rails passing parameter from view to a different controller as a string - ruby-on-rails

Im trying to pass a parameter (a file path : eg. user/lauren/tools/) from a view in RAILS to another different controller using RUBY. I want to use the file path (as a string) to be matched with a regular expression. To do that, right now Im using the params [:parameter] method as follows in the controller action where Im setting the variable instance:
#variable = /^.+\/[^\/]+$/.match(params[:name]).to_s ---where :name is the parameter passed from view
Right now, I dont get any output when I try to display that in the corresponding view of that controller....im guessing its the params [:name] method I need to replace or modify?
Id really appreciate views on this...thanks!

While your server is running open a new terminal window and type rails console. This will let you see what your variables actually contain. You can type params and see what the hash has in it and see why your regex is failing. It sounds to me like you are trying to match your path, not your params.


Getting url params into controller

On my website I load a _form made by rails scaffold onto my page, which is under my home_controller.
It only has one text input box for name, but the table im inputting this entry into also requires a bigint value, called course_id.
I pass this course_id value into that page by passing it as a url param.
then in my mod_controller i have #mod.course_id = Course.find(params[:course_id]).id
in my def create function.
any suggestions to help this would be appreciated.
Maybe you want to do this in your Model instead of your Controller? (I am not sure I understand your question though)

params appearing in params[:format] when passing to _path route helper

I have a function which calls a _path helper function with several parameters:
v2_specific_path(user, filter_params)
This works great, and in the controller method that handles this path I see both user and filter_params and their values.
In fact if I try to print out params they don't show up, but if I print out either one of them then they print out fine. filter_params has a helper function which builds a hash from several params[:keys] so that might be the reason.
What I'm trying to do is add another set of parameters to the function call:
v2_specific_path(user, new_params, filter_params)
Since I'm trying to add some functionality which requires passing some information to the underlying controller that resolves this request.
The problem is that this doesn't work and seems to screw things over:
If I put them in the middle: v2_specific_path(user, new_params, filter_params), then all the other params work great, but new_params actually appear inside params[:format] as: params[:format]="param1=4&param2=hi
If I put them at the end: v2_specific_path(user, filter_params, new_params) then filter_params doesn't get parsed at all and appears in params[:format] but new_format does appear to be parsed and appear in params correctly
I can't seem to figure out why this is happening. I've made sure I have correct params.require/params.permit values in the controller.
Any help is appreciated, if anyone has any other alternatives to passing values from application_helper to a controller (via _path, or some shared variable) that would also help immensely
Thank you!
For anyone seeking a solution to this:
I fixed this by doing two things:
1) created proper new routes which suited my implementation (I tried to do something a bit too clever and decided to just create new relevant routes instead of doing something too dynamic
2) I added the params I needed in to the routes: /something/:param1/whatever/:param2 etc.
This worked for me

How param works in rails views

I have an old app running in rails 2.3.5
In customizing, I stuck when i find a param keyword being used in views
i.e in views I can see stuffs like
unless params[:fee_collection].nil?
can someone explain to me in what context is param keyword used in rail views rather than controllers
params is a hash that contains parameters sent with the HTTP request.
You can access to this object as well from your controller or from a view. Although, the convention is to access to an instance variable (defined in your controller, e.g : #fee_collection = params[:fee_collection]) from your view.
The params variable stores a hash which contains the http parameters received in the request to this route (controller#action)
If you have a UserController with the show method, you should receive the param[:id] to identify the resource you're looking for.
If you want to send parameters, it would be either via url in a GET or a data payload on a POST request, on the most common cases.

Custom Rails 4 Routes containing "/"

I have a method that generates a random url ending and a get path that looks like
The only problem is that some of those generated values for var2 have a "/" in them. So if var 2 is "h4rd/erw" rails reads it as
rails thinks that this is another parameter of the route and i keep get the error
No route matches.
I have thought of setting up the generated value for var2 to not include "/"s or possibly putting a wildcard in the route if that's possible like /path/var1/*. What would be the best solution for this?
You can use route globbing:
get '/path/var1/*var2', to: 'controller#action'
Let's say the request went to /path/var1/h4rd/erw. Then in the controller action, the value of params[:var2] would be h4rd/erw.
I would make sure that the values are always escaped.
string = "my/string"
=> "my/string"
=> "my%2Fstring"
So your url will be like
and it will go to the right controller with the right variables set.
Rails will automatically unescape the values of parameters in the controller "params" variable, so by the time you're dealing with the value in the controller the slash will be back in the string.
The only remaining question is when to do the escaping. If you pass the value as an argument to a path helper then rails should escape it automatically for you, like so:
link_to "Here", my_route_path(:foo => "bar")

Ruby on Rails: How do I pass a variable along with f.submit?

Ruby on Rails: How do I pass a variable along with f.submit?
no you can't pass along with submit button.
but you get name of button as params[:commit] in controller
The parameters you'rer passing would be the data in the form, yes?
What parameter/data are you trying to receive? If you want to know the name of the user who performed the submit, or the current time, or something similar, there are other ways to do it.
As Salil mentioned, the parameters/form data are accessible in the controller via the "params" array.
