What is the best way to implement dynamic search on the server from iOS application? - ios

I'm struggling with a problem of implementing dynamic search.
Here what i want to achieve:
In my application there is an option that user (program manager) will be able to search his team members. Each PM has its account on the server side (web service) where it is a table team_members which contains all the team members that correspond to this manager.
Their amount can be more than hundreds.
And client side app which I develop has an option search team members.
I want to implement it dynamically:
e.g When the user print first letter a I make a query to the server and get all the matches with a letter: Antuan, BArrow, etc.
Then user print ab and I make a query which must return Abraham, Abdulla, etc. And so on. All the matching results is shown in UITableView.
HTTP query to server is made each time text in UITextField shanges. I implement it with dispatch_async: on UITextFieldTextDidChangeNotification I create a dispatch_async where i make an HTTP request with searchbar.text.
The problem: it works very slow. I often get an exception bad selector was sent to the instance.
So my question:
Why is my approach bad? What is a better solution for this?
Or dynamic search it is a VERY bad idea and I must do search only on clicking some button?
Thanks. I hope some experienced iOS developers will give me good advice.

Making an HTTP request every time someone types a character is probably never going to be fast enough (nor does it really make sense -- read on). For a certain size of list, the answer would be to pull over the whole list in the background as soon as you present the field (but before the user starts typing in it). Once you have the list, you can start matching, in memory, on the local device. "More than hundreds" isn't very specific, and it depends on network speed, but I'd guess that if your list is less than 50K in payload size, pulling the whole thing will be the easiest way.
If the list is too big for that to be practical, but the list limited by the first character the user types is not too big, then the best approach might be to wait for the first character, fire off your HTTP request asynchronously, and only start the dynamic match once you've received the response containing all items that start with that letter. One thing to keep in mind is this: if you have the list limited by the first character, that's the only HTTP request you ever have to make (unless the user changes the first character) because all possibilities starting with that letter will be in that list. From there, you can pare down the list locally without any further HTTP requests.
As for why you're getting exceptions, it's hard to say without seeing your actual code. Try setting an exception breakpoint in Xcode. This will allow you to stop in the debugger when the exception is thrown, which will show you what's causing it.


Amazon Connect with Lex contact flow timeout

I have a contact flow that is using a pre-recorded voice prompt with a lex bot for voice rec. This is the main menu verbiage:
“Thank you for calling. If you would like to use your keypad to select the menu options, say “keypad”, otherwise please listen to the following menu options. For billing questions, say “billing”. To report a missed pickup, say “missed pickup”. If you are a current customer with recycling or other account questions, say “other”. If you are not a current customer, and have questions, say “sales”. To hear the menu again, say “repeat menu”. For all other questions, please remain on the line.”
I have set the error handling in the Lex bot to speak "Sorry, I'm having a hard time understanding you. Let's try using the keypad instead to make sure we route your call properly."
This is working when an utterance is not matched or an invalid option is spoken or pressed. However, I cannot figure out if it's possible to allow the lex bot to timeout like in a normal DTMF contact flow and send the caller to the next step in the menu without playing the error handling in from the Lex bot.
Is this possible?
That's the thing, Lex is not meant to be used this way. It MUST have an input to process, and if it reaches Lex's timeout, then it will always return an error and deliver the error handling response.
So you will have to get fancy in the Connect Flow to catch the Lex error message, and turn it into your own handling of it. But it will be hard to know whether Lex is erroring because it didn't understand, or because the user chose not to respond.
Therefore, I would personally avoid building the bot in a way that allows the user to remain silent. The user must direct Lex every step of the way and have easy ways of backing out of an unwanted action.
Remember that Lex is much more powerful than the old automatic call systems, so trying to force Lex into that old system won't work well. Depending on how you design your bot, you can make the conversation much much more natural, accepting a very wide range of responses and directing those into proper actions.
Things may have changed more recently, but when I was building Lex/Connect, it was not possible for the user to interrupt a playback message. So I had to also avoid what you are trying to do in the welcome message:
If you would like to use your keypad to select the menu options, say “keypad”, otherwise please listen...
Naturally, a user who does want to use the keypad will try to immediately say "keypad" and probably get frustrated by having to listen to the rest of the playback message. So I design every playback message to be short, deliver information first, and always end on the question. Often breaking the conversation up into more branching points to make the questions as specific as possible.
Don't worry about going back and forth with the user too many times. It gives the user comfort knowing they are on the right path to what they want and are able to control the conversation in smaller steps. They will get stressed, having to listen to long list of options and remembering what they are while figuring out which one best applies to them.
So make each question as clear as possible and avoid spoonfeeding options. It feels less natural to explicitly state to the user what they should say:
To report a missed pickup, say “missed pickup”.
That is unnatural.
A good middle ground would be asking one question with a list of options and pausing between each option. The user will understand that these are responses they should make, but won't feel unnaturally pressured into exact phrases. For example:
Would you like to, check your billing, report a missed pickup, ask about sales, or something else?
That is natural.
We are comfortable handling those types of questions because we often do that when speaking with humans. You may even want to use a question mark instead of commas so that the playback voice uses a questioning intonation with each option. It looks less natural in written form, but would probably sound more natural.
Last tip: Don't design your bot based on your experience talking with bots. Design your bot based on your experience talking with humans.

