NSOperation is not happening in background thread - ios

I created an NSOperation subclass to handle some zip archive operations. No matter what, if I override -start or -main this block of code always happens:
if ([NSThread isMainThread]) {
NSLog(#"I am in the main thread");
Any idea what's going on?
I've tried adding this block:
- (void) start { //also tried overriding main
if ([NSThread isMainThread]) {
NSLog(#"In main thread, trying again");
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
[self start];
//hard working code etc...
//cpu intensive zip operations...
But this causes a crash, an EXC_BAD_ACCESS violation pointing at the dispatch_async line.

No matter what, if I override -start or -main this block of code always happens:
The main operation queue runs on the main thread. From the docs for +[NSOperationQueue mainQueue]:
The returned queue executes operations on the main thread. The main
thread’s run loop controls the execution times of these operations.
So, running in another thread is a matter of what queue you add the operation to, not how you write the operation's code. If you want your operation to run on a different operation queue, you'll need to create a queue of your own using
NSOperationQueue* aQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
You can find an example in Adding Operations to an Operation Queue in the Concurrency Programming Guide.
But this causes a crash, an EXC_BAD_ACCESS violation pointing at the dispatch_async line.
It sounds like -[NSOperation start] probably isn't re-entrant. Your code effectively executes the same method on two different threads. In fact, look at the docs for -start, it's obvious that your code won't work:
You can call this method explicitly if you want to execute your
operations manually. However, it is a programmer error to call this
method on an operation object that is already in an operation queue
or to queue the operation after calling this method. Once you add an
operation object to a queue, the queue assumes all responsibility for
it. [Emphasis added. -Caleb]
In other words, don't do that.


How can I "visualize"(observe) a thread exiting in iOS?

When learning thread and run loop, I notice that some articles say: "Generally, a thread just exits once it has done its work." So there is necessity sometimes to create a so-called "immortal thread"(?? I don't know the exact term in English) using NSRunloop.
The question is HOW can I prove the statement "just exits once it has done its work"? I code like this
- (void)doSomethingOnThread {
// dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
// NSLog(#"I'm on thread %#", [NSThread currentThread]);
// });
NSThread *thread1 = [[NSThread alloc] initWithBlock:^{
NSLog(#"I'm on thread %#", [NSThread currentThread]);
thread1.name = #"thread1";
[thread1 start];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(threadExitHandler:) name:NSThreadWillExitNotification object:nil];
- (void)threadExitHandler:(NSNotification *)noti {
NSLog(#"Thread will exit: %#", noti);
Well, the notification handler is not called.
So, [1]: How can I prove a thread exiting? [2]: What kinds of threads behave so?(I know the main thread will never exit, what about other thread? GCD threads, for example?)
If you want to visualize it, I might use the debugger. For example, I've set a breakpoint inside a NSThread subclass and I see the thread listed in the left panel in Xcode:
But if I have another breakpoint triggered one second after the main method finishes, I see the relevant “Thread will exit” message and my thread is no longer present :
Or you could add a NSLog statement inside the dealloc method for your NSThread subclass, and that also would demonstrate its deallocation. Or look for the subclass in the debug memory object graph.
Well, the notification handler is not called.
I'd suggest you add your observer for NSThreadWillExitNotification before you start your thread. Right now you have a race condition between the starting and exiting of this thread and the adding of the observer. FWIW, I do see the “Thread will exit” message.
Unrelated, while it’s great to learn about threads and runloops, it has little practical use nowadays. It might be more useful to master GCD which gets us out of the weeds of threads and offers performance optimizations and a richer API for writing robust multi-threaded code.
In regards to whether GCD creates persistent threads or not, the answer is yes, but we're abstracted away from this detail. But one of GCD’s performance optimizations is that it manages a “pool” of threads for us, not constantly spinning up new threads and destroying them constantly for every dispatched block of code.
You might want to watch WWDC 2016’s Concurrent Programming With GCD in Swift 3. It walks through the relationship between queues, threads, and runloops.

