iOS Socket Connection Crashes - ios

I have created socket connection mechanism in iOS. It is working quite well. But from time to time (around 1%) it is crashing. Here it is the crash log, do you have any idea why it is happening.
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x3b01b5b0 _objc_msgSend + 16
1 CoreFoundation 0x332957cf _signalEventSync + 75
2 CoreFoundation 0x3329b623 _cfstream_solo_signalEventSync + 75
3 CoreFoundation 0x33295507 _CFStreamSignalEvent + 327
4 CFNetwork 0x32ffa6ff CoreWriteStreamCFStreamSupport::coreStreamWriteEvent(__CoreWriteStream*, unsigned long) + 99
5 CFNetwork 0x32ffa0b5 CoreWriteStreamClient::coreStreamEventsAvailable(unsigned long) + 37
6 CFNetwork 0x32ffb365 CoreStreamBase::_callClientNow() + 45
7 CFNetwork 0x32ffb0f9 CoreStreamBase::_streamSetEventAndScheduleDelivery(unsigned long, unsigned char) + 89
8 CFNetwork 0x32ffb4ff CoreStreamBase::_streamInterface_SignalEvent(unsigned long, CFStreamError const*) + 35
9 CFNetwork 0x32f69b57 SocketStream::socketCallback(__CFSocket*, unsigned long, __CFData const*, void const*) + 135
10 CFNetwork 0x32f69ab3 SocketStream::_SocketCallBack_stream(__CFSocket*, unsigned long, __CFData const*, void const*, void*) + 75
11 CoreFoundation 0x332cfd81 __CFSocketPerformV0 + 385
13 CoreFoundation 0x332ccf7f __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 363
14 CoreFoundation 0x332cbcb7 __CFRunLoopRun + 647
15 CoreFoundation 0x3323eebd _CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 357
16 CoreFoundation 0x3323ed49 _CFRunLoopRunInMode + 105
17 GraphicsServices 0x36e172eb _GSEventRunModal + 75
18 UIKit 0x35154301 _UIApplicationMain + 1121
19 Okey101Plus 0x000e19ab main (main.m:16)

It looks like the socket class is trying to send a message to your delegate, and the delegate has become a zombie.
The NSStream class does not retain its delegate, unlike most other networking classes in iOS/OS X, so if you don't retain it somewhere, it will go away. Then, when the class tries to tell your class that the stream has data for reading or space for writing, you'll get a crash in objc_msgSend, like this one.
And if you do retain it, make sure you fully tear down the stream before you get rid of that retained delegate, and be careful about what thread you tear things down on, to ensure that there aren't callbacks already scheduled on the main run loop that will fire after you release the delegate.
Either that or you failed to implement a required delegate method. However, that doesn't fit with the "occurs rarely" bit. :-)

I'm not really really sure, but based on your report it looks like writing on socket fails -
CoreWriteStreamCFStreamSupport::coreStreamWriteEvent(__CoreWriteStream*, unsigned long) + 99
there is probably a way how you can avoid this error. CFNetworks Framework has a nice feature called CFNetDiagnostics reference. Please take a closer look at apple docs for it.
From Apple Docs:
In many network-based applications, network-based errors may occur that are unrelated to your application.(They probably mean here, for example: you can get reading error on socket, if the interface becomes unavailable, when network connection is lost) However, most users are probably unaware of why an application is failing. The CFNetDiagnostics API allows you a quick and easy way to help the user fix their network problems with little work on your end.
To diagnose the problem through the Network Diagnostic Assistant, call the CFNetDiagnosticDiagnoseProblemInteractively function and pass the network diagnostic reference. Listing 6-1 shows how to use CFNetDiagnostics with streams implemented on a run loop.
case kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred:
CFNetDiagnosticRef diagRef =
CFNetDiagnosticCreateWithStreams(NULL, stream, NULL);
CFStreamError error = CFReadStreamGetError(stream);
You can read more here - Using Network Diagnostics, CFNetDiagnostics Reference


What does it mean by DiskCookies Crash on iOS App?

