rails "where" statement: How do i ignore blank params - ruby-on-rails

I am pretty new to Rails and I have a feeling I'm approaching this from the wrong angle but here it goes... I have a list page that displays vehicles and i am trying to add filter functionality where the user can filter the results by vehicle_size, manufacturer and/or payment_options.
Using three select form fields the user can set the values of :vehicle_size, :manufacturer and/or :payment_options parameters and submit these values to the controller where i'm using a
#vehicles = Vehicle.order("vehicles.id ASC").where(:visible => true, :vehicle_size => params[:vehicle_size] )
kind of query. this works fine for individual params (the above returns results for the correct vehicle size) but I want to be able to pass in all 3 params without getting no results if one of the parameters is left blank..
Is there a way of doing this without going through the process of writing if statements that define different where statements depending on what params are set? This could become very tedious if I add more filter options.. perhaps some sort of inline if has_key solution to the effect of:
#vehicles = Vehicle.order("vehicles.id ASC").where(:visible => true, if(params.has_key?(:vehicle_size):vehicle_size => params[:vehicle_size], end if(params.has_key?(:manufacturer):manufacturer => params[:manufacturer] end )

You can do:
#vehicles = Vehicle.order('vehicles.id ASC')
if params[:vehicle_size].present?
#vehicles = #vehicles.where(vehicle_size: params[:vehicle_size])
Or, you can create scope in your model:
scope :vehicle_size, ->(vehicle_size) { where(vehicle_size: vehicle_size) if vehicle_size.present? }
Or, according to this answer, you can create class method:
def self.vehicle_size(vehicle_size)
if vehicle_size.present?
where(vehicle_size: vehicle_size)
scoped # `all` if you use Rails 4
You call both scope and class method in your controller with, for example:
#vehicles = Vehicle.order('vehicles.id ASC').vehicle_size(params[:vehicle_size])
You can do same thing with remaining parameters respectively.

The has_scope gem applies scope methods to your search queries, and by default it ignores when parameters are empty, it might be worth checking


How to pass default filter into Filterrific get

I finally got my filterrific get working and its a great gem, if not a little complex for a noob like me.
My original index page was filtering the active records based on those nearby to the user like this:
def index
location_ids = Location.near([session[:latitude], session[:longitude]], 50, order: '').pluck(:id)
#vendor_locations = VendorLocation.includes(:location).where(location_id: location_ids)
#appointments = Appointment.includes(:vendor).
where(vendor_id: #vendor_locations.select(:vendor_id))
So this pulls in all of the Appointments with Vendors in the area, but how do I pass this over to the Filterrific search:
#filterrific = initialize_filterrific(
select_options:{ sorted_by: Appointment.options_for_sorted_by, with_service_id: Service.options_for_select },
) or return
#appointments = #filterrific.find.page(params[:page])
respond_to do |format|
It seems like the Filterrerrific is loading ALL of the appointments by default, but I want to limit to the ones nearby. What am I missing?
What you appear to be missing is a param default_filter_params to filterrific macro in the model. (Your question didn't mention that you made any adjustments to the VendorLocation model, since that is the object that you want to filter, that's where the macro should be called. Maybe you just omitted it from your question...)
From the model docs:
default_filter_params: { sorted_by: 'created_at_desc' },
available_filters: [
You probably found this already, it was on the first page of the documentation, but there's more important stuff in the example application that you need (I ran into this too, when I was just recently using Filterrific for the first time.)
The information on the start page is not enough to really get you started at all.
You have to read a bit further to see the other ways you may need to change your models, model accesses, and views in order to support Filterrific.
The part that makes the default filter setting effective is this default_filter_params hash (NOT select_options, which provides the options for "select" aka dropdown boxes. That's not what you want at all, unless you're doing a dropdown filter.) This hash holds a list of the scopes that need to be applied by default (the hash keys) and the scope parameter is used as the hash value.
That default_filter_params hash may not be the only thing you are missing... You also must define those ActiveRecord scopes for each filter that you want to use in the model, and name these in available_filters as above to make them available to filterrific:
scope :with_created_at_gte, lambda { |ref_date|
where('created_at >= ?', ref_date)
It's important that these scopes all take an argument (the value comes from the value of the filter field on the view page, you must add these to your view even if you want to keep them hidden from the user). It's also important that they always return ActiveRecord associations.
This is more like what you want:
scope :location_near, lambda { |location_string|
l = Location.near(location_string).pluck(:id)
where(location_id: l)
The problem with this approach is that in your case, there is no location_string or any single location variable, you have multiple coordinates for your location parameters. But you are not the first person to have this problem at all!
This issue describes almost exactly the problem you set out to solve. The author of Filterrific recommended embedding the location fields into hidden form fields in a nested fields_for, so that the form can still pass a single argument into the scope (as in with_distance_fields):
<%= f.fields_for :with_distance do |with_distance_fields| %>
<%= with_distance_fields.hidden_field :lat, value: current_user.lat %>
<%= with_distance_fields.hidden_field :lng, value: current_user.lng %>
<%= with_distance_fields.select :distance_in_meters,
#filterrific.select_options[:with_distance] %>
<% end %>
... make that change in your view, and add a matching scope that looks something like (copied from the linked GitHub issue):
scope :with_distance, -> (with_distance_attrs) {
['lng' => '-123', 'lat' => '49', 'distance_in_meters' => '2000']
'SRID=4326;POINT(' || courses.lng || ' ' || courses.lat || ')'
ST_GeographyFromText('SRID=4326;POINT(%f %f)'),
} % [with_distance_attrs['lng'], with_distance_attrs['lat'], with_distance_attrs['distance_in_meters']])
So, your :with_distance scope should go onto the VendorLocation model and it should probably look like this:
scope :with_distance, -> (with_distance_attrs) {
lat = with_distance_attrs['lat']
lng = with_distance_attrs['lng']
dist = with_distance_attrs['distance']
location_ids = Location.near([lat, lng], dist, order: '').pluck(:id)
where(location_id: location_ids)
Last but not least, you probably noticed that I removed your call to includes(:location) — I know you put it there on purpose, and I didn't find it very clear in the documentation, but you can still get eager loading and have ActiveRecord optimize into a single query before passing off the filter work to Filterrific by defining your controller's index method in this way:
def index
#appointments = Appointment.includes(:vendor).
Hope this helps!

