How to make a timetable/ appointment system in Rails? - ruby-on-rails

This is what I want:
It is like an appointment system/personal schedule. For example, a doctor have 4 periods of working time(sessions) everyday, and in each session he will have some patient to meet(the number in the table field). So His schedule look like the picture above.
At first thought, it looks like: Every day has many sessions. And a session contains some other information like the number of patients, etc. (and do not need to set its specific time period. )
The problem is how to set this up? I just have no clue about what the model should like. How should Session relates to Time/Day? And it seems Day and Session are already created.
I feel this could just be done with Session model, the model could contain some time attribute to sort them like the mock-up above.
I have checked some calender gem/plugin( e.g fullcalender), but they does not seem to help this problem.

This could easily be done with a Sessions model with enough logic to enforce your rules. You will probably want to associate a Doctors model with a Patients model through Sessions, but I don't know enough about your needs to be sure.
You should review the Rails Guide on ActiveRecord Associations for details on how to create associations and for ideas that may help you. One of the examples (2.4 The has_many :through Association) involves doctors and patients and is similar to what you describe.


Accessing relationship tables data in rails (using has_many :through)

It is my first question, but I have yet to find an answer, so I hope it doesn't violate any rule.
I have a problem with a seemingly simple rails issue. I have taken the time to read about relationship models in rails (has_many :through) and came upon this example:
Exemplary model relations
In my model, I have Anthology (phyisicians), Poem(patients), and an anthology_poem relationship model (appointments). In may relationship table, I have a column, order, that indicates the position of a specific poem in a specific anthology.
The question is - How do I address said "order" column? How do I update it/read it? I imagine something like:
which obviously doesn't work.
I'd like to be able to do it without too much hacking, because I fell in love with how simply rails handled the rest of the stuff.
Thanks in advance!
If you want to access your relationship model attribute you should call it on that model:
Appointment.where(physician: physician).pluck(:order)

how to avoid empty fields in a database

Frustrated with the Active Record Reputation gem, which I found very buggy, I'm trying to make my own reputation system for a Rails app. It's very primitive. I created a Contribution resource with a user_id and a value field, with an association between User.rb and Contribution.rb. Every time a user contributes to the app in some way, they get some points. If they ask a question, these lines get included in the create action of the Questions controller.
#contribution ={:value => 3})
If a user edits some Tags on the site, I do the same thing to reward superusers for their administrative work
#contribution ={:value => 2})
It then becomes very easy to calculate a user's total reputation.
One problem with this is that, in an imaginary world where users care about this app and their reputation, it would be very easy to game the system. For example, a user could just keep updating the categories or tags, and every time they do so they get 2 more points. Therefore, I wanted to somehow record what type of action the user did.
Right now, all of the work users can earn points for is somehow associated with a Question.rb, however, they get points for updating Tags, updating Categories, upvoting other people's answers etc, therefore merely storing the question_id in the contributions model wouldn't be sufficient.
Based on what I told you, can you give me some idea how I might build out the Contributions resource in order to accomplish what I want?
For example, I thought of one way of doing it that would have left a lot of null fields in my database, so I assumed it wasn't a good way. I could add a question_id and several boolean fields such as 'answering_question' 'updating_category' 'updating_tags' and each time an action is performed, record with a 'true' whether, for example, 'updating_category' is being performed. However, as mentioned, if I start rewarding lots of different types of contributions, there's going to be a lot of columns in each row that aren't being used.
I'm not sure if that's a 'real problem' (i've read about it but not sure how necessary it is to avoid), or if there's a better way of recording what type of activity each user is engaging in to earn points.
some of the current associations
User has_many :answers
Question.rb has_many :categories
Question.rb has_many :tags
for my rails application I am using thumps_up gem which is better than active_record_reputations_system ,Its more simple.

How to design/model a has many relationship that has a meaningful join table?

I wasn't able to put well into words (in Question title) what I'm trying to do, so in honor of the saying that an image is worth a thousand words; In a nutshell what I'm trying to do is..
Basically, what I have is A Teacher has many Appointments and A Student has many Appointments which roughly translates to:
I'm trying to stay away from using the has_and_belongs_to_many macro, because my appointments model has some meaning(operations), for instance it has a Boolean field: confirmed.
So, I was thinking about using the has_many :through macro, and perhaps using an "Appointable" join table model? What do you guys think?
The Scenario I'm trying to code is simple;
A Student requests an Appointment with a Teacher at certain Date/Time
If Teacher is available (and wants to give lesson at that Date/Time), She confirms the Appointment.
I hope you can tell me how would you approach this problem? Is my assumption of using the has_many :through macro correct?
Thank you!
Both teachers and students could inherit from a single class e.g. Person. Then create an association between Person and Appointments. This way you keep the architecture open so that if in the future you want to add 'Parents' then they could easily be integrated and may participate in appointments.
It may not be completely straightforward how you do the joins with the children classes (Students, Parents, Teachers). It may involve polymorphic relationships which I don't particularly like. You should though get away with a single join table.
In any case, you want to design so that your system can be extended. Some extra work early on will save you a lot of work later.

Rails model structures

I saw some threads on this already on Stack, but wanted a little more clarification.
I have seen many apps where there is a product model and category category model. This is a has and belongs to many association, or a has_many through association.
I have also seen many apps where there is a user model and an email_address model. Email_address belongs to user, but user can have many email addresses.
My question is, would there ever be a situation where you can lump all the email addresses or categories into the user and product models, respectively? So in your user model, you will have email_one, email_two, etc?
What are the pros and cons of breaking it into different models? Thanks.
If the attribute is simple, it's almost certainly best to keep it in a single model - you can even serialize the attribute so that it takes, for example, and array of email_addresses. BUT (big but) you may well want to add a lot more information to an email address - which one is the primary one, when was it last profiled, email last sent to .. etc etc. This of course is much easier to handle if you have a separate email address model. So perhaps the question is really 'when should i use serialized attributes?'. My own answer would be 'only if I'm sure that I am storing something in that field that I never want to add further attributes to'. Usually that means it is something pretty peripheral to the main application, and about which no-one cares very much ...

Keeping the history of model associations

I have multiple models that need to have their history kept pretty much indefinitely or at least a very long time. The application I would keep track of daily attendance statistics for people in different organizations, and a couple of other similar associations. I've realized that I can't ever delete users due to the user not showing up in a query for attendance anytime before said user was deleted. The problem I'm having is finding a nice way of keep track of old associations as well as querying on those old associations.
If I have a connecting table between Users and Organizations, I could just add a new row with the new associations between a User and the Organization the user belongs to, and query on the old ones based on the date, but I really don't have any elegant way of doing this, everything just feels ugly. I was just wondering if anyone has dealt with anything like this before, and maybe had a solution they had already implemented. Thanks.
From a modeling point, the relationship sounds like the one between Employee and Employer, namely Employment. This would hold a reference to both Employee and Employer along with some notion of the TimePeriod (ie, startDate and end Date). If you wanted to query 'active' employees then they are all the ones with a startDate <= Now() && endDate >= Now(), 'terminated' employees have endDate < Now(), etc.
I can't tell in your case what the relationship is between Users and Organizations, and what makes the relationship start and end, but a concept similar to Employment, Membership, Enrollment or Contract is likely there. When you say daily attendance, is it not daily over a period of time? The time period is the basis for your queries.
Hope that helps,
Create an is_deleted field so that you can still query those "deleted" users, but modify your code so that they will behave everywhere else as if they are deleted. Then you never need to actually delete the row and lose data.
There are a number of plugins that keep track of revisions to models, including their associations. Take a look at this search for revision-related plugins.
