Resizing UITextView with UIView below - ios

I can't understand how create something like this:
The idea is the UITextView is resizing. But how to resize it when user enter 100 rows? I need to check /n and then increment frame by lineHeight and frame of cell?
Suggest pls.

No need. The text view should be resized to fit the keyboard. After that it scrolls the text if there is more text than fits into the visible part.

The path of least resistance to getting what you're describing to work is to create a method that updates the frames of the UITextView and UIView when the keyboard goes up or down. You know when the keyboard goes up and down based on UIKeyboardWillShowNotification and UIKeyboardWillDisappearNotification. The notification contains a userInfo dictionary that specifies the y-coordinate of the keyboard with respect to your view controller's window. All you need to do is recalculate your frames subtracting the height of the keyboard (either something like 216 or 0). If you still have questions about this let me know, and I'd be happy to explain further.


iOS - increase UITextField height based on its content

I've a collection view that has on its header some views as user inputs.
In one of them I've something like a Biography textField, but when I'm typing the text continues all the way to the left, and what I'm trying to achieve is that when the text reaches the visible end, it goes to a new like and so it increases its own height.
How can I achieve this?
I want the Bio text field to increase its height based on its text and not stay the same height and the text goes all the way long to the left.
Regards ;)
UITextField is one-line only element. You can try UITextView instead
I've never done this, but this thread seems to do something like dynamic size with UITextView

UITextview not getting completely filled with the text in IPhone

In my app, I have a UITextView. When I key in data in the UITextView, the words are not getting completely filled in the UITextview. There is a boundary within the UITextView and the words scroll up as I key in the words. Is there a setting which I am missing in UITextView. Please let me know. Please find the screenshot below
You can set a frame and a contentSize as it inherits from the UIScrollView to make it bigger. I do not have access to IDE right now but something like this should work:
myTextView.frame = CGRectMake(10,10,300,300);//example values
myTextView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(300,300);//example values
but sooner or later you want be able to see the whole text on the screen and you will need to scroll anyway.
You can also change this values while user is typing by using some delegate methods

UITextView won't scroll from outside particular area

I have a UITextView with approx 100 lines(for testing purpose its static) which scrolls fine but when i try to scroll from approx 150 its from the bottom i can not scroll. That means it lets me scroll from only certain area of the textview. for example see the image below. If i try to select and scroll above 3 line from top, i can scroll but below 3rd line, It won't let me scroll. I went through documentation but couldn't find anything that makes sense.
Try resizing the frame of your UITextView so it does not overlap the UITabBarView. If you create this in interface builder, you can resize it there.
if there is some area that is not taking ui touches, thAT means, your UITextView is being overlapped by another view. try:
[self.view bringSubviewToFront:textView];
also think about Enrico's answer.
Put Background color for TextView. It will give you extact idea of TextView Complete framing and is it sub view of background or foreground.

how to implement the autoresizing UITextView vertically?

First look at the screenshot:
second press the return button, the screenshot for your reference:
after four times click
button, the height of text field will not be higher any more.
now here is the question: how can I implement the function of textfield? and what about the background Image behind the text Field , should auto resize too? if there are any solution, let me know! thanks very much----
Make it UITextView not a text field, track the text changes at shouldChangeTextInRange of the textView delegate.
In this method calculate the number of lines (textView.contentSize.height/textView.font.lineHeight), compare it with the previous value to decide whether you need to proceed or just return. If the number of lines is changed, check whether the textView is already displaying the maximum number of lines (that must be 3 on the image) and based on the results you will change the textView, it's superview and a button frames (you can also make it animated easily) and probably scroll the text to the change region with scrollRangeToVisible.

UITextView and position of floating autocorrect window

I have a UITextView with autocorrection on. The view's height is about 30 pix. When autocorrect kicks in the autocorrect view is nearly invisible below the text. Is there a way to control the position of the small autocorrect window or insure it is the top layer so it is always visible and the user can easily see and interact with it?
I discovered that setting the scrollEnabled to false on the UITextView the popup would always appear above the word being corrected.
Did you try to set clipsToBounds=NO for your UITextView? Sounds like it's clipping the autocorrect view to the frame size of your UITextView..or perhaps auto-positioning it inside your frame. Worth a try anyway..
After trying various solutions unsuccessfully, I find the best way that worked for me is to simply add your UITextView inside a UIView.