Mapbox GeoCoding keyword issue

Hi I have an app which uses Mapbox, I am also using geocoding to search places and to navigate to the location. It was working smoothly until I tried the keyword "Nayara" in the searchField.
I am getting this error when I search "Nayara" in the textfield, the textFieldIsChanging delegate is connected to the GeoCoding API(which is async communication and result is populated in the tableView). I can successfully search all other places but not this one. Is this a bug in the map box? Is this the only one keyword which has problems or are there any other keywords which makes the app behave like this? Expert advices needed. Thanks in advance. Happy coding.
When making multiple async requests, it's possible for the responses to be returned in a different order from the order in which they were requested. This is particularly an issue when requests take a variable amount of time (as is the case for geocoding queries).
In this situation, a query for Nayar probably takes longer than a query for Nayara, and the difference is enough that the results arrive out of order, so the Nayar response overwrites Nayara in the UI dropdown.
Typical solutions to this problem involve either adding a debounce (so that you only make a new API request if an arbitrary amount of time has elapsed between keystrokes), or tracking the timestamp of both the request and the response, and discarding stale responses that arrive out of order.
An example of the latter approach can be seen here: https://github.com/mapbox/react-geocoder/pull/9

Rails process controls to delay/impede multiple submissions

An application is based upon client's use and thus network connections. Sometimes, some processes are longer (i.e. capturing a hand-written line, converting to JSON, generating image and uploading to a static server), which can be compounded via flaky web connections.
Overanxious users may believe something is wrong and continue submitting... making the situation worse.
For specific actions, say update_signature, how could one conceivably trash other requests for that particular action and unique identifier ?
You can handle rate limiting with Rack::Throttle. And debounce double clicks (convert to a single click) with javascript.
But don't optimize prematurely.

How to handle SAP Kapsel Offline app OData conflicts properly?

