I am using rails console in the development environment and I want to use factories. How can I get access to them?
I have tried require "FactoryGirl" which returns
1.9.3p393 :301 > require "FactoryGirl"
LoadError: cannot load such file -- FactoryGirl
I do this the following way:
Start the rails console in test environment in sandbox mode.
rails console -e test --sandbox
You need this for two reasons:
Any changes you do are rolled back.
If you already have some seed data it might happen that the factories will start the serialization of attributes from 1, but these records might already exist.
Then in the console:
Require FactoryBot (was called FactoryGirl):
require 'factory_bot'
Load the factory definitions:
Include the FactoryBot methods to avoid prefixing all calls to FB with FactoryBot (create instead of FactoryBot.create):
include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods
P.S. For fabrication gem you can load the definitions in the rails console with:
Also require 'faker' if you use it.
To solve this problem ensure that the factory bot gem is specifed in your Gemfile similar to this
group :development, :test do
gem 'factory_bot_rails'
Then bundle install.
This should make FactoryBot class available in the development console.
Hope this helps.
You need to require 'factory_bot_rails', which is the actual gem that's being used by Rails. That gem will include the Factory Bot library, making FactoryBot available.
You can either do this, or update your Gemfile to require it at startup as in muttonlamb's answer.
If you want to have it available each time you start the console, you can add this piece of code to the top of your config/environments/development.rb:
require 'factory_bot_rails'
require 'faker' # if you're also using faker gem
require 'rails/console/helpers'
Now you can use the built-in helpers right after starting the console, for example:
company = create(:company)
Question: Using Rails 5 & Minitest-Rails is there a way to default new Rails apps to default to Spec-style testing?
I teach TDD and it's annoying to have to have the students convert each time we make a new app.
You could create a template.rb file with following configuration:
gem_group :development, :test do
gem "rspec-rails"
after_bundle do
`rails g rspec:install`
And then build a new Rails project using the following command
rails new my_app -T -m /path/to/template.rb
It will build a new Rails application, add Rails RSpec gem to its Gemfile and execute the install step for RSpec.
Otherwise you could provide a pre-built Rails Git repository and build on top of that.
Rails Application Templates — Ruby on Rails Guides
rspec/rspec-rails: RSpec for Rails-3+
Looks like you've already done the hard work of answering your question. Though if you're teaching a class with an opinionated group of test gems, and a modified test_helper.rb and a modified application.rb, you may wish to consider writing your own gem that your students can add to their Gemfile. The gem could have the test gems you want as dependencies, and then they can install everything else they need with something like:
bin/rails generate <gem_name>:install
Here's a gem I wrote that you can fork or modify or just use as inspiration.
I actually stole your config code for the above gem, which you can see expressed in inside a generator that lives here:
It looks like in config/application.rb you just have to add:
config.generators do |g|
g.test_framework :minitest, spec: true
However there's not an automatic way to make Minitest-Rails default to spec style testing.
I could go to rspec, but would rather stay with Minitest for the moment as we teach our students Minitest from the beginning.
Ok so #sonna had 90% of what I was looking for.
I ended up with help creating a .railsrc file with
-d postgresql
-m ~/.template.rb
And a template with:
# .template.rb
# Gems we've talked about in class, but which have absolutely nothing to do
# with setting up spec-style testing.
# Included here for convenience.
gem_group :development do
# Improve the error message you get in the browser
gem 'better_errors'
# Use pry for rails console
gem 'pry-rails'
# Add some extra minitest support
gem_group :test do
gem 'minitest-rails'
gem 'minitest-reporters'
# Add some code to some files to support spec-style testing
# For these injections, indentation matters!
inject_into_file 'config/application.rb', after: "class Application < Rails::Application\n" do
# Force new test files to be generated in the minitest-spec style
config.generators do |g|
g.test_framework :minitest, spec: true
# Things to do after all the gems have been installed
after_bundle do
# Run rails generate minitest:install
generate "minitest:install", "--force"
# Add minitest reporters support. This must be run after
# rails generate minitest:install, because that command
# changes test/test_helper.rb
inject_into_file 'test/test_helper.rb', after: 'require "minitest/rails"' do
require "minitest/reporters" # for Colorized output
# For colorful output!
This sets up my project with postgres for DB, and Minitest-rails using spec-style tests and includes minitest-reporters.
I am using the default test for different purposes and I have decided to make a specific rspec environment configuration for running the test suite.
However, I discovered that upon changing to ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= rspec in my rails_helper.rb file, suddenly a LOT of things are going wrong, constants are not being loaded (FactoryGirl, DatabaseCleaner, etc. throw uninitialized constant errors)
My question is, where is the code that loads those guys in test environment ? Since I am planning to use this stage for other purposes than running automatic tests, I'm afraid this "out of nowhere" added configuration might not work well with what I am planning to do.
