provisioning profile -request timed out Xcode - ios

I added a new app to my Xcode and trying to update my provisioning profiles under Window-Organizer-Library,after giving apple developer credits, it is showing the error -the request timed out.It worked fine before for the 2 apps and I just have one account in the TEAMS, I checked Code signing in the new app and it is fine.Does the apple developer site still down??
Please help me on finding the issue.Any help would be appreciated.

Yes, the status site says that automatic Xcode configuration is not working yet.
You can still use the manual way of generating and downloading certificates from the dev portal.


How can I fix a revoked certificate?

I seem to be caught in the 9th circle of certificate/profile/signing hell. I get this notice from apple when attempting to test a little learner app on my iPhone:
The following certificate has either been revoked by a member of your development team or has expired:
Certificate: iOS Development
Here are the conditions:
MBP running 10.13.4
Iphone 6+ with iOS 12.4.1
Xcode 9.4
More info:
I formerly had an Apple Developer Program paid membership which expired in 2017. I did not renew it, because I'm just learning and have nothing to distribute. I started trying to learn Swift, and for a while had no trouble testing my apps on my iPhone. Then an injury interrupted my efforts for around a year. Now, my attempts (using Ray Wenderlich's excellent site) to build and run my project on the iPhone go nowhere, and I get this:
Code Signing Error: The user name or passphrase you entered is not correct.
Code Signing Error: No profiles for 'com.radianimagery.HitList' were found: Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'com.radianimagery.HitList'.
Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 11.4'
Here's what I see in the "Signing" section of the app:
I've tried the developer website, looked through questions on SO (most pretty old), and I'm just plain stuck. I downloaded all my certificates, then hit "Manage Certificates." I get this window, indicating that all my thrashing this morning created more certificates, but I can't seem to do anything with them:
I admit upfront that this whole certificate/profile side of things has always mystified me. That having been said, can anyone please help me get back on track?
I finally had to create a new user account on my MBP, then a new Apple ID. then I joined under that Apple ID, and everything has been peachy since.
Many thanks to all who responded!
It sounds like your Apple ID password may have changed since you last used Xcode - that would explain your Code Signing Error: The user name or passphrase you entered is not correct error. Try navigating to Xcode > Preferences... and view the Accounts tab, and check for any errors there. Xcode may prompt you to sign in again with your Apple ID.

"App Name" Is No Longer Available - Developer app not released

Afternoon all,
We have a client who recently came via our offices and installed a development version of an app we have been working on for a trip to the States to show his colleagues.
He has just gone to test it and is getting the message that '"App Name" is no longer available"' when he tries to open it. We have tested our development devices and the same build of the app here and everything is working fine.
Is there anything we can try as he does not have access to Xcode for a fresh install of the app?
We have checked the developer certs and provisioning profiles and all seem ok and in date.
Thanks a lot.
If you gave it to them via ad hoc or something, the provisioning profile has probably expired so you would need to renew that. This is a similar problem I've met before. For the IPA file providing, you could try to upload your apps to Pgyer or TestFlight and provide the installation link to customer.

Unable to fix code signing issue: Xcode7.3

I am trying to run my application on different devices for testing purposes. It successfully allows me to run the app on iPhone4S, iPhone6 & iPhone6S. I tried to run it on my iPhone 5 however I am getting the following error:
"Failed to code sign. None of the valid provisioning profiles include the devices "DEVICE NAME". Xcode can attempt to fix this"
When I click "Fix Issue" I get the following:
"Unable to fix code signing issue" "Xcode failed to resolve this issue. Check your code signing setting; ensure you have matching signing certificates and provisioning profiles installed and try again".
I have tried following various answers such as None of the valid provisioning profiles include the devices however I am using a free account and as a result i don't have access to the devices portal on
How can I fix this error without adding a device on the develop portal? Its odd that I only have this issue on this device.
Any help would be appreciated
P.s. I am using Xcode 7.3
My apple ID looks like the below:
Go to PRODUCT click Profile! It will resolve your issue or just go for build for profiling.
firstly you have to Make sure you have a valid apple developer account then you have access to and generate profiles for your app.
for more please check i hope it will solve your issues :
Xcode 7 error: "Missing iOS Distribution signing identity for ..."
If you are using Developer account, make sure that the device on which you are trying to install the build is registered in your Developer account and Provisioning profile. Otherwise Xcode won't let you install the build in there.
There is no limit on the number of devices that we can test our app using a free developer account. I tested my app on 5 devices, and all are working. But the only catch is that the provisioning profiles expire in 7 days, so the app does not not work after 7 days unless we re-launch it from XCode. The code signing issue could be due to some other issue. But I still dont understand why someone from the apple team told you that the limit is 3 devices.
More info on that - Is there a limit on the number of devices on which we can launch our app using the free apple developer account?