DispatchQueue bound to exact Thread

im developing an app, which uses some framework to draw 3D staff via openGL. This framework requires me to call draw() method from exact the same Thread.
So i created a serial DispatchQueue and started CADisplayLink in it, calling draw() at 60FPS. There are few other methods that i have to call from this exact thread, like start() and stop(). This makes queues perfect solution to me.
As you may know DispathQueue does not guaranteed to execute every task on the same thread. Which is quite stressful for me, as it may break my app.
I don't really like the idea to create NSThread and implement my own queue on it.
Are there any way to bind DispatchQueue to exact Thread? Maybe NSOperationQueue can be bound?
As Apple Documentation says:
When it comes to adding concurrency to an application, dispatch queues provide several advantages over threads. The most direct advantage is the simplicity of the work-queue programming model. With threads, you have to write code both for the work you want to perform and for the creation and management of the threads themselves. Dispatch queues let you focus on the work you actually want to perform without having to worry about the thread creation and management. Instead, the system handles all of the thread creation and management for you. The advantage is that the system is able to manage threads much more efficiently than any single application ever could. The system can scale the number of threads dynamically based on the available resources and current system conditions. In addition, the system is usually able to start running your task more quickly than you could if you created the thread yourself.
In simple words, you either work with dispatch queues, simply creating them and sending work to them, OR you work with NSThreads and NSRunLoops, creating them, setting them up, sending work to them, and possibly stopping them.
In detail:
NSThread / NSRunLoop
self.thread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:#selector(threadMainRoutine) object:nil];
[self.thread start];
Start / management:
- (void)threadMainRoutine
// Set the runLoop variable, to signal this thread is alive
self.runLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
// Add a fake Mach port to the Run Loop, to avoid useless iterations of the main loop when the
// thread is just started (at this time there are no events added to the run loop, so it will
// exit immediately from its run() method)
[self.runLoop addPort:[NSMachPort port] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
//--- Thread main loop
while (thread_KeepRunning)
// Run the run loop. This function returns immediately if the RunLoop has nothing to do.
// [self.runLoop run];
// DOES NOT WORK, although it is equivalent to CFRunLoopRun();
// Unset the runLoop variable, to signal this thread is about to exit
self.runLoop = nil;
Adding work to be performed on it:
[self performSelector:#selector(mySelector:) onThread:myThread withObject:myObject waitUntilDone:YES];
- (void)stop
if (self.thread) {
while (self.thread.isExecuting) {
thread_KeepRunning = NO;
CFRunLoopStop([self.runLoop getCFRunLoop]);
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.1f];
self.runLoop = nil;
self.thread = nil;
Dispatch Queue
dispatch_queue_t myQueue = dispatch_queue_create("My Queue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
Adding work to be performed on it:
dispatch_async(myQueue, (void)^ {
// put the work into this block
myQueue = nil;
In addition, Apple Documentation says that
Because Grand Central Dispatch manages the relationship between the tasks you provide and the threads on which those tasks run, you should generally avoid calling POSIX thread routines from your task code. If you do need to call them for some reason, you should be very careful about which routines you call
So: if you use dispatch queues, don't mess with threads.

How to find conflicting thread in frozen UI

I am having UI frozen/blocked due to semaphore_wait_trap in main thread.
When the UI is frozen, I pause using XCODE and the last two lines in stacktrace:
0x103f0ea30 <+809>: callq 0x103f1554d ; _dispatch_thread_semaphore_wait
dispatch_sync(someQueue, block); // this is my code.
How can I find what is causing the block?
Any other suggestion to find out what is causing the block?
It always blocks on the same line/code.
In the Debug navigator (cmd-6), you should have a list of threads. One OTHER thread in there should be waiting for someQueue as well. I can't think off hand of a case where that wasn't the case. Usually the two threads are waiting for each other, (e.g. via dispatch_sync).
For example, you might have this:
dispatch_sync(mySerialQueue, ^{
[self foo];
- (void)foo
dispatch_sync(mySerialQueue, ^{
The latter will be waiting for the former to finish forever, because the former is holding onto myQueue until it finishes the call to -foo.
(Note that mySerialQueue has to be created with the DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL for this to happen.)

