How to send virtual keys to other application using delphi 2010? - delphi

I need to send several virtual keys (VK_RETURN) from my delphi application (myapp.exe) into another application (target.exe).
Eg : Send VK_RETURN twice , from myapp.exe , into target.exe
The OS that I use are Windows 7 64 bit and Windows XP.
I read : How to send an "ENTER" key press to another application? , Send Ctrl+Key to a 3rd Party Application (did not work for me) and other previous asked question.
But still I'm getting confused.
How to set the focus to the target application ?
How to send the virtual keys to the targeted application ?
Simple example : I want to send VK_RETURN twice into notepad.exe or calc.exe (already loaded) or any other program from my delphi application. How to do that ?
The simplest way to do this in Delphi 2010, please...
PS :
I tried SndKey32.pass from
And got error : [DCC Error] SndKey32.pas(420): E2010 Incompatible types: 'Char' and 'AnsiChar'
If (Length(KeyString)=1) then MKey:=vkKeyScan(KeyString[1])

If your target application isn't the foreground window, you need to use PostMessage to send keystrokes to its window handle. You can get that window handle using FindWindow. The code below sends the Enter key to a the text area in a running instance of Notepad (note it uses an additional FindWindowEx to locate the memo area first). It was tested using both Delphi 2007 and Delphi XE4 (32-bit target) on Windows 7 64.
uses Windows;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
NpWnd, NpEdit: HWnd;
NpWnd := FindWindow('Notepad', nil);
if NpWnd <> 0 then
NpEdit := FindWindowEx(NpWnd, 0, 'Edit', nil);
if NpEdit <> 0 then
PostMessage(NpEdit, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_RETURN, 0);
PostMessage(NpEdit, WM_KEYUP, VK_RETURN, 0);
To find the window by title (caption) instead, you can just use the second parameter to FindWindow. This finds a new instance of Notepad with the default 'Untitled' file open:
NpWnd := FindWindow(nil, 'Untitled - Notepad');
Note that this requires as exact match on the window title. An extra space before or after the -, for instance, will cause the match to fail and the window handle to not be retrieved.
You can use both the window class and title if you have multiple instances running. To find the copy of Notepad running with Readme.txt loaded, you would use
NpWnd := FindWindow('Notepad', 'Readme.txt - Notepad');
To find other applications, you'll need to use something like WinSpy or WinSight to find the window class names. (There are others also, such as Winspector or WinDowse (both of which are written in Delphi).)
Your comment mentions Calculator; according to Winspector, the Calculator main window is in a window class called CalcFrame on Windows 7, and the area the numbers are displayed in is a Static window (meaning it doesn't seem to receive keystrokes directly). The buttons are simply called Button, so you'd have to loop through them using EnumChildWindows looking for the individual buttons to identify them in order to obtain their handles.
(How to enumerate child windows is a separate question; you can probably find an example by searching here or via Google. If you can't, post a new, separate question about that and we can try to get you an answer.)
Here's a quick example of sending keys to Calculator after finding it by window class. It doesn't do anything useful, because it needs some time spent to identify different buttons and the keys that each responds to (and the proper combination of messages). This code simply sends 11Numpad+22 to the calculator window (a quick test showed that they were properly received and displayed, and that's about all the time I wanted to spend on the process).
uses Windows;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
NpWnd: HWnd;
NpWnd := FindWindow('CalcFrame', nil);
if NpWnd <> 0 then
PostMessage(NpWnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_NUMPAD1, 0);
PostMessage(NpWnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_ADD, 0);
PostMessage(NpWnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_NUMPAD2, 0);


