finding UI objects in xcode UI object library - ios

this is a serious newbie question
i was just in xcode and had a detail table view (or possibly a cell within it) in a detail view controller highlighted...i had the code snippet library up in the Utilities panel. i switched to the objects library, and lo and behold were a bunch UI objects i had never seen in the list...these included radio buttons, a color well, and on and on...very useful stuff i had never seen in that list before. i navigated back to the storyboard and then came back to the object library, and this useful stuff was gone, replaced by the usual View Controller, Table View Controller, Collection View Controller, etc. list. i pulled down the Objects dropdown at the top of the object library, and saw no way to navigate to that prior list of very useful objects...
i searched using google, at stackoverflow, and the apple site and still haven't found, apparently, the right way to ask the question. apparently the object list in the Utilities pane is context sensitive, but try though i might, i have not yet figured out what needs to be highlighted in the storyboard to give me back that very valuable list of UI objects...any help deeply, and embarassedly (if that is a word) appreciated.

May be that was Mac OS controls. Sometimes it show up. Me too don't know when exactly it comes up. but if you are creating iOS app then you don't need that. it can't be used in iOS app. so its good that you leave that.


Detecting screen interaction outside of the component in SwiftUI

I'm building my own custom list using LazyVStack with swipeable actions thanks to this tutorial:
It isn't half bad as long as you read through it and understand it instead of just copying and pasting. However, much like all the currently available open-source frameworks out there, it is missing a core feature that I don't know if people are just forgetting about or it's just not possible so I thought I'd ask because I can't figure it out.
In a native list in UIKit, if you drag a list item to the semi-open state and have one of the list item actions visible but then interact anywhere else in the list via drag or tap, it will dismiss the currently visible list item action. Dismissing the action is the easy part, it's telling it to dismiss which puzzles me.
I know there are many things apple can do that isn't publicly available but this does seem like something that should theoretically be possible. I'd like to figure this out and make it publicly available as these swipeable actions are a key feature apple seemingly forgot to add before deciding to move towards these lazy stacks.

Bringing Wiki page up on IOS

I am trying to get a wiki page to display on IOS. This is the first assignment in my 8-week course and I am completely lost. I have only worked with Java, Swift is a completely new language and I cant seem to find a starting point. My professor has only showed us how to bring objects into the view controller such as segmented control bars and buttons, but has not showed us how to implement code into program to interact with the objects.
I know this is a long shot, and I have exhausted all other options (even bought an IOS 9 book) but if anyone can provide a starting amount of code for me to see and work with I would be extremely grateful. I am not asking for the whole project, I just need to be able to see an example of some starting code that I can hopefully follow and progress with.
Project Details /
Project Example Images
From reading the instructions, it seems like you'll need to have a multi-component UIPickerView (this is a basic tutorial, you can use it to get the delegate methods used to interact with the pickerView, here's a more in depth tutorial) and definitely will need to use multiple UIViewControllers in order to achieve the desired result. Add BarButton Items to the bottom of the view, and control+drag on those to connect them to additional ViewControllers which can be used to select Plant/Animal Name, and to change the textColor.
On the initial viewContoller, you'll need a WKWebView above your imageView, learn more about their implementation here (note that this shows a programmatic approach, your wkWebView will likely be connected to your code from Interface Builder using an IBOutlet).
Continue to ask questions as they arise.

UIPageViewController turn-to-page example

There are a couple of explanations on how UIPageViewControllers work, and I have read them. I have built an app based on the approach in Neil Smyth's excellent 'iPhone iOS 6 Development Essentials" in chapter 28. It is elegant and simple.
It seems a relatively simple thing to add a method to this class, and a button to the main app view, to cause the UIPageViewController to turn to a specific page. But I cannot quite see the beset way to do this.
If someone could point me to the solution -- or tell me how to add a method that would I think use the provided "viewControllerAtIndex:" method cause the page turn i want.
Seeing this done (exactly what code codes where) in that app would help me understand and point the way to a solution in my own app.
thanks everyone sorry i know this should be obvious from the ansers to the likes of this question link but i am not quite getting it.
As noted in my comment I can close this question as I've found a good solution. As I wanted both "skip ahead" and "skip back" as well as "jump to page", I used a solution that involved specifying the top level View Controller as a delegate to content view controller, keeping track of the current page, and then passing the clicks on contentViewController back up to the implementation of the top level controller (as delegate) to move to the new page(s).
I have posted the source code for this solution as part of the "A-B-C Picture Book" source code. This app is in the app store; see

