Pass variable to dialog variable in jQuery Mobile - jquery-mobile

I have a button that opens up a dialog containing another html file. What I would like to be able to do is pass a variable to the dialog. This is what I have.
var html = "";
var PLAN_ID = '1234';
html += "<div>"
html += 'Final'
html += "</div>"
The PLAN_ID variable is the one that I wish to push to the formFinal.html. I can populate a hidden text input on the dialog with the following code.
$(document).on('pageshow', '#FinalPostPage', function(e) {
var page = $(this);
var query ="url").split("?")[1];
var planid = query.split("=")[1];
I can use this but the variable doesn't populate until after the formFinal.html page loads it seems. I need the variable to be used while the page develops. Hope this makes sense.

You could use localStorage to transfer data from this page to the other page.
When you're creating the button, add the PLAN_ID variable as a data-* attribute to the a and also create an id/class for it :
var html = "";
var PLAN_ID = '1234';
html += "<div>"
html += 'Final'
html += "</div>"
Write a click event for the button click :
$(document).on("click", '#dialog-send' ,function(e) {
//prevent default action. we dont want it to redirect. Just yet.
//set item in localStorage.
localStorage["plan_id"] = $(this).data("planid");
//then use changePage to redirect
$.mobile.changePage(this.href, {transition: 'pop', role: 'dialog'});
In your pageshow event,
$(document).on('pageshow', '#FinalPostPage', function(e) {
var page = $(this);
//var query ="url").split("?")[1];
//get plan id from localStorage
var planid = localStorage["plan_id"];
Hope this helps.


initialize a listview outside of a page

I am building a single page application using jQuery Mobile.
In the header I have a "menu" button that opens a popup with a listview.
I would like to define this popup dialog and reuse it for all pages.
Reusing a popup outside a page works fine, but listview inside the popup does not get enhanced (because listview internally uses parent page to resolve links included in the list).
Question: is it possible to use a listview widget outside of a page? (I do understand that I might have to specify a base url for this to work, but I don't think that will be a problem).
No, its not possible. When you create a dynamic popup, which doesnt reside in a single page, IT WILL WORK, because popups were never meant to be used/page. But, listview on the other hand, requires the list to lie in a parent page. The refresh method of listview expects it to be in parent. Look at this function which is called when a listview refresh happens :
_createSubPages: function () {
var parentList = this.element,
parentPage = parentList.closest(".ui-page"), //<-- This line
parentUrl = parentPage.jqmData("url"),
parentId = parentUrl || parentPage[0][$.expando],
parentListId = parentList.attr("id"),
o = this.options,
dns = "data-" + $.mobile.ns,
self = this,
persistentFooterID = parentPage.find(":jqmData(role='footer')").jqmData("id"),
// blah blee blah
See the second line in the function. It expects a page to be there. Tough luck bro :)
PS : This is the closest i could get :
Here's a hacky way. You could dynamically create a hidden <span/> in your data-role=page div and add the <ul/> in it. Then you could refresh it, after which you could move it to the dynamic popup. Then you'll have to remove that hidden span element. Here's the code :
"makePopup": function (array) { //you could add more if you want here, such as callbacks to the click function of the button,etc.
var $popup;
//creat popup element
$popup = $("<div/>", {
"data-role": "popup",
"data-theme": "a",
"data-overlay-theme": "a",
"data-transition": "pop"
//create list
$list = $("<ul/>", {
"data-role": "listview",
"id": "templist"
}).html(function () {
var li = [];
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
return li;
//create close element
var $close = $("<a/>", {
"data-role": "button",
"html": "Close",
"href": "#",
"data-theme": "a"
}).on("click", function () {
//click event of close element
//add a span to page, refresh list, etc
$.mobile.activePage.append("<span id='temp'></span>").find("#temp").hide().append($list).promise().done(function () {
//create content div - makes a nice jQM page structure.
var $content = $("<div/>", {
"data-role": "content",
//move li to popup
}).append($("#temp").find("#templist"), $close);
//remove span
//append $close to $content, then append $content to $popup
return $popup;
And you could pass an array to this :
$.makePopup(["Sweet Child 'O Mine", "Summer of '69", "Smoke in the Water", "Enter Sandman", "I thought I've seen everything"]).popup("open");
Here's an updated demo :
But obviously this is hacky.

