Console output while running Jenkins - jenkins

I am using Jenkins. I can see console output for jobs that have finished. But, how do I view the console out for Jenkins jobs that are in progress?

I think the question is how to see the output of the individual job, not the Jenkins system log. You can view console output of a job in progress by going to the page for that job in Jenkins and clicking on the colored ball for that job. The running build will have a flashing ball, while the completed jobs will not be flashing. In addition, you can click on the progress bar for a running job to see the console output.

The answer to this question very much depends on how you are running Jenkins. For example first example in the starting Jenkins guide demonstrates the following:
$ nohup java -jar jenkins.war > $LOGFILE 2>&1
Here you explicitly send the console output to a file. The problem is that there are lots of other ways to run Jenkins, so you are probabily better off configuring logging:
This will work if Jenkins is deployed inside a container like tomcat.
The system log is available from the "Manage Jenkins" -> "System Logs" screen. It contains most of what will appear on the console:

You can view the console output for Jenkins jobs that are in progress by the following two steps below:
On Build History click on the progress bar.
Click to see
On the next window click on the Console Output to see the console output.
Click to see


How to start Owasp zap server(exe or jar) from jenkins

Actually, the main issue is if I start the server then my next commond will never trigger as it always running as zap server in listening mode.
Can I run two command line in Jenkins. I have added 2 "Execute Windows batch command" still nothing works. I have added the image in same thread
I have tried by creating a batch file
cd /
cd C:\Program Files\OWASP\Zed Attack Proxy
start java -jar zap-2.6.0.jar
I am getting error as below after using above batch file
Process leaked file descriptors. See for more information
I have also use command line arugument directly in "Execute window batch command" like:-
java -jar zap-2.6.0.jar
But the UI of zap is not starting
I have also tried "Windows Exe Runner Plugin"
But jenkins not allowing me to put an exe name in configuration. Looks like a bug of jenkins.
I have also tried by adding zap in environmental variable but that also not working.
Now I am out of idea.
The issue is if I am triggering zap.bat it will do not allow another command to run forward as below which is in my batch:-
Additionally, UI of zap is not open as it is open after direct clicking on zap.bat file
I have added 2 "Execute Windows batch command" still nothing works
Any suggestions will be welcome
Simple - dont start it from the jar!
Start it using the or zap.bat scripts we provide as part of the installation :) You'll also probably want to use the -daemon flag.
Or you can use the official ZAP jenkins plugin:
I have resolve this issue by creating two jobs in jenkins.
The main job trigger the first job.
Follow the steps :-
Go to the configure section of main job
Now add "Trigger/call builds on other projects" from Build option
Add the project name of zombie job
Note :- uncheck the checkbox of "Block until the triggered projects finish their builds".

Jenkins logs for a perl build file

Today I started working with jenkins and I successfully added my projects to jenkins and it says all works fine . one of the build takes more than 5 hours but didn't finish either so aborted it(while manual build takes less than 1 hour).. and while i tried to check with the log the log was not detailed. so i tried to get the logs of the perl script by running it as a shell command
there was no log written and there was no evidence of the build triggered either cases.i'm not aware of what the problem is as both the perlscript(works fine while manually triggered) and jenkins are working properly except this project. I would like to have your help.thanks in advance
A few things you should understand about Jenkins:
Jenkins shows STDOUT as the log of the Job,
so if you redirect it to a file - nothing will be shown in the log.
Depending on how you have set it up, Jenkins may run as its own user,
which may change the behavior of your scripts.
You can confirm this by echo-ing the username at the beginning of your Execute Shell block,
for example:
echo $USER
Each Jenkins-Job is run from its own workspace -
you can confirm that location by simply printing the current working directory
at the beginning of your Execute Shell block, for example:
echo my current directory is

Hudson job running as wrong user

I have a Hudson build job which runs a script called '' which contains only one command: 'whoami'. The first line of the console output says 'Started by user ctisbuild', but the output of the whoami/ script is 'root'.
Any idea what's going on? This used to be working properly, I don't know what changed to cause this.
I guess you are running hudson as root from the command line? Using java -jar hudson.war?
The "Started by user ctisbuild" is the user if of the user that trigger the build, the person who clicked on "Build Now". This is not the userid that Hudson will use. This user id is specified in the /etc/default/hudson as HUDSON_USER
For more details read the hudson wiki

How to stop an unstoppable zombie job on Jenkins without restarting the server?

