Foreground Extraction - image-processing

I am doing some work regarding tracking a person, I am using this dataset. I am trying right now to extract foreground using background subtraction method i.e. Mean Filter
My background is like
and if I try to subtract my current frame like this
so after subtraction I am getting image like this
and after thresholding of 0.15 or 38
I get this mask
So if you notice this mask, it is splitting this foreground in to two pieces because of occlusion of person and chair. I dont know how to solve this problem. Any suggestions?

It's not a perfect solution, but maybe it will be enough for you - on mask image find all contours, join them(usually contours are represented as vectors of points so put all contours into one vector) and then find the convex hull of connected contour (if you are using opencv - use convexHull function

It's also not a perfect solution. Please reduce the number of frames to create background image in background subtraction method it may help you. Or initialize the background subtraction structure frequently.

If I understand you correctly, you are trying to do background subtraction using frame differences, like mean filter as you mentioned. But please keep in mind that it will only detect moving foregrounds, and manually providing threshold is difficult. I suggest you to instead try Mixture of Gaussian method, which is more effective, and implemented in OpenCV.

To solve you particular problem of joining separate parts, use dilation


remove stripe pattern in image taken by microscope

This picture is taken by a microscope.
I want to remove the stripes on it. I have tried DFT but it seems these stripes isn't sharp on spectrum domain.
Any advice?
Answer 1: Remove stripe directly from FFT
When I compute the FFT and we got the following image where we can see the stripe signature (I surrounded it in black).
If I remove it by hand I got that:
We can do better be removing only frequency arroud each maximum in cardinal sine.
Answer 2: Segment stripe
process : FFT -> select stripe frequency -> iFFT -> Threshold
The resulting mask contain your stripe. You can substract them from origin image, fill them etc ...
FFT with only stripe :
The resulting mask :
Answer 3: Change Capture process
It seem this stripe come from interference between your microscope slide and your cover slip. You can probably remove it by changing you process.
Solution 1:
Because you only have 3 dominant colors in the image and the stripes color is different from the other objects color, you will probably get the best result by using the objects color and doing a segmentation based on it, for instance using kmeans with k=3 then replace all the pixels that belongs to the darkest cluster with the mean value of the lightest cluster.
Solution 2:
Use hough lines to detect lines in the image,
Find the lightest color in the image,
Draw the lines detected with the lightest color.
Both solutions can be implemented in OpenCV.
Good luck!
Thanks for all the helps above!After some experiment I have implement a method that I assume works well.
Use Fourier first,than apply a filter called tophat to the magnitude image.Than the bright dots will be selected.After remove it from frequency domain, than inverse fft,the stripes will be removed.Then the image need to be filtered to extract the foreground alone.I use Gaussian filter,it works but not perfect.It seems some structure extraction filter exist,such as Relative Total Variation,I'm not sure,if someone have a better idea please tell me.
The image is like thisAfter ifft
Again thanks #Erwan and #Dr.Haimovitz for all the help.

Recognition and counting of books from side using OpenCV

Just wish to receive some ideas on I can solve this problem.
For a clearer picture, here are examples of some of the image that we are looking at:
I have tried looking into thresholding it, like otsu, blobbing it, etc. However, I am still unable to segment out the books and count them properly. Hardcover is easy of course, as the cover clearly separates the books, but when it comes to softcover, I have not been able to successfully count the number of books.
Does anybody have any suggestions on what I can do? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I ran a sobel edge detector and used Hough transform to detect lines on the last image and it seemed to be working okay for me. You can then link the edges on the output of the sobel edge detector and then count the number of horizontal lines. Or, you can do the same on the output of the lines detected using Hough.
You can further narrow down the area of interest by converting the image into a binary image. The outputs of all of these operators can be seen in following figure ( I couldn't upload an image so had to host it here)
Refer to for some more useful examples on how to do edge, line and corner detection.
Hope this helps.
I think that #audiohead's recommendation is good but you should be careful when applying the Hough transform for images that will have the library's stamp as it might confuse it with another book (You can see that the letters form some break-lines that will be detected by sobel).
Consider to apply first an edge preserving smoothing algorithm such as a Bilateral Filter. When tuned correctly (setting of the Kernels) it can avoid these such of problems.
A Different Solution That Might Work (But can be slow)
Here is a different approach that is based on pixel marking strategy.
a) Based on some very dark threshold, mark all black pixels as visited.
b) While there are unvisited pixels: Pick the next unvisited pixel and apply a region-growing algorithm while marking its pixels with a unique number. At this stage you will need to analyse the geometric shape that this region is forming. A good criteria to detecting a book is that the region is creating some form of a rectangle where width >> height. This will detect a book and mark all its pixels to the unique number.
Once there are no more unvisited pixels, the number of unique numbers is the number of books you will have + For each pixel on your image you will now to which book does it belongs.
Do you have to keep the books this way? If you can change the books to face back side to the camera then I think you can get more information about the different colors used by different books.The lines by Hough transform or edge detection will be more prominent this way.
There exist more sophisticated methods which are much better in contour detection and segmentation, you can have a look at them here, however it is quite slow,
Once you get the ultrametric contour map, you can perform some computation on them to count the number of books
I would try a completely different approach; with paperbacks, the covers are medium-dark lines whilst the rest of the (assuming white pages) are fairly white and "bloomed", so I'd try to thicken up the dark edges to make them easy to detect, then that would give the edges akin to working with hardbacks which you say you've done.
I'd try something like an erosion to thicken up the edges. This would be a nice, fast operation.

