How to get Jquery web carousel fit on my phonegap app - jquery-mobile

Well i trying to get a web jquery carousel to my phonegap app. I look for many possibilities but unfortunately can't find a real resizable carousel that can go on with any devices android or iphone..
I taked a look at Jcarousel and Flexslider but can not work as well as it should on mobile devices
can anyone help me please ?


Web and mobile site icons not loading properly in ios devices

I am currently developing a web and a mobile site, using VueJs and Laravel and I have applied icons to the navbar using
But some of the icons are not loading properly when I check it in ios devices. It was loading fine in other devices.
Please refer the screenshot of the icons which causes the issue.
But those should look like the below images. And those are showing as it is in all the devices other than ios devices.
How to fix this issue?

Links don't work using MVC 4 on an iPhone

I'm using jQuery Accordion. It works perfectly on all devices except on the iPad and iPhone. On these devices not of my links work.Even if I have a simple link to another page nothing happens. I've been trying to track this issue down for a few months. Any suggestions?
It work fine on an android device.

can ipad access bootmetro styles

i am desiging a responsive website. i used bootmetro styles in my website. everything is working fine in samsung gelaxy tabs and other android devices. The problem is with Ipad.
i installed firebug in my ipad and tested all styles. The problem is, there are no bootmetro styles loaded in ipad.
So, my questions is can ipad access bootmetro styles? i saw a note in the firebug(in ipad) saying
The results here may be inaccurate because some stylesheets could not be loaded due to access restrictions
please help

jquery mobile popup shows a black background on device

I'm using jquery mobile & phonegap to create an app.
jqm version 1.3.1, currently in testing my app with an android device
i'v created a simple popup (code taken from jqm web site)
and the popup shows correctly on my pc (page gets opacity) but on the android device the popup is shown different,
the background page looks like it has a black background, but when i scroll (yes i can scroll when the popup is still opend) some of the background looks ok with an opacity, similar to how it looks on my pc.
Any ideas on what is the reason?
I had the same issue for android sdk 17 (not for older versions which I tested).
Even though this answer might be to late for this questioner, it may help someone else.
My solution:
In your android manifest, switch android:anyDensity="true" to
Regards, miweiss

How data-role="page" height property will work on Samsung galaxy 10.1 tab?

Hi dudes I am new to Jquery mobile , I am developing Phone gap application using Jquery Mobile frame work. page theme not applying for total device height in samsung galaxy 10.1 tab. Please help me?
If you are using Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 in your development, you can check how your project will look on different phone and tablets, because there are with build-in emulators.
The Phone gap support is also build-in in CS5.5.
See here for more details.