File Open Dialog with Preview in Delphi 10.3

I changed for Delphi 10.3 and its default TOpenDialog contains a preview pane. I made some searches and found the IFileDialogCustomize interface provided by Microsoft to customize standard WinAPI dialogs. I know I have to use the OnSelectionChange event handler to modify the picture of the pane. The big question for me is : how can I access the preview pane image by IFileDialogCustomize? What is the ItemID for this? I couldn't find any answer to this question on the net. Somebody know the answer? Then please share with me and the community! :)
I replaced some code fragments by ... for the sake of brevity, because these are trivial or app dependent sections.
procedure TMainWindow.OnSelectionChange( Sender : TObject );
dc : HDC;
aBMP : TBitmap;
function isSelectedFilePreviewAble : boolean;
result := ...;
functon getPreviewPictureDC : HDC;
iCustomize : IFileDialogCustomize;
h : THandle;
if OpenDialog1.QueryInterface( IFileDialogCustomize, iCustomize ) = S_OK then
h := iCustomize.??? this is the missing code fragment
result := GetDC( h );
end else
result := 0;
procedure generatePreviewPicture;
dc := getPreviewPictureDC;
if ( dc <> 0 ) then
aBMP := TBitmap.Create;
if ( isSelectedFilePreviewAble ) then
StretchBlt( aBMP.Handle, ...);
ReleaseDC( dc );
I made some searches and found the IFileDialogCustomize interface provided by Microsoft to customize standard WinAPI dialogs.
First, IFileDialogCustomize does not "customize standard WinAPI dialogs". It customizes only IFileOpenDialog and IFileSaveDialog dialogs, no others.
Second, TOpenDialog primarily uses the legacy Win32 API GetOpenFileName() function. On Windows Vista+, GetOpenFileName() uses IFileOpenDialog internally with basic options enabled, so that legacy apps can still have a modern look.
Although, under the following conditions, TOpenDialog will instead use IFileOpenDialog directly rather than using GetOpenFileName():
Win32MajorVersion is >= 6 (Vista+)
UseLatestCommonDialogs is True
StyleServices.Enabled is True
TOpenDialog.Template is nil
TOpenDialog.OnIncludeItem, TOpenDialog.OnClose, and TOpenDialog.OnShow are unassigned.
But even so, TOpenDialog still does not give you access to its internal IFileOpenDialog interface, when it is used.
If you really want to access the dialog's IFileOpenDialog and thus its IFileDialogCustomize, you need to use TFileOpenDialog instead of TOpenDialog (just know that dialog won't work on XP and earlier systems, if you still need to support them).
The big question for me is : how can I access the preview pane image by IFileDialogCustomize?
You don't. The preview pane is not a dialog customization, so it can't be accessed via IFileDialogCustomize. Even if you could get a control ID for the preview pane (which you can't), there is no function of IFileDialogCustomize that would allow you to access the preview pane's HWND or HDC, or otherwise alter the content of the preview pane in any way. The preview pane is an integral and private component of IFileDialog for any file type that supports previews. It is not something that you can access and draw on directly. IFileOpenDialog itself will update the preview pane as needed when the user selects a file that has (or lacks) a preview to display.
My boss want to show previews for our own file formats.
The correct way to handle that on Vista+ is to create a Preview Handler for your custom file types. Then, any Shell component that wants to display previews of your files, including IFileOpenDialog, can use your handler.

How to write and show something on Delphi IDE status bar

I want to know how can I write a module to show something like clock or other thing on Borland Delphi 7 IDE status bar, because I know it's possible but I couldn't find how!
To insert a text in a StatusBar, you have to insert a panel first.
Just select your statusbar, find the property "Panels" (or perform double click over the statusbar) and click in "Add new".
After that, you can write what you want inside the panel in the property "Text" (you can insert one or more panels).
To do it programmatically, you can do something like this:
procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := 'Today is: ' + FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn:ss', Now);
Since OP didn't replied with more details, I'm going to post a little demonstration how to reach a status bar of Delphi's edit window. I had no success with adding new distinct status panel w/o disturbing layout, so I'm just changing the text of INS/OVR indicator panel.
Disclaimer: I still do not have access to the machine with Delphi 7 installed, so I've done that in BDS ("Galileo") IDE. However, differences should be minor. I believe what main difference lies in the way how we locate edit window.
Key strings are: 'TEditWindow' for edit window class name and 'StatusBar' for TStatusBar control name owned by edit window. These strings are consistent across versions.
{ helper func, see below }
function FindForm(const ClassName: string): TForm;
I: Integer;
Result := nil;
for I := 0 to Screen.FormCount - 1 do
if Screen.Forms[I].ClassName = ClassName then
Result := Screen.Forms[I];
procedure Init;
EditWindow: TForm;
StatusBar: TStatusBar;
StatusPanel: TStatusPanel;
EditWindow := FindForm('TEditWindow');
Assert(Assigned(EditWindow), 'no edit window');
StatusBar := EditWindow.FindComponent('StatusBar') as TStatusBar;
(BorlandIDEServices as IOTAMessageServices).AddTitleMessage(Format('StatusBar.Panels.Count = %d', [StatusBar.Panels.Count]));
//StatusPanel := StatusBar.Panels.Add;
StatusPanel := StatusBar.Panels[2];
StatusPanel.Text := 'HAI!';
// nothing to clean up yet
Another note: As you see, I use Open Tools API to output debug messages only, to interact with IDE I do use Native VCL classes. Therefore, this code must be in package.
The code above is a relevant part of the unit which should be contained in package. Do not forget to add ToolsAPI to uses clause as well as other appropriate referenced units (up to you).
Package should require rtl, vcl and designide (important!).
Since I run the testcase directly from initialization section, installing the package is enough for testcase to run and produce some result.