Our Jenkins server has a job that has been running for three days, but is not doing anything. Clicking the little X in the corner does nothing, and the console output log doesn't show anything either. I've checked on our build servers and the job doesn't actually seem to be running at all.
Is there a way to tell jenkins that the job is "done", by editing some file or lock or something? Since we have a lot of jobs we don't really want to restart the server.
I had also the same problem and fix it via Jenkins Console.
Go to "Manage Jenkins" > "Script Console" and run a script:
Jenkins .instance.getItemByFullName("JobName")
.finish(hudson.model.Result.ABORTED, new"Aborting build"));
You'll have just specify your JobName and JobNumber.
Go to "Manage Jenkins" > "Script Console" to run a script on your server to interrupt the hanging thread.
You can get all the live threads with Thread.getAllStackTraces() and interrupt the one that's hanging.
Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet().each() {
t -> if (t.getName()=="YOUR THREAD NAME" ) { t.interrupt(); }
The above solution using threads may not work on more recent Jenkins versions. To interrupt frozen pipelines refer to this solution (by alexandru-bantiuc) instead and run:
new"Aborting build")
In case you got a Multibranch Pipeline-job (and you are a Jenkins-admin), use in the Jenkins Script Console this script:
.getItemByFullName("<JOB NAME>")
.getBranch("<BRANCH NAME>")
.getBuildByNumber(<BUILD NUMBER>)
.finish(hudson.model.Result.ABORTED, new"Aborting build"));
If you aren't sure what the full name (path) of the job is, you may use the following snippet to list the full name of all items:
Jenkins.instance.getAllItems(AbstractItem.class).each {
Without having to use the script console or additional plugins, you can simply abort a build by entering /stop, /term, or /kill after the build URL in your browser.
Quoting verbatim from the above link:
Pipeline jobs can by stopped by sending an HTTP POST request to URL
endpoints of a build.
<BUILD ID URL>/stop - aborts a Pipeline.
<BUILD ID URL>/term - forcibly terminates a build (should only be used if stop does not work.
<BUILD ID URL>/kill - hard kill a pipeline. This is the most destructive way to stop a pipeline and should only be used as a last
The first proposed solution is pretty close. If you use stop() instead of interrupt() it even kills runaway threads, that run endlessly in a groovy system script. This will kill any build, that runs for a job.
Here is the code:
Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet().each() {
if ('YOUR JOBNAME')) {
println "Stopping $"
Once I encounterred a build which could not be stopped by the "Script Console". Finally I solved the problem with these steps:
ssh onto the jenkins server
cd to .jenkins/jobs/<job-name>/builds/
rm -rf <build-number>
restart jenkins
I use the Monitoring Plugin for this task. After the installation of the plugin
Go to Manage Jenkins > Monitoring of Hudson/Jenkins master
Expand the Details of Threads, the small blue link on the right side
Search for the Job Name that is hung
The Thread's name will start like this
Executor #2 for master : executing <your-job-name> #<build-number>
Click the red, round button on the very right in the table of the line your desired job has
If you have an unstoppable Pipeline job, try the following:
Abort the job by clicking the red X next to the build progress bar
Click on "Pause/resume" on the build to pause
Click on "Pause/resume" again to resume the build
Jenkins will realize that the job should be terminated and stops the build
I guess it is too late to answer but my help some people.
Install the monitoring plugin. (
Go to jenkinsUrl/monitoring/nodes
Go to the Threads section at the bottom
Click on the details button on the left of the master
Sort by User time (ms)
Then look at the name of the thread, you will have the name and number of the build
Kill it
I don't have enough reputation to post images sorry.
Hope it can help
The top answer almost worked for me, but I had one major problem: I had a very large number (~100) of zombie jobs due to a particularly poorly-timed Jenkins restart, so manually finding the job name and build number of each and every zombie job and then manually killing them was infeasible. Here's how I automatically found and killed the zombie jobs:
Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(multibranchPipelineProjectName).getItems().each { repository->
repository.getItems().each { branch->
branch.builds.each { build->
if (build.getResult().equals(null)) {
This script loops over all builds of all jobs and uses getResult().equals(null) to determine whether or not the job has finished. A build that's in the queue but not yet started will not be iterated over (since that build won't be in job.builds), and a build that's finished already will return something other than null for build.getResult(). A legitimately running job will also have a build result of null, so make sure you have no running jobs that you don't want to kill before running this.
The multiple nested loops are mainly necessary to discover every branch/PR for every repository in a Multibranch Pipeline project; if you're not using Multibranch Pipelines you can just loop over all your jobs directly with something like Jenkins.instance.getItems().each.
Build-timeout Plugin can come handy for such cases. It will kill the job automatically if it takes too long.
I've looked at the Jenkins source and it appears that what I'm trying to do is impossible, because stopping a job appears to be done via a Thread interrupt. I have no idea why the job is hanging though..
Possible reasons for unstoppable jobs:
if Jenkins is stuck in an infinite loop, it can never be aborted.
if Jenkins is doing a network or file I/O within the Java VM (such as lengthy file copy or SVN update), it cannot be aborted.
Alexandru Bantiuc's answer worked well for me to stop the build, but my executors were still showing up as busy. I was able clear the busy executor status using the following
server_name_pattern = /your-servers-[1-5]/
jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getComputers().each { computer ->
if (computer.getName().find(server_name_pattern)) {
