In PHP, I can set an attribute (that is not a column in database) to a model. E.g.(PHP code),
$user = new User;
$user->flag = true;
But in rails, when I set any attribute that doesn't exist in database, it will throw an error undefined method flag. There is attr_accessor method, but what will happen if I need about ten temp attributes?
but what will happen if I need about ten temp attributes?
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :flag, :other_attribute, :other_attribute2, :etc...
attr_accessor creates "virtual" attributes in Rails -- they don't exist in the database, but are present in the model.
As with attributes from the db, attr_accessor just creates a set of setter & getter (instance) methods in your class, which you can call & interact with when the class is initialized:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :flag
# getter
def flag
# setter
def flag=(val)
#flag = val
This is expected because it's how ActiveRecord works by design. If you need to set arbitrary attributes, then you have to use a different kind of objects.
For example, Ruby provides a library called OpenStruct that allows you to create objects where you can assign arbitrary key/values. You may want to use such library and then convert the object into a corresponding ActiveRecord instance only if/when you need to save to the database.
Don't try to model ActiveRecord to behave as you just described because it was simply not designed to behave in that way. That would be a cargo culting error from your current PHP knowledge.
As the guys explained, attr_accessor is just a quick setter and getter.
We can set our Model attr_accessor on record initializing to be a Ruby#Hash for example using ActiveRecord#After_initilize method so we get more flexibility on temporarily storing values (idea credit to this answer).
Something like:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :vars
after_initialize do |user|
self.vars =
Now you could do:
user =
user.vars['flag'] = true
#> true
All that attr_accessor does is add getter and setter methods which use an instance variable, eg this
attr_accessor :flag
will add these methods:
def flag
def flag=(val)
#flag = val
You can write these methods yourself if you want, and have them do something more interesting than just storing the value in an instance var, if you want.
If you need temp attributes you can add them to the singleton object.
instance =
class << instance
attr_accessor :name
Im trying set the single table inheritance model type in a form. So i have a select menu for attribute :type and the values are the names of the STI subclasses. The problem is the error log keeps printing:
WARNING: Can't mass-assign these protected attributes: type
So i added "attr_accessible :type" to the model:
class ContentItem < ActiveRecord::Base
# needed so we can set/update :type in mass
attr_accessible :position, :description, :type, :url, :youtube_id, :start_time, :end_time
validates_presence_of :position
belongs_to :chapter
has_many :user_content_items
Doesn't change anything, the ContentItem still has :type=nil after .update_attributes() is called in the controller. Any idea how to mass update the :type from a form?
we can override attributes_protected_by_default
class Example < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.attributes_protected_by_default
# default is ["id","type"]
e =>"my_type")
You should use the proper constructor based on the subclass you want to create, instead of calling the superclass constructor and assigning type manually. Let ActiveRecord do this for you:
# in controller
def create
# assuming your select has a name of 'content_item_type'
This gives you the benefits of defining different behavior in your subclasses initialize() method or callbacks. If you don't need these sorts of benefits or are planning to change the class of an object frequently, you may want to reconsider using inheritance and just stick with an attribute.
Duplex at found a workaround:
use a virtual attribute in the forms
and in the model instead of type
def type_helper
def type_helper=(type)
self.type = type
Worked like a charm.
"type" sometimes causes troubles... I usually use "kind" instead.
See also:
I followed for solving the same problem I had. I'm fairly new to Rails world so am not so sure if this approach is good or bad, but it works very well. I've copied the code below.
class GenericClass < ActiveRecord::Base
class << self
def new_with_cast(*a, &b)
if (h = a.first).is_a? Hash and (type = h[:type] || h['type']) and (klass = type.constantize) != self
raise "wtF hax!!" unless klass < self # klass should be a descendant of us
return*a, &b)
new_without_cast(*a, &b)
alias_method_chain :new, :cast
class X < GenericClass; end => 'X') # => #<X:0xb79e89d4 #attrs={:type=>"X"}>
How can I set default value in ActiveRecord?
I see a post from Pratik that describes an ugly, complicated chunk of code:
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
def initialize_with_defaults(attrs = nil, &block)
initialize_without_defaults(attrs) do
setter = lambda { |key, value| self.send("#{key.to_s}=", value) unless
!attrs.nil? && }'scheduler_type', 'hotseat')
yield self if block_given?
alias_method_chain :initialize, :defaults
I have seen the following examples googling around:
def initialize
self.status = ACTIVE unless self.status
def after_initialize
return unless new_record?
self.status = ACTIVE
I've also seen people put it in their migration, but I'd rather see it defined in the model code.