I use Fabric to log crash on my iOS App.
Today, I came across some crash related to DiskCookies. I really don't know what it means.
Crashed: diskcookies
0 CoreFoundation 0x1bd00136 CFNotificationCenterPostNotification + 53
1 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x1b5d9cf3 szone_malloc_should_clear + 3240
2 CFNetwork 0x1c44a359 DiskCookieStorage::writeFileCompletely0(DiskCookieStorage*, FilePathStat*, MemoryCookies const*, __CFData const*, TracerData*, int) + 634
3 CFNetwork 0x1c44a49d DiskCookieStorage::_asyncWriteFileCompletely(void*) + 174
4 libdispatch.dylib 0x1b4a1783 _dispatch_client_callout + 22
5 libdispatch.dylib 0x1b4ada35 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_invoke + 50
6 CFNetwork 0x1c44b09d DiskCookieStorage::syncStorageWithCompletionLocked(unsigned char, void () block_pointer) + 2220
7 CFNetwork 0x1c44277b ___CFHTTPCookieStorageFlushCookieStores_block_invoke + 86
8 CoreFoundation 0x1bcf5447 __CFDictionaryApplyFunction_block_invoke + 20
9 CoreFoundation 0x1bce0634 CFBasicHashApply + 120
10 CoreFoundation 0x1bce94c1 CFDictionaryApplyFunction + 152
11 CFNetwork 0x1c44270f _CFHTTPCookieStorageFlushCookieStores + 140
12 libsystem_c.dylib 0x1b53720d __cxa_finalize_ranges + 290
13 libsystem_c.dylib 0x1b4f61b3 exit + 12
14 Comico 0x97a74f UnityGetGLViewController + 4756906
15 Comico 0x97a265 UnityGetGLViewController + 4755648
16 Comico 0x980a6b UnityGetGLViewController + 4782278
17 Comico 0x96dfb5 UnityGetGLViewController + 4705808
18 Comico 0x96da59 UnityGetGLViewController + 4704436
19 Comico 0x200fe3 -[AppDelegate setUpAppGuardWithUserID:] (AppDelegate.m:1303)
20 Comico 0x1ff967 __36-[AppDelegate dologinInCallLoginAPI]_block_invoke (AppDelegate.m:1026)
21 Comico 0x13f69b __42-[NCLoginRAPIManager loginWithCompletion:]_block_invoke (NCLoginRAPIManager.m:97)
22 Comico 0xde19f -[NCRAPICompletion performBlockWithOperation:] (NCRAPICompletion.m:94)
23 CoreFoundation 0x1bd06323 -[NSArray makeObjectsPerformSelector:withObject:] + 218
24 Comico 0x3adf0d -[NCRAPIOperationRegister performCompletionBlockOfOperation:] (NCRAPIOperationRegister.m:67)
25 Comico 0x251ce1 __51-[NCRAPIManager callRAPIWithAPIRequest:completion:]_block_invoke_2 (NCRAPIManager.m:65)
26 libdispatch.dylib 0x1b4a1797 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 10
27 libdispatch.dylib 0x1b4a1783 _dispatch_client_callout + 22
28 libdispatch.dylib 0x1b4a5d05 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 902
30 CoreFoundation 0x1bd8de19 __CFRunLoopRun + 848
31 CoreFoundation 0x1bce11af CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 470
32 CoreFoundation 0x1bce0fd1 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 104
33 GraphicsServices 0x1d48bb41 GSEventRunModal + 80
34 UIKit 0x21069a53 UIApplicationMain + 150
35 Comico 0x20dc39 main (main.m:19)
36 libdyld.dylib 0x1b4ce4eb start + 2
I believe someone is trying to modify the path where network library put data to. Does anyone have any other theory or have some experience on this crash?
From the stack trace you posted here is my theory.
Frame 14 indicates that you've got a Unity application, and it's doing its thing running OpenGL.
Frame 13 is really interesting. It seems like the Unity UnityGetGLViewController (which I assume is not written by you) has called exit. This is surprising behavior, but it gives lots of clues on the rest of the stack.
Frames 12-2 look like the network stack is just doing some work on application exit (triggered by UnityGetGLViewController). Seems like it is just writing some cookie-related stuff to disk. I wouldn't worry about this.
Frame 0 and 1 are really suspect. I have a very hard time believing that malloc calls into CoreFoundation. If I had to guess, I would say that frame 0 is correct, and frame 1 has been mis-symbolicated or incorrectly unwound.
It's very unusual to call exit in iOS applications. While it is technically API, I doubt it is heavily tested. My bet is that there are some dangling pointer and/or object lifecycle issues related to the use of exit and you are seeing it here.
What I would do is see if Unity has any documentation around UnityGetGLViewController calling exit. I'd also check in with the Fabric people about frames 1 and 0. I don't see how both could be correct. And, finally, I might consider opening a bug with Apple. However, Apple usually doesn't like looking at non-Apple crash reports. So, that last one is probably a long-shot.