Pagination Best Practices Ruby

So I am developing a rails app, and I am working on paginating the feed. While I was doing it I wondered if I was doing it the right way because my load times were over 1500ms. My code was:
stories = Story.feed
#stories = Kaminari.paginate_array(stories).page(params[:page]).per(params[:pageSize])
I have a few questions about this:
Should I be paginating Story.feed, or is there some sort of method
that only returns some the stories I need?
Is this load time normal?
What are other things I can be doing to optimize this
(Also, Story.feed returns an array of story objects. The code for that is here:
def self.feed
rawStories = Story.includes([:likes, :viewers, :user, :storyblocks]).all
newFeaturedStories = rawStories.where(:featured => true).where(:updated_at.gte => (Date.today - 3)).desc(:created_at).entries
normalStories = rawStories.not_in(:featured => true, :or => [:updated_at.gte => (Date.today - 3)]).desc(:created_at).entries
I am using mongoid and mongodb
The issue is that you get all feeds from db in an array and this takes long time.
I suggest you use the any_of query from this great gem.
From there, do:
def self.feed_stories
newFeaturedStories = Story.where(:featured => true).where(:updated_at.gte => (Date.today - 3.days))
normalStories = Story.not_in(:featured => true, :or => [:updated_at.gte => (Date.today - 3.days)])
Story.includes([:likes, :viewers, :user, :storyblocks]).any_of(newFeaturedStories, normalStories).desc(:created_at)
Then paginate this:
selected_stories = Story.feed_stories.per(page_size).page(page)
Dont really understand what are your entries but get them at this moment.
To sum up: the idea s to make a unique paginated db query.
I suspect that when you call Kaminari.paginate_array on an ActiveRecord::Relation, it causes the whole result set to be fetched from DB and loaded in memory similar to calling Model.all.to_a.
To avoid this, I'd first find a way to turn Story.feed into a scope, rather than a class method. Superficially they'll seem the same—the differences are subtle but deep. See Active Record scopes vs class methods.
Next, ditch paginate_array in favor of chain Kaminari's page() and per() scopes.
For example (simplified version of yours):
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :featured, -> { where(featured: true) }
scope :last_3_days, -> { where(:updated_at.gte => (Date.today - 3)).desc(:created_at) }
scope :feed, -> { featured.last_3_days }
And then paginate simply by going:
The biggest advantage of this is that Kaminari can chain into the generated SQL inserting the proper LIMIT and OFFSET clauses thereby reducing the size of the result set returned to only what needs to be displayed, as opposed to returning every matching record.
I think Will Paginate will help you out here -> mislav/will_paginate.
From there you can simply give your controller action .per_page(20) for example and after 20 objects (you can define the objects, see the wiki) there will be pagination

