UITextView Cursor Moves When Editing Begins - ios

When a user taps into my UITextField the field clears and the cursor moves up outside of the bounds of the TextField. The issue corrects itself once the user has entered a letter, but will recur every time the field clears on edit.
The TextField was created in a storyboard and nothing was done programmatically, auto layout is also turned off on the storyboard. Any ideas?
Also, the cursor moves down instead of up if the user had entered text, leaves and returns to the app.
I should note that this doesn't happen in simulator, only on actual hardware.
Thanks in advance for any ideas anyone has.
EDIT: Unfortunately my low reputation won't allow me to post screenshots.
After doing some research on the topic, I've found my problem is two-fold:
The cursor is actually just shrinking when editing begins and the field clears. Playing around with content alignment in IB I was able to figure that out.
If the app is closed out of during editing and reopened the cursor and text move downward, outside of the visible area of the TextField.

Well, I don't know what I was doing wrong, but after playing with things a bit longer, I removed and recreated my label and the issue resolved, so I must have messed something up in IB that was causing that behavior, as I didn't change anything else.


iOS Keyboard (inside UIRemoteKeyboardWindow) is Not Shown When UITextField Becomes First Responder in Touch ID Completion Block (iOS 10)

I've recently discovered a problem in my app that only seems to occur in iOS 10 where the system keyboard does not display when programmatically triggering a text field to become first responder inside of a completion handler -- specifically the completion handler I get back from a Touch ID attempt.
The crazy part of this issue is, even though the keyboard is not shown, the area on the iPhone where the keyboard normally would be is still responding to touch inputs as if the user is typing on the keyboard!
After doing a lot of investigation and debugging into the issue, I stumbled across the fact that the hidden property is set to YES on the private UIRemoteKeyboardWindow that gets created after becomeFirstResponder is invoked on the text field. In other situations where I bring up the keyboard, the value of that hidden property is set to NO.
Has anybody else run into this problem in iOS 10? If so, anybody found a solution to this? I tried manually setting the hidden value to YES on the window instance but that had no effect on it. I'm pretty much grasping at straws at this point.
Here's the output of the windows from the UIApplication instance when the text field becomes first responder outside of the Touch ID completion handler (pay close attention to UIRemoteKeyboardWindow):
And when the UITextField becomes the first responder inside the Touch ID handler...
First Update
So I did not consider the becomeFirstResponder being done on the main thread before that some have pointed out, but unfortunately, it did not resolve the issue -- however, I did make some additional discoveries. The hidden window issue seems to stem from outputting the details of the UIApplication instance's windows immediately after issuing the becomeFirstResponder action. After doing that, I set a breakpoint on the UITextField editing callback and proceed to interact with the keyboard (that is invisible) -- and when I output the window details, it doesn't seem like the hidden property is ever set to YES (which can possibly rule out that property being set as the cause of the issue), but I still have an invisible keyboard! I started debugging the view hierarchy and below is a screenshot of what it looks like when I examine the keyboard window:
Hopefully you guys can see what I discovered here which is that the keys are present but there appears to be some white view blocking them from sight. The thing is, I don't even see those white views on my app screen. I just see what normally sits behind the keyboard when it's present.
As a temporary workaround, call becomeFirstResponder after a delay fixed this, however, not happy with the hacky solution.
Looks like the issue occurring for different scenarios too - keyboard could be invisible even if you are selecting the textField manually after cancelling touchId alert.

Cursor issue while creating Custom keyboard with UIView

My requirement was to make a application specific keyboard i.e with a different theme and different key contents as compared to the default keyboard. But the way Apple states to implement keyboard requires user effort to add it through Settings->General->Keyboard which I don't want.
So, for that I tried to implement it using a UIView and making it the inputView for UITextView and it is working perfectly fine except for one issue. I added a functionality to add a linebreak in the textView. For that the code I used is
textView.text = "\(textView.text)\n"
Now, whenever I add a linebreak through keyboard, line is changed, but a new cursor appears to blink above the old cursor. I don't know how to get rid of that.
To explain the problem in a better way, here's a GIF image of the issue.
Please help.

When set UITextField as FirstResponder programmatically, cause some weird actions on text editing

I have a UITextField with custom keyboard, basically like a calculator. I would like my keyboard show up by default, so i used [self.topInputTextField becomeFirstResponder]; in viewDidLoad, I think that's very common usage. However, it causes some very weird actions on my textfield.
When i set my textfield as the first responder in viewDidLoad, and every time after i done editing, the text will jump, and when i click another text field and and click the first text field again, the texts in the first text field sometimes shift down and disappear, but sometimes not. I feel it's very hard to describe, so i recorded a GIF image for it.
And the reason, that I am sure [self.topInputTextField becomeFirstResponder]; causing the issue, is when i comment that line of code out, everything back to normal. here is the GIF after i comment out that line:
that's vert strange to me, between 2 GIF file, the only change i did is comment out that line of code. I couldn't find any solution on SE. Any idea would be very appreciated.
One more thing is I tried to change font, and font sizes, they all have similar strange behaviors.
*Edit 2:**
here is how i set up my textfield,i didn't do anything fancy
Try calling the keyboard in viewDidAppear, this method gets called after viewDidLoad. I assume it's because you should only call the keyboard on a loaded view that has appeared to the user, so if you call it before the view actually appears it will cause unexpected behaviour.
viewDidLoad is too early for calling this, the UI hasn't worked out which size your screen is, or even which orientation your device is in. It isn't yet a UI really... Try it in willAppearAnimated: ..

UIPageViewController bug with UITextField and keyboard showing

So I'm trying to find a workaround for this bizarre bug:
Basically I have a UIPageViewController with sub view controllers (obviously). Once I add a text field, it does this weird thing where if you scroll it and then click a text field, it randomly moves to another page. None of the delegates get called, and the keyboard moves up and down again.
Seems like the same thing as here: clicking/typing on UITextField increments UIPageViewController instead of displaying keyboard
Also seems to be recorded here: http://openradar.appspot.com/13315308
Can't figure out what the hell this would be, or a way around it.
Here is a skeleton version (pulled from the linked question):
Scroll one page, then hit the textfield. Only happens the first time around.
Check this voodoo out: Embed your UITextField within a UIScrollView. I tried it on the project you referred to and it worked.
I guess it has something to do with changing the responder chain that messes things up.

Unable to implement UISlider for Accessibility option in iPad

i am trying to implement accessibility option in my book reader app. I have a slider(similar to ibooks) which is used for navigating between pages. i have seen this question posted by another user and implemented the same code in my app. Right now my slider is responding when i'm tapping on it. The voiceover is also speaking the label i have given in the code. But, the problem is that, i am unable to change the slider value and navigate to another page.. I dont know if it is the problem with my code or is it that i do not know how to replicate the gesture to change the value of the slider... Any help in this regard will be appreciated.... Thanku
Does the slider work with VoiceOver turned off?
If so, try swiping vertically up or down (top to bottom of display) after selecting the slider element with VoiceOver enabled.
Is it a UISlider, or something of your own devising? UISlider needs an actual vertical swipe once selected, and moves a pretty significant amount as a result — not a good experience for going to the next page.
If it's your own custom control, be sure you set UIAccessibilityTraitAdjustable.