How To Set AFHTTPRequestOperation completionQueue to current queue

I have a layer of abstraction between AFNetworking and the rest of my iOS app. And I have an issue where sometimes - (void)setCompletionBlockWithSuccess:failure: gets called from inside a block on the main thread: dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), block) and other times inside this block on another thread: dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), block)
But unless I set the completionQueue to the current queue, the completion block get's thrown back to the main thread. However, I need the code to run on the thread from which I was previously running on.
Is there a good way to achieve this? Apparently dispatch_get_current_queue() is deprecated and was never appropriate for production code anyway.
EDIT: realize this probably won't work with a concurrent queue since it doesn't guarantee same thread. So instead I'll create a custom dispatch_queue_t myCustomQueue;
myCustomQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.example.MyCustomQueue", NULL); Which I believe will put me back on the same thread. EDIT2: I guess I was wrong, It still puts it on another thread. Lame. I need it to be the same one.
As you've discovered empirically, other than the main queue and main thread, there is no reliable relationship between GCD queues and OS threads. If you want thread affinity here, you could set completionQueue to a global concurrent queue, and then have the completion block use - performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: to marshal the real work to a different thread. Imagine something like this:
[op setCompletionBlockWithSuccess:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation* operation, id responseObject) {
dispatch_block_t realSuccessCompletion = ^{
NSAssert([[NSThread currentThread] isEqual: intendedThread], #"Wrong thread");
// Do real work.
// Send it to the thread you want it run on.
[(id)realSuccessCompletion performSelector: #selector(invoke) onThread: intendedThread withObject: nil waitUntilDone: NO];
} failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation* operation, NSError *error) {
dispatch_block_t realFailureCompletion = ^{
NSAssert([[NSThread currentThread] isEqual: intendedThread], #"Wrong thread");
// Do real work.
// Send it to the thread you want it run on.
[(id)realFailureCompletion performSelector: #selector(invoke) onThread: intendedThread withObject: nil waitUntilDone: NO];
This takes advantage of the fact that blocks behave like Objective-C objects which respond to the selector -invoke. Note that this also relies on the intended thread being long-lived and having a run loop, although if the thread were ephemeral, then it's not clear why you would want to run things on the same thread later.

dispatch_async block on main queue is never execeuted

I have an app that uses a connection queue that handles the connections on a background thread. Each connection sends a JSON post, then when it receives a success, saves some objects into coredata.
Once all connections are complete, i call a dispatch_async on the main thread to call a finished method.
However, under very specific conditions of data im sending/saving, I've noticed the dispatch_async block to the main thread never gets called, and the app screen freezes, all execution stops, and the app sits idle with a frozen screen. processing power according to xcode is 0%.
Here is method with the block that fails.
- (void)connectionDidComplete
_syncProgress = (float)_completeConnections / (float)_totalConnections;
dispatch_async(mainQueue, ^(void) {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:SyncQueueDidUpdateNotification object:nil];
}); <-- this dispatch works
if (_completeConnections == _totalConnections)
// clear unsynced data
NSArray *syncedObjects = [SyncObject completedSyncObjects];
if (syncedObjects.count > 0)
for (SyncObject *syncObject in syncedObjects)
[syncObject delete];
//this method saves the current context, then merges this context with the main context right after
[[VS_CoreDataManager sharedManager] saveManagedObjectContextAndWait:managedObjectContext];
// cleanup the thread's context
[[VS_CoreDataManager sharedManager] unRegisterManagedObjectContextForThread:currentThread];
managedObjectContext = nil;
// complete sync
dispatch_async(mainQueue, ^(void) {
[self performSelector:#selector(finishSync) withObject:nil afterDelay:2];
}); <-- this dispatch never gets called
My suspicion is this problem has something to do with saving the context then merging it. And possibly while that is happening its released in the middle of the merge, causing some weird hang up and the dispatch isn't getting executed. This is just a guess though, and I don't know how to fix it.
Any ideas?
If the block on the main thread is not executed, then it is because of 1 of 2 reasons.
The main thread is blocked; is not processing any events at all. Got a while() loop on the main thread? That'd do it. A lock? There you go.
The main thread is running a modal run loop inside the outer run loop. Asynchronous dispatches to the main event loop -- main thread -- won't be processed in this case.
Set a breakpoint on that dispatch_async() and see what the main thread is doing (at the point of dispatch the main thread is most likely already in the bad state).
DarkDust's suggestion of using dispatch_after() is a good one, but is unlikely to work in that it is almost assuredly the case that your main thread is not processing events when the problem occurs. I.e. fix the problem, then move to dispatch_after() as DarkDust suggests.
If your main thread is busy with modal runloop, then you could try
CFRunLoopPerformBlock(CFRunLoopGetMain(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes, block
I believe this is a great discussion. I came across this when I had the following code:
print("I am here")
the print code did not execute as I was dispatching a 'synch' block on the serial main thread which caused a dead lock. print was waiting for the dispatch to finish and dispatch was waiting for print to finish. When you dispatch in the main serial queue then you should use dispatch_async. and i guess if you use a concurrent queue then dispatch synch suits better