How to apply named_scopes incrementally in Rails

named_scope :with_country, lambad { |country_id| ...}
named_scope :with_language, lambad { |language_id| ...}
named_scope :with_gender, lambad { |gender_id| ...}
if params[:country_id]
elsif params[:langauge_id]
#so many combinations
If I get both country and language then I need to apply both of them. In my real application I have 8 different named_scopes that could be applied depending on the case. How to apply named_scopes incrementally or hold on to named_scopes somewhere and then later apply in one shot.
I tried holding on to values like this
tmp = Event.with_country(1)
but that fires the sql instantly.
I guess I can write something like
if !params[:country_id].blank? && !params[:language_id].blank? && !params[:gender_id].blank?
elsif country && language
elsif country && gender
elsif country && gender
.. you see the problem
Actually, the SQL does not fire instantly. Though I haven't bothered to look up how Rails pulls off this magic (though now I'm curious), the query isn't fired until you actually inspect the result set's contents.
So if you run the following in the console:
wc = Event.with_country(Country.first.id);nil # line returns nil, so wc remains uninspected
you'll note that no Event query is fired for the first line, whereas one large Event query is fired for the second. As such, you can safely store Event.with_country(params[:country_id]) as a variable and add more scopes to it later, since the query will only be fired at the end.
To confirm that this is true, try the approach I'm describing, and check your server logs to confirm that only one query is being fired on the page itself for events.
Check Anonymous Scopes.
I had to do something similar, having many filters applied in a view. What I did was create named_scopes with conditions:
named_scope :with_filter, lambda{|filter| { :conditions => {:field => filter}} unless filter.blank?}
In the same class there is a method which receives the params from the action and returns the filtered records:
def self.filter(params)
Like that you can add all the filters using named_scopes and they are used depending on the params that are sent.
I took the idea from here: http://www.idolhands.com/ruby-on-rails/guides-tips-and-tutorials/add-filters-to-views-using-named-scopes-in-rails
will work and won't fire the SQL until the end (if you try it in the console, it'll happen right away because the console will call to_s on the results. IRL the SQL won't fire until the end).
I suspect you also need to be sure each named_scope tests the existence of what is passed in:
named_scope :with_country, lambda { |country_id| country_id.nil? ? {} : {:conditions=>...} }
This will be easy with Rails 3:
products = Product.where("price = 100").limit(5) # No query executed yet
products = products.order("created_at DESC") # Adding to the query, still no execution
products.each { |product| puts product.price } # That's when the SQL query is actually fired
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
named_scope :pricey, where("price > 100")
named_scope :latest, order("created_at DESC").limit(10)
The short answer is to simply shift the scope as required, narrowing it down depending on what parameters are present:
scope = Example
# Only apply to parameters that are present and not empty
if (!params[:foo].blank?)
scope = scope.with_foo(params[:foo])
if (!params[:bar].blank?)
scope = scope.with_bar(params[:bar])
results = scope.all
A better approach would be to use something like Searchlogic (http://github.com/binarylogic/searchlogic) which encapsulates all of this for you.

