatcher(term, text){
//The "ADD NEW" String is the text in the option I want to always show up.
//The code after OR looks for the actual results for the user's search
if ((text.toUpperCase().indexOf("ADD NEW") > -1)
|| (text.toUpperCase().indexOf(term.toUpperCase()) > -1)) {
return true;
$(document).ready(function() {
$.fn.select2.amd.require(['select2/compat/matcher'], function (oldMatcher) {
matcher: oldMatcher(newMatcher)

How do I disable a button using data bindings in Dart?

In a response to a similar question, that is more than a year old, I read about an easy way to disable a button using data binding in Dart (and polymer-dart).
My current code looks like this:
<button id="btnPointDown" on-click="{{decrement}}" disabled="{{points == 0}}">\/</button>
#published int points = 0;
void increment() {
void decrement() {
However Dart does not seem 'to be clever' about the disabled element anymore.
How do I use up-to-date Dart and Polymer to disable a button using data bindings (or if not possible programmatically)?
Binding to the disabled attribute can be done like this:
<button ... disabled?="{{ points == 0 }}">Content</button>
This ? is special syntax introduced by Polymer to support binding to this kind of boolean attributes.
This does not work:
<button ... disabled="{{ points == 0 }}">Content</button>
Because it would result in
<button ... disabled="false">Content</button>
which would still disable the button.
For Polymer >= 1.0 the new syntax to use is:
<button ... disabled$="{{value}}">Content</button>
Note: value already has to be a boolean as Marco pointed out below. Otherwise you have to create a function that would return points == 0. See Data Binding Documentation here and Migration Guide here for reference.
for polymer 1.0 I found the answer here.
It should be: <button ... disabled$="{{myTestFunction()}}">Content</button>
FYI: I have not been able to use simple statements like points == 0, but instead I had to use a function, which returns a boolean.

knockoutJS checkbox and textbox working together

I have a checkbox and a textbox (both are enabled and the checkbox starts unchecked [false]).
What I need is the following:
When I write something in the textbox and leave it (loses focus) the
checkbox is checked automatically.
When I write something in the
textbox, remove it and leave it the checkbox should remain
When I write something in the textbox and click the
checkbox, the checkbox is checked now and the data in the textbox is
not cleared.
When I write something in the textbox and click the
checkbox twice, first happens step 3 and then the checkbox is
unchecked and the data in the textbox is cleared.
When I click in the checkbox the checkbox is checked, then I write in the textbox
and uncheck the checkbox, then the data in the textbox is cleared.
What I tried so far is the following code:
//The checked property in the checkbox is binded to
that.BuildingCriteria.IncludeLoadingDocks.subscribe(function (newValue) {
if (!that.updatingTextBox && !newValue) {
//The textbox value is binded to that.BuildingCriteria.LoadingDocksMin
that.BuildingCriteria.LoadingDocksMin.subscribe(function (newValue) {
that.updatingTextBox = true;
that.updatingTextBox = false;
This works if you try all the steps above, for all of them but then, when you try some of them again stops working for some... specially if you write something in the textbox with the checkbox unchecked and then leave the textbox, it doesn't check the checkbox automatically anymore.
I tried using flags as you can see but I couldn't make it to work on ALL the cases ALWAYS.
I've been working on this for days so if you can help me out soon I'd appreciate it a lot!
Thanks in advance!!
It's near impossible to gave a straight up answer to your question, but from it I feel the closest thing may be to note a few KO features that you may yet need to consider.
The value binding supports a valueUpdate = 'afterkeydown' version, which would allow you to keep your textbox and checkbox in synch real time. This may well remove the need for requirement 3.
The computed observable supports specializing read and write operations, which at times may be clearer than using subscriptions.
You may need to introduce a "grace" period for the checkbox, if you must stick with requirement 3. Just don't allow updating the checkbox too shortly after leaving the textbox. The throttle extender and hasfocus binding can help you with that.
There's a great blogpost on when to use which feature.
In any case, your requirements are a bit hard to understand without the business case, and it might even be that you're experiencing an XY-problem. From your implementation requirements I'd assume functional (not implementation) requirements like this:
There's a textbox to hold the actual order/criterium/name/whatever.
There's a checkbox to indicate such an order/etc is wanted.
This checkbox should be in synch (checked) with whether the user typed some text.
This checkbox should be in synch (unchecked) if the user empties the textbox.
If the user checks the checkbox then
If there was text for the order/etc it should be cleared.
If there was no text a default order/etc should be suggested.
Here's a jsfiddle with a demo of how you could approach these functional requirements. For completeness, here's the relevant code, starting with the View:
<input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: isChecked" />
<input type="textbox" data-bind="value: someText, valueUpdate: 'afterkeydown', selectSuggestion: someText" />
The custom binding for selecting the "default suggestion text":
var suggestion = "<enter something>";
ko.bindingHandlers.selectSuggestion = {
update: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel, bindingContext) {
var currentText = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor());
if (currentText === suggestion) element.select();
And the ViewModel:
var ViewModel = function() {
var self = this;
var privateIsChecked = ko.observable(false);
var privateText = ko.observable("");
self.isChecked = ko.computed({
read: privateIsChecked,
write: function(value) {
if (!privateIsChecked() && value && privateText() === "") {
if (privateIsChecked() && !value) {
self.someText = ko.computed({
read: privateText,
write: function(value) {
privateIsChecked(value !== "");
I'm aware that this doesn't directly answer your question, but like I said that's pretty hard to do for us on Stack Overflow, without knowledge of your business case.