println computer.getName()
execList = computer.getExecutors()
for( exec in execList ) {
busyState = exec.isBusy() ? ' busy' : ' idle'
println '--' + exec.getDisplayName() + busyState
if (exec.isBusy()) {
Recently I came across a node/agent which had one executor occupied for days by a build "X" of a pipeline job, although that jobs page claimed build "X" did not exist anymore (discarded after 10 subsequent builds (!), as configured in the pipeline job). Verified that on disk: build "X" was really gone.
The solution: it was the agent/node which wrongly reported that the occupied executor was busy running build "X". Interrupting that executor's thread has immediately released it.
def executor = Jenkins.instance.getNode('NODENAME').computer.executors.find {
it.isBusy() &&'JOBNAME')
println executor?.name
if (executor?.isBusy()) executor.interrupt()
Other answers considered:
The answer from #cheffe: did not work (see next point, and update below).
The answers with Thread.getAllStackTraces(): no matching thread.
The answer from #levente-holló and all answers with getBuildByNumber(): did not apply as the build wasn't really there anymore!
The answer from #austinfromboston: that came close to my needs, but it would also have nuked any other builds running at the moment.
I experienced again a similar situation, where a Executor was occupied for days by a (still existing) finished pipeline build. This code snippet was the only working solution.
Had this same issue but there was not stack thread. We deleted the job by using this snippet in the Jenkins Console. Replace jobname and buil dnumber with yours.
def jobname = "Main/FolderName/BuildDefinition"
def buildnum = 6
This works for me everytime:
Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet().each() {
if ('YOUR JOBNAME')) {
println "Stopping $"
Thanks to
I usually use jenkins-cli in such cases. You can download the jar from a page http://your-jenkins-host:PORT/cli . Then run
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar delete-builds name_of_job_to_delete hanging_job_number
Auxiliary info:
You may also pass a range of builds like 350:400.
General help available by running
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar help
Context command help for delete-builds by
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar delete-builds
I had same issue at the last half hour...
Was not able to delete a zombie build running in my multi-branch pipeline.
Even Server restarts by UI or even from commandline via sudo service jenkins restart
did block the execution... The build was not stoppable... It always reapeared.
Used Version: Jenkins ver 2.150.2
I was very annoyed, but... when looking into the log of the build I found something intersting at the end of the log:
The red marked parts are the "frustrating parts"...
As you can see I always wanted to Abort the build from UI but it did not work...
But there is a hyperlink with text Click here to forcibly terminate running steps...(first green one)
Now I pressed the link...)
After the link execution a message about Still paused appeared with another Link Click
here to forcibily kill entire build (second green one)
After pressing this link also the build finally was hard killed...
So this seems to work without any special plugins (except the multibranch-pipeline build plugin itself).
The reason I was seeing this issue was incorrect http link on the page instead of https that should stop the job. All you need to do is to edit onclick attribute in html page, by following
Open up a console log of the job (pipeline) that got hang
Click whatever is available to kill the job (x icon, "Click here to forcibly terminate running steps" etc) to get "Click here to forcibly kill entire build" link visible (it's NOT gonna be clickable at the moment)
Open the browser's console (use any one of three for chrome: F12; ctrl + shift + i; menu->more tools->developer tools)
Locate "Click here to forcibly kill entire build" link manually or using "select an element in the page" button of the console
Double click on onclick attribute to edit its value
Append s to http to have https
Press enter to submit the changes
Click "Click here to forcibly kill entire build" link
Use screenshot for reference
I had many zombi-jobs, so I used the following script:
for(int x = 1000; x < 1813; x = x + 1) {
Jenkins .instance.getItemByFullName("JOBNAME/BRANCH")
.finish(hudson.model.Result.ABORTED, new"Aborting build"))
Using the Script console at https://my-jenkins/script
import hudson.model.Job
import org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowRun
Collection<Job> jobs = Jenkins.instance.getItem('My-Folder').getAllJobs()
for (int i = 0; i < jobs.size(); i++) {
def job = jobs[i]
for (int j = 0; j < job.builds.size(); j++) {
WorkflowRun build = job.builds[j]
if (build.isBuilding()) {
println("Stopping $job ${build.number}")
Have had the same problem happen to me twice now, the only fix sofa has been to restart the tomcat server and restart the build.
A utility I wrote called jkillthread can be used to stop any thread in any Java process, so long as you can log in to the machine running the service under the same account.
None of these solutions worked for me. I had to reboot the machine the server was installed on. The unkillable job is now gone.
If the "X" button is not working and the job is stuck, then just delete the specific build number. It will free up the executor.
In my case, even though the job was completed, it was still stuck in the executor for hours. Deleting the build worked for me.
You can just copy the job and delete the old one. If it doesn't matter that you lost the old build logs.
Here is how I fixed this issue in version 2.100 with Blue Ocean
The only plugins I have installed are for bitbucket.
I only have a single node.
ssh into my Jenkins box
cd ~/.jenkins (where I keep jenkins)
cd job/<job_name>/branches/<problem_branch_name>/builds
rm -rf <build_number>
After this, you can optionally change the number in nextBuildNumber (I did this)
Finally, I restarted jenkins (brew services restart jenkins) This step will obviously be different depending how you manage and install Jenkins.
Enter the blue-ocean UI.
Try to stop the job from there.