Split View inside of a Tab Bar in an iPad Application

When the iPad first came out, I recall that Apple frowned upon the use of a Split View inside of Tab Bar Item View. Whether or not they rejected applications that used this design I don't recall or know anything of.
Is this design still frowned upon by Apple? If you create an application that uses this design will it be rejected by Apple? I know there are third-party API's now that help you write applications that utilize this design pattern which leads me to believe that Apple no longer cares, but I just wanted to be sure about this.
If anyone can shed some light on why Apple frowned upon this design that would be helpful because I don't understand what about this design was an issue for Apple.
I can't find the citation at the moment, but there used to be a section in the HIG that said that you must not do this, and then they changed it to one saying you should try to avoid doing this. So I think you're clear, as long as the design makes sense. Sadly I can't find where that phrase occurred — maybe it was taken out all together.
At any rate, there's nothing in the HIG under either tab bar or split view that says you can't do what you want.
I just stepped over this, too.
This also didn't work in the Interface-Builder prior to 5.1.
But i just tried today and recognized that you can simply add a relationship from a tabbar controller to a splitview inside interface builder (this did not work before).
However, only the detail view shows up when running the app and select the tab containing the splitview.
edit: This seems to work out very easy if you compile for 5.1. There seems to be a change in handling Splitviews.
Just try it out:
In your Storyboard, create a Tabbar Controller
add a Split View Controller
Create a Reference from the Tabbar Controller to the Split View Controller
Now you need to create your Master and Detail Controllers
I am not finished with the implementation yet, but hope this helps.

iPhone OS Utility App - Flipside View and Main View communication

I am currently working on an iPhone 2.1 application. I am new to Objective C, coming from a Java background.
My application has as a base the Utility Application template available in Xcode with the iPhone SDK. Currently I have some controls, such as an UISlider and text box, in the FlipsideView. The UISlider already has a method which is being called when the value changes, using targets and selectors. However, I would also like to be able to read, from the MainView, the current (or last) value of the UISlider and textbox.
Keep in mind I am new to development on a Mac, and would appreciate any guidance as to where I should look up such information, be it through the use of delegates or perhaps I am missing something obvious in the structure of the template.
I am taking a look at the structure and have some more details: The UISlider is being created in FlipsideView.m. I noticed that the Done button is created from RootViewController.m and probably I should move the UISlider code over there. I may incorrectly be using the View to keep code that would be more appropiate in a Controller.
Ultimately you should be updating some underlying object with the values from the controller. In general, the slider belongs in the view layer - it's a display element. The action that adjusting the slider produces, however, is a component of the controller and it should fire back into your model to update a value. I highly recommend drawing boxes on a sheet of paper and trying to produce a clean a separation as possible for your application's layers - doing so in this case would produce two views for each "side" of the utility which would, via a controller, relate to a model. Then, the act of moving the slider would "instantly" update the model on the back. The Cocoa Fundamental video on the iPhone developer site demonstrates this to great effect.
I'm in exactly the same situation: first iphone app, new to mac programming, creating a utility, sliders on the flipside.
By following the example and the free tutorial here ( I determined that the sliders and other controls should be declared on the flipsideviewcontroller. (Which leave the view pretty empty - I guess the use of the Nib resource file for the UI leaves the ...View.m class pretty much redundant?)
Wisequark's answer is a bit to general to help me though.
In terms of specifics:
- I can't find that video is there a link?
- Could we see some code showing the Controller-Model code?
- How do I persist the values set on the slider without having to build UI to go in the system settings?
(BTW is an Answer the right place to add to the question?)