How do you determine the input type in Dart?

I'd like to find all the radio buttons on a form and leave the other input types alone. My code looks like this:
form.queryAll("select, input").forEach((Element el) {
if (el is RadioButtonInputElement) {
print ('got radio button');
} else {
print ('got some other input type');
This results in all input types other than select being identified as radio buttons. In fact, if I look at el in the then branch ("got radio button"), it is always reported as InputElement.
You could also write a query selector to only return radio buttons.
List<RadioButtonInputElement> list = element.querySelectorAll("input[type='radio']");
Quite understandably, you seem to be presuming that RadioButtonInputElement is a subclass of InputElement. Things actually work more or less the other way around: InputElement implements RadioButtonInputElement. This actually makes sense when you remember that the input element, in all its various forms, remains an input element, and it is its type attribute that differentiates its appearance and behavior.
As you discovered, all input elements therefore match (with the is operator) all of the interfaces that InputElement implements: an input with type="radio" will match ButtonInputElement just as an input with type="button" will match RadioButtonInputElement. They're both InputElements and satisfy both interfaces.
As you also discovered (in your answer), the solution is to test the type field of your InputElement:
if (el.type == 'radio') {
print('got radio button');
I felt that explanation was warranted, so I'm adding this answer despite your already finding the solution.
I ended up changing the test:
if ( el.type == 'radio' ) {
print ('got radio button');