iOS 9 GPU crash: gpus_ReturnGuiltyForHardwareRestart

I'm getting a crash periodically with a gpus_ReturnGuiltyForHardwareRestart.
The crash is sporadic, and occurs in a complex multi-threaded app. Sample stack trace below.
It seems to occur (which is rare) when the UI and related handlers are being stressed (think hyperactive user making lots of gestures as quickly as the app and system will allow), with lots of resulting calls to behind-the-scenes and up-front rendering.
Researching gpus_ReturnGuiltyForHardwareRestart suggests this may be due to a buffer issue, e.g. a buffer overrun due to an incorect binding or failure to unbind.
gpus_ReturnGuiltyForHardwareRestart crash
(not relevant, but I did look: gpus_ReturnGuiltyForHardwareRestart)
My understanding is that a buffer gets corrupted in some way, and the crash happens sometime later when the corrupted buffer is accessed.
I've been through the code and made sure every bound buffer and texture is subsequently unbound to prevent unwanted/unintentional changes by later code; still getting the crash.
I did just come across these, suggesting the possibility of a bug in the OS:
iOS 9 Beta 4 crash: gpus_ReturnGuiltyForHardwareRestart (original poster indicated was fixed in 9 beta 5)
Re: OpenGLES driver crash in iOS9 Beta2/3
However, I'm currently testing on 9.3.4, so it seems this would be fixed.I've tried making sure all buffers are properly unbound after use, and tried periodic use of glFlush(), both without success.
Does anybody have experience with this, any knowledge on potential sources, means of tracking down causes, or fixes?
Stack trace:
Date/Time: 2016-08-11T20:20:40Z
Launch Time: 2016-08-11T20:15:22Z
OS Version: iPhone OS 9.3.4 (13G35)
Report Version: 104
Exception Type: SIGSEGV
Exception Codes: SEGV_ACCERR at 0x1
Crashed Thread: 0
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libGPUSupportMercury.dylib 0x0000000191bd9f28 gpus_ReturnGuiltyForHardwareRestart + 12
1 libGPUSupportMercury.dylib 0x0000000191bdaec4 gpusSubmitDataBuffers + 168
2 GLEngine 0x0000000195e9f1e4 gliPresentViewES_Exec + 172
3 GLEngine 0x0000000195e9f0fc gliPresentViewES + 80
4 OpenGLES 0x000000018576bc44 -[EAGLContext presentRenderbuffer:] + 68
5 NWFPApp 0x00000001001ef8fc -[NWFPIOSGLView renderNormalBuffers] (
6 NWFPApp 0x00000001001ef814 -[NWFPIOSGLView renderAll] (
7 NWFPApp 0x00000001001ee780 -[NWFPIOSGLView doInContext:] (
8 NWFPApp 0x00000001001ef770 -[NWFPIOSGLView drawView] (
9 NWFPApp 0x0000000100203cc8 -[NWFPGLChoreographer displayLinkEvent:] (NWFPGLChoreographer.m:128)
10 QuartzCore 0x000000018614022c CA::Display::DisplayLinkItem::dispatch() + 36
11 QuartzCore 0x00000001861400e0 CA::Display::DisplayLink::dispatch_items(unsigned long long, unsigned long long, unsigned long long) + 420
12 IOKit 0x0000000183885e54 IODispatchCalloutFromCFMessage + 368
13 CoreFoundation 0x00000001835ad030 __CFMachPortPerform + 176
14 CoreFoundation 0x00000001835c57d4 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 52
15 CoreFoundation 0x00000001835c4f0c __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 432
16 CoreFoundation 0x00000001835c2c64 __CFRunLoopRun + 1796
17 CoreFoundation 0x00000001834ecc50 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 380
18 GraphicsServices 0x0000000184dd4088 GSEventRunModal + 176
19 UIKit 0x00000001887ce088 UIApplicationMain + 200
20 NWFPApp 0x00000001002af1a0 main (main.m:30)
21 ??? 0x000000018308a8b8 0x0 + 0