Preventing multiple instances - but also handle the command line parameters?

I am handling from my Application associated extension files from Windows. So when you double click a file from Windows it will execute my program, and I handle the file from there, something like:
procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
i: Integer;
for i := 0 to ParamCount -1 do
if SameText(ExtractFileExt(ParamStr(i)), '.ext1') then
// handle my file..
// break if needed
end else
if SameText(ExtractFileExt(ParamStr(i)), '.ext2') then
// handle my file..
// break if needed
end else
That works pretty much how I want it to, but when I was testing I realised it does not consider using only one instance of my program.
So for example, if I selected several Files from Windows and opened them all at the same time, this will create the same number of instances of my program with the number of Files being opened.
What would be a good way to approach this, so that instead of several instances of my program being opened, any additional Files from Windows being opened will simply focus back to the one and only instance, and I handle the Files as normal?
I found a good article here: which I think is what I need, and shows how to work with the Windows API as mentioned by rhooligan. I am going to read through it now..
Here is some simple example code that gets the job done. I hope it is self-explanatory.
program StartupProject;
uMainForm in 'uMainForm.pas' {MainForm};
{$R *.res}
procedure Main;
i: Integer;
Arg: string;
Window: HWND;
CopyDataStruct: TCopyDataStruct;
Window := FindWindow(SWindowClassName, nil);
if Window=0 then begin
Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
Application.CreateForm(TMainForm, MainForm);
end else begin
FillChar(CopyDataStruct, Sizeof(CopyDataStruct), 0);
for i := 1 to ParamCount do begin
Arg := ParamStr(i);
CopyDataStruct.cbData := (Length(Arg)+1)*SizeOf(Char);
CopyDataStruct.lpData := PChar(Arg);
SendMessage(Window, WM_COPYDATA, 0, NativeInt(#CopyDataStruct));
unit uMainForm;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Forms, StdCtrls;
TMainForm = class(TForm)
ListBox1: TListBox;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
procedure WMCopyData(var Message: TWMCopyData); message WM_COPYDATA;
procedure ProcessArgument(const Arg: string);
MainForm: TMainForm;
SWindowClassName = 'VeryUniqueNameToAvoidUnexpectedCollisions';
{$R *.dfm}
{ TMainForm }
procedure TMainForm.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
Params.WinClassName := SWindowClassName;
procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
i: Integer;
for i := 1 to ParamCount do begin
procedure TMainForm.ProcessArgument(const Arg: string);
procedure TMainForm.WMCopyData(var Message: TWMCopyData);
Arg: string;
SetString(Arg, PChar(Message.CopyDataStruct.lpData), (Message.CopyDataStruct.cbData div SizeOf(Char))-1);
The logic goes something like this. When you start your application, you iterate through the list of running processes and see if your application is already running. If it is running, you need to activate the window of that instance and then exit.
Everything you need to do this is in the Windows API. I found this sample code on that deals with processes:
On finding and activating a window, the basic approach is to find the window of interest using the window class name then activate it.
Hopefully this gives you a good starting point.
There are many answers here that show how to implement this. I want to show why NOT to use the FindWindow approach.
I am using FindWindow (something similar with the one shown by David H) and I have seen it failed starting with Win10 - I don't know what they changed in Win10.
I think the gap between the time when the app starts and the time when we set the unique ID via CreateParams is too big so another instance has somehow time to run in this gap/interval.
Imagine two instances started at only 1ms distance (let's say that the user click the EXE file and then presses enter and keeps it pressed by accident for a short while). Both instances will check to see if a window with that unique ID exists, but none of them had the chance to set the flag/unique ID because creating the form is slow and the unique ID is set only when the form is constructed. So, both instances will run.
So, I would recommend the CreateSemaphore solution instead:
Marjan V already proposed this solution but didn't explained why it is better/safer.
I'd use mutexes. You create one when your program starts.