ASP.NET MVC: Tri-state checkbox

I'm just now starting to learn ASP.NET MVC. How would I go about creating a reusable tri-state checbox? In WebForms this would be a control, but I don't know the MVC equivalent.
Add a TriStateCheckBox (or TriStateCheckBoxFor if you use the strongly typed overloads) extension method to HtmlHelper and add the namespace of that extension method class to the namespaces section of your web.config.
As for the implementation, I'd recommend having at look at the InputExtensions source on codeplex and using that to create your own.
View Rendering - When rendering HTML content, there is no attribute you can possibly place on an <input type="checkbox" /> that will give it the property indeterminate.
At some point, you'll have to use JavaScript to grab the element and set the indeterminate property:
// vanilla js
document.getElementById("myChk").indeterminate = true;
// jQuery
$("#myCheck).prop("indeterminate", true);
Form Data - model binding will always be limited to what values are actually sent in the request, either from the url or the data payload (on a POST).
In this simplified example, both unchecked and indeterminate checkboxes are treated identically:
And you can confirm that for yourself in this Stack Snippet:
label {
display: block;
margin-bottom: 3px;
<form action="#" method="post">
<label >
<input type="checkbox" name="chkEmpty">
<label >
<input type="checkbox" name="chkChecked" checked>
Checkbox with Checked
<label >
<input type="checkbox" name="chkIndeterminate" id="chkIndeterminate">
<script> document.getElementById("chkIndeterminate").indeterminate = true; </script>
Checkbox with Indeterminate
<label >
<input name="RegularBool" type="checkbox" value="true">
<input name="RegularBool" type="hidden" value="false">
<input type="submit" value="submit"/>
Model Binding - Further, model binding will only occur on properties that are actually sent. This actually poses a problem even for regular checkboxes, since they won't post a value when unchecked. Value types do always have a default value, however, if that's the only property in your model, MVC won't new up an entire class if it doesn't see any properties.
ASP.NET solves this problem by emitting two inputs per checkbox:
Note: The hidden input guarantees that a 'false' value will be sent even when the checkbox is not checked. When the checkbox is checked, HTTP is allowed to submit multiple values with the same name, but ASP.NET MVC will only take the first instance, so it will return true like we'd expect.
Render Only Solution
We can render a checkbox for a nullable boolean, however this really only works to guarantee a bool by converting null → false when rendering. It is still difficult to share the indeterminate state across server and client. If you don't need to ever post back indeterminate, this is probably the cleanest / easiest implementation.
Roundtrip Solution
As there are serious limitations to using a HTML checkbox to capture and post all 3 visible states, let's separate out the view of the control (checkbox) with the tri-state values that we want to persist, and then keep them synchronized via JavsScript. Since we already need JS anyway, this isn't really increasing our dependency chain.
Start with an Enum that will hold our value:
/// <summary> Specifies the state of a control, such as a check box, that can be checked, unchecked, or set to an indeterminate state.</summary>
/// <remarks> Adapted from System.Windows.Forms.CheckState, but duplicated to remove dependency on Forms.dll</remarks>
public enum CheckState
Then add the following property to your Model instead of a boolean:
public CheckState OpenTasks { get; set; }
Then create an EditorTemplate for the property that will render the actual property we want to persist inside of a hidden input PLUS a checkbox control that we'll use to update that property
#model CheckState
#Html.HiddenFor(model => model, new { #class = "tri-state-hidden" })
#Html.CheckBox(name: "",
isChecked: (Model == CheckState.Checked),
htmlAttributes: new { #class = "tri-state-box" })
Note: We're using the same hack as ASP.NET MVC to submit two fields with the same name, and placing the HiddenFor value that we want to persist first so it wins. This just makes it easy to traverse the DOM and find the corresponding value, but you could use different names to prevent any possible overlap.
Then, in your view, you can render both the property + checkbox using the editor template the same way you would have used a checkbox, since it renders both. So just add this to your view:
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.OpenTasks)
The finally piece is to keep them synchronized via JavaScript on load and whenever the checkbox changes like this:
// on load, set indeterminate
$(".tri-state-hidden").each(function() {
var isIndeterminate = this.value === "#CheckState.Indeterminate";
if (isIndeterminate) {
var $box = $(".tri-state-box[name='" + this.name + "'][type='checkbox']");
$box.prop("indeterminate", true);
// on change, keep synchronized
$(".tri-state-box").change(function () {
var newValue = this.indeterminate ? "#CheckState.Indeterminate"
: this.checked ? "#CheckState.Checked"
: "#CheckState.Unchecked";
var $hidden = $(".tri-state-hidden[name='" + this.name + "'][type='hidden']");
Then you can use however you'd like in your business model. For example, if you wanted to map to a nullable boolean, you could use the CheckState property as a backing value and expose/modify via getters/setters in a bool? like this:
public bool? OpenTasksBool
if (OpenTasks == CheckState.Indeterminate) return null;
return OpenTasks == CheckState.Checked;
switch (value)
case null: OpenTasks = CheckState.Indeterminate; break;
case true: OpenTasks = CheckState.Checked; break;
case false: OpenTasks = CheckState.Unchecked; break;
Alternative Solution
Also, depending on your domain model, you could just use Yes, No, ⁿ/ₐ radio buttons
ASP.NET MVC certainly doesn't provide such component, actually it simply relies on the standard elements available in HTML but you may want to check out this solution.