Is there a canonical way to set default value for fields in ActiveRecord model?
There are several issues with each of the available methods, but I believe that defining an after_initialize callback is the way to go for the following reasons:
default_scope will initialize values for new models, but then that will become the scope on which you find the model. If you just want to initialize some numbers to 0 then this is not what you want.
Defining defaults in your migration also works part of the time... As has already been mentioned this will not work when you just call
Overriding initialize can work, but don't forget to call super!
Using a plugin like phusion's is getting a bit ridiculous. This is ruby, do we really need a plugin just to initialize some default values?
Overriding after_initialize is deprecated as of Rails 3. When I override after_initialize in rails 3.0.3 I get the following warning in the console:
DEPRECATION WARNING: Base#after_initialize has been deprecated, please use Base.after_initialize :method instead. (called from /Users/me/myapp/app/models/my_model:15)
Therefore I'd say write an after_initialize callback, which lets you default attributes in addition to letting you set defaults on associations like so:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :address
after_initialize :init
def init
self.number ||= 0.0 #will set the default value only if it's nil
self.address ||= build_address #let's you set a default association
Now you have just one place to look for initialization of your models. I'm using this method until someone comes up with a better one.
For boolean fields do:
self.bool_field = true if self.bool_field.nil?
See Paul Russell's comment on this answer for more details
If you're only selecting a subset of columns for a model (ie; using select in a query like, :lastname).all) you will get a MissingAttributeError if your init method accesses a column that hasn't been included in the select clause. You can guard against this case like so:
self.number ||= 0.0 if self.has_attribute? :number
and for a boolean column...
self.bool_field = true if (self.has_attribute? :bool_value) && self.bool_field.nil?
Also note that the syntax is different prior to Rails 3.2 (see Cliff Darling's comment below)
Rails 5+
You can use the attribute method within your models, eg.:
class Account < ApplicationRecord
attribute :locale, :string, default: 'en'
You can also pass a lambda to the default parameter. Example:
attribute :uuid, :string, default: -> { SecureRandom.uuid }
The second argument is the type and it can also be a custom type class instance, for example:
attribute :uuid,, default: -> { SecureRandom.uuid }
We put the default values in the database through migrations (by specifying the :default option on each column definition) and let Active Record use these values to set the default for each attribute.
IMHO, this approach is aligned with the principles of AR : convention over configuration, DRY, the table definition drives the model, not the other way around.
Note that the defaults are still in the application (Ruby) code, though not in the model but in the migration(s).
Some simple cases can be handled by defining a default in the database schema but that doesn't handle a number of trickier cases including calculated values and keys of other models. For these cases I do this:
after_initialize :defaults
def defaults
unless persisted?
self.other_stuff||="This stuff"
self.assoc = [OtherModel.find_by_name('special')]
I've decided to use the after_initialize but I don't want it to be applied to objects that are found only those new or created. I think it is almost shocking that an after_new callback isn't provided for this obvious use case but I've made do by confirming whether the object is already persisted indicating that it isn't new.
Having seen Brad Murray's answer this is even cleaner if the condition is moved to callback request:
after_initialize :defaults, unless: :persisted?
# ":if => :new_record?" is equivalent in this context
def defaults
self.other_stuff||="This stuff"
self.assoc = [OtherModel.find_by_name('special')]
The after_initialize callback pattern can be improved by simply doing the following
after_initialize :some_method_goes_here, :if => :new_record?
This has a non-trivial benefit if your init code needs to deal with associations, as the following code triggers a subtle n+1 if you read the initial record without including the associated.
class Account
has_one :config
after_initialize :init_config
def init_config
self.config ||= build_config
The Phusion guys have some nice plugin for this.
An even better/cleaner potential way than the answers proposed is to overwrite the accessor, like this:
def status
self['status'] || ACTIVE
See "Overwriting default accessors" in the ActiveRecord::Base documentation and more from StackOverflow on using self.
I use the attribute-defaults gem
From the documentation:
run sudo gem install attribute-defaults and add require 'attribute_defaults' to your app.
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_default :age, 18
attr_default :last_seen do
end # => age: 18, last_seen => "2014-10-17 09:44:27" => 25) # => age: 25, last_seen => "2014-10-17 09:44:28"
Similar questions, but all have slightly different context:
- How do I create a default value for attributes in Rails activerecord's model?
Best Answer: Depends on What You Want!