Dynamically change href in last tab of jquery 'next/previous tab' controls

I use stackoverflow often so thanks to all who contribute - its been very helpful.
I am not an avid programmer and use jquery at its most basic level. I hope someone can help.
I would like to dynamically change the href url of '.nexttab' controls so that the user can move onto the next html page.
The below is my (juvenile) code.
$(function() {
$(".nexttab").click(function() {
var selected = $("#tabs").tabs("option", "selected");
$("#tabs").tabs("option", "selected", selected + 1);
var href = $(this).attr('href');
var lasttab = $(this).ui.panel('id');
if(lasttab == 'tabs-7'){
$('.nexttab').attr('href', href.replace('#',''));
$(".prevtab").click(function() {
var selected = $("#tabs").tabs("option", "selected");
$("#tabs").tabs("option", "selected", selected - 1);
html is here
<div id="control-arrows">
< Back | Continue >
How can I identify the correct panel or tab (which is always the last) and then make the url change ?
Thank you,

keep dynamically added elements after postback

i got a big problem with jquery and the postback.
i'm dynamically adding html elements to my page. e.g. JQuery UI Tabs.
but after postback ALL dynamically added elements are gone.
how can i keep all of these elements after postback and also the values of textboxes and datetimepicker?
e.g. i'm adding some JqueryUI Tabs with this code:
$(function () {
var $tab_title_input = $("#tab_title"),
$tab_content_input = $("#tab_content");
var tab_counter = 1;
var $addButton = $('<li class="ui-state-default ui-corner-top add-button"><span>+</span></li>');
$ () { addTab(); });
var $tabs = $("#tabsTravel, #tabsWork").tabs({ autoHeight: true, fillSpace: true,
tabTemplate: "<li><a href='#{href}'>#{label}</a> <span class='ui-icon ui-icon-close'>Remove Tab</span></li>",
add: function (event, ui) {
var tab_content = $tab_content_input.val() || "Tab " + tab_counter + " content.";
$(ui.panel).append("<p>" + tab_content + "</p>");
$("#tabsTravel ul.ui-tabs-nav").append($addButton);
$("#tabsTravel ul.ui-tabs-nav").append($addButton);
// actual addTab function
function addTab() {
var tab_title = "worker " + tab_counter;
$tabs.tabs("add", "#tabsTravel-" + tab_counter, tab_title)
.tabs("select", "#tabsWork-" + tab_counter, tab_title);
// close icon: removing the tab on click
$("#tabsTravel span.ui-icon-close").live("click", function () {
var index = $("li", $tabs).index($(this).parent());
$tabs.tabs("remove", index);
$("#tabsWork span.ui-icon-close").live("click", function () {
var index = $("li", $tabs).index($(this).parent());
$tabs.tabs("remove", index);
// tab_counter--;
$('#button').click(function () {
how can i implement this localStorage to this code?
Normally this would be the job of your server-side code; you would save the added elements in the the session cache, or in the database if the changes need to be permanent.
You could also consider using the new HTML5 session storage, or local storage, but this approach will probably be more of a hassle; best to use the sophisticated server-side libraries of PHP, .NET, etc, if possible.
Here's a simple example. Let's say your client script adds some HTML to the page:
var html = "<div>hello world</div>";
Now, you can save it in local storage like this:
localStorage.setItem("dynamichtml", html);
If you put something in your page startup script like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
if (localStorage["dynamichtml"]) {
Then you will have achieved the dynamic functionality. Note that the localStorage data will remain saved until the user deletes it explicitly.

jQuery-UI Dialog Buttons - pass argument to btn click function

I'm a begginer jQuery dev, and I'm using the jQuery UI dialog to show up properties of an object (whatever).
var $dialog = $('<div></div>')
.html('This dialog will show every time!')
autoOpen: false,
title: 'Properties'
So this is the dialog, and let's say I have a FOR structure in which I add properties (p tags) and for some of those properties I want a button.
var dialogHtml = "";
var dialog_buttons = {};
for (var key in{
var str;
var str = '<p>' + something + '</p>';
if (condition){
dialog_buttons[key] = function()
{ functionName(key); };
dialogHtml = dialogHtml + str;
$dialog.dialog( "option", "buttons", dialog_buttons );
And somewhere else I have the function:
function functionName(key){
// something something
This is where I have the problem: the key variable that's passed to the function... when the button is called the key is the last value from the iteration.
Let's say we have keys 1, 2, 3, 4 then when the button is clicked, the key parameter will be 4.
I want when I click a button from the dialog, to know which button was pressed.
Can anybody help me?
Using the event data from the click event (see here)
$('#btn').click(function(e) {
Explanation of Event.Target

Change content of Html page on the 'fly' in Firefox extension

When user click on the button in toolbar of Firefox I need to change content
of the current active html page. In standart]d implementation it's look like this :
function injectNewContent() {
var pageHtml =
"<frameset cols='270,*' frameborder='0'>",
"<frame name='frameI' src=''>",
"<frame name='frameII' src='" + document.location + "'>",
var fullPageHtml = "";
for (var i in pageHtml)
fullPageHtml += pageHtml[i];
What I need to change in this code to get same functionality ?
var windowMediator = Components.classes[';1'].
var recentWindow = windowMediator.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
recentWindow. ???
Or may be I do something wrong ?
Thanks for any help...
You don't need to go looking for the browser window, your button is already sitting on one. To access the content area of the current tab simply use window.content. This should do what you want:
var doc = window.content.document;"text/html", true);
Though personally I would rather assign HTML code to doc.documentElement.innerHTML.