_UIDelayedPresentationContext beginDelayedPresentation causing crashes on iOS

I have been getting rather strange crash reports from my live app with stack traces like the following:
Thread 0: Crashed:
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x38af7942 realizeClass(objc_class*) + 117
1 libsystem_malloc.dylib 0x390dbef5 szone_malloc_should_clear + 1376
2 libobjc.A.dylib 0x38af976f lookUpImpOrForward + 74
3 libobjc.A.dylib 0x38af1feb _class_lookupMethodAndLoadCache3 + 34
4 libobjc.A.dylib 0x38af1db9 _objc_msgSend_uncached + 24
5 UIKit 0x30e571bf __57-[_UIDelayedPresentationContext beginDelayedPresentation]_block_invoke + 26
6 libdispatch.dylib 0x38fd9d07 _dispatch_client_callout + 22
7 libdispatch.dylib 0x38fe2803 _dispatch_source_invoke$VARIANT$mp + 262
8 libdispatch.dylib 0x38fe073d _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF$VARIANT$mp + 188
10 CoreFoundation 0x2e3ee0ed __CFRunLoopRun + 1300
11 CoreFoundation 0x2e358c27 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 522
12 CoreFoundation 0x2e358a0b CFRunLoopRunInMode + 106
13 GraphicsServices 0x3302c283 GSEventRunModal + 138
14 UIKit 0x30bfc049 UIApplicationMain + 1136
This is rather mysterious because neither the main thread nor any of the other live threads in the reports seem to imply that this is caused by my code, though of course I am skeptical of this.
This seems to be a rather common crash according to the number of reports I receive from Crashlytics, yet I have not been able to reproduce it on my own devices. I suspect this is probably related to some memory management issues because the various crashes always end up being some bad pointers being sent messages.
This always happens on this thread and following the -[_UIDelayedPresentationContext beginDelayedPresentation]_block_invoke call. This is obviously a private class being referenced from within some Apple framework, however I am at a loss to figure out exactly which one could be calling this.
The app is an educational game and I suspect this could be related to the GameKit API (particularly the Game Center authentication dialogs).
All of these crashes have been happening exclusively on iOS 7 and on iPad only. The app is universal so it is interesting to see that iPhone users seem to be unaffected.
Does anybody have any previous experience with these private classes that could give me some hints?

Unable to find reason for Crash on -[UIScrollView(UIScrollViewInternal) _scrollViewAnimationEnded:finished:]