From the perspective of Rails, the test environment is configured and loaded like any other environment such as production or development. You can see this prefixing RAILS_ENV=test to many of the native Rails commands e.g. RAILS_ENV=test rails c will load the rails console for the test environment, and so on. Similarly, all test-specific configuration within Rails is defined in test.rb in your config/environments folder.
However, when you run your specs with rspec spec, you're actually starting the RSpec runner, which, for most intents and purposes, runs independently of Rails (even with the rspec-rails gem).
By convention, when RSpec starts the first thing it does is read command line args from the .rspec in the current directory, if it exists. Then it runs spec_helper.rb (and also rails_helper.rb for rspec-rails 3+). It's actually the spec_helper.rb which does all the heavy-lifting in loading the Rails environment for your tests, along with any of the modules you're using in tests, such as DatabaseCleaner, FactoryGirl, etc.
If you're wondering how RSpec hooks into Rails, the bulk of it is performed in this line, which bootstraps Rails.
require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__)
Now, as to your question, without the ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'test' statement, the above line will load Rails in the default environment (development), which isn't what you want, since any gems not in the :test group will not be loaded, and environments/test.rb will not be loaded either.
Test configuration is handled by two files: spec/spec_helper.rb (sometimes named rails_helper.rb) and config/environments/test.rb. The former configures RSpec and any objects and modules which will be used specifically within the files used in spec, the latter configures your Rails app itself. Omitting ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= test loads the development environment and gemsets instead of the test environment and gemsets, which is why you're getting a ton of errors.
If you are getting uninitialized constant errors for FactoryGirl, DatabaseCleaner etc, you most likely included them to test group in your Gemfile.
You should move them to rspec group, eg:
# Gemfile
group :rspec do
gem 'factory_girl_rails', '~> 4.0'
gem 'faker'
I want to use Coveralls.io for my gem Headhunter that I'm developing at the moment. The doc says, I should simply add
gem 'coveralls', require: false
to the project, but as far as I know, this isn't the right way to load gems within another gem. Instead, stuff like that should happen in the .gemspec file. So I tried to add it like this:
s.add_development_dependency('coveralls', '>= 2.0')
But this doesn't work - it breaks my gem's whole functionality:
$ rake
/Users/josh/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p353/bin/ruby -S rspec ./spec/headhunter/css_hunter_spec.rb ./spec/headhunter/css_validator_spec.rb ./spec/headhunter/html_validator_spec.rb
/Users/josh/Documents/Work/MuheimWebdesign/headhunter/lib/headhunter/css_validator.rb:6:in `<class:CssValidator>': undefined method `full_gem_path' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
This is the file that breaks:
require 'net/http'
require 'nokogiri/xml'
module Headhunter
class CssValidator
VALIDATOR_PATH = Gem.loaded_specs['headhunter'].full_gem_path + '/lib/css-validator/'
So Gem.loaded_specs['headhunter'] isn't available anymore, no idea what's going on here.
What's wrong here?
I was wondering the same and I just got it working.
You need to add:
spec.add_development_dependency "coveralls", "0.7.0"
to your .gemspec (0.7.0 is the coveralls gem latest version as the time of writing this)
make sure to run bundle installsuccessfully
and add:
require 'coveralls'
to the beginning of your spec_helper.rb or test_helper.rb, before requiring anything else.
Hope this helps.
I am using the default Rails tests.
In one test, I am overloading the Date.today method:
class Date
def self.today
This works great for the tests in this file, but carries over to other tests and causes them to fail. How do I confine the effects of this code to a single file?
I gather that this may not be the best way to do tests. Are there any step by step tutorials that you recommend?
Rails 3.07
Thanks to d11wtq for the code above.
Here's how I did it:
$ gem install 'mocha'
Added gem 'mocha' to group :test in Gemfile (see below)
$ bundle install
In model_test.rb file, added require 'mocha' on line after require 'test_helper'
Added the following 3 lines to class ModelTest in model_test.rb:
setup do
Date.stubs(:today).returns(Date.new(2011, 7, 19))
I found this post a helpful introduction to Mocha: http://yarorb.wordpress.com/2007/11/26/mocks-and-stubs-in-ruby-on-rails-the-mocha-solution/
EDIT: More info:
I discovered that you need to add the following to remove the stub after each test. I put this after the setup method:
teardown do
And, I think you need the following gem to the :test group in the Gemfile as well:
gem 'test-unit', '1.2.3'
What do you do when you want to use a gem for development/testing that you don't want to force other devs to use? Right now I have
require 'redgreen'
rescue LoadError
in test_helper.rb and no gem config, but that seems like a clumsy approach, albeit a functional one. I'd like to do something like the following:
config.gem "redgreen", :optional => true
Any other suggestions? Or should I just vendor those pretty superficial gems...?