If you want every object to start with a value: use after_initialize :init
You want the new.html form to have a default value upon opening the page? use
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :address
after_initialize :init
def init
self.number ||= 0.0 #will set the default value only if it's nil
self.address ||= build_address #let's you set a default association
If you want every object to have a value calculated from user input: use before_save :default_values
You want user to enter X and then Y = X+'foo'? use:
class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
before_save :default_values
def default_values
self.status ||= 'P'
I've also seen people put it in their migration, but I'd rather see it
defined in the model code.
Is there a canonical way to set default value for fields in
ActiveRecord model?
The canonical Rails way, before Rails 5, was actually to set it in the migration, and just look in the db/schema.rb for whenever wanting to see what default values are being set by the DB for any model.
Contrary to what #Jeff Perrin answer states (which is a bit old), the migration approach will even apply the default when using, due to some Rails magic. Verified working in Rails 4.1.16.
The simplest thing is often the best. Less knowledge debt and potential points of confusion in the codebase. And it 'just works'.
class AddStatusToItem < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :items, :scheduler_type, :string, { null: false, default: "hotseat" }
Or, for column change without creating a new one, then do either:
class AddStatusToItem < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
change_column_default :items, :scheduler_type, "hotseat"
Or perhaps even better:
class AddStatusToItem < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
change_column :items, :scheduler_type, :string, default: "hotseat"
Check the official RoR guide for options in column change methods.
The null: false disallows NULL values in the DB, and, as an added benefit, it also updates so that all pre-existing DB records that were previously null is set with the default value for this field as well. You may exclude this parameter in the migration if you wish, but I found it very handy!
The canonical way in Rails 5+ is, as #Lucas Caton said:
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
attribute :scheduler_type, :string, default: 'hotseat'
This is what constructors are for! Override the model's initialize method.
Use the after_initialize method.
Sup guys, I ended up doing the following:
def after_initialize
self.other_stuff||="This stuff"
Works like a charm!
Rails 6.1+
You can now use the attribute method on your model without setting a type.
attribute :status, default: ACTIVE
class Account < ApplicationRecord
attribute :locale, default: 'en'
Note that feeding a default to attribute cannot reference the instance of the class (a lambda will execute in the context of the class, not the instance). So, if you need to set the default to a value dynamically based on the instance or associations, you're still going to have to use an alternative, such as an after_initialize callback. As stated previously, it's recommended to limit this to new records only to avoid n+1 queries if you reference associations.
after_initialize :do_something_that_references_instance_or_associations, if: :new_record?
This has been answered for a long time, but I need default values frequently and prefer not to put them in the database. I create a DefaultValues concern:
module DefaultValues
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
class_methods do
def defaults(attr, to: nil, on: :initialize)
method_name = "set_default_#{attr}"
send "after_#{on}", method_name.to_sym
define_method(method_name) do
if send(attr)
value = to.is_a?(Proc) ? : to
send("#{attr}=", value)
private method_name
And then use it in my models like so:
class Widget < ApplicationRecord
include DefaultValues
defaults :category, to: 'uncategorized'
defaults :token, to: -> { SecureRandom.uuid }
I ran into problems with after_initialize giving ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError errors when doing complex finds:
#bottles = Bottle.includes(:supplier, :substance).where(search).order(" ASC").paginate(:page => page_no)
"search" in the .where is hash of conditions
So I ended up doing it by overriding initialize in this way:
def initialize
def default_values
self.date_received ||= Date.current
The super call is necessary to make sure the object initializing correctly from ActiveRecord::Base before doing my customize code, ie: default_values
after_initialize method is deprecated, use the callback instead.
after_initialize :defaults
def defaults
self.other_stuff||="This stuff"
however, using :default in your migrations is still the cleanest way.
The problem with the after_initialize solutions is that you have to add an after_initialize to every single object you look up out of the DB, regardless of whether you access this attribute or not. I suggest a lazy-loaded approach.
The attribute methods (getters) are of course methods themselves, so you can override them and provide a default. Something like:
Class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
# has a DB column/field atttribute called 'status'
def status
(val = read_attribute(:status)).nil? ? 'ACTIVE' : val
Unless, like someone pointed out, you need to do Foo.find_by_status('ACTIVE'). In that case I think you'd really need to set the default in your database constraints, if the DB supports it.
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
def status
self[:status] or ACTIVE
before_save{ self.status ||= ACTIVE }
I strongly suggest using the "default_value_for" gem:
There are some tricky scenarios that pretty much require overriding the initialize method, which that gem does.
Your db default is NULL, your model/ruby-defined default is "some string", but you actually want to set the value to nil for whatever reason: nil)
Most solutions here will fail to set the value to nil, and will instead set it to the default.