Algorithm for Background subtraction

I am trying to implement a simple background subtraction method for the detection of moving objects in a particular scene. The objective is to kind of segment out a particular motion out of a video to use it in another video.
The algorithm i am following is:
1. Take the first 25frames from the video and average them to get a background model.
2. Find the standard deviation of those 25frames and store the values in another image.
3. Now i am calculating the absolute difference between each frame and average background model pixel wise.
The output i am getting is kind of a transparent motion being highlighted in white (the absolute differencing is resulting in the transparency i think). I want to know whether my approach is right or not considering that i will be doing a segmentation upon this output as next step? And also i am getting no idea as to how to use the standard deviation image. Any help will be appreciated.
Please let me know if this is not the type of question that i should post in stack overflow. In that case any reference or links to other sites will be helpful.
You said it looks like transparent.
This is what you saw right?→ See YouTube Video - Background Subtraction (approximate median)
The reason is you use the median value of all frames to create the background.
What you saw in white in your video is the difference of your foreground(average image) and your background. Actually, median filtered background subtraction method is simple, but it's not a robust method.
You can try another background subtraction method like Gaussian Mixture Models(GMMs), Codebook, SOBS-Self-organization background subtraction and ViBe background subtraction method.
See YouTube Video - Background Subtraction using Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs)
You should take a look at that blog.
You will find a start of Answer. Moreover I think there is a specific module for video analysis in Opencv.
Try these papers:
Improved adaptive Gaussian mixture model for background subtraction
Efficient Adaptive Density Estimapion per Image Pixel for the Task of Background Subtraction

How to detect PizzaMarker

did somebody tried to find a pizzamarker like this one with "only" OpenCV so far?
I was trying to detect this one but couldn't get good results so far. I do not know where this marker is in picture (no ROI is possible), the marker will be somewhere in the room (different ligthning effects) and not faceing orthoonal towards us. What I want - the corners and later the orientation of this marker extracted with the corners but first of all only the 5Corners. (up, down, left, right, center)
I was trying so far: threshold, noiseclearing, find contours but nothing realy helped for a good result. Chessboards or square markers are normaly found because of their (parallel) lines- i guess this can't help me here...
What is an easy way to find those markers?
How would you start?
Use other colorformat like HSV?
A step-by-step idea or tutorial would be realy helpfull. Cause i couldn't find tuts at the net. Maybe this marker isn't called pizzamarker -> does somebody knows the real name?
thx for help
First - thank you for all of your help.
It seems that several methods are usefull. Some more or less time expansive.
For me it was the easiest with a template matching but not with the same marker.
I used only a small part of it...
this can be found 5 times(4 times negative and one positive) in this new marker:
now I use only the 4 most negatives Points and the most positive and got my 5 points that I finaly wanted. To make this more sure, I check if they are close to each other and will do a cornerSubPix().
If you need something which can operate in real-time I'd go down the edge detection route and look for intersecting lines like these guys did. Seems fast and robust to lighting changes.
Read up on the Hough Line Transform in openCV to get started.
Black to White is the strongest edge you can have. If you create a gradient image and use the strongest edges found in the scene (via histogram or other) you will be able to limit the detection to only the black/white edges. Look for intersections. This should give you a small number of center points to apply Hough ellipse detection (or alternate) to. You could rotate in a template as a further check if you wish.
BTW.. OpenCV has Edge Detection, Hough transform and FitEllipse if you do go down this route.
actually this 'pizza' pattern is one of the building blocks of the haar featured used in the
Viola–Jones object detection framework.
So what I would do is compute the summed area table, or integral image using cv::integral(img) and then run exhaustive search for this pattern, on various scales (size dependant).
In each window you are using only 9 points (top-left, top-center, ..., bottom left).
You can train and use cvHaarDetectObjects to detect the marker using VJ.
Probably not the fastest method but it should work.
You can find more info on object detection methods using OpenCV here:

Finding the Bounding area of hand

I have the image of hand that was detected using this link. Its hand detection using HSV color space.
Now I face a problem: I need to get the enclosing area/draw bounding lines possible enough to determine the hand area, then fill the enclosing area and subtract it from the original to remove the hand.
I have thus so far tried to blurring the image to reduce noise, dilating the image, closing holes, etc. that seem to be an overdose. I have tried contours, and that seem to be the best approach so far. I was trying to get the convex hull (largest) and I ended up with the following after testing with different thresholds.
The inaccuracies can be seen with the thumb were the hull straightens. It must be curved. I am trying to figure out the location of the hand so to identify the region being covered by the hand. Going to subtract it to remove the hand from the original image. That is what I want to achieve.
Is there a better approach to this?
And ideas suggestions greatly appreciated.
Original and detected are as follows
Instead of the convex hull, consider using the alpha hull, which can better follow the contours of a shape by allowing concavities.
This site has a nice summary of alpha shapes: "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Alpha Shapes But Were Afraid to Ask" by François Bélair.
As David mentioned in his post, consider thresholding using HSV (or HSI) color space rather than on RGB or grayscale. If you can allow for longer processing time, you can use an algorithm such as Mean Shift to segment trickier images like yours. OpenCV has an implementation of Mean Shift, and the book Learning OpenCV provides a concise description of the algorithm.
Image Segmentation using Mean Shift explained
In any case, a standard binarization threshold doesn't appear to be helping much. Consider using a dynamic threshold; at least local/dynamic threshold is implemented for contours in OpenCV, from what I recall.
Assuming you want to identify hand area instead of the area convex hull gives and background of the application is at least in same color, I would apply hsv-threshold to identify background instead of hand if possible. Or maybe adaptive threshold if light distribution is not consistent. I believe this is what many applications do
If background can't be fixed, the segmentation is not an easy problem to resolve as you should take care of shadows and palm lines.