Code signing issue Xcode 7.2

I created this thread because I want to show my screenshots and the other posts didn't solve my issue.
Good morning,
I'm trying to implement a notification feature in my first iOS app and I'm having a lot of problems regarding the "code signing" options in the Xcode. I have followed the tutorial from (the service I'm using to deploy notifications) but it's not working. I assume that it's something that I'm not doing right, so I'm going to post some screenshots because I don't know how many times I tried to make it correct.
Everything seems to be fine (no error or warning in Xcode) but when I "Archive" my App in order to upload it to my itunes connect, it displays the following error:
"Missing iOS Distribution signing identity..."
Much appreciated if someone can show me some tutorial, guide or a reply because I don't know what else to try.
Push Notifications
Provisioning profile (Distribution)
Provisioning profile (Development)
Certificates The 2nd and the 3rd are created with the following process: App ID > (App name) > Enable notifications > Create certificate
Code signing from Xcode 7.2
Thanks in advance,
That's my Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority screenshot:
In Code Signing identity Select Distribution Certificates of Provisioning Profile and Developer Certificate.
If you don't have those certificate you must create them, then download and double click to install it.
#Jordi Visit following link, that explains right from scratch to develop First Push notification App.
Ray Wenderlich Push notification tutorial

iOS & XCode5 App publishing fails - Error ITMS-9000: "The binary you tried to upload was invalid"

I was already looking through some other threads here with the ITMS-Error 9000, but they didn't help me to get my App passing the submission to the App Store.
I have NO errors or warnings inside XCode.
The App is perfectly working on iOS Devices & Simulators.
EDIT: What I have already tried:
Changed Deployment Target from iOS 7.1 to 7.0
Checked the Bundle ID in iTunesConnect and inside Xcode
Checked for any errors and warnings --- removed / fixed them
Do you have any additional ideas what it could be? Without any errors or further information it is hard to find out what the reason is.
If I try "just" to "Validate" instead of "Distribute" in the organizer after Archiviing it i get the following Error
Its an Issue with Apple's Server I tried validating the app it said "Unable to process app at this time due to general error" a quick search about it on SO said its got nothing to do with our code or project but some process running at Apples server
Assuming that your binary icons does not meet as per apple's human interface guidelines.
It most probably seems to be the issue with the profile you are signing your app with. You got to make sure that your are signing the app rightly with proper distribution profile. Also check out for the bundle identifier and make sure that it is same as the one you have given in itunes connect.
Check this link!
You should be creating the binary with the simulator or some device connected.
Try it:
Unconnect iOS device from your Mac,
Dont select any simulator, just leave it as it is, iOS device option
Archive it
Publish it
Make sure you're using a provisioning profile for the App Store (not for Ad Hoc distribution)
Then select this profile when building your app.
I would guess this all has something to do with Apple making system changes to prepare for iOS 8 and in doing so somethings got broken.
The issues look to have just been resolved by Apple. I just successfully submitted an app that was previous showing the same problem you had. If you look at your Provisioning Profiles, you should notice that Apple has removed your app's previous Distribution Profiles.
To get your submission working again, all you have to do is recreate your App Store and Ad Hoc provisioning profile, but make sure to use a new name and you should be good to go. You were not alone on this one. A bunch of people experienced the same problem and there were a lot of posts about it on the official Apple Dev forums.
Please check the Distribution Profile that you are signing your app with at iTunes Connects. make sure that it is still valid. I had same issue couple days back and after a struggle , i found out that somehow my provisioning profile was not valid anymore. Creating a new profile and submitting app with it solved my issue.
Apple have deleted corrupted provisionning, you just have to regenerate it and make submission works again !
Connect to your iOS Developer
Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
Provisioning Profiles / Distribution
Here you can see some certificates missing. You have to re-create (Distribution / AdHoc). Note, you have to change certificates name !
In Xcode, refresh your certificates, set the right one in Build Settings, and submit...
I called today the Apple Developer Support and i get one very very simple answear to this issue.
You have to create all your certificates, provisioning profiles etc with Apples SAFARI browser.
It is not working "always" proper with Mozilla Firefox or other Browsers. So if you get such an error, try to recreate it with Safari! It worked like a charm!