OK, so instead of taking the ||= approach, you switch to my_attr_changed?...
BUT now imagine your db default is "some string", your model/ruby-defined default is "some other string", but under a certain scenario, you want to set the value to "some string" (the db default): 'some_string')
This will result in my_attr_changed? being false because the value matches the db default, which in turn will fire your ruby-defined default code and set the value to "some other string" -- again, not what you desired.
For those reasons I don't think this can properly be accomplished with just an after_initialize hook.
Again, I think the "default_value_for" gem is taking the right approach:
Although doing that for setting default values is confusing and awkward in most cases, you can use :default_scope as well. Check out squil's comment here.
I've found that using a validation method provides a lot of control over setting defaults. You can even set defaults (or fail validation) for updates. You even set a different default value for inserts vs updates if you really wanted to.
Note that the default won't be set until #valid? is called.
class MyModel
validate :init_defaults
def init_defaults
if new_record?
self.some_int ||= 1
elsif some_int.nil?
errors.add(:some_int, "can't be blank on update")
Regarding defining an after_initialize method, there could be performance issues because after_initialize is also called by each object returned by :find :
If the column happens to be a 'status' type column, and your model lends itself to the use of state machines, consider using the aasm gem, after which you can simply do
aasm column: "status" do
state :available, initial: true
state :used
# transitions
It still doesn't initialize the value for unsaved records, but it's a bit cleaner than rolling your own with init or whatever, and you reap the other benefits of aasm such as scopes for all your statuses.
class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
default :status => 'active'
Here's a solution I've used that I was a little surprised hasn't been added yet.
There are two parts to it. First part is setting the default in the actual migration, and the second part is adding a validation in the model ensuring that the presence is true.
add_column :teams, :new_team_signature, :string, default: 'Welcome to the Team'
So you'll see here that the default is already set. Now in the validation you want to ensure that there is always a value for the string, so just do
validates :new_team_signature, presence: true
What this will do is set the default value for you. (for me I have "Welcome to the Team"), and then it will go one step further an ensure that there always is a value present for that object.
Hope that helps!
# db/schema.rb
create_table :store_listings, force: true do |t|
t.string :my_string, default: "original default"
end # => "original default"
# app/models/store_listing.rb
class StoreListing < ActiveRecord::Base
attribute :my_string, :string, default: "new default"
end # => "new default"
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
attribute :my_default_proc, :datetime, default: -> { }
end # => 2015-05-30 11:04:48 -0600
sleep 1 # => 2015-05-30 11:04:49 -0600
I had a similar challenge when working on a Rails 6 application.
Here's how I solved it:
I have a Users table and a Roles table. The Users table belongs to the Roles table. I also have an Admin and Student Models that inherit from the Users table.
It then required that I set a default value for the role whenever a user is created, say admin role that has an id = 1 or student role that has an id = 2.
class User::Admin < User
before_save :default_values
def default_values
# set role_id to '1' except if role_id is not empty
return self.role_id = '1' unless role_id.nil?
This means that before an admin user is created/saved in the database the role_id is set to a default of 1 if it is not empty.
return self.role_id = '1' unless role_id.nil?
is the same as:
return self.role_id = '1' unless self.role_id.nil?
and the same as:
self.role_id = '1' if role_id.nil?
but the first one is cleaner and more precise.
That's all.
I hope this helps
Been using this for a while.
# post.rb
class Post < ApplicationRecord
attribute :country, :string, default: 'ID'
use default_scope in rails 3
api doc
ActiveRecord obscures the difference between defaulting defined in the database (schema) and defaulting done in the application (model). During initialization, it parses the database schema and notes any default values specified there. Later, when creating objects, it assigns those schema-specified default values without touching the database.
From the api docs
Use the before_validation method in your model, it gives you the options of creating specific initialisation for create and update calls
e.g. in this example (again code taken from the api docs example) the number field is initialised for a credit card. You can easily adapt this to set whatever values you want
class CreditCard < ActiveRecord::Base
# Strip everything but digits, so the user can specify "555 234 34" or
# "5552-3434" or both will mean "55523434"
before_validation(:on => :create) do
self.number = number.gsub(%r[^0-9]/, "") if attribute_present?("number")
class Subscription < ActiveRecord::Base
before_create :record_signup
def record_signup
self.signed_up_on =
class Firm < ActiveRecord::Base
# Destroys the associated clients and people when the firm is destroyed
before_destroy { |record| Person.destroy_all "firm_id = #{}" }
before_destroy { |record| Client.destroy_all "client_of = #{}" }
Surprised that his has not been suggested here