When the creation fails it means another instance is already running. You then send this instance a message with your command line parameters and close. When your app receives a message with a command line, it can parse the parameters like you are already doing, check to see whether it already has the file(s) open and proceed accordingly.
Processing this app specific message ia also the place to get your app to the front if it isn't already. Please do this politely (SetForegroundWindow) without trying to force your app in front of all others.
function CreateMutexes(const MutexName: String): boolean;
// Creates the two mutexes to see if the program is already running.
// One of the mutexes is created in the global name space (which makes it
// possible to access the mutex across user sessions in Windows XP); the other
// is created in the session name space (because versions of Windows NT prior
// to 4.0 TSE don't have a global name space and don't support the 'Global\'
// prefix).
SecurityDesc: TSecurityDescriptor;
SecurityAttr: TSecurityAttributes;
// By default on Windows NT, created mutexes are accessible only by the user
// running the process. We need our mutexes to be accessible to all users, so
// that the mutex detection can work across user sessions in Windows XP. To
// do this we use a security descriptor with a null DACL.
InitializeSecurityDescriptor(#SecurityDesc, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION);
SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(#SecurityDesc, True, nil, False);
SecurityAttr.nLength := SizeOf(SecurityAttr);
SecurityAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor := #SecurityDesc;
SecurityAttr.bInheritHandle := False;
if (CreateMutex(#SecurityAttr, False, PChar(MutexName)) <> 0 )
and (CreateMutex(#SecurityAttr, False, PChar('Global\' + MutexName)) <> 0 ) then
Result := True
Result := False;
if not CreateMutexes('MyAppNameIsRunningMutex') then
//Find and SendMessage to running instance
Note: above code is adapted from an example on the InnoSetup site. InnoSetup creates installer applications and uses this approach in the installer to check whether (a previous version of) the application being installed is already running.
Finding the other instance and sending it a message, I'll leave for another question (or you can use the WM_COPYDATA approach from David's answer). Actually, there is a StackOverflow question that deals exactly with this: How to get the process thread that owns a mutex Getting the process/thread that owns the mutex may be a bit of a challenge, but the answers to this question do address ways to get the information from one instance to the other.
Windows has different ways to handle file associations to executable.
The "command line" approach is only the simplest one, but also the most limited one.
It also supports DDE (it still works although officially deprecated) and COM (see
If I recall correctly both DDE and COM will let your application receive the whole list of selected files.
I used window/message approach by myself with addition of events for tracking if the other instance is running:
Try to create event "Global\MyAppCode" (the "Global" namespace is used for handling various user sessions as I needed single instance system-wide; in your case you'll probably prefer "Local" namespace which is set by default)
If CreateEvent returned error and GetLastError = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS then the instance is running already.
FindWindow/WM_COPYDATA to transfer data to that instance.
But the drawbacks with messages/windows are more than significant:
You must always keep your window's Caption constant. Otherwise you'll have to list all the windows in the system and loop through them for partial occurrence of some constant part. Moreover the window's caption could be easily changed by a user or 3rd part app so the search would fail.
Method requires a window to be created so no console/service apps, or they must create a window and perform message loop especially for handling the single instance.
I'm not sure FindWindow could find a window that is opened in another user session
For me, WM_COPYDATA is rather awkward method.
So currently I'm a fan of named pipe approach (haven't implemented it yet though).
On launch, app tries to connect to "Global\MyAppPipe". If successed, other instance is running. If failed, it creates this pipe and finishes instance check.
2nd instance writes the required data to pipe and exits.
1st instance receives data and does some stuff.
It works through all user sessions (with namespace "Global") or just a current session; it doesn't depend on strings used by UI (no localization and modification issues); it works with console and service apps (you'll need to implement pipe reading in a separate thread/message loop though).