In my app many crashes with the following log are reported very often, but even with several test devices and iOS versions I am not able to reproduce it. So there's no way to find the reason on Xcode. Because there's no step in the trace, that leads to my code, I cannot imagine any way to find the origin of it. The App itself is very complex and of course many Scroll Views, also embedded, are used.
Has anyone an idea where to start looking? Or has anyone had a similar problem before?
I'm very thankful for any help!
Best regards,
OS Version: iPhone OS 6.0.1 (10A523)
Report Version: 104
Exception Type: SIGSEGV
Exception Codes: SEGV_ACCERR at 0xd1d28fbc
Crashed Thread: 0
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x392e65b0 objc_msgSend + 16
1 UIKit 0x35a839f7 -[UIScrollView(UIScrollViewInternal) _scrollViewAnimationEnded:finished:] + 135
2 UIKit 0x35a838e9 -[UIAnimator stopAnimation:] + 469
3 UIKit 0x35b1e257 -[UIAnimator(Static) _advanceAnimationsOfType:withTimestamp:] + 295
4 UIKit 0x35a83381 -[UIAnimator(Static) _LCDHeartbeatCallback:] + 53
5 QuartzCore 0x323d3071 CA::Display::DisplayLink::dispatch(unsigned long long, unsigned long long) + 161
6 QuartzCore 0x323d2fc9 CA::Display::IOMFBDisplayLink::callback(__IOMobileFramebuffer*, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, void*) + 65
7 IOMobileFramebuffer 0x340befd7 IOMobileFramebufferVsyncNotifyFunc + 155
8 IOKit 0x35ee8449 IODispatchCalloutFromCFMessage + 193
9 CoreFoundation 0x339605db __CFMachPortPerform + 119
11 CoreFoundation 0x3396b117 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 139
12 CoreFoundation 0x33969f99 __CFRunLoopRun + 1385
13 CoreFoundation 0x338dcebd CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 357
14 CoreFoundation 0x338dcd49 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 105
15 GraphicsServices 0x33f222eb GSEventRunModal + 75
16 UIKit 0x3596a2f9 UIApplicationMain + 1121
17 0x00005233 main (main.m:14)
I had the same crash. It turned out to be because we were animating a controller with [controller setContentOffset:newPt animated:YES], and we implemented the scrollViewDidScroll delegate method on the controller. Clicking a button on the screen let you advance to another controller, so if a user managed to click the button while the animation was in progress, we would hit the original poster's crash. The solution is simply to set the delegate to nil in dealloc.
The SIGSEGV signal is sent to a process when it makes an invalid virtual memory reference, or segmentation fault. (see Wikipedia)
So you are accessing an object that likely has been released. As this is an during an animation, maybe you defined a selector to be invoked after the animation finished or something like that? That would be were I would starting looking.
You might want to take a look at this thread: Is there a way to cancel an animated UITableView/UIScrollView setContentOffset:animated:?
That discussion suggests it might be a delegate that is dealloc'd before the scrollview sends the animation ended message.

iOS error with AVAudioSession

My users keep getting this error and I have never been able to reproduce it on the simulator or my device. I'm not implementing the AVAudioSessionDelegate (might be named differently) and I'm always using the applications default AVAudioSession, never create a new one.
Any suggestions as to what might cause it?
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x31ca5fbc objc_msgSend + 15
1 AudioToolbox 0x3677ff27 _ZN29AudioSessionPropertyListeners24CallPropertyListenersImpEmmPKv + 274
2 AudioToolbox 0x36780205 _ZN29AudioSessionPropertyListeners21CallPropertyListenersEmmPKv + 240
3 AudioToolbox 0x3677de81 SSServer_AudioSessionInterruptionListenerMessage + 56
4 AudioToolbox 0x36726483 _XAudioSessionInterruptionListenerMessage + 62
5 AudioToolbox 0x366bb373 mshMIGPerform + 374
7 CoreFoundation 0x381994f5 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 140
8 CoreFoundation 0x38198343 __CFRunLoopRun + 1370
9 CoreFoundation 0x3811b4dd CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 300
10 CoreFoundation 0x3811b3a5 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 104
11 GraphicsServices 0x37c99fcd GSEventRunModal + 156
12 UIKit 0x355ab743 UIApplicationMain + 1090
13 Accentuate! 0x395f main (main.m:14)
We've just been tracking a very similar crash.
Ours turn out to be as described here:
In particular, MyAudioSessionInterruptionListener (or the name of the callback passed to
AudioSessionInitialize) and it's inClientData can not be changed after it's been registered, so the callback must always do something sensible even if the underlying object has been deallocated.
The solution suggested for AudioStream is to use a static variable, and make sure it points to the object that is currently interested in the callback, and never points at a deallocated object - the important thing is not to use inClientData.