One or more params in model find conditions with Ruby on Rails

Say I have model 'Car' and controller 'cars', and a method 'display'.
I have multiple attributes like:
in_production, year, make
I can easily do something like this to find cars that match all the parameters passed:
def display
#cars = Car.find(:all, :conditions => { :in_production => #{params[:in_production]}, :year => #{params[:year]}, :make => #{params[:make]} })`
So what I'm doing is coding hard links in the menu, so if I wanted to find all Nissan cars from 2009 that were in production, I would pass those values as parameters in my link.
On another page I want to show every car from 2009 that is in_production, only two params instead of three. What's the best way to dynamically alter the conditions so it will work with one, two, or three params, whilst using the same action?
Any ideas?
First of all, using
:conditions => "in_production = '#{params[:in_production]}' AND year = '#{params[:year]}' AND make = '#{params[:make]}'"
is vulnerable to SQL injection. You need to escape the user provided parameters before using them in database conditions.
Something like this should let you add conditions more dynamically depending on whether or not the parameters exist. I did not test it, so I may edit it shortly...
def display
conditions = []
conditions << [ "in_production = ?", params[:in_production] ] if params[:in_production].present?
conditions << [ "year = ?", params[:year] ] if params[:year].present?
conditions << [ "make = ?", params[:make] ] if params[:make].present?
#cars = Car.all(:conditions => conditions )
Certainly escape the params and ensure that you only query against fields you want to be exposed. Beyond that, you could use what is built into Rails:
Car.find_all_by_in_production_and_year_and_make(in_production, year, make)
Hand-rolling the conditions may allow for additional logic to be applied (search by year only if the year is between x and y, etc). Using the rails finders (which in turn use method_missing) keeps the API clean and flexible without having to stare at direct SQL conditions.
You could construct a Car#search method that takes the entire params hash as input, where the params are sanitized and stripped of non-exposed fields, and construct the Car#find_all_by* method call using the param names themselves. Adding new conditions to search by is then as simple as passing them in the params.
You might check out searchlogic. It uses some method missing magic to construct named_scopes that would do what you want.
I use SmartTuple for stuff like this. Simple, powerful, designed specifically for the task.
#cars = Car.all(:conditions => (SmartTuple.new(" AND ") +
({:in_production => params[:in_production]} if params[:in_production].present?) +
({:year => params[:year]} if params[:year].present?) +
({:make => params[:make]} if params[:make].present?)
#cars = Car.all(:conditions => [SmartTuple.new(" AND "),
({:in_production => params[:in_production]} if params[:in_production].present?),
({:year => params[:year]} if params[:year].present?),
({:make => params[:make]} if params[:make].present?),
keys = [:in_production, :year, :make]
#cars = Car.all(:conditions => (SmartTuple.new(" AND ").add_each(keys) do |k|
{k => params[k]} if params[k].present?
Pick the one you like the most. :)

Get two random elements from a RoR model

I'm trying to use RoR for something simple and I'm having some trouble picking up the basics. My closest background is ASP.NET MVC but I'm finding all of the RoR tutorials focus on what rails is really good at (scaffold stuff) but not how to make your own actions and get them to do stuff with parameters etc. (something trivial in ASP.NET MVC).
At the moment I am trying to get two random elements out of the model.
I think I'm dealing with an ActiveRecord collection of some sort?
I have read that there is a .rand method somewhere on collections/arrays, although other places suggest that rand is just a method for getting a random number up to a certain count. I can't even get the following code to work:
def index
#items = Array.new(Item[0], Item[0])
respond_to do |format|
format.html # show.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => #domain }
Anything that can help with this, and ideally help with further patching from ASP.NET MVC to RoR would be really appreciated.
To retrieve two random items from an ActiveRecord model:
#things = Thing.all(:order => 'RANDOM()', :limit => 2)
If you want 2 random items from the database, then ask the database for 2 random items:
#items = Item.find(:all, :limit => 2, :order => "RANDOM()")
There's no point loading all of the Items from your system if you're only using 2, that's a waste.
If you do already have an array from somewhere else that you need to get random values from, then Rails adds a rand method to the Array class:
#items = [my_arr.rand, my_arr.rand]
I don't know what you were trying to do with Item[0] but that doesn't do anything meaningful in Rails.
What does your model look like? I'm not sure what you're trying to do with Item[0] there. For randomizing your array you could do something like this:
#items = ["item1", "item2", "item3"].sort_by {rand}
then you could just do #items[0] and #items[1] to get 2 items of the randomized array.
As for params, you can get any form variables or request params from the query string by using the params hash:
The symbol name is just the name of the form field or param in the query string.
Rails controllers usually contain one or more restful actions (index, show, new, create, delete, edit, update) if you've routed it as a resource, but you adding your own actions involves just adding a new method to your controller, routing that action in the routes.rb, and creating a view with with the name of that action.
More info on your model & what you are trying to accomplish would help, but if you are trying to pull a random record from a database like sqlite, you can do something like:
#item = Items.find(:first, :order => 'RANDOM()')
Where Items is your model class. The 'RANDOM()' is just a string handed to the database to tell it how to sort, so you'll have to adjust to match whatever database you're using.
With a Mysql Database use RAND() and not RANDOM()
#items = Item.find(:all, :limit => 2, :order => "RAND()")