Check is current active window Desktop or no

I try to check if current active window is Desktop do something , i wrote below code in a timer but the handle value returned by GetDektopWindow & GetForegroundWindow is not same value :
if GetForegroundWindow = GetDesktopWindow then
// Do something
How do this ?
// not defined in D2007
function GetShellWindow: HWND; stdcall; external user32;
procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
if GetForegroundWindow = GetShellWindow then
With the only non-explorer shell I use (sharpe) it fails though.
Sometimes the window hierarchy of the desktop is different (see Andreas' comments). The below shot is Spy++'s take when Windows 7's desktop picture rotation functionality is activated. Some 'WorkerW' window takes over the screen and it is the one that gets activated when clicked on the desktop. Since GetShellWindow returns the 'Progman's handle, the above test fails.
At this point it might seem reasonable to test if the foreground window has the shell's default view window as its immediate child, however I saw multiple references that indicate multiple 'WorkerW' windows might get nested. So I think the below would be a more fail-safe approach:
procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
function HasDefViewChild(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
Result := Wnd <> 0;
if Result then begin
Result := FindWindowEx(Wnd, 0, 'SHELLDLL_DefView', nil) <> 0;
if not Result then
Result := HasDefViewChild(FindWindowEx(Wnd, 0, 'WorkerW', nil));
if HasDefViewChild(GetForegroundWindow) then
This will work when the foreground window is 'Progman', because then the 'DefView' is 'Progman's child. OTOH when 'WorkerW' is the active window, the code will iterate if the first child is not 'DefView' and yet another 'WorkerW' instead.
A great tool for figuring out the structure of window parent/child relationships, window classes, etc., is WinDowse by Greatis Software.
I would start there. And I'd output the values of GetForegroundWindow and GetDesktopWindow (etc.,) onto labels in your test app. So you can see what those values are, as you poke around with WinDowse, in real time.
I search about this , GetWindowDesktop return the handle of desktop window but the desktop window is under another window called shell , so when you switch to dektop really you switch to shell window and must get shell handle , if you terminate process of shell window ( explorer.exe ) then you can see the real dektop window .

I have the Process ID and need to close the associate process programmatically with Delphi 5

Can anyone help me with a coding example to close the associated process when I have the Process ID. I will be using Delphi 5 to perform this operation programmatically on a Windows 2003 server.
If you have a process id and want to force that process to terminate, you can use this code:
function TerminateProcessByID(ProcessID: Cardinal): Boolean;
hProcess : THandle;
Result := False;
hProcess := OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE,False,ProcessID);
if hProcess > 0 then
Result := Win32Check(Windows.TerminateProcess(hProcess,0));
Use EnumWindows() and GetWindowProcessThreadId() to locate all windows that belong to the process, and then send them WM_CLOSE and/or WM_QUIT messages.
Along with the WM_CLOSE and WM_QUIT, you can make it really elegant and simply launch a second instance of the app with STOP as the parameter. Like this:
In the project main body...
if ((ParamCount >= 1) and (UpperCase(paramstr(1)) = 'STOP')) then
// send the WM_CLOSE, etc..
When the app launches and sees that it has a parameter of 'STOP', then hunt down the first instance and kill it. Then quit the second instance without creating your main form, etc.. This way, you don't have to have to write/deploy a second program just to kill the first one.
If you want to close a program properly without killing the process:
procedure TmyFRM.btn_closeClick(Sender: TObject);
h: HWND;
h := FindWindow('Notepad', nil);
if h <> 0 then
PostMessage(h, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
and consider it sometimes you can use WM_Close instead of WM_Quit and you can work around SendMessage instead of PostMessage too. when you are trying to close a program properly without killing its process, so you are following the program routines and programs may respond diffrent to closing messages; for example, some programs will be Minimized to Tray after closing them and etc...
