Jenkins MultiJob Plugin- "Phases" option not available in Build Section - jenkins

We're using Jenkins for deployment, and would like to use the Jenkins MultiJob plugin to deploy a bunch of services at once. From the description, it looks like this will do exactly what we want. I have the latest version of the plugin (currently 1.9) and all other plugins and Jenkins are up to date.
On the plugin page, it says this: This job can define in the Build section phases that contains one job or more., and it shows a screen print with the ability to configure phases and jobs. But, I don't see that option anywhere after I create a new MultiJob project (which is step one in their process). I have restarted Jenkins in case something wasn't right.
I'm hoping someone can help.
Thanks in advance.

I had reboot Jenkins, and still could not find it.
I finally found it under "Add Build Step" -> MultiJob Phase

OK, figured it out. For some reason, I cannot get the "phases" option to show up on the original MultiJob that I created before restarting Jenkins, although it told me that the feature would be available without a restart.
I created a new MultiJob project (after the Jenkins restart), and I now have the phases option available, and is working.
Hope this helps someone.


Jenkins pipeline to build multiple projects in sequence?

I am a novice when it comes to Jenkins. I would like to be able to take different projects and build them in sequence with each other with a Pipeline. I have noticed that Jenkins can run various stages in sequence or in parallel via a Pipeline. Is there a way for this to happen with running projects in sequence or in parallel that exists on the same node?
I know this question is a bit old. But in case there's someone out there that might be searching for an answer, follow these steps (Remember the names of the Jobs as you need to type them)
Create a "Multijob Project"
In the "Build" section, type the Name of your first Job.
Again In the "Build" section, "Add build step" type the next Job name.
In both builds, "Block until the triggered projects finish" should be ticked.
Save & Build your Multijob Project.
Yes, you can use build step to trigger any project (job) you want in Jenkins. See

Jenkins build trigger configuration getting lost

I am trying to use the
Build after other projects are built
feature of Jenkins. I am using Jenkins ver 2.73.2 and whenever I go to
Configure job -> Build Triggers
and specify my projects, the configuration does not get saved. There is no save button so when I navigate to another page the configuration gets lost.
I am using JenkinsFile in all projects to build it so this is the first thing I am doing from the UI.
Couldn't find a proper solution to this issue anywhere.
Try to restart your jenkins.
Possibly you my have harmed you jenkins folder in program files.
Please try to upgrade your jenkins

Jenkins Pipeline - Why does the Pipeline option not show up

I have Jenkins Jenkins ver. 2.82 running and would like to use the Pipeline function when creating a new job. But I dont see this listed as option. I can only choose between free-style Project, maven Project, external Project and multiconfigruation. How can I use the Pipeline option, as for example explained here: . I tried to find a solution, but yet I was not successfull. Any help is very much appreciated.
You need to install the Pipeline plugin.

is there a plugin of jenkins can support job build periodically with specific script?

Though in jenkins' job configuration I can control when job build using 'build periodically,but it only can appoint the build time.I hope this job will build according to different script at different time.Is there any suggestion ? Thanks very much!
You can use the Script Trigger Plugin.

How to start rebuild in Jenkins?

Is there a way in Jenkins to rebuild the old build jobs ? For instance I want to build job with the build number #712 but when I click the job link's I don't see any build option to restart the build.
Jenkins provide a plugin called "Rebuild plugin" after installing this plugin user allows to rebuild a parametrized build without entering the parameters again.It will also allow the user to edit the parameters before rebuilding.
Is this what you are looking for?
In my (frustrating) experience, the "Build Now" or "Restart" or "Replay" buttons are not there because you didn't login Jenkins!
today, they name it "Restart From Stage"
