SQLite3::CantOpenException: unable to open database file while testing Ruby Gem - ruby-on-rails

I'm running into this error message while testing a gem on travis:
SQLite3::CantOpenException: unable to open database file
I'm not even hitting the database in any of the tests, which is weird. Looks like the backtrace points a finger at fixtures, though I don't have any fixtures. Even if I did, the db is sqlite3...shouldn't it be able to be created on the fly?
You can see the build output here: http://travis-lite.com/schneems/maildown/jobs/9662299
Any help is appreciated.

Your test_helper.rb file includes this
# Load fixtures from the engine
if ActiveSupport::TestCase.method_defined?(:fixture_path=)
ActiveSupport::TestCase.fixture_path = File.expand_path("../fixtures", __FILE__)
Since you don't have fixtures, I'm guessing this is what's causing the trouble. You probably want to remove those lines?
You also don't have a /db folder in your project, try adding that to see if it fixes the build.


ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished: No connection pool for ActiveRecord::Base with mongoid

I have a Rails 4.2.8 app, ruby 2.4.4 with a Mongo database, using the mongoid ODB.
I want to run tests against this application using rspec. The most basic test gives me this error:
ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished: No connection pool for ActiveRecord::Base
My research on this problem lead me to these conclusions, but I do not know how to solve the problem itself:
why is active record mentionned here, when it is not in my gemfile ? Maybe another gem is loading it at some point, but how can i get rid of this problem ?
my application.yml and mongoid.yml file are correctly configured. I can RAILS_ENV=TEST rails console and I can query documents.
looks like rails is going inside the condition line 15 in this file. So how and why is ActiveRecord loaded at some point ?
Some help would really be appreciated as I do not know what to do next...
Ok so I did not figure out who was loading ActiveRecord in my application, but I manually unload it in my rails_helper.rb:
Object.send(:remove_const, :ActiveRecord)
# Make sure it is above this
require 'rspec/rails'
I ran into the same issue and found that the problem was database cleaner. Previously we were using the gem database_cleaner but that gem seems to have been split based on your database adapter. Switching to database_cleaner-mongoid resolved the issue. Note that you may need to change some requires or config values to get things running correctly after the change. For instance I had an error about my strategy not being supported in mongoid.

How to get rid of postgresql but still use ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound on heroku when using mongohq?

How to use ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound exception to make Rails respond with the standard 404? The basic approach suggested in many places is to modify the config/application.rb to not require "rails/all", but instead check out the file: railties/lib/rails/all.rb and pick and choose what you want/need. However, if you just leave out the part a about active_record, then you can't use ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (and apparently using fixtures might have problems too, I wouldn't know as I don't use them). How to solve this problem?
The old explanation of the problem is not very relevant but, I'm leaving it here for reference and context for the comments below..
Old explanation:
So here's the deal. We have a Rails app that uses MongoHQ as it's database. Locally thing's run smoothly without any problems, but on production and staging environments it seems that Heroku insists that we must have postgresql database and gems setup/installed. I've tried to delete the addons and related config variables, but it just wont do. This is rather annoying as now the free postgresql causes problems because if we crank up the dynos it will very quickly run out of connections (20 connection limit). However, upgrading to a more production level tier of postgresql seems like a very silly thing to do when the database has 0 tables. How are everyone else using MongoHQ managing this? I can't seem to be able to find any anything about it though I would have thought it to be an apparent issue that everyone using MongoHQ and Heroku would face?
The key idea is that we can still require "activer_record", but lets just leave out the corresponding railtie. This is what I ended up putting into my config/application.rb
require "rails"
frameworks = %w(action_controller action_mailer active_resource rails/test_unit)
frameworks.each { |framework| require "#{framework}/railtie" }
# For errors like ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
require "active_record"
Credits for the idea goes to mr. Benjamin Oakes:

Ruby on Rails: How do I use a Gem? (Vacuum Amazon API)