To be clear, I am only talking about those specific gems, like redgreen, which aren't actually used in the functional code, but only in the coding process. There is no need to vendor these at all, except to avoid the conditional require.
Gems that are specific to your development environment should be installed in your gemset or local gems, but not in the Gemfile.
A classic example is the ruby-debug-base19x which Rubymine needs for debugging. This is installed in your local gemset, but not in the Gemfile because not all coders use Rubymine.
Indeed, everything is run in the context of the bundle, and outside gems are not reachable. There do exist some workarounds indeed. Most of them are dirty :)
I found a lot of good solutions in this bundler issue.
The nicest solution was to add this to your .irbrc :
# Add all gems in the global gemset to the $LOAD_PATH so they can be used even
# in places like 'rails console'.
if defined?(::Bundler)
global_gemset = ENV['GEM_PATH'].split(':').grep(/ruby.*#global/).first
if global_gemset
all_global_gem_paths = Dir.glob("#{global_gemset}/gems/*")
all_global_gem_paths.each do |p|
gem_path = "#{p}/lib"
$LOAD_PATH << gem_path
require 'irb/completion'
require 'rubygems'
require 'wirble'
If you then install wirble to the global gemset, it can then be found.
Original source: https://gist.github.com/794915
Hope this helps.
I answered a similar question of my own here
User-level bundler Gemfile
One way to do this is to create different environments:
group :scott do
bundle --with-env=scott
Ok, I think I've come up with something. Basically, the idea is to only execute a secondary Gemfile when a Rails app is executing. To do this we add two things:
First, we alter the rails script a little:
# in ./script/rails
Kernel::IN_RAILS_APP = true
APP_PATH = File.expand_path('../../config/application', __FILE__)
require File.expand_path('../../config/boot', __FILE__)
require 'rails/commands'
Second, we tell bundler to pull in the secondary Gemfile if we're in a rails app and a secondary file exists:
# Gemfile
if Kernel.const_defined?(:IN_RAILS_APP)
local_gemfile = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/Gemfile.local"
if File.exists?(local_gemfile)
puts 'using local gemfile'
Now you can add a Gemfile.local to your project and run specific gems on a per-machine basis. bundle install works normally since the IN_RAILS_APP constant doesn't exist.
** Make sure to add Gemfile.local to your .gitignore.
In my opinions this is what environments are for. Fortunately there is also a way provided to do it with what is in your Gemfile, this is also how rails use it: groups
Pretty much use the environments the same way rails use it. Here is what you could find in your Gemfile:
group :test do
# Pretty printed test output
gem 'turn', :require => false
And here is what you can find in your config/application.rb
Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env) if defined?(Bundler)
All you would need to do is to change your local environment settings and the others working with you won't be affected unless they decide to. Everything gets committed and nothing gets lost.
Here some links :
If you want it to be optional, it's better to freeze the gem as a plugin. However, it's not a good idea to use different gems than the rest of a development team, as it creates some inconsistencies in the codebase that can be hard to track down later. I would say add it to config.gem, and just tell the other developers to do:
rake gems:install
And you're done.
This is how I tackled the same problem under Rails 3.1. In my Gemfile:
if File.exists? './tmp/eric_dev_gems'
gem 'redgreen'
gem 'awesome_print'
gem 'wirble'
gem 'wirb'
gem 'hirb'
Create a file in ./tmp/ (or in some folder which is in your .gitignore) of your choosing. I used eric_dev_gems. This should be ignored by git, and will only exist on your system unless one of your teammates decides he wants to create that file too.
I solved it by putting this in my gem file:
$gem_names ||= ENV['GEM_PATH'].split(':').map{|g| Dir.glob("#{g}/gems/*").map{|p|p.split('/gems/').last}}.flatten
gem 'redgreen' if $gem_names.any?{|n| n=~/redgreen/ }
That way the gem will only be used if you manually installed it on your system.
This works well but has the downside that it puts the gem name in the Gemfile.lock. This is of little consequence because the gem does not get installed with bundle install but it does make your lock file a bit messy and can cause the lock file to change a bit from one developer to the next.
If that is an issue for you another option is to keep the gemfile clean and require the gem by its full path, or you can add the path for just that gem. Like this:
$gem_paths ||= ENV['GEM_PATH'].split(':').map{|g| Dir.glob("#{g}/gems/*")}.flatten
$gem_paths.grep(/redgreen/).each {|p|$LOAD_PATH << p+'/lib'}
require 'redgreen' rescue nil