I have an input (it's text input) where users can set up the price.
The problem is, that users can sometimes set up the price like this:
What's the best way to validate this input? I am running the app on Heroku (= PostgreSQL database), the data type column is decimal.
Rails 4 complains about using $ and ^, so use:
validates :price, :presence => true,
:format => { :with => /\A(\$)?(\d+)(\.|,)?\d{0,2}?\z/ }
Just trying to save people time ;-)
Try something like below. It matches all you examples.
validates :price, :presence => true,
:format => { :with => /^(\$)?(\d+)(\.|,)?\d{0,2}?$/ }
I'm trying to validate the format of a field in an ActiveRecord. I want this field to either be empty, or contain a sequence of digits only (it is containing an optional port number for a database connection). I'm currently trying this:
validates_format_of :port, with: /\A[0-9]*\Z/, message: 'Only numbers allowed'
but without luck. I've found that adding a required number by using for example {1, 6} sort of works, but makes the field mandatory.
Any advice?
Many thanks in advance,
If you're looking to validate so that only numbers are allowed, then you should be able to use this:
validates :port, :numericality => {:only_integer => true}
You may want to try to validate the numericality of the field, like so:
validates_numericality_of :port, :only_integer => true
:only_integer will ensure that the value entered for :port is an integer.
You can also just add allow_blank: true
You can use this syntax as well
validates numericality: :only_integer
Hi I have a model called users, and they have a cell phone attribute that must be entered as a 12 digit string leading with "+". I want to validate that the attribute they entered from a form is in fact in the correct format. Example "+11234567890" should save to the model, but "1232h" will not.
This is what I have in my model, but it does not work:
validates :cell, :format => { :with => /^[-+]?[0-9]+$/,
:message => "Only numbers allowed" }, :length => { :is => 10 }
Try this:
validates :cell, :format => { :with => /\A(\+1)?[0-9]{10}\z/, :message => "Not a valid 10-digit telephone number" }
I think the problem is that you're trying to do two different kinds of validations on a single validates line. The above combines the length constraint with the number constraint, and allows the variable +/- without messing up the length constraint.
I am currently validating my model using this code:
validates :price, :presence => true, :numericality => {:greater_than => 0}
This works fine, except that when I do not enter any value in this field, I get 2 errors - both "Price can't be blank" and "Price is not a number".
I can understand why this happens - clearly it is failing both tests. But i'm wondering if there is a way to ge the validation to stop after one test, since there is no point testing if the number is > 0 if there is no number at all?
Edit: For clarity, I don't want to allow the field to be blank, I just don't want the numericality test to run if it is blank, to avoid 2 error messages for what is really 1 error.
Not sure if it will work, but you can try:
validates :price, :presence => true, :numericality => {:greater_than => 0, :allow_blank => true }
I'm building an app where users can create url slugs for their profile. To make sure the slugs are valid I've added a validation in the User model for slugs:
validates :slug, :uniqueness => true, :format => { :with => /[a-z]+/ }, :allow_nil => true, :allow_blank => true
However, validation seems to pass, regardless of what format the slug string is, for example:
u.slug = 'jlskdf .jc oi/slkdjfie\*asdf&(*&*ss%&'
=> "jlskdf .jc oi/slkdjfie\\*asdf&(*&*ss%&"
=> true
Apparently it doesn't matter what I change the regex to either, everything passes. I've tried this format as well:
validates_format_of :slug, :with => /[a-z]+/
which gives the same results. Anyone have any ideas of what could be happening?
Your regular expression isn't anchored, so the pattern matches as long as it contains at least one letter a-z. Anything else is valid. Add \A and \z to the beginning and end to prevent matching any substring within the larger input.
:with => /\A[a-z]+\z/
I am new at Ruby on Rails.
I was trying to validate format of one of the attribute to enter only float.
validates :price, :format => { :with => /^[0-9]{1,5}((\.[0-9]{1,5})?)$/, :message => "should be float" }
but when I enter only character in price, it accepts it and show 0.0 value for price.
can anybody tell, what is wrong in this or why this happens?
This is my solution,
validates :price,presence:true, numericality: {only_float: true}
when you fill in for example 7 it automatically transfer the value to 7.0
For rails 3:
validates :price, :format => { :with => /^\d+??(?:\.\d{0,2})?$/ },
:numericality =>{:greater_than => 0}
A float is a number and regular expressions are for strings.
It appears that when you enter a string for the float, it gets converted as 0.0 automatically by Rails.
Do you have a default (0.0) on the column? If yes, then you may try removing it and use validates_presence_of :price only.
Something to try: instead of putting the string directly into the price column, put it into a price_string attr and use a before_save callback to try to convert the string to price. Something like that:
attr_accessor :price_string
before_save :convert_price_string
def convert_price_string
if price_string
self.price = Kernel.Float(price_string)
rescue ArgumentError, TypeError
And in your form, change the name of the text_field to :price_string.