I found an Amazon Gem that I want to use https://github.com/hakanensari/vacuum/.
I've only ever used gems with in depth tutorials or following a RailsCast. I'm looking for tips on using gems I find online. I'll explain the steps I'm doing, and hopefully someone can give me some ideas on what else I should be doing when using a new gem. Also, if you have a good tutorial or explanation on gems, that would be great too.
I started off examining the Gem on Github, I'll point out the things I took notice of. Let me know if there are things I'm missing I should notice.
Examining Gem on Github
Go to the examples and look at "examples/product_advertising/basic_lookup.rb"
Follow the required file, and checkout "examples/product_advertising/shared.rb"
Notice, I need to install "pry"
Notice, the examples expand on the "lib" folder
Check out "credentials.yml"
Notice a "#req" is instantiated as a new Vacuum object.
Then back in basic_lookup.rb, it looks like it's assigning the lookup value, then binding the response to some kind of "pry" view.
Next, I'll try implementing these examples in my own project. Here's where I'm not sure what to do as far, as files are concerned.
Attempt Implementing Example
Install vacuum gem
gem install vacuum
Install pry gem
gem install pry
Added "shared.rb" and "credentials.yml" to my "app/controllers" directory
Replaced the information in "credentials.yml" with my information
Attempt to copy the information from "basic_lookup.rb" into an existing controller
def amazon
require File.expand_path('../shared.rb', __FILE__)
res = #req.look_up '0816614024'
items = res.find 'Item'
Create a route
match '/test' => 'products#amazon'
Go to test page and receive the following error
undefined method 'look_up' for nil:NilClass
I would like to point out, at this point I haven't added the lib folder.
I like the credentials.yml is separated out, when I want to add this to my project, where should I save that file?
I like the shared.rb file, should I just put that in the controller folder?
Why is it referencing the "lib" folder in "shared.rb"? Do I need to copy that directory into my project?
I appreciate you sticking around and reading all of this. I'm still trying to get a handle on using a gems, so any help or tips are great. Really, I'm just trying to figure out, how do I find any gem and start using it appropriately.
Thanks for any help you can give me!
I like the shared.rb file, should I just put that in the controller folder?
Answer = yes, you just put that file in controller folder.

Test Unit fails to load xsd file

I have a ruby file that requires a file which has require 'xsd/qname'
and all my files work fine, but when I go to test them with test unit I keep getting these errors
LoadError: no such file to load -- xsd/qname
I've been scouring google for a while and fail to see a solution. (I'm new to test unit so it might be incredibly simple).
I believe my problem is related to the fact that the code is in a gem and not the rails environment, therefore the code using it loads rails while these tests do not.
The odd part is if I go in the gem with irb, I can require 'xsd/qname', but I can't require 'soap/rpc/driver' which is another error I was getting
It's probably path related. It's difficult to advise a best solution without seeing how your project is laid out, but try replacing the require statement with:
require File.dirname(Rails.root + '/xsd/qname')
You may need to adjust that depending on where that file exists within your project.
I think the problem was using files built in ruby 1.8 with 1.9. Using soap4r solved my problem.
Fyi if you just want to just rescue the error do this:
require 'xsd/qname'
rescue LoadError
puts "xsd/qname not found...."

rubymine only able to run model tests one by one

I am able to right-click on any of my 3 spec/models but when I right click the spec/models folder and select 'run all tests in models' I get 'Unable to attach test reporter to test framework'.
The first line of my model tests is: require 'spec_helper.rb'
I posted this answer for another question. It may help with this one as well:
On my system, the problem was the "redgreen" gem. It automatically colors the progress marks (dots) and the Test::Unit summary messages based on success or failure. There must be something in RubyMine that's trying to parse the Test::Unit results (the output of "rake test", I imagine), and it's choking on the ANSI sequences.
I commented out "require 'redgreen'" in my test/test_helper.rb, and the problem went away. I really like redgreen for executing "rake test" from the shell, though, so I put this in test_helper to make it work for both "rake test" and within RubyMine:
require 'redgreen' if $stdin.tty?
It may not be redgreen that's causing your problem, but be suspicious of anything which might create unconventional Test::Unit output.
Good luck!
I had the same issue and had to add the following to /etc/launcd.conf (I had to create this file as well):
setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/mysql/lib/
and reboot. There are other ways to do it as well (a plist file, adding this environmental variable to RubyMine, etc… but this was most reliable. Of course, this assumes that you use MySQL.
The answer in the end for my setup was to fiddle around with the IDE settings including the ruby version, making sure it was 1.9.2 and the directories referenced in the config. screens were correct. This plus some restarts resolved the issue.