Multi-configuration job - where is the output?

I'm a newbie to Jenkins, so perhaps it is a stupid question, but...
I'm trying to write a job that will compile my code on several UNIX nodes. I created a multi-configuration project, and add one slave to it.
The job itself is a shell that only does 'ls' and 'pwd'
The output is:
Started by user anonymous
Building on master in workspace C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\Unix-third-party
Triggering Linux64
Linux64 completed with result SUCCESS
Finished: SUCCESS
But I can't see the output of the commends anywhere.
When I changed the matrix to use nodes instead of labels, I managed, to see the output, but I'm still not sure what I did.
A free-style project for the same node works with no problems.
Where do I find the output?
On your job page, you'll see a link called "default" if you have only one node/slave, or the node's name if you have more than one.
Click on that link, then click on a build and console output.
The way it works is:
-----------------config 1 -> build #X -> console output
Main Job build #X console output ---->
\-----------------config 2 -> build #X -> console output
What you are looking at is the console output for the main job, but this only contains trigger information. The actual output is contained in the config 1 and config 2 console outputs.
Comment if you need further clarification, and I'd be glad to help.
Btw, welcome to the world of Jenkins :-)
The following URL should take you to yourc console output for a build where you've chosen "Label":
Substitute everything in <>.
Not sure if this will help you, however at work, to view our slave consoles, the following URL will work:
I'd assume your system would be similar.
Alternatively, if i go to the main ci.(company).com/job/QA/job/[projectname]/
i can see the recent job on the left corner.
When selected that specific job, at the base of the screen is our configurations, which you select, then can view the console output of that specific job.
Viewing the main jenkins job will not output console logs from slaves.
I ran into this today, not sure what caused it, but I was able to get my build configs to show console logs and artifacts once more by deleting "builds" and "configurations" folders under "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\ProjectName".
Obviously, this also gets rid of your build history, but I just need the configs running again.