I build an app that is able to store OData offline by using SAP Kapsel Plugins.
More or less it's the same as generated by WEB ID or similer to the apps in this example: https://blogs.sap.com/2017/01/24/getting-started-with-kapsel-part-10-offline-odatasp13/
Now I am at the point to check the error resolution potential. I created a sync conflict (chaning data on the server after the offline database was stored and changed something on the app and started a flush).
As mentioned in the documentation I can see the error in ErrorArchive and could also see some details. But what I am missing is the information of the "current" data on the database.
In the error details I can just see the data on the device but not the data changed on the server.
For example:
Device is loading some names into offline store
Device is offline
User A is changing some names
User B is changing one of this names directly online
User A is online again and starts a sync
User A is now informend about the entity that was changed BUT:
not the content user B entered
I just see the "offline" data.
Is there a solution to see the "current" and the "offline" one in a kind of compare view?
Please also note that the server communication is done by the Kapsel Plugin and not with normal AJAX calls. This could be an alternative but I am wondering if there is no smarter way supported by the API?
Meanwhile I figured out how to load the online data (manually).
This could be done by switching http handler back to normal one.
Anyhow this does not look like a proper solution and I also have the issue with the conflict log itself. It must be deleted before any refresh could be applied.
I could not find any proper documentation for that. Also ETag handling is hardly described in SAPUI5 and SAP Kapsel documentation.
This question is a really tricky one, due to its implications. I understand that you are simulating a synchronization error due to concurrent modification, and want to know if there is a way for the client to obtain the "current" server state in order to give the user a means to compare the local and server state.
First, let me give you the short answer: No, there is no way for the client to see the current server state "for reference" via the Offline APIs when there are synchronization errors. Doing an online query as outlined above might work, but it certainly is a bad idea.
Now for the longer answer, which explains why this is not necessarily a defect and why I said there are quite some implications to the answer.
Types of Synchronization Errors
We distinguish a number of synchronization errors, and in this context, we are clearly dealing with business-related issues. There are two subtypes here: Those that the user can correct, e.g. validation errors, and those that are issues in the business process itself.
If the user violates the input range, e.g. by putting a negative price for a product, the server would reply with the corresponding message: "-1 is not a valid input value for 'Price'". You, as a developer, can display such messages to the user from the error archive, and the ensuing fix is indeed a very easy one.
Now when we talk about concurrent modification, things get really, really nasty. In fact, I like to say that in this case there is an issue with the business process, because on one hand, we allow data to get out of sync. On the other hand, the process allows multiple users to manipulate the same piece of information. How all relevant users should now be notified and synchronize, is no longer just a technical detail, but in fact a new business process. There just is no way to generically device how to handle this case. In most cases, it would involve back-office experts who need to decide how the changes should be merged.
A Better Solution
Angstrom pointed out that there is no way to manipulate ETags on the client side, and you should in fact not even think about it. ETags work like version numbers in optimistic locking scenarios, and changing the ETag basically means "Just overwrite what's on the server". This is a no-go in serious scenarios.
An acceptable workaround would be the following:
Make sure the server returns verbose error messages so that the user can see what happened and what caused the conflict.
If that does not help, refresh the data. This will get you an updated ETag, and merge the local changes into the "current" server state, but only locally. "Merging" really means that local changes always overwrite remote changes.
The user now has another opportunity to review the data and can submit it again.
A Good Solution
Better is not necessarily good, so here is what you should really do: Never let concurrent modification happen because it is really expensive to handle. This implies that not the developer should address this issue, but the business needs to change the process.
The right question to ask is, "When you replicate data in a distributed system, why do you allow it to be modified concurrently at all?" Typically stakeholders will not like this kind of question, and the appropriate reaction is to work out a conflict resolution process together with them. Only then they will realize how expensive fixing that kind of desynchronization is, and more often than not they will see that adjusting the process is way cheaper than insisting in yet another back-office process to fix the issues it causes. Even if they insist that there is a need for this concurrent modification, they will now understand that it is not your task to sort this out and that they need to invest in a conflict resolution process.
There is no way to compare the server and client state to the server state on the client, but you can do a refresh to retain the local changes and get an updated ETag. The real solution, however, is to rework the business process, because this no longer is a purely technical issue.
The default solution is that SMP or HCPms is detecting errors by ETags. At client side there is no API to manipulate ETags in case of conflicts. A potential solution to implement a kind of diff view on the device would work like this:
Show errors
Cache errors (maybe only in memory?)
delete the errors
do a refresh of the database
build a diff view with current data and cached errors
The idea with
could also work but could be very tricky and may introduce side effects.
Maybe some requests are triggered against the "wrong" backend.

Suggestion for trigger that sends email if threshold is broken

This is quite a broad question but ill try and summarise it as best I can.
I have an MVC front end which displays/allows processing of records which are classed as outstanding. I also have a scheduled console app which runs nightly and attempts to resolve each of these records using some logic I wrote.
I have a new requirement, which is to have an email sent every time the total number of outstanding records exceeds a certain amount, this amount needs to be configurable.
The table will contain every record with a flag to say if they have been resolved or not, so I will need to count the outstanding's then fire an email to notify if the threshold is broken.
I initially thought about adding a SQL Server trigger on insert however I soon realised that if no more records were added for a few days but the total number stayed above the threshold because nobody resolved them, then no further email would be sent.
I need the email to send every day on a schedule independently of insert/update.
So now I'm thinking possibly a SQL Server job, or an SSIS package or even a service which runs, but I'm aware this threshold number needs to be configurable.
So what would be the quickest simplest solution to my requirements, I'm open to any suggestion as long as it ticks all the boxes.
Given that the OP already has a console app running on a schedule, the most logical choice would be to simply add this check to the console app along with the email sending logic. It will be much easier to send emails that way, anyways, especially if you employ something like Postal, which will let you use MVC-style views to create your emails.
An SQL Server scheduled job seems to me to be the simplest way to go.
you can add a table to your database that will hold the threshold number and read it's value from there.
In many cases a GeneralParams table is a good thing to have anyway.
The other option you mentioned (windows service) is also configurable in many ways: you can use a GeneralParams table, or the App.Config file of the service (but you will have to restart it every time you change the app.config), or even a simple text file. anything goes. the downside is that it's outside of your sql server, but the upside is that it is probably easier to send emails from.
